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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Does anyone else feel like there's been a lot of accounts pushing white infighting on here more than usual? I know it's a meme at this point but I consider all whites of good moral character to be my brothers, and I ask that you remember the goldbergs are trying to keep us at each others throats. The only reason the nationalists won during the Spanish Civil War is because they kept in fighting to a minimum. And the Reconquista could have been wrapped up a lot quicker if the Christian kings could've put their disagreements aside until the immediate threat had been dealt with
Nord vs Med
Anglo vs Mainlander
Mutts vs Poors
Slav vs Everyone
It's all contrived nonsense to make us hate each other.
Can't we just call a truce until the jews and muslims are out of the west?
I love my European American bros <3 You are welcome for the Ozempic btw
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that's pure cohencidence, goyim
you're a fucking faggot
Sorry I'm hungover
yes, dont forget we are in ww3 but its not like in the movies.
its just annoying as fuck
Like it or not Euro's are always going to act like they have a form of superiority over white Americans, they may try to hide it but they're always thinking it. The fact they can live so peacefully and free is because the US basically takes over the role of the military for so many of these EU countries through NATO.
America was 41% white in 2017.
Yep, it's very obvious. Any poster who refers to "Anglos" in a derogatory manner is a D&C shill.
fuck anglo kikes they arent White
I am quite skeptical of that claim. What proof do you have?
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>Mutt thinks he’s white
kikes aren't white anglos are
I'm half Norwegian, the rest germanic, french, and Irish. Am I White enough Euro bros? Can i come home now?
This is exactly the sort of post OP is talking about. The only Euros who think they are superior to Americans are French intellectuals and German communists, and we hate them.
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We are one family being divided and conquered by the chinks and their jewish masters for over 100 years.
Go to Wikipedia and type in 'European American'
Nobody in Europe cares about your ethnic heritage. If you act like a civilised person, then you are welcome in Europe.
who came to the aid of the kikes in ww2? china and their puppet state of mongrels, russia
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Mutt am I?
I feel like there's a lot of people pushing the fact that Israel shot Trump.
russia, again backed by china, is now meat grinding europe AGAIN for the sino bolshevik communist kike chinks
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>Nord vs Med
Meds are not White. I don't hate them, the same way I don't hate the Chinese. Its only when they call themselves White that I am unhappy.
Meds are white. Even if they have a little berber blood in them they are still White Europeans
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I'm on pol for posts like this. Thanks anon!
>literal mix of several ethnic groups
>le mutt am le I?
cope, you mart sharting abomination
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Of course, and it spans years not just recently. Pitting white men against white women, too.
Show flag kike
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Euros are just insecure because the only thing they can do is delay the inevitable which is subservience to America
not helping faggot
vnnforum became pol
>doesn't even have the .gif
>EU flaggot
Typical, trolling used to mean something
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I fixed it for you, anon. You are welcome but next
time be more careful.
I bet you're the zigger shill who posts under the Portugal flag.
No, you're absolutely right. Focus on africans, indians and muslims aka arabs. We need to get rid of them.
Euros are the problem dum dum

It’s their penis envy of capitalist systems
We're all capitalist countries in Europe.
Vai levar no cuzinho lol ou melhor, deixa a Espanha continuar a comer esse cuzinho, deixa.
>accuse someone of being a shill
>using the basque rapebaby israel flag
top jozzle moshe
You have gay EU regulations from your elites that nobody here wants.
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>this entire thread
And you don't? You can literally get fined for walking across the road.
I think we can see Jews are a threat and always keep them at bay while not needing to always obsess over them which restricts our human evolution.
>Does anyone else feel like there's been a lot of accounts pushing white infighting on here more than usual?

Yes, its been like that for awhile.
I don't blindly like all white people. white liberals, I see as traitor fucks and I want nothing to with their kind.
that being said, my natural inclination is to root for white people of any country
We got a lot of work to do boys!
Le white brotherhood is not just a meme, it's a malignant meme which disarms you.

All European entities are EXISTENTIAL ENEMIES OF EACH OTHER simply due to potential each and every one of them holds. So-called "first world" consists of at least 3 opposing entities which play extremely complex game against each other, but would willingly end each other existence in a moment if such opportunity arises. EU, being one of them, consists of multiple rivaling entities who would as well physically wipe each other out without a second thought, if they had opportunity.

I know what I'm talking about because Russians also used to think that other white people are their friends, until their leadership made a misstep and created a SINGLE opening in 1917. Result? Educated classes physically eradicated, population enslaved for 70 years, dragged into other peoples wars, subjected to attempts of complete cultural destruction, which were unfortunately for stake holders of "socialism" unsuccessful. While propaganda being blasted about how it was done by a diaspora of 95IQ asiatic gypsies who actually have hive mind and psychic powers.

If you're an amerimutt you should WORSHIP your homosexual amiermutt government that tries to turn rest of the world into shit and flood 1st world with niggers, because that's a joke compare do what "fellow white people" are going to do to you, if your government blinks. For no reason. There will be nothing personal, you're just a contender for the world domination, that's all. And if any of your descendants will survive, they will be told that amerimutt genocide was orchestrated by the world government of super-niggers who had infinite money from selling marijuana and playing basketball professionally.

t. my power level makes (you) look like a retarded disoriented midgets
there's always dnc here get used to it faggot.
this is true but I forgive them. They can't relate to us being from an immigrant country. We don't have the privilege of our ancestors being of one white culture or ethnicity.
White Americans want to relate to their ancestors and find an interest in their euro heritage, yet Euros tend to want to shit on us for that too.
Oh well, I'll still root for my white brethren across the pond.
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Fucking subhuman mutt
>good moral character
is what I said. Leftists engage in ritualistic sacrifice children and allow the enemies to cross our brotherhood

>white people are their friends
Those were jews bro
>If you're an amerimutt you should WORSHIP your homosexual amiermutt government that tries to turn rest of the world into shit and flood 1st world with niggers,
Fuck biden, nato, zog, and globohomo. My allegiance is to my faith and my race.

