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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Why do chinese cities make the western looking ones look so mid?
enjoy it while it lasts chinaman I know how you despise upkeep
China numba wan
>doom posting
>chink worship
You know what to do
>Why do chinese cities make the western looking ones look so mid?
They are homogenous and have a triple digit IQ

Because they don't have niggers tearing everything up, they're essentially slaves, and they don't use great materials or have any kind of standards.
Its all smoke and mirrors. Look how fuciking planet they all look
Am I the only one who doesn’t base how impressive a city is on sky scrapers and neon lights? China is a shit hole. Don’t believe me? Go visit it. You’ll see very quickly.
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dont know.
maybe its just the light
what the fuck is "mid" stop using nigger speak you fucking shit for brains cuck

most chinese cities have been built in the last 2 years so everything looks new and sparkly. But who knows what they will look like in a hundred years.
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They dont look good at all.
A middle size europe city mog them.
Copying Dubai is not impressive or anything.
It looks like shit and it's also an obvious case of cherry picking because most of the country is a ghetto.
Not even you can smell the smog in that photo.
least delusional chinadean
They are smarter and more productive than you turk rape babies
>city with LEDs everywhere
God I fucking hate normie cattle.
Despite your fellow jewish bitches denying this, I actually have autism and can't smell too much, which is a typical symptom.
Chink cities are ugly as shit. Literally hyper-globalized and cultureless
True westerners live close to the ground and near nature. Bug house and a yard. The western spirit is realized in city folk when they go out in nature and think it's the greatest thing ever (it is)
The cities are built by corporations. Go to any western city. Every skyscraper is built by a corporation
Absolutely soulless
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Because they are new. Wait 100 years.
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LED lights were a fucking mistake
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Because that's what propaganda does. Notice how their state-run social media platforms never show places like pic related?
But do you know what they smell like OP?
its okay re rill just make new city
Nobody cares.
Move to Chyna if you love it so much.
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I understand the reasoning but there really should be some regulations regarding their brightness. LEDs replicating halogens should be a necessity in cars simply for the benefit of everyone else.
I will admit
I visited Hong Kong when I was 16. The architecture in general seemed like some crazy futuristic cityscape. Some traditional block skyscrapers but many were extremely novel, bizarre artistic shapes with cozy neon lighting and whatnot. Blew my fucking mind
Of course the juxtaposition with extreme poverty in the underclass killed any notion that this was a superior society. Their elites are classier and have way better taste than ours, however.
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the problem is that he designed too many carcentric cities. i watch driving/walking videos from around the world and to my surprise i found a shitload of cities in china not just shanghai that are full of 6 lane STROADS. i wish they would design cities centered around WALKING/CYLCLING, not driving. i made a list and every single video here is a different city and there are even more videos and cities but i got tired of timestamping all the 6 lane STROADS. and if you don't know what stroads are, feel free to ask. i'll also explain why they should stop building carcentric cities if you want

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What is up with the resurgence of CCP/MSS glowies in /pol/ making "chaynuh numba wun!" threads lately?
>normal city skyline: meh
>city skyline with neon lights: OMG SO ADVANCED FUCKING HELL YEAH ARYAN CHINKS
because they only show you the nice parts. you can be walking through a nice area where they're selling Burberry and Chanel, and then a mile down the road you'll run into a neighborhood of tin-roofed shacks with doormats lining the road in lieu of pavement. Still better than our shithole cities tho
sauce: lived in Beijing for 2 years
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by the way, here are even more different cities because it didn't fit the first post, again i timestamped the STROADS which should work on desktop chrome

i also recommend the youtube channel CityNerd, he makes informative videos about stroads

some good reads:


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and remember, owning a car means wasting thousands of dollars on a car, gas, maintanance, parking fees, toll roads, traffic tickets, insurance, etc. not to mention your ability to drive a car is regulated by government beaurecrats and you must pay for a licence (and renewals).

even some conservative mayors are tryng to make their cities more walkable with places like indiana.

remember, it's a myth that walkability isn't popular with conservatives. china sucks so we do not want to be more like them
I was born in 1991 and took bait regarding China as the future of international business
so I learned Mandarin and worked in mainland China for most of my 20's until COVID happened
it's a very interesting country and, in the business/financial sector, they love Americans who understand fluent American English and also understand American society
however, it has pretty extreme income inequality
in its modernized cities, you feel like you're in some David Bowie song
however, if you go a few hours outside of major cities, it looks like the 1950s, and people live the exact same way they did post-WWII
poverty in rural China is pretty terrible and information about it is suppressed by the central government to protect the party
meanwhile back in the USA, besides some areas of urban blight, rural Americans live very comfortably in comparison
many parts of China still lack enough food and people grow up with rickets and other malnutrition diseases
Because they're breeding niggers in africa out of existence
We send all of our money overseas and don’t build quality shit anymore. Even chink auto parts are better quality than American now. It’s sad.
wow their propaganda is so bad because it showcases actual progress like modern cities instead of ugly nigger mutts that need a white incel or chud to be their cuck daddy
overseas is a better return on investment instead of “at home” on retarded niggers
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You think they've got good intentions?
They don't. The Chinese are breeding a half Chinese half African warrior slave race.

