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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Breeders of /pol/:
I don't understand these people. They live a shit life, shitty job. Then they have kid purely as their coping mechanism for being a failure in life?? That's very selfish wtf
are you 15 or on the verge of stabbing up a school
fucking retard
Skill issue. If your wife divorces you just make more money. If she wants child support just make more money. When you're successful and with someone else women seethe for eternity. There's nothing more they can do to you and your life became better. Just make more money
you don't make any sense
or are you one of those failures in life then pretending you're important because of your kids?
>subhuman beta cope thread
what happens is couple gets bored and have kids, get married, etc because they think it will make their lives better. if you're with a woman for long enough at a certain age, those pressures build so you end up having a shitty life and basically being a slave
Pedophile son of a bitch, nobody acts like that unless he/she is hooked in crack.
having kids, then working as a garbage man for the kid dont make you "alpha". Unsuccessful people shouldn't breed
Checked. If you dont have kids you may as well have never existed. Why not just KYS now? Another night of heck'in woke vidya and pizza?

If you do decide to end it, the rational conclusion to antinatalism, there is a way to leave something positive behind without (adding) life. But i don't suggest anyone ever do anything illegal.
Is he putting money into an interest bearing account and teaching her wealth strategies so she understands the vernacular and how to navigate it. No. He's just feeling needed because humans require that as mammals. Sweet though. But don't be remiss
Shouldn't you be shilling kamala, yid?
I don't mean not having kids. I think I'm doing well in life and I will have kids soon. I strongly despise retards like in op webm however
>I don't understand these people.

>you don't make any sense

What did you accomplish? What do you think is an accomplishment?
Is a relative term. Everyone is doing well compared to 1000 years ago. Running water, toilets, etc.

Having to work is not a reason to be antinatalist. Plebs have always existed and are the strength of a nation.
Certainly not picking garbage and weeping
Don't be pedantic. You understand exactly what well means in this economy. My income rn is pretty good, have quite a bit of money in my bank, easy job and peace state of mind.
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I have a daughter... I will write the story in german because describing my feelings in this subhuman language called english is like drawing a construction plan of a space shuttle with finger colors:
Ich habe eine kleine Tochter und ihr Name ist Helena. Sie ist gerade einmal 6 Monate alt und wenn ich mein Leben bis jetzt beschreiben würde gäbe es ein Leben ohne sie und mit ihr und letzteres wäre von deutlich höherer Bedeutung als das Leben ohne Sie. Jeden Tag wenn ich neben ihr aufwache sehe ich sie an und spüre eine Liebe, die man nur als Elkternteil spüren kann. Dieser zerbrechliche kleine Körper, der nur so vor Leben strotz existiert wegen mir. Er exisitiert als Endpunkte einer fast unendlichen Kette an Ereignissen, die zurückgehen als das Leben auf der Erde entstand. All die Ereignisse der Welt und der Menscheitsgeschichte haben dazu geführt das dieses kleine blonde Mädchen neben mir liegt, atmet und schläft.
Und wenn sie aufwacht sehe ich ihn ihr nicht nur mich und meine Freundin, ich sehe auch meinen Großvater, meine Mutter, meinen Vater und alle Vorfahren die gelebt und gestorben sind vereint in ihren Taten um am Ende in diesem Geschöpf zu ruhen.
Und wenn sie dann aufwacht und mit ihren kleinen Patschehändchen sich die Augen reibt, ganz verschlafen versucht die Nacht aus den Augen zu bekommen öffnet sich mein Herz und es wird erfüllt von einem Ozean der Liebe. Und dann treffen ihre strahlend blauen Augen die meinen und sie beginnt zu lächeln, denn sie Saat der Erkentniss ist bereits in ihr verankert und beginnt zu blühen. Und für dieses Lächeln würde ich in die Hölle gehen. Dieses Lächeln fegt alle meine Sorgen weg und ich fühle mich zum ersten Mal in meinem Leben wirklich wichtig, denn durch Sie habe ich meine Bestimmung gefunden. Die Bestimmung ihr ein gutes und erfülltes Leben aufzubauen und vorzubereiten.
That's what you didn't accomplish. What did you accomplish? Someone has to do the work. Why even pick up trash if you're not going to reproduce?
Even if you're doing poorly you should still try to breed... Your argumeny is literally a feminist talking point.
You'll see me for a cardiac stent
No you shouldn't. That will make a very unhealthy household environment.
I had my kids when i thought i had a future ahead of me and now my entire existence is working my ass off while worrying about how i have no idea to ensure their success in this world. They fight with each other, they don't keep shit clean, I cannot instill good values in them while my wife and I are both working full time and only see them for a portion of the day.
I have already failed them, my existence is one of obligation to my past decisions. I'd kill myself if I wasn't terrified beyond reason of what happens to a sentient mind when the lights go out.
Now that you have kids already, no point kysing. Try to make the best for them.
How does this ugly redneck bald chud even have a wife?
Idk he's probably divorced
>keep living the life of obligation bro
>no point doing the thing you said you're incapable of doing
thanks dad
I'm a subhuman English speaker, but I used Google Translate to understand what you typed, and that was really nice krautanon.
I mean you shouldn't have kids, that was selfish. But now you have them already, leaving them alone is more selfish. Hope things get better for you my man.
>Then they have kid purely as their coping mechanism for being a failure in life??
The point of life is to make more, dimwit. Once your children have their own, you have succeeded in life.
Not when you're barely surviving yourself. Children need a healthy environment to thrive.
did you even read my fucking post, nigel?
I thought I had a bright future ahead of me.
Fresh out of college, family blowing smoke up my ass about how i'm so smart and can do anything while preventing me from socializing and making connections. Me being completely and utterly unprepared for the world, just knew that people got educations, got married, had kids, etc.
Was always told that opportunities will come if you work hard. Got taken advantage of time and time again for working hard in exchange for potential future opportunities that were handed to other people, be it outsourcing or family members of the boss.