He is. Fucking gypsy creator's gonna shut down the border right?
whites is code for teutonic tribes reign, the race who founded merica and named their public office the whitehouse
no one gets fined for jaywalking,anon.
Dumb nigger how did your retarded theory work with ukraine? Where was the defence you talk about? Or when Georgia got invaded?

You helped commies win ww2, forced europe to demilitarize in exchange for protection and then you blame us? German still can't have an army till this day due to ww2 era peace deals.

Then you bombed, started coups and civil wars in dozens of 3rd world countries in middle east and africa, causing tens of millions to escape here causing havoc. Thanks to your wars gasoline prices doubled and even tripled.

33% of casualties in Afghanistan war were europeans and a lot of europeans died in Iraq too. You sure didn't mind being europe's ally when you started all those wars from european soil while dragging europeans with you.

Then you force multiculturalism, tranny shit and other degenerate shit down our throat through mass media and even diplomatic channels like the Whore if Babylon that your nation is.

You motherfucker
its funny because no one american or european look like that we like 75 % brown hair and mutt cuz of invasion

All white germanic/celtic ethnicty are all leftoids
lol I’m talking about shit that matters like tech and environmental shit. No one wants to do business with you, why would they when they have to build a separate, shittier version of their product just to get some cash from EU countries.

This will be the death of the old world and good riddance to your faggot elites
>Those were jews bro
"Le joos" are surface level retard trap for people who don't even bother to study details events in which joos are involved.
Any attempt to create some "unified jew theory" which would explain how exactly joos do all those things attributed to them and no one can stop them, inevitably comes to the assumption that joos are invulnerable super-humans with at least 250 avg IQ, and comes apart if it's taken out.

Apparently there's some block obstructing realization that jews are just worthless asiatic diaspora gypos who are willing to do anything for some money and power, and therefore the go to choice for people of actual power who need a proxy to anonymously commit malicious acts.
Based. Yes, fuck jews and all flavors of shitskins
>lol I’m talking about shit that matters like tech and environmental shit.
Can you give specific examples? It seems California is way ahead of Europe in tech and environmental regulations, and drags the rest of the US and Europe with it. Do you object to the EU fining US globohomo tech corps like Apple and Microsoft for anti-competitive or anti-consumer practises? Do you object to forthcoming "right to repair" laws?
>No one wants to do business with you, why would they when they have to build a separate, shittier version of their product just to get some cash from EU countries.
Who doesn't want to do business with Europe? European companies are at the cutting edge in many fields - US corps often just buy them out rather than develop their own tech. I can say that a lot of European businesses avoid the US because of your trade barriers and especially the enormous risk of frivolous lawsuits and biased courts, and extortionately disproportionate US government fines.
love all white ppl
best year 1488ad
>on here
no, i can usually tell from their signature and avatar use if and when they're legitmate about their attack and insults. Identifying is not so hard once you get a knack for it. Also some users whom break forum etiquette are quickly identified to belong of "outgroup", so their fake county flag is just use of proxy. If I had to speculate, shill would use memeflag, but a glowie will be proxy? But maybe it's not a hard coded rule.
I lost track of the number of times I've had to sit down American citizens of very clearly discernable European ancestry (Italian, Irish, Polish, French) saying something along the lines of "those Europeans!" even though they are literally European. As far I'm concerned, Americans and Europeans are the same (under the classical definition, no mutts and non-'whites' allowed).
At least you aren't speaking russian, Pekka :)
I don't think that Americans (old stock up to early 20th century) are bad. They spent most of the time minding their own business and advancing white interests in a way. Americans could've behaved like Chinks or Indians or some other shitskin culture, and they behave like Europeans thanks to white Americans enforcing our culture out there. The same applies to Russia that made the chang races speak slavic instead of the other way around, which is in a stark contrast to what it was before their colonial push (i.e the mongols). Between Russia and the Mongol Horde, I am going to support the former, so that the latter cannot come.

My problem is not with these Americans and I'm sure that this is obvious to everyone. My problem is with the fact that even these Americans are now departing from this mindset. Anti-whiteness and post-Europeanness is slowly becoming the norm in America and absolutely no one is trying to prevent it. And of what fucking use is an anti-white America to me? Why would I not hate you? It's the same as Russia again, I am willing to respect Russia since it advances Slavic culture and enforces it onto the turkic tribes, but would I be so kind if Russia became the mongol horde tomorrow? Why would I shill for the mongol horde enforcing its mongolness onto slavic people? Similarly, why would I shill for an anti-white zogbot state that's crushing its domestic white population and threatening to crush me by extension? Like what do you want from me exactly? What is the thread about? You want me to support you against your government and to cheer the south for another go, or something like that? But there is no south. No one is fucking rebelling. What am I supposed to back, exactly?
Yeah this sums up how I feel too, just wanted to make a point that Euros do feel this way, and me bringing it up isn't infighting, it's acknowledging shortcomings of our people across the ocean

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