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5th day in a row JD Vance is getting attacked for his attacks on women who don't have children, goes on Megyn Kelly's show to clean up his remarks and stop the bleeding but instead apologizes to cats and continues to attack women.

How long is Trump going to put with this retard blowing his chances at the White House?
oof this is not good.
> “If you're explaining, you're losing.”― Ronald Reagan
jd vance has absolutely no interest in women other than his beard
Vance has brought 0 benefits to the table and only negatives. I don’t know why he chose him. He should have gone with Tulsi. I’m keeping my fingers crossed he switches Vance out
the absolute best strategy that kamaltoe harry can do is pick peter bootygag as VP.

imagine the humiliation of vance trying to explain why he looks even gayer than a man who sucks dick
former Trump supporter here. ngl it's pretty hilarious watching him crash and burn. seriously though, we can't let him get his hands on the nuclear codes.
>I've got nothing against cats
lmao. dude makes liberals seethe with ease
Checked angelic post. Trump burns.
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based vance apologizing to cats and not whores. best vp pick.


It really is telling. You faggots went into overdrive the second she got selected. I've never seen the internet glow as much as the past week.
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>I've got nothing against cats
i think this is bad optics for normie voters.
he's trying to come across as this edgy meme lord guy but it's just giving off cringe boomer vibes. this is like mom group facebook tier memes
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This is normies first introduction to JD Vance. No one outside of a small political bubble has ever heard of this goofball. Now they're learning that this guy hates women and supposedly had sex with a couch. My mom, who is not political at all, told me she saw this guy JD Vance on Inside Edition and wondered why Trump picked a VP that hates women. That's the narrative being spun right now, its an avalanche and he's not fighting back.
pffffft hahahahaha not the optics
That's an OK Reagan, but my favorites were his dementiated screams as he shat himself.
Letting spinsters vote is what killed the USA
>wondered why Trump picked a VP that hates women

Is your mom dumb? He's married to a woman. Obviously he doesn't hate women, he hates how single childless cat ladies seem to have such a big presence in public society, when they shouldn't. And he's right. Childless single women are absolutely the worst fucking demographic there is.

Now, should Vance have said that in the first place? probably not. After all, there's a lot of single childless white women out there, and you still need their vote.
>having different opinions is shilling
You’re no better than the left: a special snowflake who melts down the second his safe space is and group think is challenged
no one actually cares about this. the people that are mad were never going to vote for the republican ticket to begin with.
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>He's married to a woman
He's married to a stinky subhuman shitjeet
Captcha: WOMAM
The point isn’t to get them to vote Republican, it’s to keep them apathetic enough to not vote. Driving them to vote Democrat instead of just staying home is stupid
childless bitches pushed for schools to encourage tranny kids and hide it from parents. They wanted it put into law in SK that schools can keep parents in the dark about what's happening in school.
The backlash was so strong that the media just stopped reporting on it altogether.