My mother divorced my dad and went from living in near poverty to taking 2 tropical vacations a year with my stepdad, and you want to tell me that my family will 100% without a doubt be worse without me? If I'd killed myself 5 years ago my kids might be getting homeschooled by my wife, her new husband making more than enough money to support them both because he was allowed to party and have friends hang out as a teenager.

The only reason i'm employed right now is because i'm working for my mom and stepdad, everything else has fallen apart beneath me or just stayed right out of my grasp
Idk man, humans are retarded. If every human lived in a world of absolute, every day torment where it was known that within the near future all humans would die no matter what, they would still reproduce and put their kids through hell. We're all solipsistic, primitive apes that somehow think we're above other animals.
beautiful. I was only able tof ollow along the first couple sentences because my german is trash but heres a google translate for fellow anons:

I have a little daughter and her name is Helena. She is only 6 months old and if I were to describe my life so far there would be a life without her and with her and the latter would be of much greater importance than life without her. Every day when I wake up next to her I look at her and feel a love that you can only feel as a parent. This fragile little body, bursting with life because of me. They exist as the endpoints of an almost infinite chain of events dating back to when life arose on Earth. All the events of the world and human history have led to this little blonde girl lying next to me, breathing and sleeping.
And when she wakes up I not only see me and my girlfriend, I also see my grandfather, my mother, my father and all the ancestors who lived and died united in their deeds to ultimately rest in this creature.
And when she wakes up and rubs her eyes with her little clumsy hands, sleepily trying to get the night out of her eyes, my heart opens and is filled with an ocean of love. And then her bright blue eyes meet mine and she begins to smile, because the seed of knowledge is already anchored in her and is beginning to bloom. And I would go to hell for that smile. That smile sweeps away all my worries and for the first time in my life I feel truly important because through you I have found my purpose. The destiny to build and prepare for her a good and fulfilling life.
good people having kids brings nothing but pure joy for those first precious years.
It does wear off as soon as the world's influence begins to show on them, and instead of the smile sweeping away your worries, their furrowed brow compounds and amplifies them.
>Me being completely and utterly unprepared for the world, just knew that people got educations, got married, had kids, etc.
Should've been wise
Doesn't work. You're not selecting for successful people. You're selecting for ambitious people.
you feel this because you have dad brain, not because having a daughter is so more incredibly amazing than the birth of any other children. By giving her life, you have also given her death, and doomed her to harshness of life in this clownworld

