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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Are these the final months of the United States?
You mean the Democratic Foreign Electorate of Israel?
Yes, they're not going to allow the 2024 election unless YOU get involved.
Ask me on Novemver 6th

VOTE TRUMP to save the country! It MATTERS! They wouldn't troll and shit up this board if it didn't!
unfortunately not the anal empire prob has a couple decades left before become an irrelevant Brazil-like backwater
MAGA 2024
the usa has existed in name only since obama
god i hope so. set this shithole on fire
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It would be very funny indeed, if after all the happenings, Kamala ends up winning.
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>is this the final decade of rome?
>rome then proceeds to just move to constantinople then central europe then america

nothing ever happens.
Let's just extrapolate a little. Unprecedented amount of propaganda is going into making this race seem like a toss-up. Normies now think Kamala can win. Now we continue this for 3 more months, end result is no one knows the true state of the race. Neither side will accept the selected Prez.
Liberalism is in great health and works as intended
Remember, all this online mumbo-jumbo is like what the pub used to be. Losers, schizos, and drunks rambling. It's all just nobodies who are amazed that people will actually respond to them online
Meanwhile the people who matter are getting richer and healthier, and society is continuing along the path of development as it has since the Rennaissance
When the ecology collapses and everyone starts actually fighting and dying in the streets, it will be no different from any other time in history. And the people who actually matter will continue to govern and progress like they always have
You are all just resentful that you don't matter because you were sold the lie that you do to make you docile
(((You))) say this every year and probably this was another jewshit being repeated contantly since the 60'.s
The United States has been dead for decades. We’re just living in the rotting corpse.
The gay arabs here also memoryholed a lot about this:


The Papal Bloodlines are the secret shadow hierarchy of the Jesuit Order even behind the Black Pope touted at the #1. These powerful bloodlines are the Breakspear, Somaglia, Orsini, Farnese &
Aldobrandini. You’ll notice David Rothschild marrying into the Aldobrandini bloodline with the pretty, Princess Olimpia Aldobrandini.
Another real head of this is Henry Breakspear who resides now in Macau in China. Many of the Papal Bloodline heads now live in Asia and India. What does that tell you? The current Black Pope, Adolfo Nicholas was bought forward for the position due to the Jesuits bringing about of Asia as the next power player of the agenda. Both this Black Pope and the white Pope aren’t of Papal Bloodline, they are both commoners.

(those are the bosses of the jews)
Yeah I feel like Biden stepping down the way he did was really shocking and people aren’t acknowledging just how fucking weird it was. Feels like we’re in 1993 Soviet Union territory, especially with basically every part of the federal government constantly stepping on banana peels and making themselves look retarded for the last few months.

Is it unironically over? I wouldn’t be surprised if the government just straight up collapsed within the next few weeks. How much longer could this shitshow possibly go on for? Even if Trump is elected, they’ll use their last ounce of political capital to try to hurt him and probably just embarrass themselves further, and then what?
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Funny way to say Hart-Celler.
Is california gonna leave?

Otherwise they will be fine
more like final two weeks
If there are two versions of the election, one in liberal media markets where Harris won, and one in conservative media markets where Trump won, no one would even know.
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god, i hope so
i'm not american nor have i ever set foot there, but i'm rooting for the Neo-Confederate States
my politics is whatever pic is on
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Depends on how rowdy they wanna get
Sure, just like in 2020, 2016, 2008, 2000, etc.
If Trump wins, then yes. If Harris wins, then also yes because conservishart drones chimp out again.
The final month of the united states was april 1865

we're coasting on the methane given off by the american biomass at this point
It certainly feels as though we are on the cusp of something, but it has been this way since 2021.

Will anything actually happen? Who knows.
Deagel 2025
No, those were sometime in either 2008 or 2013. We're still living off the remains of the dead carcass but the pickings are drying up.
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egypt was the test bed for their formula and rome was the implementation of this refined formula. all roads lead to rome because rome is everywhere, thats the meaning of the phrase.
>LE VOOTING matters! they totally won't just do the exact same thing as last time with the same results!
Boomer faggots. Total migatard death
ZOG Red or ZOG Blue, your freedom will decrease and enslavement will increase.
>vote trump
>to save the country
they're both going to fuck it up

they're both bad for the country in their own regards. I'm only voting this year because of RFK.
No. These are the final months of western civilization.
…and all children will bear a transverse palmar crease. With a little elbow grease we can expedite our lives to cease.
moms spaghetti
Africans crapping everywhere.
Nah, we’ll be fine. People always think the world is gonna end during an election. Remember Obama?
Funny way to say we allowed jews to pass the 19th. Funny way to say EO#1 was the end.
I’ve never really thought the entire country could collapse at any moment the way it feels like it could now. The government has felt like the evil empire for awhile now, but they always seemed strong and in charge. Now they just look like a bunch of fucking idiots who can’t do anything right and who aren’t united on anything.
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Nah. It will just get worse.

Another plane will have a door fall off. Another boat will hit a bridge. Another wildfire will cook California. Another Balloon will fly over your house. Another two weeks until Iran has nukes. Another shitcoin scam will collapse. Another degenerate trend. Another raceswapped movie to rage over. Another nigger killed by cops. Another celebrity you used to like dies. Another Ukrainian offensive. Another Chinese drill off the coast. Another ballistic test from DPRK. Another committee on ayylmaos. Another rigged election.

Another two weeks.
Yeah vote for trump
This is definitely different than the Obama era.
So close and this
you mean the Zionist States of Weimerica?
Vote for Democrat lite…NGMI.
Stupid lmao
This is what despotism masquerading as a democratic government looks like.

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