People with kids and a stake in the future are not happy with the carefree making policy willy-nilly
>I've got nothing against cats
That's very based. Voting Trump now.
"I'm from the Government and I'm here to shit"
what about getting white men, the only demographic trump lost support in 2020 vs 2016, to get out and vote?
He’s out to take your right to vote and enslave you to femoids
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Isn’t megyn kelly established as a relentless traitor to the right wing cause who exists just to choose the right moment to fuck us over?
Why do people still pay her attention?
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- he wants to deport messicans and towelheads and boost the white birth rate by advocating nativist and natalist positions
- he was right about the ukraine war
- his wife is more attractive than michelle obama and barbara bush and rashida t'aliban
- he's not an obnoxious christcuck who will blow an election by taking an absolutist position on abortion or an unusually harsh anti-marijuana policy
- has based and mysterious techno-monarchy quasi-libertarian financial backers who dislike woke nigworship and communism
- he dislikes woke nigworship and communism
- nice healthy moderate positions where needed and robust extreme positions where needed
- his children have down syndrome which is considered adorable by modern standards
- he was editor in chief of the yale law review which means he's got mensa tier IQ and understands the system that needs to be changed at a very deep level
- he bleachmaxxed and married some aryan indian lady he met from a call center
- he only associates with based jews, not the bad ones
- he believes in based protectionist and populist policies that will boost the economy and create high paying manufacturing jobs and energy sector jobs
- he will create a robot computer that will replace all meaningless woman jobs like HR and "project coordinator" that add nothing substantive to the economy
- he has blue eyes, a cool beard, and isn't afraid of being called gay for wearing eyeliner
Do you think the White men Trump lost support from were the ones who thought his campaign wasn’t being inflammatory enough towards women? Everyone who liked Vance’s comment were already going to vote Trump in the first place
Your empire is collapsing and here you are, a complete fucking idiot, worrying about votes and cattle optics.
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Sorry to busy pandering to blacks and Indians
>Your empire is collapsing
good. accelerate.
u utter faggot they are at war the only option is to attack attack attack attack attack
White men without kids have no reason to vote for this retard. He literally wants to raise their taxes and take away their right to vote.
broke back better
>Do you think the White men Trump lost support from were the ones who thought his campaign wasn’t being inflammatory enough towards women
yes absolutely? I remember CPAC where trump called for more legal immigration. I remember trump pardoning rappers. I remember trump supporting bans on bump stocks. I remember /pol/ embracing Yang Gang. I remember the murdoch murdoch episodes about jew jew cum. Trump was significantly more edgy in 2016 than 2020. Maybe he realized his mistake.
Qrd why is pol so anti-JD Vance?
Is it because he's from Ohio or is it because he's a huge cuck?
>attacks women for being single and owning cats
>Most INCELS are single men who own cats
>No principles
>Hasn't done shit
>Was a buttboy for Peter Thiel
>Constantly teaming up with Democrats
>Promotes left wing socialist bullshit but calls it based
Being misogynistic only works if you have rizz like Trump, otherwise you become an incel
Is JD Vance Mike Pence part 2?
>Qrd why is pol so anti-JD Vance?
>Is it because he's from Ohio or is it because he's a huge cuck?
because he's the gayest nigga in washington
he looks like a 300 lb cross between adam lambert and george michael
He really is a fucking moron. Between this and all the shit Kushner did from his first term it's obvious Trump shouldn't listent o his useless family.
Turns out that trying to act like a /pol/lack incel IRL is offputting for anyone who's not addicted to this place. Who knew?
>yes absolutely?
So let me get this straight: you think Trump lost popularity among White men in the last cycle because he wasn’t being aggressive enough and insulting enough towards single women. Not only that, you think Vance’s comments will not only bring them back into the fold, but will also bring enough back into the fold that it will be a net benefit despite all the other demographics it will drive to vote democrat. Is that what you’re saying?
>I remember trump pardoning rappers.
Nobody outside this site really cared about that
>I remember trump supporting bans on bump stocks.
So you’re saying that people who decided not to vote for Trump because of his bump stock ban will now flock back to him because his VP is insulting single women?
>I remember /pol/ embracing Yang Gang. I remember the murdoch murdoch episodes about jew jew cum.
Again, nobody outside of this site cares about this stuff
He’s also against your right to vote as a bachelor. He is the enemy of humanity.
He’s a super dork loser and gives off chud vibes
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Twitter spam thread. Jews are behind a spam campaign against the board
He gives off chud ick while also being anti chud. He’s negative value.
Government mandated shitjeeta wives incoming. Flush your genes, goy, or lose your right to vote while still being a paypig slave for israel and jews.
Natural charisma matters, Trump won after saying to grab a woman by the pussy because he’s a funny guy. That said, the VP doesn’t have much weight on the election, it’s a minimal difference so in the end it is still Trump as face of the ticket
The problem is he is actually off putting to incels and autists so good luck conjuring memes with your neofeudalist mamaws boy venture capitalist fake populist who wears eyeliner lol
Yowzaa, if instead Henry Cavill was appointed as VP even he could not get away with saying such things, the women vote is going to eviscerate him.
Hilarious and true as the comment may be.
people can pick up on how intellectually dishonest he is.
He's a fucking Yale graduate lawyer and he runs around presenting himself as this blue collar memer guy. Like he's Elon Musk for Threepers or some this.
I don’t think Pence had much appeal to the average anon either despite their supposed desire for Christian conservatism. That said, if he starts quadrupling down, doesn’t learn to keep his mouth shut and starts attacking Kamala for being technically childless, things could get bad
this thread glows on all fronts. jd vance is unironically fucking based.
>if he starts quadrupling down, doesn’t learn to keep his mouth shut and starts attacking Kamala for being technically childless, things could get bad
too late. things are bad.
thank you for sharing your opinion, Aquafresh Toothpaste flag. I didn't realize you were voting in the US election.
yeah he lost men for going soft, and you have no idea what you're talking about. you literally think all racists love trump.
>you literally think all racists love trump.
you really think in 2019 all the good ole boys at the fishin spot were having debates over what joe and kamala bring to the table?
It's not just childless women. America is infested with simps that worship women
Yeah, I don't trust people summarizing what they saw on tv, relation to R politicians.
It's almost always some lie, mid off sentence, or out of context
no they didnt vote you absolute faggot, only supreme trump haters like richard spencer voted for biden
You should really spend some time away from this site if that’s what you think
It's not about what he said, it's just the way he looks and the fact that he's got a jeet wife. Women get the ick from him.
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Holy fuck I was just trolling /pol/ with my pro Kamala posts to generate (You)

