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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>okay memaw..
So what your saying is conversion therapy works?
I look up dolphin porn mamaw
What a disaster pick from Trump. He did it to galvanize his core base but as a Mega MAGA trumnper even I can't vote for this gay faggot.
The book was written by a Jewish ghostwriter.
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To see the true colors of Jews / Democrats, just be a gay Republican.
You'll get called "fag" and mocked for being gay FAR MORE than any Republicans would fucking dare. Not even kidding the entire DNC platform is a scam. 90% of the party faithful are just as fkn moronic as the worst of Trump's base.
Wish to the Lord above that I was lying here or that it wasn't true but it is.
Majority of humanity isn't very smart.
And all our pols need do is appeal to THEM.

Not (You)!

,....to win elections.

There is nothing wrong with poor people, even if they are White, DNCIA.
There is nothing wrong with gays, even if they're Republicans, DNCIA.
You ppl make me fucking sick and I really enjoy watching you squirm and the entire fucktard country slowly come apart at the seams.
Fuck you.
I hope they stuff your dead ass corpse with your fucking money and baubles and pitch your bloatmaxxed ass into the sea.
Vance himself is spiritually Jewish. He married a jeet
I'm still not voting for a woman.
Cool story but what’s Kamala’s platform?
How many senators wrote a book where they talk about their gay confusion as a kid?
This guy is a faggot cuck. Effectively Jewish. He will get in his emotions and stymy any sort of deportation plan
Why do the rightwingers that get big into enforcing the 'family' stuff always have weird sexual issues? Its like they can't control themselves and want to force the federal government to take away the responsibility and control their sick urges for them. Is every Christian secretly like this?
i don't understand how a guy who was raised by white trash ended up like this. The only thing that makes sense is him lying about his upbringing.
all the foundamentalist ones yes, and its always been like that, repressive faggots, be it some wannabe christo fascist, a fat bluehair feminazi, a karen who never fucks her husband, a politician specially obsessed with controlling peoples lives
You dont become repressive with strangers unless youre overcompensating and projecting hard, its also why every puritan turns out a boy diddler
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baby don't hurt me
don't hurt me
no more
Ironically, it's the sexual repression that makes them like this. All the worst crossdressers, furries, and diaperfags come from religious households.
Based Vance making the shills seethe
One of his 10 different step dads really should have done a better job.
Gotta be honest, he looks like a real weirdo
Is JD Vance putting on the same orange stuff Trump puts on his face?
Is he imitating trump using makup?
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>well, boy
>I gotta test to see if you're gay
>you think about phat meaty cocks, JD?
>w-why, memaw ?
>well, sugerfoot
>I was fixin to say..
>if you dream all day about sliding a big veiny cock down your throat every minute of the day, then u gay
>w-well memaw, not every minute
Beards truly are the man's makeup holy shit
>There is nothing wrong with poor people, even if they are White, DNCIA.
>There is nothing wrong with gays, even if they're Republicans, DNCIA.
>You ppl make me fucking sick and I really enjoy watching you squirm and the entire fucktard country slowly come apart at the seams.
>Fuck you.
>I hope they stuff your dead ass corpse with your fucking money and baubles and pitch your bloatmaxxed ass into the sea.
Who gives a shit?
Fucking idiot.
You act like there is nothing more important that this. Like we aren't in crisis mode on a dozen huge fucking topics. You. Fucking. Moron.
Prison for profit
the border
police reform

Fucking morons.
wtf is this real?
She actually said if he sucked dicks Jesus would still love him. A street shitter basketball American with a Jewish husband or a chubby questioning philosemitic globalist with a street shitter wife. For the highest office in the land. I love Jews and I love America.
It didn't work.
How many of those is Drumpf going to address?
It's funny how trannies and proggtards suddenly started kink shaming LEL. You ain't fooling nobody you dumb niggaz
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- he wants to deport messicans and towelheads and boost the white birth rate by advocating nativist and natalist positions
- he was right about the ukraine war
- his wife is more attractive than michelle obama and barbara bush and rashida t'aliban
- he's not an obnoxious christcuck who will blow an election by taking an absolutist position on abortion or an unusually harsh anti-marijuana policy
- has based and mysterious techno-monarchy quasi-libertarian financial backers who dislike woke nigworship and communism
- he dislikes woke nigworship and communism
- nice healthy moderate positions where needed and robust extreme positions where needed
- his children have down syndrome which is considered adorable by modern standards
- he was editor in chief of the yale law review which means he's got mensa tier IQ and understands the system that needs to be changed at a very deep level
- he bleachmaxxed and married some aryan indian lady he met from a call center
- he only associates with based jews, not the bad ones
- he believes in based protectionist and populist policies that will boost the economy and create high paying manufacturing jobs and energy sector jobs
- he will create a robot computer that will replace all meaningless woman jobs like HR and "project coordinator" that add nothing substantive to the economy
- he has blue eyes, a cool beard, and isn't afraid of being called gay for wearing eyeliner
i love how scared they are of JD vance. they are literally shitting their pants.
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>based jews
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>Israel mentioned: 0 times
the hillbilly will be replaced.
Why are the democrats so hellbent on fighting russia now?

