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The return date of NASA astronauts Butch Wilmore and Suni Williams, who traveled to the International Space Station on board Boeing's plagued Starliner spacecraft over seven weeks ago, keeps getting pushed back.

NASA has yet to announce a return date, showing that the problems are clearly ongoing. In fact, the agency is reportedly preparing a contingency plan that involves making room for Wilmore and Williams on an upcoming SpaceX Crew Dragon launch to the ISS.

The option of having the two stranded astronauts return on board a Crew Dragon spacecraft must've been a relatively recent discussion. During a July 10 press conference, NASA's Commercial Crew program manager Steve Stich said that "there’s really been no discussion with sending another Dragon to rescue the Starliner crew."

In the meantime, engineers back on the ground have been testing spare thrusters to see if they can recreate the helium leak issues, an investigation that concluded earlier this week.

But even armed with the new data, NASA still isn't ready to announce a date for Williams and Wilmore's return, casting doubt on its confidence in Boeing's much-maligned spacecraft.

During a press conference this week, Stich said that "we're making great progress, but we’re just not quite ready" to pinpoint a date, suggesting the pair would return no sooner than the first week of August.

But time is running out. Starliner's battery life was extended past 45 days, with the mission now being officially rated for 90 days, giving NASA and Boeing until September 3 at the latest.

And SpaceX's Crew Dragon spacecraft is waiting in the wings, ready to give Wilmore and Williams a ride back home.

Astronauts regularly stay for months. 7 weeks isn't shit. Many of them have their 1 year patch on their suit for spending over a year, cumulative, up there.
Isnt this boeings responsibility?
>if its boeing
>you are going
>to die in sapce
They’re still up there? Damn
They were only supposed to be up there for a few days. Mission was just a test of the new spacecraft; launch, sock with the ISS, undock and return to Earth.
>The option of having the two stranded astronauts return on board a Crew Dragon spacecraft must've been a relatively recent discussion
>"there’s really been no discussion with sending another Dragon to rescue the Starliner crew."
im not sure i hate journalists enough yet
>And SpaceX's Crew Dragon spacecraft is waiting in the wings, ready to give Wilmore and Williams a ride back home.
Yep flawless record so far. SpaceX can bail them out literally any time they want.
Anyway here is Suni Williams, seems like a chill lady. But of course they'd only choose that type of person for the job..


This one video by itself absolutely BTFOs the flat earthers. She's on a harness? Her hair is standing up because of hair spray? Ok now explain how her necklace is floating the whole time...
what a dumb patch
It doesn't matter, those two veterans are absolute beasts
piss & shit status?
smell status?
crazy status?
Technically NASA is still the only organization to kill astronauts
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the ISS is so hilariously low effort and once you play enough KSP to build something similar you realize its a tiny piece of shit with no escape pod, no centrifugal gravity sections, and its in such a low orbit its basically scrapin atmo and needs constant station keeping burns
its a piece of shit
I've said it before, the next big issue is going to be figuring out how to tow that anchor out of the station's danger zone without incident. It's not moving safely on its own.
This is a great opportunity for one of those space tug startups.
These guys are still stuck up there? wtf?
Why don’t they just bring it down unmanned if they’re iffy about it instead of waiting for seven weeks like a bunch of women.
dont they always have a ship docked though?
Its a simulation nasa puts astronauts in. No one actually goes to space, it is a full sim that they are simply meant to be an alibi for space being real.
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Im a belt and suspenders man
If I had designed this shit the astronauts would be home now
Okay, how does the "sim" work?
And why do all this?
.. to clarify, in space, you need backups and contingency plans for all conceivable issues
which one is Butch?
How hasn't Boeing collapsed? They are continually fucking up and it's clear the company's golden years are long gone.
oh i completely agree anon. i've never had any doubts about your abilities and attention to detail. only the other day i was saying to another anon 'you anon, if you want something doing right just let anon have a go at it.'.
2024 Gilligan's Island is brought to you by Boeing.
Do you play with Earth gravity? If you do you're a mad lad.
both of them
Feel free to build better. Literally there are a dozen nations that would send you 15 year old whores for life, if you get them rocketry and a space program.
Hop to it, it's only rocket science.

