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There is no God
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Gods (deities) may or may not exist, but God (divinity) is existence itself
So dumb
Really stupid
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My ancestor :(
I don't see why not
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yahweh is real and it hates (you).
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>C Beams, nigga
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What do you think "atheists" mean with "God" when they say "God bless" or "Thank God"? People aren't referring to fictional character, they're referring to the almighty Cosmos that precedes and decides everything.
>two more weeks and some annoying (maybe fictional) jews will die for no reason
>People aren't referring to some fictional character
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If God was real id have Irish pussy on my dick right now because I've been a good boy
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spiritual entities do exist and may be called gods. the jewish god of the old testament is clearly a desert demon.

but yes there is no singular "creator god". thats cultish nonsense
There is but (((satan))) rules the earth
Possible stalking nigger bitch at work.
there aren't that many irish people. the odds are against you.
Deism explains it all and keeps you healthy. America was founded on deism.
you can measure the effect of god in the world, therefore god exists. not the right god? you're making a semantic argument and moving the goal post. what effect? thinks like crusades.
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>deist in the current spaceyear of our lord 2024
>There is no God

You are 100% correct, anon.
Imagine her in bed with that kind of energy.
What measurable effect does God have on the world?
>deist enters the chat
Take happy pills if you're feeling down, anon.
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Violence is god.
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This ^

God is real and so is his judgement. Read your Bibles and repent lads before it's too late. Bible reading and repenting is maximum comfy because no matter what, you know you are doing the right thing.
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>willfully disconnect yourself from God

>claim there's no God when your life loses all meaning because you walked away from the truth.

God literally gave you free-will and you used it to choose damning yourself.

There's clearly a force of creation, purpose, and intelligence in this universe so you're probably going to want to be closely associated with it unless you like darkness and silence for eternity. Repent. Reflect. Try to understand God and rediscover your purpose. You haven't been written off the show yet- It's not too late.
>ignores creation and everything created around him
>no God aka creator
you're a dimwit. 100%. atheism is the highest praise God gets. God isn't religion btw you dumb nigger. off yourself if you think there is no God. find out.
>spiritual entities do exist and may be called gods
Nope. Still nope. You're fucking dreaming kiddo. Just a silly ass human notion.
Wrong. Never existed. Nothing in any holy text ever happened. None of it is real. Clearly.
That’s circular reasoning. The universe doesn’t need a creator because it wasn’t created. It always existed and simply changes forms over time
Longer i live, the more i think God and Satan are real. Perhaps not in a sense that they resemble a White guy or Demon, but on a more abstract level that we can't fully understand.
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you've just posited an unfalsifiable claim for which you have zero evidence and fallen into a reductio ad absurdum that people 2500 years ago were already aware of my nigga
Sorry - I don’t read fiction.
whats the definition of "God"?
what do you guys imagine when you heard the word "God"?

growing up muslim, we're a pretty iconoclastic religion but everyone kept telling me to "always remember God" so I just imagined God as pic related, in the literal sense
>the word "Allah" spinning around
How do I reconnect with God anon
why'd it get so tiny at the end? :(
God does not exist, gods exist
That's really stupid

Yes you understand.
GOD is Reality.
We are in GOD
in the same way the Catholics dream up that god is Jesus and mary at the same time.
We are within
a sphere and in
that Sphere we
are part of the CELL.
We are within EXISTENCE
and thus within GOD.
To be in non EXISTENCE
would be to be outside of

God is the very FABRIQUE.
I'm sure your God loves you talking to people like that. There's zero reason to think a God exists. None. And I'm pretty fucking open-minded
nothing, it's made up
GOD is MADE up
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this confuses and agitates the christcυck
>God is everything
The only thing you can be sure that exists is you, however you identify what you are. Your God is meaningless. You could say, and it would be a lot less ridiculous, that YOU are everything and if there's a God YOU must be it
Absolutely everything that happens. Again, you're misunderstanding God as an in-universe entity.
If God prevented evil where is our freewill? It's essentially the elimination of free will if you have no choice. Also "Evil" is very loose and have have a different meaning across societies and people. Are mass murderers evil? Are people who steal food to feed their family evil? If we have no moral agency we may as well have no agency at all. Limiting such a complex concept to black and white concepts is fundamentally flawed.
>Posting one of the oldest known human conundrums
>What is the book of job
>Using dumb monkey logic on the literal creator of the universe
>The human equivalent of "how would u feel if he punched u" "but he didnt punch me" npc brained.
Captcha: h00p
thanks friend
Creation is total hell for most of humanity where God lets people live idle lives working all week and he also encourages fornication and every sin under the sun. Wow some creation. It's a pathetic existence and reality and not one of a loving creator. I noticed all the bogs real people are the biggest degenerates in existence and they think by thumping their chests saying GOD IS REAL JUST LOOK AT EVERYTHING somehow makes up for all the filth they engage in. IRL these types are always drinking or sleeping around or jacking off and then they think by announcing their imaginary friend it's going to win him over. You're a joke. This world is broken and a stupid place and even extraordinary people can live the most mediocre, stupid and pointless lives. If God was real, he has not created beauty. He created ugliness and filth and the only response to his existence should be hatred and contempt.
“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. 8 For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.

9 “Which of you, if your son asks for bread, will give him a stone? 10 Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a snake? 11 If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him! 12 So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.

Our Father, which art in heaven,
Hallowed be thy Name.
Thy Kingdom come.
Thy will be done in earth,
As it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses,
As we forgive them that trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation,
But deliver us from evil.
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too bad christcuck can't read anything that isn't book written with help from magic wizard from anoter dimention
yes there is one
>Life bad wahhhh why is life bad after humanity ate the fruit of knowledge wahhh we should be like Gods! Wahhh
Bitter jaded atheists really are just crabs in a bucket
appearing on toast sometimes
So much the cowardly claim that atheism is but a lack of belief in God.
DnC anti-christian thread

burn in hell
christ is king
None, this world is indistinguishable from a world without a god. For all intents and purposes, he doesn't exist.
>There is no God
This statement is as true as that God exists.
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>There is no easter bunny
This statement is as true as that easter bunny exists.

philosophers pole
>tfw Buddhism is a science
>your ancestors were slave owners you must feel bad and pay your eternal debt
Same retarded argument.
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I don't know, but the more years I get on my neck, the more I start to imagine God not as an old man with a long gray beard, but as a God who is hidden in nature, in the trees, in the noise of a mountain stream, etc. I know it's stupid, but this approach calms me down. Fuck that old cunt with a beard, this image that is being sold to us is pathological and it needs to stop.
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