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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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He's right you know
Too jewish for me to watch.
You would listen to the the guy about anything. He's a modern monarch in all but name and serfs love a king to worship.
>Is that moral?
It has nothing to do with morality.
Here he is right
>klezmer intensifies
Elon Musk is the Antichrist and his logic is demented.
He can't even raise straight kids...
Here he is right. Get off your ass and work.
Mandatory thread theme
Lmao they love to enslave the working class with these bullshit morals and virtues that none of them carry or care about.
Only when he does something productive.
>he's a nigger with a million kids and a tranny
these are the same people who won't let you sit down while you're working because you deserve to suffer. The same people who won't let you listen to the radio or have creature comforts during your hours because work is, in their mind, supposed to be some sort of humiliation ritual

these people aren't content with getting the job done, you have to be miserable while you're doing it
Why is he shaking his head so much like a brain damaged retard?
Oh maybe because he is a brain damaged retard.
I would be happy if stripped these morons of all their wealth and gave it to white families who deserve it.
Only the laziest useless people are even able to, office worker types.
Sedentary fucksp
Does Musk surround himself with people who have no interest in what he does or says for 8-12 hours? Yeah, didn't think so. I want Elon to spend 8 hours in a open plan office where any fucker can just approach him and see how productive he is on his work.

People in the factory, make food, people that fix your house.

I don't work in a factory, I make my own fucking food and I fix my own fucking house. Rich people problems, anyone not pulling there weight at home aren't going to be pulling it in the office either.
i cant wait for more technocratic opinons laundered through publicly trusted individuals.
digital id's when?
i am afraid of white supremacy and need a government to save me
fuck jannies
>gazillionaire doesn't understand what "let them eat cake" means
Fuck this kike.
Why does he think that people working from home are the ones making the factory workers go into the factory. YOU are the one paying them to be there if you think it's morally unjust perhaps you could pay them some onsite allowance like the boss should for people willing to do a little extra.
I do. I work from home.
>T.$90/hour analyst in the oil and gas sector.
Look, here's the deal, no Malarkey. I was fine going in to an office, and did so for 20 years. Then they unleashed the scamdemic, and told me to work from home, so I did that too. The firm didn't reduce the hourly rate they charge my clients for my time, and they didn't lower my pay. Now that they're little plague-pretend-time is over, they want to go back to the beforetime. Not happening. I'm just not going in. They can fire me if they want to, but I'll never quit, and I'll only go in for the occasional all-office lunch. My billings remain as high as ever, so we're at a stalemate, which is fine by me.
i don't understand this booomer mindset of "other people are doing this thing because they have to and so you should do it to even though you don't have to or its not fair to them"
No this is literally commie logic lol.
>this Mexican laborer can’t work from home so no one can
But it is proven that people are just as productive working from home, only that you have the freedom to do shit you wouldn't do at work, which is what they don't like.
I will keep masturbating while getting payed, thank you very much.
>be wasteful of resources with no motive whatsoever
i don't think its fair that sanitation workers are hard at work in the sewers and you're sitting in an office in a nice building above ground, it's not fair to them. its immoral. relocate everyone to the sewers
>It's just so wrong that I have to pay for a building that no one works in..
It's tough to be a kike
holy shit that is the most retarded thing he said
This lol it’s so pathetic
Kek, this.
Has anyone ask themselves why the genius doesn't have a command of the english language when he's in person?
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Elon's career in public is finished.
This. He has no right to say anything about morality
If your job can be done remotely, there's no good reason to have an office. The business saves money on the overhead, the employees are happier and can work longer hours. Just because some jobs can't be done from home doesn't mean we should make some fake space for people to suffer. Jobs are about making money, period.
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he gave it away in the response as to why he is really opposed. it's because he owns a car company and thus depends on people commuting in cars, vs staying at home or transit. it would hurt him financially to let people work from home, even though the tech has gotten to the point where this is mostly feasible, as we saw during covid.
musk is vitally dependent on people driving. i bet he will lobby for less funding of transit if he doesn't already. this is not some moral stance he is taking, in fact he is quite branzenly self interested.
think about how many problems would be solved if there were less cars on the road. but this modern world has been built this way on purpose. if oyu read the assassination of new york, it goes into detail about how people used to live close to where they worked. then came the idea to have people live in residential areas and commute into the city. this was pressure from auto manufacturers and oil companies.
I sip booze. Never wasted.
>goy, I'm paying premiums for this property
>how will you know that I'm rich, if you aren't forced to experience it daily...
Getting hair implants to hide your god-given baldness is morally wrong.
It proves phoney status
Well just make some fucking robots who can build cars and cook food and let those people remote control them so they can work from home too.
What are those ugly ass Tesla bots for otherwise?
Whites are such pathetic pieces of shit for falling for it over and over and over
kek this faggot's son is a literal tranny. talking about morals...
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i think it's mjolnir, thor's hammer. thor is god of lightning, and the tesla is electric
these guys have a similar logo and it is mjolnir
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While the innocent adhere to justice they shall not be put to shame: but as for fools who delight in mischief, having become wicked, they hated knowledge and are become liable to censures.

