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Trump has backed out of the Kamala debate after saying bring it on a day ago lmfao. Trump is uniornically shitting himself.


>Trump regrets VP pick
>Trump pussies out of debates
>Trump losing ground in swing states before Kamala's even had a week of campaigning

It's over.
Glowniggers tounge my anus
She’s not even the nominee, and considering how shady Biden’s resignation has been and the messaging confusion among Democrats I’m worried the government is on the verge of completely collapsing.
He's confident he'll win now after sucking Netanyahus dick today
>formerly Biden Warrior
I still am a Biden Warrior. You turn-coats are going to cost us the election in November. Fuck Kamala. Let's Go Joe!
Cope. You're scared, bitch. Now that trump has to go up against a former prosecutor who can keep a train of thought he knows he's cooked.
All kamala has to do to win is go in on trump jewish ties, donors, first amendment, epstein ties and she will wipe the floor woth him.
If she chooses not to lean in on the epstein and deep state connections then it means she is just as bad or worse.
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>All kamala has to do to win is go in on trump jewish ties
Do you know who Kamala's husband is?
Trump has no path to victory anymore. I mean he has a "theoretical path" but he's going to lose the main swing states. It's over.
Keep your bullshit pre-packaged narratives on msm where they belong.
Trump debated Hillary and how did that go? He's not afraid to debate kneepads. His people have him baiting the dnc to lock her in before the convention. This on top of everything else pretty much shows the people that the dnc does not listen to its voters. That's why he's calling out the fact that Obama hadn't come out and endorsed her yet.
Any debate that would happen would be sometime in September or October anyway, so why rush to debate. What if she turns out not to be the nominee, what then? He has to debate yet another candidate afterwards?
The astro-turfed love fest for kneepads is very transparent.
I don't care either way, I'm here for max chaos. Kamala winning would be exactly that. I would suspect major wars would pop off right before she is sworn in and maybe a state or two would secede directly after election night.
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If he was a real man and candidate and not a conjob stooge, he'd come out and name names of all the deep state and israelis involved, live in front of a crowd and on TV/streams. He will come out and admit he was threatened for years, and by who. He would drop all the highly classified intel he has on whoever has captured the government.

He won't, because he's either a stooge or too pussy.
>$.10 gas been debited to your account for this post.
You fags are so obvious at this point
>Trump debated Hillary before he had to defend his abysmal record and history of lying
LMFAO debate based on your record vs "Vives" and "Slogans" aren't the same. He can't have le epic "you'd be in jail moment"
>you're being paid to post here
Whatever makes you feel better, fag.
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Trump quite literally said he would debate the nominee, but Kamala is not the official nominee quite yet. How is that backing out? That's him not deliberately saying "I will debate Kamala Harris" just in case they decide to follow through with replacing her after they realize she's a bigger failure now than 4 years ago.
And less than a week ago he said bring on Kamala now he's floundering and after the convention he'll still refuse and you'll forget his statement and have some other excuse
I can't wait til the astroturf money runs out so these "people" can go back to being discord trannies.
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>now he's floundering
You say that, but it's clear he's poking fun at the fact the Democrats are not exactly unified behind Kamala despite all their bluster. He's just driving the wedge at this point by casting them off as a non-unified mess... Now they've circled wagons around probably the most divisive Democrat presidential nominee in the last 50 fucking years.
Do you actually not see what a mess this creates?
Dems have proven that their claims about who’s gonna be their candidate in November can’t be trusted, it only makes sense to wait until after the convention so Kamala doesn’t get couped like Biden
Lmao you trumpcucks are hopeless retards. I cannot wait for a bunch of you to shoot yourselves again this November. Ill be here making fun of you faggots all night kek
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Everyone knows Trump would lose in a debate with Kamala.

All Kamala has to do is say "I'm a prosecutor—I threw people in jail for one felony, and you have thirty-four."
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Trump literally said the DNC needs to nominate her first. You shills need to fuck off and kill youselves. Zoomers are worthless
Biden wasn't the official nominee either since the convention hasn't happened. Whats your next flex
He shouldn't agree to debate anyone until the Dems presidential candidate is someone other that TBD. How can he debate TBD?
Biden was the incumbent, retard.
Why would he debate someone who isn't a presidential candidate?
She's going to lose a lot of muslim and zoomer votes over Israel.
We can smell your desperation just FYI. Everyone here that isn't a fellow shill or bot just feels sad and uncomfortable reading your posts. It's embarrassing.
What a cope
Cope won't help you at the ballots like it didn't in 2020
Biden won an actual primary to be selected as the presidential candidate for the democratic party and he was an incumbent president. Kamala hasn't won a primary (ever), is not the president, and hasn't yet been selected by the DNC as the candidate.

I mean last time Trump debated a clown the guy got embarrassed so badly he cannibalized by his own party and was unceremoniously booted out of the race for being essentially retarded in a desperate unheard-of political hail Mary the likes of which have been heretofore unseen in American political history.