But its unironically like he is actively trying to sink the Trump campaign
>this thread glows on all fronts. jd vance is unironically fucking based.
That's nice. Will his actions get him elected?
One must be elected to actual effect change. Or is this dude just being an outright retard gettin zingers for lols.
the hillbilly will be replaced.
Thats not true he really likes couch/dolphin pussy
He didnt explain, he doubled down you dumb lying faggot
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Pence wasn't a dysgenic freak, was higher up on the American social ladder and he wasn't married to a jeet. That means everything.
He chose him because FAGGOT CARLSON told him to. JD Vance hates women and he will always hate women. Its his moms fault because she was a terrible mom. Now he hates all women because of it. Fucked his brain up when he was a kid.



JD Vance is right about childless cat ladies. IF they had children, they wouldn't be spending their days on 4chan shilling for a dumb negress who used to sleep with anyone to get to power...
Lol @ this poster
He's already much worse
WOW great idea! Lets give Shequanda 5 extra votes for all her nigger babies and give Susan 1 extra vote for her only child. God this guy is fucking retarded.
>oh fuck oh shit we are losing women voters because inflation is out of control and abortion isnt an issue anymore!
>quick attack jd Vance and say he hates women because he made fun of fragile far left lunatic cat ladies!!!
surely this policy will help us secure the mexican border, and prevent the entire cast of Encanto from showing up to every voting booth
Trump respects women now? Fall in line simp democrat faggot or vote for the nigger jeet Jew wife
They better toss this motherfucker quick. He's a boat anchor.

Having strong opinions on the direction of the country is one thing, but who the fuck says "If you are single, your vote should count less?" How the fuck did they pick this retard and think this was going to fly? This ain't the 19-fucking-50's you stupid fucks, where everyone has a family.
can you learn this power?
Homosexual men always had a natural hatred of women. JD can't hide his homo energy
A perfectly fair reason
>Now, should Vance have said that in the first place? probably not. After all, there's a lot of single childless white women out there, and you still need their vote.
I wish the Trump campaign had the foresight and political acumen as this random leaf faggot.
>That's nice. Will his actions get him elected?
No him running his mouth is dominating the news cycle during a pivotal part of the race when Republicans need to unify around a solid reason to not vote for Kamala Harris

All he is doing is filling the Kamala Kannon with avenues to attack, Democrats obviously smell blood in the water and nominating him only introduced a massive vulnerability to Trump and Republicans who were already struggling to keep the election from being about women and abortion anyways

Trumps best bet is unironically to fire his dumbass
Imagine thinking a single woman offended by this was going to vote anything but D
And Trump is going to fucking lose because of how retarded he is

The entire news cycle is about how fucking retarded this guy is and MAGA aren't gonna come to his rescue like they would when Jew media shits on Trump
Former Trump supporter here. Also current Trump supporter. Still voting for Trump, so eat shit leftists
Exactly. My wife is Republican because I am. There are no single childless Republican women. Nothing was lost except another chance to shit on people we hate (namely, single childless women)
Oh no he spoke what we are all thinking.
STFU leftist trash.
People have had enough of acquiescing to the demands of retarded childless girl bosses. How exactly did you think we were going to pull back? You’re either a retard who thinks accelerating left automatically makes you pop out right, or (more likely) you’re just a full of shit actual transsexual here to concern troll.
60+% in Solid Red States vote for abortion rights you smooth brained faggot

This easily has the potential to upset at least 25-40% of potential Republican voters
Prove it, faggot
We don’t need influencers to tell us what to think like democrats do anon. I’m voting trump and putting out the sign and donating $250 a month. I would vote for Vance if Vance was the only option. Same as I did when he ran for senate
Oh no! Meanwhile in Vance country, Candace Keller, a woman, got abortion banned. We listen to our women around here not jewish statistics
They might not have voted Trump but they also might not have voted at all
>He's married to a stinky subhuman shitjeet
>Shilling for Kamala, a jeet
You see how this isn't really a winning strategy?
>People have had enough of acquiescing to the demands of retarded childless girl bosses
And by people you mean terminally online retards on this board and the handful of far right wing subs on plebbit
>How exactly did you think we were going to pull back?
Jackass says he quits because he needs to focus on family, Trump gets someone who isn't retarded on board and we go win all the swing states
>You’re either a retard who thinks accelerating left automatically makes you pop out right, or (more likely) you’re just a full of shit actual transsexual here to concern troll.
Have fun losing faggot; if even /pol/ is saying this is retarded on Vance how the fuck you think normie Boomers on Facebook will react?
Vance beedsto be removed from the ticket and we all know it. Trump cannot win with a VP who brings a net negative to the table, every micropercentage of a vote counts. We need to win swings states, not the red states.
Your faggot state voted for abortion by a wider margin then it voted for sex pest Vance