Behold I will pour forth to you the dictate of my spirit: and teach you this word of mine - seeing I have called and you have not answered: and though I continued my speech, you did not attend, but set at naught my counsels and disregarded my reproofs; therefore I will laugh at your calamity, and mock when your destruction cometh. Yes, when tumult shall suddenly come upon you; and destruction like a whirlwind shall be at hand - even when tribulation and siege approach you; or when destruction is advancing upon you. For when you call upon me I will not listen to you.

The wicked may seek me, but they shall not find me. For they hated wisdom and did not choose the word of the Lord: nor would they attend to my counsels, but contemned my reproofs.

Let them eat, therefore, the fruits of their own way, and be filled with their own iniquity. For, because they wronged infants they shall be slain: and a rigorous inquest shall destroy the wicked.

Children, Elon.


You shall be destroyed.
There are some things one can do from home
Seethe, cope, rinse and repeat
Who brings up in the argument:
Uh, people that build houses cant work from home, but you can?
Holy Shit...he is talking to retards
Bossman gives interview, not working from office or home
nice try homo
Nigger believe in all sorts of hierarchy but when it comes to his employees they are all horizontally rightless slaves....
checks out...
I'm getting paid six figures to sit on my couch and do nothing today. Stay mad.
The reason work from home is bad is because rich yuppie city cucks can now invade small rural towns and still make city money, which is causing rents and mortgages in rural regions to increase.
>Sedentary fucks
>yeah I'm totally not being a sedentary bum by waking up, getting on my cagemobile for 1 hour until arriving at the office, sitting down for 8 hours, spending 1 more hour on the freeway in my cagemobile and finally sitting down watching the newest made up political drama on the news
Guys like musk are productivity maximalists. Once machines out-perform humans, he'll be giving the latter the boot, so why not let them have some additional benefits before the inevitable outcome? What's that? He doesn't care about his workers' well-being? Well I guess he's not so moral after all
>as to why he is really opposed. it's because he owns a car company and thus depends on people commuting in cars
LOL i never thought of this but of course, it's so obvious.
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What do you guys think is a typical day of work of Elon Musk? This faggot doesn't work at all, he tweets all day like a teenage girl when he's not attending some party or celebs. But he wants the goys to work like chinese bugmen in his kosher plantation
People used to have to make a choice, work a cuck office job and stay in a fag city or get a physical job/homestead and live in a based rural area. Now office cucks can shit up rural areas
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True, and that's partly because these people actually never worked a day in their lives. Musk never had a job but somehow his friend made him CEO of tech companies.
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>everyone has to be equally miserable with work
>despite the fact that you can do your fake job for fake money from a laptop, you need to do your fake job from the office so you can be micromanaged by your boss with his fake job, so we can prop up the fake commercial real estate industry
>no goy, you can’t take your shit office pay to another location with cheaper cost of living. I only want to pay you enough to rent from landlord shekelstein, eat, and drive to work. Anything more and you’re just being spoiled

