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or at least he's beginning his descent

can you refute a single one of the facts here?
so he's a fed because he's not a BAP kike who shills for ZOGnald?
Having a good lawyer makes you a fed also?
Fuentes is the most consistent voice against Zionism and that is why they hate him.

He's a perfectly reasonable American man who has the misfortune of understanding the zionist agenda and occupation of American government, industry, and academia
>possibly possible, possible, possibly
Curtis Yavin is the best thinker in the right and time has proven him right about everything.
Nick Fuentes is a total faggot, sure, but not for those reasons. He identifies as an incel tradcath because he is terminally online and it's a meme. I have to assume BAP or Moldbug posting is ironic, he can't possibly believe a gypsy who fucks trannies and a substack fart huffer would unite the right. I agree with the J6 thing, but iirc he stayed outside the building. And he fights with conservatives because they're the most subservient to Jews.
Bye Nick it was not that fun.
You're never getting your foreskin back.
He's Jewish nah
jewish post. he names them. anyone that names the jews is part of the solution, even if gay, trans, retarded, fed, and whatever else
they make a good point
>be jew
>erm..nick fuentes is bad for the right-wing
>did I mention he's incredibly antisemitic
although he named them which kinda balances out the scale for the little fag
Molbug is a fag, he's the reason for the Ukraine generals and the dronevids. Molbug ghost writes the words parroted by guys like Peter thiel, and plamer lucky. But no I'm sure the guy with deep state spook parents isn't running game..
If you want to die on the hill of antisemitism go ahead. You're just making yourself look like a skinhead freak to most ordinary people.
>he's the reason for the Ukraine generals and the dronevids
So you're just a Russian/Chinese shill then? Thiel is a good example of an actually patriotic billionaire so is one of "our guys". Our agenda is never going to succeed without wealthy backing.
he just constructs a machine of smoke and mirrors that cant explain anything and only acts as an alibi theory for enlightened gentlemen who want to avoid the JQ
Thats totally what is being said. Wow. Good job.
>Fuentes calls himself an incel trad catch white supremacist anti-democracy fascist
>Promising hard right thinkers like moldbug and BAP
Limited hangouts that exist mostly for "deradicalisation" of white dissidents and Christian dissidents.
>If you're hard right and anti-trump you just never want power
As above.
>He's gotten off very lightly for J6
weak tinfoil-esque argument.
>He has gone on "digital wars"...
Pot, meet kettle.
>I very rarely see him actually criticize the regime.
Imagine lambasting someone so hard and yet you manage to get basics like this so wrong. Just adds credence to the idea that the shilling against Nick the Spic is largely just inorganic defamation spread by people who don't like him.
>the significant evidence he's a fag
Literally all proven to be fake from the blatant insertion of ludicrous over-the-top fag videos into his streams to the forcible adding of him to groups in which he briefly made barely any posts.

Kiwitroons, miganiggers, gaytheists, cuckservatives, and the various other limited hangout retards are desperately clawing to have power by completely eradicating any semblance of a genuine socially conservative political position and are clearly enraged by the fact that Nick has a large audience and stands by his socially conservative positions with far more conviction than they have.

>b-b-but muh power
You cunts had power for 4 years already and did nothing. fucking nothing.

Bullets go into traitors before enemies. You are the traitors sacrificing more values for your gay "enlightened" and wholly empty dissident movement.

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