The only one to still exist? The Soviets fell apart, but they killed a bunch, they just didn't talk about it.
>why do all this?
Fear of nuclear war, arrogant idolatry of self reliance, anger at God, desire to rule the nations with rod or carrot, a nice budget hole that buys high-tech materials for weapons...
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>MFW just got back from Duna with a steep interplanetary aerocapture at 5km/s
NASA on suicide watch
They didn't bring anything to read. I wonder if they are surfing /pol?
I wonder if they had sex yet?
>I wonder if they are surfing /pol?
Never saw the ISS flag.
>Literally there are a dozen nations that would send you 15 year old whores for life, if you get them rocketry and a space program.
thats it
Im going to Nigger Africa
Tome for Ivory Coast to conquer the moon
leave butch and sundance up there, serves them right for riding boeing
It really wouldn’t be that hard to put a capsule in space with a counterweight and create the first artificial gravity station. But NASA and the entire industry (besides SpaceX) is now dominated by women and onions men who’d rather wait around twiddling thumbs for seven weeks.
>I wonder if they had sex
Hopefully not in the capsule. Good way to accidently press a bunch of switches.
Plus, from what is told, sex in space is extremely difficult, because there is no good way to lever point limbs. You basically have to tie together or tie to the walls. You'd have arms like hulk hogan before you were actually capable of doing any vigorous sex with handholds only.
They got podded by their own company.
t. former EVE Online player
nah, the russians had a few bad incidents. it put their program on hold for manned flight for several years, and they only got guys back up there after the US had landed on the moon.
thanks man
In a Boeing capsule in space nobody can hear you scream.
desu it is fucking hard
I have an instance of it but Ive not really conquered beyond lunar orbit
Humanity's first space squatters.
>It really wouldn’t be that hard to put a capsule in space with a counterweight and create the first artificial gravity station
>Interplanetary astronaut blender mission 3.5 log
>Bearings are holding, and rotation misalignment is minimal. The extra tanks of stabilizing fuel give comfort, but the last asteroid cluster knocked a dent in a top side panel, and the station is adjusting attitude every 5 minutes now, leading to a burn rate that will force us to stop rotation within the month. Crew has been diligent to leave nothing lose in the gravity section, but some members have taken to walking without being attached to straps, despite what happened to Major Clark on mission 2.8.
Kind of hard to judge NASA in that case, it's like being NASA on easy mode.
But just shows that we should get a lunar base and asteroid mining/processing up ASAP. Then we too can rely on low grav vehicles.
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Outer space is a retarded fantasy.
Duration and Endurance are not the fucking topic here.

>it's cool..we're in no hurry, take your time
I remember hearing about how the helium leak wasn't a problem and everything was fine and dandy a couple weeks ago. It's just nonstop fuckups from Boeing these days
so why do you have to lie so much?
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this is a joke right
they were such a cute couple
>nuke war happen
>get stuck forever in space
Space is fake and the ISS is filmed in a pool in Houston so this isn't true so there's no reason to dump your Boeing stock please don't sell ohg od please DON'TT
imagine the size of his balls
SpaceX just sends rockets that drop payloads, this is a whole new ball game.
i filmed your mom in a pool in Houston and now have proof you're at least half a nigger
they've sending crewed ships up there for a while now
That's because Orlan and NASA EMU suits are different in shape, this is the best you got? lmao, fucking retard
do i have to?
>LITERALLY another EVA suit operating the camera
Why are flat earthers allowed to breed?
>NASA has yet to announce a return date, showing that the problems are clearly ongoing. In fact, the agency is reportedly preparing a contingency plan that involves making room for Wilmore and Williams on an upcoming SpaceX Crew Dragon launch to the ISS.
>The option of having the two stranded astronauts return on board a Crew Dragon spacecraft must've been a relatively recent discussion. During a July 10 press conference, NASA's Commercial Crew program manager Steve Stich said that "there’s really been no discussion with sending another Dragon to rescue the Starliner crew."
So they said there weren't, but "reportedly" they are?
Thanks for correcting me. I just made an assertion so someone would correct me if I was wrong :^)
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It's a cathedral in space and when it de-orbits we will never again see a man-made structure of the same size in space for maybe 20 years
space is real but NASA lies about a lot of things.
KSP is the only game worth playing.
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Total journo death.
Using Dragon has always been their only option. It's criminal they keep up this bs covering up boeing's and nasa's incompetence.
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Unironically the real reason we haven't gotten a lunar colony in because of (((bureaucracy))) and diversity hiring. We literally went to the moon in 1969 because most of the engineers and scientists behind the Saturn V worked under Hitler once. Now what do we have? A bunch of paperwork, vaginas, safety tests that take too long to approve and give the green light to, and a bunch of money issues. Elon is a meme artist from South Africa, and he literally mogged NASA in like what, 22 years?
Boeing should be dismantled. It's a failed company that puts lives at risk.
They should boost it higher and use it as a museum or long term experiment or something.
>must've been a relatively recent discussion
Implying that discussion was somewhere between july 11 and now, since the previous information was from july 10.