They ain't doing shit here or in america, even looks like they abandoned this election

Could it be about onlyfans?
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Because they are le homophobic
Remember, all modern day anti-Russia propaganda started during the Obama years and it revolved around Russia passing anti-LGBTQOMGWTFBBQ laws
How the fuck does this guy have a political career lmao
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Finally, someone posted something that could be the text.
Mee MAW I like DICKS
Nah, I’m saying boys being raised by women makes you an effeminate faggot.
Yep. And the United States Marine Corps encourages and capitalizes on generations of people like that.
He's not going to do anything to make male genital mutilation illegal though is he?
why would you want to convert fags? that's even more gay than them sucking dick
It's hilarious how making fun of this war mongering, zioslut couch fucker enrages miganiggers.
Their seethe is as good if not better than leftist seethe.
miganigger civnats everyone
holy shit
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He looks like a beta male maybe that is why he has such how do i call that would be politics. Almost with a grain of opportunism.

Captcha g4yj4
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I knew I recognized this guy from somewhere.
Well it is mostly liberals that carry this attitude and have this punchable face.
how can Trump look him in the eyes and not burst out laughing
kek finally something to rival the gorilla channel
Well at the very least he looks much better now, maybe he ate some redpills and now cant get enough of that. THe liberal beta male cucks pulled us into this predicament, they are thristy for pussy that they will never get and should never get. They need to be put down or at least shoveled into a bubble. They call that scene, i once heard some edge lords use that word.
Maybe they arent hipsters.
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Checked. Fucking women is for poofsters.
Fake. Would never make it past the editors
>To see the true colors of Jews / Democrats, just be a gay Republican.
>You'll get called "fag" and mocked for being gay FAR MORE than any Republicans would fucking dare.
wtf I love jews/democrats now

>Tyrone is going to breed me faggot .. enjoy your mongy pox
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Based & Nick Fuentes pilled
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Well you know what nigga at least they got laid on their prom night. That vantablack literal retard gorilla ass down syndrome nigger has lived a richer life and gotten more trim than 90% of people who post here
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Redpill me on this kike faggot, who the hell is he even?
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It used to. Now republicans are impossible to distinguish from raging liberals
He's some hillbilly from the Appalachiam mountains who looks like he might be a pooner, is married to a pajeeta with a couple tiny streetshitter spawn by her side. He sold out to Jewish business interests because they thought he had a down joke feel because Jews all have schizophrenia and are faceblind retards. This we end up with James Trance.
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>dolphin porn
>homemade flesh light
I think he's one of us bros
>shit Asian wife
Fuck. He's really reading this. What's up you retarded faggot?
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Why is his meemaw so raunchy?
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"After Mee Maw called me a cocksucker, I pretended I wasn't gay after all."
"Better not be", Mee Maw said.
Guess I'm voting for kamala then
Shut your fucking face sofa fuckaaaa
You're a cock suckin, pillow bitin sofa fuckaaaa
You're a sofa fucker, yes its true
Nobody fucks sofas quite like you!

Shut your fuckin' face, sofa fuckaaaa
You're the one that fucked your sofa, sofa fucka
You don't eat or sleep or mow the lawn
You just fuck your sofa all day long
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Based. I'm writing in Big Mike because he's the man America needs.
Fucking kek. He listened to his street shitter wife and put on eye liner to make him look like some bollywood indian fag.
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Crush With Eyeliner
Yes yes we get it you get paid to post here blah blah
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You can tell it's eyeliner because he didn't have that shade before meeting his pajeeta.
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Hope all is well in leafland Fren, assuming you're not a street shitter. I used to love going to Canada. Michigan fag here.

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