Work from home is the only leg up we’ve got on these kikes for the past 40 years. I will NEVER go back to the office
Go back into your cubicle in niggerland and get the fuck out of my neighborhood

Never setting foot in an office again.
Never having ANY children.
Never getting a brain-implant.
Never living in a pod on mars.
Never doing anything Elon and his worshippers suggest.
Based as fuck and keyed and gemmy and checked and verification not required
You retards seriously don’t realize that you’re being enabled with this by design, simply to homogenize the rural regions and turn rural workers into rentoids while you guys buy up all the rural housing and drive up the price?
>I'm mad because the mutual exclusivity that's only ever existed in my head is now not the norm!
Is the concept of "daily work commute" alien to you?
The existence of billionaires is morally wrong which is objectively true.
>just waste 2h of your day commuting to in the end sit before a laptop.
Look, a laborer is angry that he is being outbid by someone else. Aren’t you a capitalist? Learn to code, fag
You WILL undergo the humiliation ritual goyim
Of all the things people have shown me to convince me he's retarded, this is the first thing to stick.
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Because all these globhomo faggot oligarchs are are actual communists, and communism was always about social control.
>stupid hooman doesnt know how good the cat and dog taste
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this is definitely the case in calgary, the whole place is oil company buildings. each transit stop by a mall makes you walk about 1km through -20 and 30kph winds to get anywhere you want to go. they used to heat the platforms with radiant heaters but it attracted too many bums. many places just don't have sidewalks or they just end with no warning. the downtown is cool for the most part, but the bikefags are so aggressive there it's unreal.
Work from home is actually good for rural communities. It objects money into local businesses.
I was in court yesterday with Mel Gibson
How big is your country? Like fifty miles wide? I live in Alaska in the middle of nowhere and the work from home lower 48 niggers are already starting to invade the towns out here. In the old days commuters had to live within driving distance of an office. They certainly couldn’t live in American Siberia.
How about you learn how to actually survive in the countryside instead of just spending shitloads of money to bring your little bubble of urban life into the boonies?
The more this nigger opens his mouth the more obvious it is that hes a midwit
yes! good goy! work or else you must starve, but you're definitely in the land of the free right
No fag it’s terrible. You used to be able to work at a place like the local grocery store and save enough to buy a house in fucking cash in just a year or two.
>Work from home is actually good for rural communities. It objects money into local businesses
Not from their perspective, most rural shithole small towns throughout our lameass country are full of welfare/EI/disability cheaters. They could live just fine on their govt cheese when houses used to cost $100k and a nonexistence local economy so everything costed jack shit in general.
But then outsiders moved rural, like me. The locals are very unhappy about us running up the local cost of living (as they perceive it), they definitely blame us. Lots of negativity.
>morally right
Is it morally right that a chef has to cook my food but I don't have to cook it and he doesn't even get to eat the food he stil cooks? What a fucking dumb equivalence. How about I pay you for the job you voluntarily took on and you stop caring how I made the money that I just generously handed over to you.

"Work from home" is not a new concept as anyone who has ever met a doctor, dentist, lawyer, psychologist, funeral director, or President of the United States has met somebody who works from home.
Elon Musk has a net worth of $250 billion while some people have nothing. Is that morally right?
You think housing being unaffordable is the fault of work from home? It’s because of Blackrock, Vanguard and the Jews that own you at the federal reserve