So it is fair that he would like to wait and be sure who the candidate is.
So Trump should just debate everyone who claims to be the demoshit candidate? That makes perfect sense. Debating Biden early was a bad move, shouldn't have exposed his true mental state but he was the defacto candidate.
It's the classic, "fool me once ..." scenario. Dems propped up and juiced up old Joe right down to the wire then pulled the switcheroo. All planned well in advance. Sneaky fucks can't be trusted, so the debate can wait until you can't pull the football back anymore, Lucy.
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and incumbents aren't always the nominee. The nominee is who has the most pledged delegates at the convention, it was Biden and now its Kamala. Again whats your next flex.
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Sometimes it's tactical clever to back off if you know what the opponents will argue with and you can't defend yourself without getting minus points of the poor minded retards.
That's not weak, that's called art of war. Or simple: strategy.
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And mine.

And even reddit npcs are noticing what is going on.
Sure bud just because you are here 24/7 while most people have moved on from /pol/. Its fun dunking on newfags and watching them react on discord
Biden won an actual primary, Kamala has never won a single primary election and it's been less than a week since Joe posted on Twitter that he was dropping out.

Perhaps for a Democrat, who is clearly unfazed by the concept that a candidate for president of the United States should be selected without recieving a single vote or even running a campaign doesn't find this odd.. but for virtually everyone else with a fully functional brain it raises uncertainty that at least demands we wait until the convention to see what happens.

I mean as if running a person no one voted for isn't bad enough you want to even forgo the convention? Have you people truly lost all shame? You just don't even care any more kek? The fact that you call yourselves the Democratic party only makes it all the more ironic really. What's your next cope?
Just got a brilliant idea. Trump should host an event where he simultaneously debates
>Big Dick Mike
Basically just stuff the stage with like 13 democrats against just himself.
Trump would lose
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Nothing to be scared of shill
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>And even reddit npcs are noticing what is going on.
kek is on democrats side now, its over for you

Remember the moment in 2019 during the Democrat Presidential nominee debates that Tulsi Gabbard destroyed Sen. Kamala Harris’ political career?

"Senator Harris says she's proud of her record as a prosecutor, and that she'll be a prosecutor president, but I'm deeply concerned about this record," Gabbard said during a debate on criminal-justice reform.

"She put over 1,500 people in jail for marijuana violations and then laughed about it when asked if she ever smoked marijuana," Gabbard added. "She blocked evidence that would have freed an innocent man from death row. She kept people in prison beyond their sentences to use them as cheap labor for the state of California, and she fought to keep cash bail system in place that impacts poor people in the worst kind of way."

"...no one has been able to successfully defend Kamala, with all these protests going around due to police brutality, do people really want a police officer who has laughed about putting multiple people in jail for Marijuana abuse as vice-president?"

Out of a field of 32 Democrat candidates, Harris was the first one to be forced out.
I though you dumb americans would have realized this by now.
Kamara will be the next president, winning the same way Biden did.
And you won't do shit.
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we need to see the whore of babylon vs THE BEAST 666
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>you won't do shit
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No point debating her until she is officially the Democrats nominee on August 7
oh wow another leftypol tranny.
>tell me more gif
Trump gains nothing by debating her right now. Dems are in chaos, so let it stay that way.
orange dude could've worded his truth social shit better. felt low energy a bit
>Trump has backed out of the Kamala debate after saying bring it on a day ago lmfao.

Errr, when did he agree to debate her? Becuase I'm pretty sure he never agreed to debate her.
Blacks are like kryptonite to boomers. They are like honorary holocaust survivors.
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He doesn't want to make her look any stupider than she already does.
The clinical delusion of the democratic voters (in the span of five days) have totally memery-holed the entire reality that less than a week ago they had a different duly-selected presidential candidate who was a sharp and engaged leader of the american people kek.
Oh wow another jew article that attempts to flip reality on its head! What will we do?! Hahahhahahaha
It's so obvious that Trump is fucked.
>All kamala has to do to win is go in on trump jewish ties, donors, first amendment, epstein ties and she will wipe the floor woth him.
>All she has to do is just make shit up
lmfao kike panic is hilarious to watch
Trump will win. Kikes will lose. WW3 postponed another 4 years.
a two second google search will tell you you're wrong, champ.
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I'm kind of jealous DESU. I would love to be paid to shill for any political figure and shit post calling people niggers and kikes on /pol/.
His generation created program after program after program to help them. Now he is one of the few that stayed in the work force long enough to get replaced by them.
He did debate the nominee. Made him drop out.
>Debates Kamala, destroys her
>"Kamala can't defeat Trump, what do we do???"
>force Kamala to step down so they can pick someone else

It's on the Democrat Party to prove they are even worth debating at this point retard
Biden wasn't ever the nominee. Trump's really afraid of a black woman, sad
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>No presidential candidate has ever dropped out of a planned debate
The DNC actually pays people to post here
she’s an outright (jewish) anti-semite and WE cannot give her any airtime to spew her racist bile upon millions of ears and eyes. Democracy is TOO FRAGILE or something lol
Lmao cope
I see a bunch of you parroting this line of thinking without even realizing this exact scenario would cripple the democratic party. You retards don't think if this were the case Trumps team would be jumping on it ASAP? Or maybe you don't truly believe Trump would win the debate so you're coping.
Anything he says during a debate, will be interpreted as an attack on her and women.
Best to leave her to make a fool of herself in rallies and interviews.
Her only selling point is 'she's not Trump'. So don't give her any side by side comparisons that will for sure get misconstrued. Literally ignore any direct communication.
No one cares lol
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>implying he won’t debate that stupid cunt
Bad Jewb8, nigger
>Trump regrets VP pick