There are plenty of legitimate reasons to hate journalists, you failing reading comprehension is not one of them.
Unironicaly. Just use a decked out cargo dragon to put that bitch in a higher orbit, maybe place more advanced telecommunications on the satellite beforehand, and turn the ISS into a legacy communications node or some shit.
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The space station was already a hot mess of an orbiting dumpster before they got there.
ISS was just to waste money and distract from the secret space program.

If they hadn't taken it all black then you'd have picrel in the 80s
i knew you wanted it anon. i could feel your desire and lust to be corrected.

phew thanks.
they thought about something like that but decided the risk of having it break up somehow and cause a huge fucking mess was too great. on the off chance something big hit the shit wouldn't deorbit itself for a very long time.
und wee put zee noocleeur reactor on zee top
Yeah a private space company should boost it, attach a hotel to it, and then use it as an attraction for visitors.
>this is how NASAniggers used to live in space and waste your taxes
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>"there’s really been no discussion with sending another Dragon to rescue the Starliner crew."
>im not sure i hate journalists enough yet
I'm right there with you mate.

Really no discussion? They should be praying and thanking almighty God that there's another option to help un-fuck their fuck-up.

Musk should go ham and embarrass all these faggots as openly and publicly as possible. Make sure that NASA and US Gov hold that L.
you have called me out
now I will make a KSP instance with RSS/RO and Principia to try and salvage my shame.

(Thats real earth gravity + harder progression throgh tech tree at first + n-body orbital mechanics)
>Musk should go ham and embarrass all these faggots as openly and publicly as possible
In case you haven't noticed it he's under heavy flak at the moment. NASA niggers will come beg him to rescue them and he'll just do it smugly. There's nothing to gain on beating a dead horse.
they just need to use low thrust and make sure the craft is aligned to the center of gravity
anything that falls off will burn up, unless its a whole fucking module its not gonna survive reentry
Godspeed space cowboy
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Talk about being memory holed, holy shit! Two months since its maiden voyage and that piece of shit clunker Boeing sent up there is still stuck to the side of the Space Station leaking toxic fluids everywhere!!!
Is it gay if you share a pod with your homie?
That woman could not be uglier. It is literally not possible.
the thing is that debris take longer and longer to deorbit the higher up you go. it quickly goes from a few years at ISS altitude to decades and hundreds of years.
I think just the radiators, solar panels and batteries by themselves would be valuable.
I wish corporate CEOs would commit seppukku, the Beoing CEO should 100% kill himself for a failure like this.
Woke DEI ideology is risking peoples lives and is beyond retarded when it comes to air and space. Everyone at Beoings HR department should be blacklisted from ever working in any company in America ever again.
If it wasn't intentional sabotage, it might as well have been.
that someones grandmother you're talking about anon
That's what I thought.
What a mess
could use a shuttle right now to go fill up with stuff like a pickup truck. wonder if starship might wind up doing something like that
where is everybody's favorite space alien anyway? gonzo elonzo
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>That woman could not be uglier. It is literally not possible.
Chud, I challenge you!
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Not ever, if we have anything to say about it!
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imagine if it explodes on re-entry
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This is the fault of Obama politicizing NASA and turning it in to a DEI organization focusing on "climate change". It's the result of congress demanding the rocket run on Hydrogen because it puts out zero CO2 and not giving a fuck about what an absolute cluster fuck complicated system a hydrogen rocket is.
This is the same NASA that was willing to destroy the ISS as long as they could get the "first twat to do a space walk without a man" (pic rel)
Russian satellite just popped
The toilets don't work ever since the American bitch broke the shitter ans then drilled holes in the ISS
>NASA Reportedly Considering Rescuing Stranded Astronauts Using SpaceX Spacecraft
china is already building tiangong
lel "astronauts" need help getting out of the pool, space is fake and gay
Roscosmos qulity control