your dull lack of education is showing
Faggot is pissed his tranny son gets more dick then him
You motherfuckers ruined everything. Why did you have to come to these places when you could have just stayed in your nigger suburbs? If you really wanted to come here you could have just given up your kiked job and lived like the locals and everything would have been fine. You would have turned into a real man and been welcomed. Now you’re just a carpet bagger bringing your kiked urban lifestyle to based areas
>Get back into the office, I think you're more productive that way!
tech tycons should never concern themselves with morality
only with hard cold efficiency
so what would he say about all the "investors", daily trading and other jewish inventions. Seems pretty antisemitic to me?
Black rock and vanguard weren’t buying any of the shit out here until work from home people showed up. It’s like we didn’t even exist. Why would they buy a fifty year old cabin that nobody would ever pay more than 10k for? Now the work from home idiots come and toss money around before they even understand how things work out here. One urban fag can come out here and have enough cash and credit to buy up entire towns, they have no real idea how much more valuable money here actually was and how much further it could go.
Owned by kikes.
How about letting people live in their office? Is that better?
He's not wrong.
But I'm also not wrong for wanting better working conditions than low skill labor.
>You motherfuckers ruined everything.
Who pays for all the taxes that fund your theft via welfare/disability scams? ME, I pay the taxes. The economies of the cities pay the taxes, cities drive 80% of GDP. Meanwhile the rural bumblefucks play peter pan for the rest of their days, fuck you the bill just came due for your kind.
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>ME, I pay the taxes.
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Current model is bullshit jobs are awarded to winners of education/good boy games

Fairer model is workshare.
But its tough to get a person with a real job to give up their hours because they have good job security. You cant get loans script kidding crypto for example, bullshit jobs are alot more precarious.

Haha, thats just it, if you got rich with them itd be no problem, but being disconnected from the community most just see food and house inflation and the ones you give money too like your indentured servants

Main issue of course is fiat money and no homesteading acts
If you love cities and your jewish city job so much then why are you out here? Why didn’t you come and get an actual rural job? Go be a lumberjack or carpenter or trapper or something and get your jew money out of here.
>>ME, I pay the taxes.
It's simple mathematics. Vaporize the cities, vaporize 80% of your economy, congrats you're now an african country. Those fucking evil cities I tell ya what.
I work at Tesla and it's by far the wokest company in the general Berlin area.
That dude is mentally handicapped, man.
I fail to see the moral argument here. I thought Musk is supposed to be smart.
>take job that can be worked remotely
>work remotely
>other person takes job that cannot be worked remotely
>drives to work
At which point do things become immoral? I love making six figures in the “laptop class” but I had to study my ass off and drive to work for well over a decade to get here
This is why wfh needs an in community component, like teach some of their kids your craft, or donate to community inititives
I hate this guy so much
He is right. I'm WFH on Fridays and I do jack squat. I just shitpost here or on /o/
>If you love cities
I don't, I grew up rural and only lived in a city for a while to stack cash. Now I'm back. I enjoy fishing and kayaking and hiking, I plan to learn how to hunt this upcoming season.
I'm not a city fag, but I also understand that cities subsidize the way of life for rurals, to dispute that is particularly retarded.
>it’s not the faggots and niggers and single moms taking my tax money
>it’s… umm… rural whites who live in cabins they paid for in cash
Daily reminder that you are working from home because soon your job will be replaced by AI
Now the spot for greed and envy
He's a literal retard. The sophistication of his political thought falls somewhere between 18 year old libertarian pothead and reddit. He's just like the space nigger Neil Degrasse Tyson. Fucking fake intellectuals that the jews parade in front of the drooling masses to prop up the regime.
If you work from home, you produce nothing. If you produce nothing, you're a parasite. And that's that.
Newsflash, something typed on a computer is nothing.
It's unbelievable. Whites literally do not care about anything other than being perceived as a good. Which by the way Christianity says is the opposite of what you are supposed to do. You are supposed to be moral to please God, not other people. It actually says if serve God then you will be hated by the world.
>you work in an office with a/c thats morally wrong because people in other jobs need to work on the street
>you work 9-5 and sleep in your bed every night. Thats morally wrong because other people need to work shifts and others are away from home for weeks
Same fucking argument elon.
>Hates technology
>Runs a technology company
makes perfect sense
>I'm not able to do my job without being under constant surveillance and control of my superiors because of my complete lack of discipline.
You're a bootlicker bro
If the work gets done, what difference does it make? This is some next level kvetching. He just wants people drive to work using his shitty cars.
>Current model is bullshit jobs are awarded to winners of education/good boy games
This. It's all bullshit. In the corporate world, probably something like 20% of jobs are totally fake political jobs now, and of the remaining jobs probably half the work is bullshit. So 60% of all corporate work is fake

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