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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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drumpf btfo
I'm a kamala impala now!
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you glowies are trying hard. off yourself. they are all jew puppets and nwo puppets. montels side piece is nothing to be proud about you pathetic glow nigging faggot. just another demorlization puppet and thread
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>Every thread you bake
>And every mind you break
>Every bond you fake
>Every step you take
>I'll be watching (YOU)
Kys spammer
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the 2024 election is actually the worst election ever it really doesn't matter at all, America is bankrupt, and this election is just about deciding who is going to be left holding the bag. in all honesty its far better if it is Kamala. so euh slay kween or something.

2028 is going to be about debt and who runs america threw the 2030's.
You pretended the same thing with joe and now the US is a joke. The most powerful country in the world should be seen differently.
You want to be a joke, you want the country to get worse, and and you'll be pretending everything is fine for 4 years when you're actually miserable, just to get a win online.
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it doesn't matter America and Europe are Bankrupt, basically you get to put someone in charge who gets left holding the bag. after the Post 1945 American Order collapses.

It's genuinely a horrible election to win in any way. since whoever wins needs to lead America threw a time of abject poverty and debt.
It is an entertaining year regardless. Jewish theatrics for this nigger or that cracker are off the charts right now
Better to have Trump who has escaped debt time and time again by filing bankruptcy.
kek i guess. atleast it'd be less adversarial towards regular everyday Americans that is a plus.
are you tards trying to compete with yang for most annoying spam campaign?
Pajeeta Kamala gives new meaning to, Taking it to the Streets!
It's fake as fuck. Completely inorganic.
You been to Europe lately? Their economy is in the toilet and inflation is triple what we had in the states.
Things got bad because of supply chain failures cause by the pandemic and oil spikes caused by Ukraine war.

The idea that presidents control macroeconomic forces is just pure clownery.
The msm got their marching orders and talking points and have coalesced behind her. She's hasn't changed one bit from when she dropped out of her own party's primary in december of 2019. That's how unpopular she was and remained until she was chosen as vp. Since she's been vp she has shown herself to be someone who repeats empty platitudes and sounds like a complete idiot. But some people do have short memories so they will eat up whatever msm and hags on the view regurgitate into their soft brains.
Anyone who was already voting for Trump will still vote Trump. Anyone who was voting blue no matter who will still do so. This election will be decided by millennials and zoomers of age who use tik-tok. Youtube and then facebook were the battlefields of the 2008 and 2012 elections. Tik-Tok is the new theater of influence. The democrats understand that, the republicans don't. Kamala wins this election and the American system will crash during her watch.
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i like komalla because she has holes that penis goes in and she has drank cum and put stuff in her butt. that's my vote right there yeehaw.
>The vibe shift is tangible
but it'll only last 8 weeks max
but Trump's ego will find a way to let her win

chickening out of a debate was a bad move
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watch these nigger posts fall dramatically when all the summerfags have to go back to school for another year of getting bullied. may be a good idea to just kys now
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The solution to this situation successfully worked for Germany. As long as America doesn't go to war, all it has to do is say: "We're not paying debts, going forward all debt will be based on work-based contracts.

Then back our money with silver.
imagine being paid to shill post for a democratic kike controlled nigger of a political candidate on 4chan, fucking lol
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>the vibe
Presidential Poo
The astroturfing is tangible.
Skibidi Harris!
Why is Hillary in that picture instead of Pelosi? Or Hakeem? Both of who probably had more to do with Biden's exit than Newsom or Hillary.
Gen Alpha is now locked in
The vibe is definitely shifting. The Kamala high is wearing off.
I don't think about this woman at all.
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Can we exchange you for the guy who posts nonstop scat spam on /b/? I'd literally rather see logs of shit than this corrupt, corpo-fascist cum-guzzling slut of a mediocrity.
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the (((paid))) vibe feels different indeed, pushing this fake acceptance so kikes can steal the election once again
>oy vey, the votes were legit goy, dont you remember all the propa… I mean all the support she hd some months ago? dont ask questions
So which discord is currently spamming this board? It’s like watching a robot imitate real people. There’s content, and they’re even using some of the board lingo, but it’s just so disingenuous
so what's the kike plan now? to rally niggers and femoids against the annoying orange?
I'm a proud Kamala Kunt...
KAMALA 2024!
>caused by the pandemic
You mean by the commies in charge shutting down the world as a temper tantrum response to Trump pushing their shit in for 3 years?
No because that's a schizo delusion, not an event that happened
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I'll be honest. "First black president" had a much harder feel to it for me since I also believed we'd never see that again. I was 18 and he was my first vote. I don't feel shit with Kamala.
>The first female president!
Don't care at all
>Second black president
>Don't care
>First black WOMAN president
Don't care. Also she's not the kind of black woman I care for
>First Indian/Jamaican president
Don't care
Also she's just unlikable in every respect. She has garbage policies, I can't stand her voice, I can't stand her personality, and after being around black women all my life I can tell the good ones from the ones I know I wouldn't want to be in the same room with for 10 seconds. The ones who you know are fake beyond belief, don't do shit but nag at you all fucking day and think they know everything. That's what Kamala is. I'm not voting for that shit for President
>I'm SpEakIng
Fuck her. She's not going to do shit to make my life better. I could deal with her shit if she was going to make my life better, but not with her fucked up, no common sense ideas.
>I know.
Coming here and pander a nigger kike lover, and expect us to fall for for it!
This and hyper inflate the (((polls))) so people don’t flip their shit when they rigger nigger this election too
Skamala, do not redeem your postal vote saar, your local democrats will do it for you.
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This, so much this, have a hecking upboat
Kys glownigger faggot.
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When did you realize she will win?
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No. Here’s the question smooth brain, if you’re making false flag racist, sexist, and antisemetic posts, does that not imply you yourself have those ideas floating through your head? Might be time to take a look in the mirror. Or, continue to delude yourself that you’re doing all of this to save democracy
Never, if you actually believe in this garbage then you have failed at life because you're retreating from reality. Trump won because people had enough of wokeshit and that's why he's winning again, it had nothing to do with your bargain bin books and retarded beliefs.

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