Killing yourself would be more helpful to the GOP than your vote is right now
>reddit spacing
Lol shut up faggot, no ody is buying your bullshit
The reality is, democrats are in deep shit with every demographic and are clinging to women like a jew clings to his jew gold when black people are near
They have set their propaganda machine to extreme in the hopes something sticks.
And when it doesnt and cocksuckers kamala gains zero traction, theyll ditch her for a white man
I've never seen people go this apeshit over a VP pick.
>dysgenic uggos go on national tv to COPE
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Oh shit cuh no cizzap fr fr bluhd??? U givin off some gay nigger vibes rn fr mane on god.
Based on retard here running his mouth it looks like they're about to have a successful campaign with women
I’m screen capping this for when Trump losses because of this Vance retard. Look for your ID here come November
Women weren't going to vote for Trump regardless of his running mate. They're gaining votes of the based dudes who would have otherwise sat at home on election day.
This wouldn’t be a problem if he embraced Islam.
No president was ever elected because of his vp so shut the fuck up you dumb kike faggot
This is leftist gaslighting to turn attention away from the fact they coup'd their own candidate and stole the primary election from their voters
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Lol. At least he is capable of being a jerk.
>triggered childless cat lady
Oh no we're gonna lose the childless cat lady vote
when unstopped immigration will cause the spic gangs to push out the niggers from the big cities, the dark horde will have to find a new location.
do you understand?
Thank God we are picking up the autistic sneako fan vote; we were absolutely nothing without that
your post is 100% ohio and 0% skibity. you have negative rizz
Vance is a net negative, its over. He must be removed. He's caused all swing states to shift to Kamala. Don Jr. Fagstans should not be listened too, they live in a fucking massive bubble.
Trump needs urban votes to win, not more of the hillbilly vote.
Worst pic ever, has evaporsted all gains Trump has made in a matter of hours.
>all the cope in this thread
Vance was a terrible, terrible VP pick.
Lol no
Groceries cost 3x what they did under trump
Who buys the groceries?
Democrats are fucked, cumala isnt going to make women forget how good they had it under trump
Trump leads every swing state still
If you kill Trump, then Vance takes away women’s rights it’s that simple.
Bruh, he keeps busting far nuts on his couch because his poojita princess it to smelly to tap during the summer.
All of these childless cat-Karens need to be KILLED. Their WORTHLESS SKIN needs to be STRIPPED from their STILL SHRIEKING bodies and stitched into flags. Fly those flags as a warning about what happens when you embrace the SOCIALIST WHORE LIFESTYLE. KILL THEM ALL.
Then why the fuck are polls starting to shift towards her from how bad they were from Biden? I want Trump to win but you motherfuckers are on some serious fucking cope right now
Vance will close out MI, WI and PA where cumala has zero appeal
She is a extreme far left california communist that talks openly about equal outcomes for everyone and putting energy workers in the unemployment line
Hard working people in those states want nothing to do with that
>5th day in a row JD Vance is getting attacked for his attacks on women who don't have children
if he couldn't handle getting attacked by childless women he shouldn't have attacked them in the first place.
Theyre not
JD Vance and his multiple VPNs are astroturfing this thread hard right now
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He handled it and then doubled down mr sheckelburg
Now fuck off back to killing palestinians kids
Vance seems to think Trump is popular because he says the quiet part out loud. In reality, Trump is popular because he says the quiet part out loud with an air of levity. This levity is something Vance lacks. He is outspoken, but no one wants to listen to him. Vance's failure to understand Trump's appeal is concerning. Isn't Vance supposed to be some kind of true blue, redneck everyman? If he kept in touch with the people from his community, he might understand why Trump resonates with them. But of course his 2016 book shows us in detail how much better he thinks he is than everyone he grew up around. In his book, the "hillbillies" are just lazy drug addicts that wrongfully blame Obama and Democrats for their problems. It's no wonder he can't grasp Trump's appeal - he's too busy looking down on the very people who support him. Until Vance can shed his condescending attitude and truly empathize with the struggles and beliefs of his community, he will continue to miss the mark on understanding Trump's popularity.
If you are not demoralized after RNC there is something wrong with you
And the women who were going to sit home are now going to vote Democrat. I hope the trade was worth it
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or he just suck dicks
>/pol/: "zomg, people are reacting to the cat lady comments same way as the pussy tape comments!"
>non-/pol/: "But Trump apologized for those comments, Vance doubled down on them"
>/pol/: "S-shut up!"
>written by chat get
Lmfao go back, go back now
>chat get
I would like to use this chat get myself
>just be demoralized REEEEEE!
Act blue isnt sending their best
somebody being criticized? for five days in a row?
oh no! the trump campaign can't survive that.
donald trump's streak of how many days in a row he's been criticized is only, like, nine years long.
there's no way he can survive this media firestorm.
Donald Trump hung around with Jeffrey Epstein. You should try to find whoever is the next Jeffrey Epstein and become friends with him.
Incel energy
She’s polling better than Biden was in every single swing state
Women love dudes saying shit like this its catnip to them
>people are reacting
shut the fuck up nigger
94% of blck women that are kamalas age have had at least one child
she had none
childless. cat. lady.
>I've got nothing against cats
>Until Vance can shed his condescending attitude and truly empathize with the struggles and beliefs of his community, he will continue to miss the mark on understanding Trump's popularity.
bro we have like 90 days till the election, nothing's changing at this point
Where exactly am I shilling for Kamala, you disingenuous kike faggot? I'm not voting (or shilling) for any of the jewsuckers that do not represent me or the majority of the American people. Take your false dichotomy and shove it up your ass.
He also attacked bachelors. He wants bachelors to pay more taxes and have no right to vote. He’s a tyrant.
Among adults, not likely voters, not even registered voters lmfao
Dnc media has to gaslight her to popularity or they have to dump her and try again
Or maybe theyll try their hand at killing trump again
""The Democrat Party has become anti-family and anti-child". This retard has to go. Literally no one thinks this.
Then fuck trump for picking this faggot who wants to take my rights for being single.
>hates trump
>fucks couches
>hates women
>looks at dolphin porn
the perfect VP pick
Bro youre responding to a bot
>Women love dudes saying shit like this its catnip to them
Only when it's Chad. Vance is a fat faced homosexual married to a pajeeta
>94% of blck women that are kamalas age have had at least one child
You do realize that there are tons of women that don't have kids right. Tons of men as well (he said childless people shouldn't have as much of a voice in democracy).
Fucking retard.
>thinks it's a good idea to larp as a tradchud in an anitnatalist society
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>Then fuck trump for picking this faggot who wants to take my rights for being single.
Don't worry, rich people with kids will have a lower tax rate than you.
> “Trump holds 49% support among registered voters nationwide to Harris’ 46%, a finding within the poll’s margin of sampling error. That’s a closer contest than earlier CNN polling this year had found on the matchup between Biden and Trump.”
>The party that wants to abort every baby isnt anti family
>the party that wants to kidnap your kids and make them trans isnt anti family
Ok faggot
Sorry but that’s simply not real life
I really hate this faggot and want to see his career in ashes. Enemy of the people
Look at the internals, they have all switched to Canvassing adults and not registered voters
I agree. Never before have I seen such a brazen attack on a group of people for a major political candidate. Why Trump thought this was a good idea I don't know. Unless he didn't have the candidates vetted, which is even worse.
>Shaniqua with 9 kids has more of a voice in democracy and a lower tax bracket than you chud. Go get yourself a roastie and hope you don't get accused of rape for saying hi to her.
Lol. good for him.
>Just be happy that ourguy is making retarded comments costing us voters we will still win because my terminally online echo chamber says so
Go kill yourself
This is what happens to your mind when you spend too much time on twitter, following attention hungry z-celebs. Let this be a lesson to you young whippersnappers. All you need is /pol/ and TikTok.
Did you miss the part where the poll says “registered voters”?
The origin of the term 'spinsters' refers to women who were so good at weaving that they made enough of their money to never need to marry. Many women only allow men into their lives because pay and opportunity inequities. And when so many men are like pol and JD Couchfucker, can you blame them? The guy literally apologized to cats but not to women.
Don’t worry they’ll just say the election was stolen again.
Don't care. Still voting Trump.
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childless women are the best kind of women, theyve never threatened a man with taking his kid away
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They wouldn't dare get rid of Trump with Vance the Chud ready to take his place. They attack him because they fear him. Your astroturf won't work.
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>supposedly had sex with a couch
better than a vaxxed up fattie
Childless women and men are better than mamaws Israel first gospel
Do you know the implications of Trump winning? Imagine if things improve during his 4 year. Imagine if he somehow ends the wars and after 4 years steps down. Democrats will be unironically done. they have so much riding on this.
Help me understand this: he says something that sounds to me to be based and red-pilled, yet your trying to tell me it's "cringe." Who am I supposed to believe, you or my lying eyes
>he should have gone with a DEI hire
Lmfao, you're a joke
>i get paid to gaslight you and im seething right now because its not working
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>our young people can't afford to start a family anymore, what do. Oh I know, let's tax them even more and send the money to our "jewish friends" (as he succinctly puts it), that will show them
Tone, I want to kill the fat faggot myself. Would be a fucking honor! Cut off his picsatill and feed it to him
Cool story but what’s Kamala’s platform?
Why would childless women want men in dresses competing with them?

