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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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After a brief honeymoon period, reality has started to take over and people are now remembering she's an idiot and a phony. I don't see how she can win. She's dumber than Biden. It's joeover
Wrong flag retard
The fuck are you talking about man? That's a microphone.
Just heard her voice for the first time (Youtube ad) and wow you guys weren't kidding: weird and abrasive....and like weirdly abrasive. Abrasively weird. Weirdly weird and abrasively weird. But not really abrasively abrasive. But abrasive enough lemme tell you.

Not somethin g you want to be subjected to 4 damn years.
Considering she never fucking showed up to work for 4 years. No doubt. She gets the blessing of rapid Alzheimer's.

Kick the bum out
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Why is Trump afraid to debate her?
debate her, old man
Shes a raging drunk with a crack habit. It's why shes hasn't shown up to work for 4 fuckin years.
Because opening that kettle of crack head is pointless. She only needs to speak and everyone already knows shes not fit to be a hooker.
It’s pointless to dominate the other candidate in a debate right before the election? That makes no sense.
Pack it, Kamaxisters... we... we lost this one...
She had the phone of speaker. Anyone with a brain knows this was fake.
LOL WTF I just got that same ad too
lol, they're still going to cheat her in.
She’s not the nominee
>Anyone who won't debate me is afraid of me!
Wow the ego.
What's wrong with her microphone?
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You underestimate how angry conservatives are over the RNC degeneracy. They sold out white men for niggers and whores. I’ll vote Kamala just to spite them.
Why is she talking on a macrophone when she already has a microphone on? What a phony.
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Get a load of these faggot zoomers who see ads on the Internet
Anyone that underestimates her is a moron. Look how far she has gotten in life, and she makes it look effortless. Everyone made the same mistake with Trump. Don't forget she is a jeet, and as such, she is imbued with genetic ruthlessness and willpower. She may look and act like a moron but she is most certainly not.
shes like "Haaiiiiiiii evereyoonnee heeeheee..... We haave to fight the bad man... There's a bad man out there..... And I will unite us all thank you hahhhhhaahhehhyhyhhhh"
What? That's a microphone you retard.
>I don't see how she can win
You're naively thinking votes and voting matters.

Even if not a single human being on Earth voted for her, Harris will win *because she will be announced as the winner*.

All that's happening now is the MSM, PR agencies, and their bootlicking pet "stars" and "influencers" creating the (completely false) image of widespread support - so when the fabricated vote totals showing a narrow Harris victory are announced the public (none of whom know a single person who likes Harris, at all) will all say "Well, the polls and media did say she was really popular."

This "support" is not real. It's a facade to stop the November riots by deceiving people into *believing* it's real.
Who is writing those schizo posts lmao
These are the Primary Democrat candidates from 2020. Kamala is not pictured be cause she had to drop out first because everyone hated her.
Even James Carville is on CNN with Don Lemon saying Kamala is on a downhill slope from here on out.
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>Kamala showing mental decline Already
I don't believe this. She would have to start out at a "high" point of intelligence in order to decline. She's got nowhere to decline to.
1 post by op. Stop trying to create screen grab threads. It’s not going to ingratiate you to your discord friends
Schizophrenic faggot MAGA kike thread
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I'm one of the people that hated Kamala and, for many reasons, I would still prefer plenty of other candidates over her, but I would drag my dick and balls through 30 miles of glass, dunking them in lemon juice and salt every 20 feet, to vote for her over trump.
How does an imbecile "realize" they are
an imbecile?
Cum show me that sucking ruthlessness and air intake willpower
And there’s the follow-up post to make the screen grab. There’s at least 5 of these threads right now. No one with a brain will buy your crap gotchas, moron
>I'm gonna cut my nose to spite my face
You guys need to get your shit together or you're gonna get your asses fired.
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That kike shill uses his pighole vpn to shill kikery because its cheap scoundrel
Do Americans not understand ads aren't real?
Do they watch a McDonald's advert and genuinely think it's run by a clown abd his sloth demon?
She's perfect candidate in the eyes of the permanent security state. She knows she's a idiot and a phony, which means she will read the script and act her part while the real power players do her work for her.

Trump was and still is a wild card. The guy is walking Dunning-Kruger effect

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