>Then they have kid purely as their coping mechanism for being a failure in life
they fulfilled their duty in life by having a child. This is failure only to faggots, and antiwhites.
You must be happy seeing lots of nigger babies with single moms because their father fulfilled their duty.
Retard, having a child without the means to support the child and have good family environment is not fulfilling their duty in life. Weeping home everyday after a shit job because child is suddenly your purpose irl isn't healthy.
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>t. anti-natalist ACKtheist
This isn't plebbit and you have to be over 18 to post on here.
That man is immortal, he has someone to carry his genes, culture, name and lifestyle into the future. You do not. Simple as.
Anti natalists are the most retarded people on earth. Glad they don't want to breed.
>owns a house with a backyard and a garage, has his own car
I know you're a neet living in a council estate so you've no say in this either way, but what more does a person need?
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Death makes life worthwile.
And hormones changing my brain pattern is part of the circle of life. Its like getting puberty a part of life itself
Selfish retards. When people like you breed, you will create the same problem as feral niggers are creating because you don't have the right means and morale to support your offsprings.
I'm having a child soon, only difference is I'm at a very good position and not a whining retard for being able to easily support all of my family.
Demoralized nihilists will be forgotten just like your shit ideaology. The struggle is what makes it life. You aren't too weak to make it, never have been, but you are too demoralized and afraid of failure to even try. This is what your enemies want, they don't care if you are a degenerate gooning your life away, a broken wageslave or even a redpilled pseud. The excuse is of no consequence so long as the end goal of you removing yourself from life is reached. Some rabbi got bonus points for brain fucking you into convincing your fellow man that your path is the righteous one though, so good job on that.
Are you really so dumb? Yes they're failures, guess what having kids does? Gives your genes the chance to run it back. Meanwhile you're a failure and your genes will retire to the garbage pile.
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anti-natalist soibois is the only group who use "breeders".
Life is selfish faggot, it's survival of the fittest. Being an easily controlled goober who pats themselves on the back for parroting "le selfless anti-natalist" talking points just means you weren't as fit as you thought. People conquered lands and colonized countries with less than that garbage man. You are just salty
What’s so hard to understand? It’s like having a cute puppy.
Can you read? your kid will likely be exactly like thieves, niggers and possibly die young, mine will likely be at a very good position. But hey you got your genes passing, they won't continue for long tho.
Nigger mentality. If you can't support yourself, don't breed.
They don't think about life in the philosophical way, its just what are they eating next and who are they fucking next. Constant first order thoughts
Why do you think having a kid is an accomplishment? Niggers have 7 at a time, are you saying they’re accomplished for that?
faggot cope is the worst cope of them all
I'd assume you're salty on niggers breeding tho hmmm
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Normal, working class people don't really think about having kids, it's just something that happens to them, almost like taking a poop.
Part of the reason is that having sex with a condom really, really sucks, everyone hates it.
see >>475756978
No one cares, these people are like a force of nature, nothing you can say will change it.
How much autism do you have?
see >>475756978
reproduction is a biological imperative
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a good life is what makes life worthwhile. We fight to postpone death. Death is just the inevitable that stalks us, forcing us to make the best of our time because hourglass will one day run out. But no matter how well you use the time, the end is the same. These natural processes just give us temporary pleasure and blind us from the reality. They encourage us to have sex and reproduce, because we are rotting and will eventually perish. But all these natural processes do is pass the curse on to the next generation
>Selfish retards

They have to eat. You are taking the plate from them with your scary stories.
95% of people who have kids were not intending to have them. They cope with the realization that their lives are now on a predetermined track and any potential they had as humans is now gone. They cope by completely reorienting their identity and personality around the fact they shat out a kid. Notice how they always frame their child as the thing that "keeps them going" and "stops them from giving up" a healthy person with more to their life is not constantly on the brink like that.
Yeah this makes sense.
>Then they have kid purely as their coping mechanism for being a failure in life??
Yes it is. They also have delusions of grandeur about continuing their "bloodline" as if they are nobility. They seem to think that children are children forever and they won't "die alone" because their kids will all be gathered around their death bed as 12 year olds. It's all one big cope.
I instantly lose respect for a man if I found out he's had a child.
How does he have a shit life? Does he have to be a celebrity to get your approval? It's just how anyone lives. Get real.
I see you can't understand r vs k.
Antinatalism is stupid and I'm glad it is a cult that will die out.
in your own shithole country you'd be fucking executed you shitskin cunt.
Man look at that ugly fucking mutt.
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I have three children myself anon, and your sentiment is precisely how I feel about it. My grandfather used to say we're all bearing the torch of an ancient gift handed down by our ancestors, and within us is everyone who ever lived in that unbroken chain, that we're just the runner currently carrying it and that the greatest joy in life that we could have is to pass the flame on, not just in genetic material but teaching, passing on our philosophies and beliefs as best we can. He often said it's likely the only thing we could ever attain that comes anywhere close to immortality or life beyond death, and there was me before I had my children and me after, and there is not a single thing anyone could ever do or offer to make me go back to that previous time.
It really is a kick in the teeth for the struggling single "empowered, finding herself" mother to see her kids want to go on vacation with dad and his cool family. Its hard to find a better mogging in nature nevermind with humans
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Fuck you poo. It's called being fucking white. Reproducing and providing for your fucking family while also supporting the country's infrastructure. Here's your (you) faggot
>brit literally can't even imagine someone having a high paying a fulfilling job, a generally pleasant life, and a wife and children that love you
how very typical, you should treat yourself to some of mohammed's kebab to make yourself feel better, cheers mate
Id imagine you feel the same way about niggers banging everyone and reproducing like crazy.
It's not called being a white. White people of honour create a fulfilling life for themselves THEN reproduce so the offspring has the best quality of life. Niggers and retards reproduce without any means to sustain themselves. Niggers don't give a fuck and disappear, beta whites whine and cry because they can't kill themselves due to the child.
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Make everyone fuckin seethe.
Once day, soon, your precious little angel is going to be taking cocks down her throat. Those same lips she gives you kissies with is going to be drooling out warm cum from some random guy (many random guys). It won’t be long before she’s on birth control, so men can cum deep inside of her, filling her pussy, the same pussy you used to clean when changing her diaper, up with their seed

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