It's a bizarre conspiracy theory from the very start
Never heard about JD Vance prior to this appointment. I was always a Tulsi supporter, but knew Trump wouldn't pick her because she's too competent.
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Hahaha I hope that goodest goy kills himself and his muttoid street shitting "family" in a fit of rage
This pasta goes down well.
You have 17 posts on this thread bitching anybody out who says anything negative about Vance. /pol/ is even telling you he is a dogshit choice so how the fuck do you think normies are gonna react you retard
No, Mike Pence did no damage to Trump in 2016. He looked normal, had a white wife, had the respect of his state and community.

In retrospect Pence did the right thing, and the goofy fags who charged the Capitol without guns or bombs get what they deserve. Don’t half-ass something like an insurrection.
He’s like “whoaaa I’m drinking Mountain Dew I bet they’ll call that racists amirite?We all know the democrats are the real racists!”
its so hilarious to watch shills say that vance is both too far right on women rights and too far left on racemixing.
"I love you guys please laugh at my really akward joke"
This. Trump should frame it like how he dragged along Romney before having him eat cold soup for dinner.

“I knew this guy was a hater and joke folx. We brought him on as a joke, this guy hates women; and some say he’s light in the loafers too folx, not that there’s anything wrong with that.
He’s just plain retarded and wants to take away the rights of single people.
>/pol/ is even telling you he is a dogshit choice
Reddit spacing faggots are telling me that lmfao
>Vance said childless people should pay more taxes
>completely ignores camalas openly marxist comments about everyone having the same identical outcomes
when Kamala picks Andy Beshear, you guys will be fucked
>more reddit spacing
At least TRY to blend in
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Anon they literally don't vote Republican they are dem base
Just remember shills. We hate you marxists more than we like Trump.
Nigger babymamas are the only people who should be allowed to vote
It’s not a choice between Kamala and Vance. It’s a choice between firing Vance or not. Stop being a sweeping janny faggot. We want him out.
>Reddit spacing faggots are telling me that lmfao
Well they're right in this instance you're just retarded
>Yeah I want to increase taxes on people without children but the_donald said that was a winning strategy
Weird, it's almost like the guy that hated Trump is now actively trying to make sure Trump is not elected.
>I didn't mean it but actually I did
the dolphin porn melted his brain
>unmarried men
Yup just more zogbots pretending we don’t exist to own cat ladies.
They are dem base you might remember them from being Hillary's core back in 16 the View is exactly who or what they are
what this is really about is single people like yourself realizing how the rest of us view you
Tbf if your playing chess your better off scraficing single/non children groups to get the 2 main republican voting bases being
>Married Men
>Married women
23% of 18,571 people is 4,271