You've been warned.
to replace pajeets with
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At least in the west we are at the top of the food chain.
Because they use filters and fake lighting to make it "look" good...yet China is a fucking shit show
the west had people die in construction of subways, skyscrapers, railroads, dams, don’t act like whites never died building a civilization, western civilization is built with the white man’s blood
Because China cares more about the look of its cities than about its people.
That's in France been there and have exact pic only less fake cgi shit added
they were literally poor dirt farmers you stupid nigger
Debunked ages ago...fake
Show it in the daytime it looks like hammered dogshit
Neither of these places look good. China: way too many lights. That place you posted: why are there a billion intersecting lines all over the place? The architects don't understand the concept of excessive visual noise.
Half of this is not even real fake
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get the look
cheap LED's slapped on every building. Take it away and it's just modern skyscrapers made with shitty steal and shitty concrete.
Shilling for bug people weak sauce Low Mien Wing...

Watch the China show often I know....

Som Ding Wong
the chinks are the dirties people you will ever encounter, trust me I've met them. people spitting on the floor in subways, children pissing in museums, shitting in-front of the forbidden city. Trust me I've seen it all.
what does shilling for nigger slaves get anyone for a return? detroit?
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in china maximum overdrive was a documentary
This amount of artificial light pollution isn't really impressive to anyone with working braincells. Shiny colors aren't the model by which a city should be judged
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The chinks have dominant phenotype genes then niggers anon. In 1 generation they look seamonkey, in 2 generation they look like ainu, in 3 generations they are absorbed and look full chink but with phatter asses and bigger dicks
niggers are just perpetually screeching about chinks being the jew’s new chosen people, since africa is a retarded monkey race that never made anything for the jews except dumb faggot mutts
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china's advanced aquatic crop harvesting
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Op about to get executed for posting on internet without permission.
Who cares how they look. The Chinese are building a dumb, order following, physically enduring, AfroChinese war army.
They will be used to infiltrate America, since they are diluting the chinky look with the African blood, and some of the African retard brain, with the Chinese blood.

You've been warned.
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china's advanced aquatic logistics network
>Come to semi-communist Night City it has neon ligths and shit and free lung cancer
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cringe midwit take on what France posted
honestly I went to Turkey in 2002 and I felt like their newer updated public parks looked like Disney. Everything was purpose built, like little pumped streams between little man made pools and stuff, and it was made to look natural but it was obviously not natural.

Compare it to New York city or Euro cities where they just use artistic fountains…you know that its fake, its meant to be artistic, it’s not meant to look real/natural but obviously not be real/natural.

I have since seen this fake nature in Salt Lake City now, and it’s also popping up in newer US ex-urbs (virgin micro cities built on old farms or fields, 15 minute city type places).

I guess it works if there’s no poors around destroying everything, and if the gov’t can keep up the high spending to replace all of those lights, steps, handrails etc. Or if the gov’t is just constantly replacing the whole neighborhood every 20 years.
Sounds like you're just over impressed by some LED lights. You'd probably shit yourself if you went to Vegas
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>niggers niggers niggers!
>*POP!* *SMACK!*
Honestly they look good in screens, but something is off seeing it in real life. I went to Chongqing in 2018, everything is just in neon lights. The food is great but even it can't compete to LA which is as fake as it gets. Maybe the commie culture has something to do with it.
>Bored Chink invader shill talking shit on /pol/
Nice tofu dreg country you got, Xiang
>7 hours
>gotta take a shit
>it's ogre
Never owned a car. Do drivers have a bag for shitting or something similar when being stuck on the road? Truck-fags piss in jugs sure, but what about number 2?
>so many beautiful villages in Provence
>posts the most G*rman literal ex-kraut town in the country

L'état absolu des grenouilles.
>pushes for 15 minute cities
>No wait, I meant "walkable cities"
You need to be thrown off the fucking roof of a building, you fucking fag
Because they wouldn't have any of that if the traitors wouldn't have sent all our manufacturing over there. Hope they get the Berlin treatment.
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It'll just be an army of midwit mutts with a weak hivemind and slightly slightly horny perverts
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>Do drivers have a bag for shitting or something
martyrs of what, occupation by whom, where, who was occupied?
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Very true, the jews will use chinks to breed out niggerdom in the name of the Kalergi plan
>"Never owned a car"
What did they mean by this?
Oh, that's what they meant
Latvia hasn't made anything since 1940
Can't own something if there isn't anything to own
You call that a city, I don't see any homesexuals pleasuring each other in the street,where are all the vibrant drug addicts?

Imagine a social credit score that banned niggers, poojeets and hobos from entering your town, that is why Chinese cities look so nice.

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