you guys ever heard of blossom bar? it's in Oregon on the Rogue River.. don't get stuck there.. the reason is, there's no way to pull you out of there without losing the rescue boat too.. now there's 2 boats, and 2 sets of people that the Douglas County Sheriff's Office needs to come figure out how to get.. so imagine this same problem way up in outer space.. how many people would they like to need to rescue? just 2 sounds about right. not 10 or 20

perhaps they'll just hit it with something and see if the vehicle just plain falls back to earth.. maybe the guy can drive it in neutral or something.. hold the stick just right like in the movies
nice photo in that article. look at that lovely curve, center frame, with everything else nice and straight. beautiful
>watches NASA
You're still following this gay psyop? Earth is flat and space is fake. See Eric Dubay.
>If you get them rocketry and a space program
Give me a blank check and toilet paper with un treaties printed on it and we are getting to Saturn by 2040
>Eric Dubay.
is that grifter daring to go to antarctica with the globers to see the 24hr sun?
It's just Mir 2.0, nothing major
Boing would go out of business. Bad for the astronauts but great for everybody else.
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I'm ok with all my taxes going to this instead of Israel desu
>See Eric Dubay
i can do that without the blank check. just put $100B on the check and send it over by courier.
Obama is the only reason the U.S. even has a manned space program right now. By opening it up to privatization. The government's official shuttle replacement has been a hopelessly mired boondoggle for decades now.
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That's why they should put Elon in charge of NASA. He'll figure it out. He'll find the lost technology from the 70s.
This....right.... fucking....here.
QRD and sources? What the hell happened?
Humans will not be allowed to colonize space. Space is a message to us, not a playground.
Anons claim that a woman astronaut went to ISS and went crazy, so she used a drill to put a hole in the ISS and demanded a new toilet and a bunch of shit
lolno, it's just /pol/ talk
Who do you think your replies are influencing here? They aren't beasts they're guinea pigs, and they're stuck. Despite your screeching that they can return at any time lol
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[X] Wrong, space is humanity's playground
>Why don’t they just bring it down unmanned
Unberthing it and getting it safely away from the station is a major concern, even if they aren't saying it. Starliner is inoperable or close to it.
Usually a Soyuz and a Dragon II plus various supply craft like Progress.
Elon would make a terrible administrator. He's best in the private sector.
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Space is a lie.
Satan faked it.
You believed Satan.
You should be ashamed.
I am ready to bet my Lakhta center allowance that flerfs are there to make Christians look bad
>Usually a Soyuz and a Dragon II plus various supply craft like Progress
they seem pretty docked then
i've been saying the same for years.
This. I assumed when it dropped out of the news cycle a few weeks back it was because they'd made it back somehow. But, no, they've still got their broken-ass vehicle parked on the ISS.

Sooner or later they're going to have to swallow their pride and phone Elon for a ride.
what an embarrassment.. i heard they didn't even bother to carry out any testing in vacuum and launched with known leaks.
Boing probably threatened to have anybody that even thinks of asking Elon for help killed. And people know they are serious.
This. What's it been now 2 weeks?
>what is a zero gravity plane
i think its been 2 weeks cubed at this point

Thanks for the ips.
come here and say that faggot. i've got a spot picked out for you in the woods already. im going to feed you to the trees bitch
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Yes but you missed the point dumbass.

You should already have a moon base and much larger space stations and landed men on Mars by now if money was well spent. Instead it is squandered. The space station is a pathetic consolation prize to what could have been a real space age.

Look at this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S_N3EYMgya4
and consider that today Disney makes LGBTQ+ content and has more than twice the budget of the Artemis program to do it.

You're lucky Elon is rich and autistic to make real progress in space after decades of stagnation.
agreed on all points. i blame the niggers and spics and their doting socialist supporters.
So is boeing's assassinations of it's leakers going to get tied into anon's dream prophecy of the ISS crashing to earth and sparking WW3 or what? The glow niggers that run this board love foreshadowing so I'm assuming all these themes tying together have a point. Also imagine being the chintzy fucks that start WW3 because your DEI engineers hammered a screw into your several billion dollar rocket.
i'll be waiting. the smell of garlic is a dead giveaway, just so you know.
Got it.
Awesome video
Elon should tell them to fuck off and solve their own problems.

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