31% of 4,271 is 1,324 and that is about 1.5 in 8 people, that is just on this poll, but that is alot of potential voters to lose
It's smart thinking I think Vance is more smart for that he rewards rhe main republican base besides Men in general
Kansas and Ohio are red abortion would not pass there without Trump supporters voting for it
You’re getting blown out by a redditor in that case
Well yeah but Republicans aren't likely to get them since 16 they've become the main core to the dem party outside of niggers
Of course in general abortion is popular Trump moved it back to the states Vance won't touch that issue and will back that it's up to the states view
Republicans automatically lose if they so much as even lose 1 eighth of their 2020 voters
Doesn't matter he is still on record saying the most retarded shit imaginable on the issue
I guess I forgot the part where the vice president passes legislation.
I already knew but I will fucking sink any faggot who comes after me with my autistic shitposts.
They are the tie breaking vote in the Senate, so yeah they do pass legislation faggot
>instead apologizes to cats and continues to attack women.
Fucking based
We will see about that faggot. I will do everything possible to destroy this faggot.
it's no use leafbro, they think trumps base are the racists and sexists of america. they don't understand that MAGA is to the left of those people. They don't understand appealing to the further right, because in their mind you can't go further right than orange hitler. It makes sense to them.
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Pajeets aren't "women", the same way my female dog is not a woman.
and how typical is that? a deadlocked senate?
If he switches Vance out, it will probably be to appeal to a wider group. Trump wasn't expecting to face Kamala and is probably realizing he needs somebody with a broader appeal now.
Extremely high chance this year
This retard has no appeal lmao
I checked the republican platform, its not in there
But keep gaslighting faggot, youre not getting your
>ZOMG drumpf dumps Vance, republicans in turmoil! !!!!
Meanwhile your party cheated again and dumped their primary winner and appointed a candidate that received 0 votes
Thats the truth of it and thats the narrative your masters want to retcon
In off year primary elections with extremely low turnout
But the point is, abortion is no longer a valid issue hence why they pay faggots like you to stoke fear in women voters because inflation is killing the dmeocrat party and women remember when they could buy groceries for $100 what now costs $300
I am a Republican who has given Trump more money than you probably make in a month and I will not vote for Vance because I’m a bachelor.
>dyrrr drumpf didnt see cumallah cumming!
He literally said she was their candidate the day after the debate you ignorant faggot
Yes of course. What is said publicly in the moment is the only plot happening.
>i reddit space and pretend to be republican on pol
Lol ok faggot, Shouldn't you be working with your handler to plot the next assassination attempt from your mommy's basement?
>they think trumps base are the racists and sexists of america
See, I know most of those are jew, nigger and poojeet loving shabbos goyim
>They don't understand appealing to the further right
You're not appealing to me until or unless you ditch shitrael and jews, put America first and thus earn my vote. No? Then I'm not voting
>trump says biden done, cumallah will be dem candidate
>durrrrr drumpf never saw it coming durrrr
You really are one dumb son of a cum drinking bitch
Cope. Trump is losing support because of the eyeliner wearing hillbilly.
who cares. he's right. stay mad shitlibs. still voting trump cuz we ridin in her
>I'm just attacking trump incessantly, I never said I support kamala
Hurry up and make cumallah popular you little bitch
Or democrats are going to dump her cunt ass just like when they coup'd biden LMFAO
I get it but there are people to the right of MAGA and to the left of you. This thread is infested with shills who don't think you or they exist.
>attacking the hillbilly is attacking trump
No. Fire the hillbilly
Its pretty typical of the discord trannies to attempt to sow fud by pretending to be a /pol/ caricature racist neonazi bigot
>Saying poojeets aren't human is attacking Trump, incessantly at that
Designated poojeet cope number 463905. Sorry, DikShit, but you aren't human and neither are your "women"
Leftist women interviewed on msnbc shit all over cumala Lmfao
I'm glad he apologized to the cats.
I think he’s going to be replaced desu. The campaign needs a reset and Vance is a liability. My bet is on Tulsi
Don't worry, he changes his name and position often. Here's a preview:
>I'm JD Rose. Only women with an OnlyFans account should be able to vote
>I'm JD Thiel. Only people who have registered their facial scans with Palantirshould be able to vote
>I'm JD Netanyahu. Only duyal citizens of the US and Israel should be able to vote
Nah Kamala's response to JD was to come out against child tax credits this morning. She is more retarded than Biden.
ok, spinster
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The man who sucks cock, eats ass, drinks cum and gets fucked in the ass. >Ftfy
Based. Vance is a bigger gay faggot sodomite that bootyieg.
>apologizes to cats and continues to attack women
Lmao, good
>I don’t know why he chose him
I prance with Vance, are you?
Because if Trump loses this, he'll never get another chance again and the possibility of another Republican winning the White House goes down the tubes for at least a decade. Vance is a bad pick because the last person Trump needs to be running side by side with is a person who cannot shut the fuck up for the life of him and makes the news every time he opens his mouth. Biden had the same problem, every time he talked it just got worse for him, but now Republicans are experiencing it.
