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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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The greatest book ever written.
Marxism is a religion
That's not Green Eggs and Ham

Karl Marx philosophy is a complete fucking joke.
>Marxism is a religion

No its another attempt at a brain dead cult. People who subscribe to Karl Marx also believe that socialism is a good thing. Total mental retardation.
I really hate that I now have a foot into the occult and can't unsee the symbols of Saturn and Jupiter from the communist icon.
3 volumes. Jeez I listen to the abridged audiobook.
It's not, it's just a book about how capital is made, marx also theorizes about the advances in technologies and the relation between capitalist and worker when this happens, he also therizes about different forms of capital.

It's almost scary how spot on this angry man was in the 1800s.
And it’s based
what about our democracy?
>The most misunderstood or never read book ever written
Oh you mean, a jew wrote down how others work, when he doesn't work ever and gets fat and wants you to give him your labor and money so he profits and you suffer?
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you're correct but westoids and fascists will seethe and cope until they're thrown out into the dustbin of history.

communism is inevitable. it may have "failed" but we as a society will try again, history has NOT ended. even if all communists were massacred, your children will use their heads and will inevitably be communists as well. communism is inevitable, all hail Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin and Mao.
Marx is a Jew. It's probably so fucked up to read that.
marxfags are really no better than christfags.
>all hail Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin and Mao.
3/5 of them literally tried to establish it, and miserably failed (even modern China condemns the Maoist approach). Get out of the '60s
>implying it's not coming back

so you still believe we have reached the end of history. ok. the US empire is collapsing, imperialism is doomed, they have to choose between Kamala or Trump, the empire is absolutely fucked. we have reached late stage capitalism, peak technology, there is literally nothing else to invent. the only thing left to do is to seize the means of production and put resource allocation under scientific scrutiny, not coordinated just by random chance by the ruling class. I'm not predicting the future, it's just an inevitability. we as a society produce so much value but we are definitely not getting any of that. we are so atomized and isolated from each other, the average NPC is going mad. it's either socialism or barbarism (fascism or keep going with this empty bullshit neoliberalism where the only sacred thing there is left rn is to not criticize the jews/holocaust). the working class has nothing to lose but their chains.

>muh 100 gorillion killed by communism
literal NPC thinking
Get a job loser
literally took the govjob pill because I do not want to be another random loser subjugated to market laws that define if I get to eat or not. seethe and cope rightoid
Typical communist behavior, putting words in my mouth. Communist doesn't work, humans want to accumulate wealth and conquer each other, that will always be like that.

Also you should check former USSR and CCP governments, they are corrupt af for that
and what government isn't corrupt into your liberal fairy-tale? the US? the thing with Marx is that he is not a hypocrite and he studies things the way they really are.

why do you think it's called "dictatorship of the prolatariat"? every state is a dictatorship, he's just not being a hypocrite about it (like liberalism is)
great. another limp-wristed faggot destroying things from within.
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Communism’s fundamental principle of collective ownership and management of resources leads to a lack of individual incentives, as people are not motivated to work efficiently or innovate, as they do not have a personal stake in the outcome.
The absence of property rights and private ownership means that individuals have no control over their own labor, skills, or resources, leading to a loss of autonomy and dignity.
Communism’s emphasis on central planning and control stifles creativity, entrepreneurship, and innovation, as decisions are made by a small group of bureaucrats rather than by individuals responding to market demands.

Property rights provide individuals with a sense of security and stability, allowing them to make long-term plans and investments in their lives and communities.
Private property encourages responsible stewardship, as individuals have a vested interest in maintaining and improving their assets, leading to more efficient use of resources.
Property rights recognize the inherent value of human labor and creativity, allowing individuals to reap the rewards of their hard work and innovation, thereby fostering a sense of pride and accomplishment.
Communism seeks to eliminate private property and individual ownership, whereas property rights recognize and protect individuals’ rights to own and control their own resources, including their labor, skills, and assets.
look at the current state of the world rn. do you really think that people are actually working efficiently and have a personal drive to innovate? we're just living paycheck to paycheck and I don't think the world is communist right now.

mass depression and anxiety cases, everyone is addicted to either marijuana/drugs/prescribed meds. to keep a job you need to compete with your fellow worker, life is fucking hell.

you may like it or not but we WILL try it again.
Wrong and it was the exononic is use he only mworked oedo cannibal satanism andnthe judaic talmudic nonesen he spewed and lies and false the cmeconomic theory was replaced the usury system existed well before its a babylonian system you are retarded law nature state of money
Economic theory is Nat soc is nationalclose inward to outward preservesationist labor backed currency
if you know you're being exploited you either become a fascist or a communist. there is no inbetween
Again putting words in my mouth, you're trying to gaslighting me but ain't gonna work out
it's not about gaslighting. I may be excessively provocative because this is a shitposting board, but the key takeaway is that whatever liberal belief (in a classical sense) you hold dear, it's definitely not happening in right now in the world. that's pure idealism. liberalism literally does not give a shit about the consequences of its politics, you can't blame people for getting mad and become communists, the system literally does not work, if it did, why would we even have this discussion board? constant capitalist crisis, the west is in the middle of pure tech stagnation rn, but the only solution given by current status quo is basically "get over it" lol. that shit is unsustainable, only if you put people on line by use of coercion and force (which is what the ruling class does)
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Literally the worst pseud shit ever written. Also YWNBAW.
Verbose dog shit like all jewish prose.
An actual chore to read.
TCM reads like it was written by a teenager who is mad at his Dad.
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Imagine it in the hands of a white ethnostate no jews
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