He's gay
And despite that crippling handicap in life he still had 3 children. What's the cat lady's excuse?
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And childless is the vote of ((((you)))).
Great. Now I know the world is an even worse place than I thought it was before I saw this post. Thanks, Anon.
LOL nigger let's be real. Obama's kids and Vance's are all rentals. They don't look like him and he has a plausible reason why.
Pretty funny. Let's see how it plays with the normie retard roastie/simp masses.
based and still voting Trump
>Hey, that demographic that we're losing with? Let's just go ahead and lose even more votes with them! What's the worst that can happen?
Sow What? Despite being a massive faggot he can still live with another person and raise children with them together. If cat ladies weren't even more insufferable than this guy they could live with someone and adopt some kids too.
He's got some jacked up dick due to a botched circumcision that he wrote about in his book. He probably got teased about his dick by friends and white girls he tried to date. So now he's going scorched earth on white people while totally ignoring the tribe that started circumcision to begin with and really wrecked his dick.
>That demographic we're narrowly winning and the Democrats hate? Let's take away their votes.
So Jews destroyed his dick and he's still on his knees for them? His father abandoned him but it's women he hates? What the fuck is wrong with this guy?
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>I've got nothing against cats
By the time you're forced to say this, it's over for you. It's long over.
Years ago maybe. It probably costs a few votes, but things are so polarized now he's mostly pissing of people that were never going to vote for him anyway.
>Despite being a massive faggot he can still live with another person and raise children with them together.
>he doesn't know
Bruh. How was his Jeet wife working for the Munger firm in California while he was in Ohio? You're not even informed.
Why would I fuck off when it's working?
It's true. We are behind all of this, but you can't stop us. You can, however, be upset.
>Obviously it was a sarcastic comment. I've got nothing against cats.
I'm starting to actually like this guy.
I didn’t initially like JD Vance, but damn, all this shilling you guys are doing is making me like him, like this comment, he clearly hates childless roasties.
How can I hate that?
Lol they are atempting to use shame tactics in 2024 like they did in 2016 when they had
power to silence any dissenters. The degenerate nigger roastie infested
party is attempting to use shame in 2024.
What a bunch of idiot cowards.
>what about some nebulous bullshit
Bud, you're just making shit up as you go along.
>he's 100% fag and can't even give his wife some sperm in a cup
>his wife worked somewhere for some period of time so they can't be married
Take your meds.
JD Vance is so sassy lmao
Holy based. He has you cuckolds frothing at the mouth with seethe kek
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I've got nothing against cats either, but when is the male bigot issue going to be addressed?
Same :^3
>nebulous bullshit
It's very clear that a civil litigation attorney is going to go to court in person and often.
>sperm in a cup
How is that "raising children" you monstruous garbagewoman?
>can't be married
She can be called a beard too.
>See its us the hidden jews
Whelp I guess it's not jews afterall. It was kinda suspicious when the pro jihadi invader brigade seamlessly switched to pro Kackela brigade. It's just a brics brigade that pushes whatever will wreck whitey the most.
In awe of the size of this lad.
You have idea which cases she worked or how often she was in court.
>if you don't have sex in the missionary position you can't raise the kids that you helped conceive
>she can be called a beard too
Call her whatever you want. You're just making up bullshit about how their kids were conieved, how often she was out of the home, how much effort they put into their kids. You just blast the worst case scenario for all of those things out there and then pretend it must all be real.
You shills need to be shown better power points.
No because as much as the lefties freaked out about Pence he basically knew to keep his mouth shut about anything (like his Raiden shit) that could have made him look worse and damaged Trump's election chances because he was a tested politician and generally decent, respectable man. Vance is trying to play 4chan IRL and just doubles down and looks like a fucking dweeb.
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>date the single mother goy
The only people that Vance cares about are the rich. If you're not rich, you're subhuman as far as he's concerned. There are varying degrees of subhuman as far as he's concerned (for example, jeets are above whites who are above women) but at the end of the day, if you're not worth at a minimum tens of millions of dollarydoos then you deserve nothing better than serfdom in his eyeliner-adorned eyes.
say's a literal nobody. kys.
all this guy has to do, is shut the fuck up. thats it. hes a VP. he doesnt need sound bites.
>shills make thread
>shills fill thread
>300 replies
>this is fine
Ok but it’s still very obvious
Calling out cat lady’s and biologically invalid males.
He’s 100% right. None of you should be allowed the right to vote because you have no vested stake in the future of the country.

>women cry
>men says go ahead and cry because I’m right
Down with the tyrant
> He should have gone with Tulsi
These shills are very active, but what’s more telling is how absolutely horrible they are this time around. Their scripts are pure shit
im going to let you in on a secret. you might want to write it down do you dont forget.
more women agree with him than are offended. they arent allowed to say so because of social pressure. this applies to all of feminism
In this case it does as Trump is old as shit and also undergoing mental decline (albeit less rapidly and severely than Biden) and also his VP is the likely nominee in 2028 and given Vance's young age could indicate a shift in the platform and direction of the Republicans should he become president.

Nobody wants an FtM-looking closeted homo with a pajeeta beard who advertises the fact he's also a cuck by having his kid named after his fake wife's ex-boyfriend, who hates anyone who's not rich, who acts like an incel dweeb and like he's some shitty Groyper twitter account come to life and who seems to hold no actual political convictions beyond whatever will get him and his erastes Peter Thiel into power.
Shill harder faggot
They've turned every discussion area on the internet into a shill echo chamber. It really is incredible this is what our tax dollars go to.

You don't hate these people enough.
You're delusional.
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>Nobody wants an FtM-looking closeted homo with a pajeeta beard who advertises the fact he's also a cuck by having his kid named after his fake wife's ex-boyfriend, who hates anyone who's not rich, who acts like an incel dweeb and like he's some shitty Groyper twitter
^^^Shills like this here to tell you how the average normie is reacting to jd vance.
does megyn kelly have children?
Trump makes odd choices, which keeps his opponents off balance. Vance seems like an excellent choice given all the attention he is getting. Trump is a genius.
Dude hes a fucking glownigger asset controlled by Peter Thiel. He's not a real candidate. Wake the fuck up from your fucking capeshit view of reality already

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