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To protect Democracy, you must vote for the candidate who:
>Never won a primary
>Was selected solely on race/gender lines
>Is having her dirty laundry DELETED
>Is clearly being astroturfed
>Was coronated behind closed doors with no constituent input
He was though. He was the tired but cognitively functional pedo in chief and candidate for reelection.
Until the debate.
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It's been a bad week for Don Pedo Trump
Based, who would want to argue with a 60 year old whore?
Most of the people that aren't shit posting about him being a coward need to remember that 99.99% of all Presidential debates are done after both conventions are over. Trump and Biden's debate is an extreme outlier. Trump owes her nothing until the DNC wraps up.
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No, Trump recognized that Kamala is not nominated yet so planning a debate with someone who isn't nominated is advocating for the crazy bullshit they're trying to pull, making their nominee someone who didn't win a single primary.
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Kamala's record is terrible and she got btfo by lukewarm Democrats last election.
He probably thinks, correctly, that there's no way he could outdo his Biden debate.
someone familiar with the thinking of the second cousin of the maid of the best friend of the college roommate of the son of an anonymous source
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And when she embarrasses herself, then will the Dems announce their real candidate?
Not all American jews support Benjamin.
so this is the new astroturf thing for the day? yawn
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They're trying so fucking hard to delete this too. Surrounding context was she effectively had double digit support and was a top 3 contender for sure. The moment Tulsi gets her moment, Kamala's astroturfing immediately falls apart and she goes from double digits to less than 1% approval by the next debate. It was so bad she dropped out shortly after and the DNC amended their debate rules to magically cut off just above where Tulsi was polling.
>Need 10% approval
>Tulsi rapes Kamala on air
>Tulsi at 14% approval
>"Yeah, now you need 15%, sorry."
Was like watching Ron Paul all over again in 2012.
Why should he debate her? He already wasted his fucking time with Biden and they rugpulled him.
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Is that really his middle-name? Holy Fuck!
Did this retard try and fail to set up a tripcode?
trump is afraid
>wallowing in the pigs shit pens will cripple the pigs

There is no such thing as a human leftist is there? Go piss out of your eyes somewhere that gives a fuck you literal subhuman trash
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She is as much the nominee as Biden was. Why won't he debate her just as he debated him? Why is he scared?
She’s not the nominee
>takes shots to the face
Noice, but you could make it better with a third panel, with that guy Dick Cheney peppered in the face with bird shot.
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Hot. This is another reason why we need Trump as president again: Make First Ladies & First Daughters Hot Again!
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>showing full blast the democratic party's incompetence in finding a viable nominee is actually.. bad for the republicans!
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ill be voting for kamala k thanks
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Bro hook me up with that sweet shill gig. Where do I go start shill posting?
>She is as much the nominee as Biden was. Why won't he debate her just as he debated him?
Because Dems already pulling their switcheroo routine once means they can't be trusted not to do it again. He debated Biden despite him not being the formal candidate yet on the good faith that he would be the formal candidate. Then the lying Dems did their bait and switch. Fuck that.

Formally nominate your guy then you get the debate. No more of your tricks, kike.
He agreed to debate her anyway. Why back out like a pussy?
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>Where do I go start shill posting?
give me your contact info and ill have George Soros contact you
Cool story but what’s Kamala’s platform?
Alright I'll bite.

YES Trump is nervous and his camp is afraid at lest they feel way less secure than they did under Biden.

YES Trump picked Vance because he would help him secure tech bro funding (Musk as an example giving 45 million in donations every month). But now it's backfired because the election is no longer a slam dunk and Vance is not helping to bring any moderates/independents onto the Trump train.

Trump is trying to buy time. It's 100% certain Kamala is the nominee at this point. She's already secured a quarter billion in funding. If she dropped out the use of that money would be held up in the courts. Also, the VP will be picked August 7th for ballet deadlines, before the convention occurs. Kamala is gaining in key swing states it would be fucking retarded for dems to host an open convention and tear their nominees apart two and a half months before the election.

All this to say, Trump KNOWS 100% it will be Kamala and yes he is afraid to have to go up against a capable debater where he will actually have to do more than simply let his interlocutor speak to win. I predict he doesn't debate her in the end.

I still think Trump will win but yeah this is all sort of uncharted territory and we fucked up by meming on Biden so hard we shouldn't have acted like he was such a braindead loser and he'd still be in the race. We 100% should NOT have debated him so early. What was a trump landslide is going to be a nail bitter and come down to a few 10,000s of votes in 4 states.
he agreed to debate her in September assuming she gets the nomination from the DNC next week.
>Trump regrets VP pick
Sauce for original?
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>moderates/independents onto the Trump train
imagine thinking that was ever a possibility
and then he walked it back. He's a pussy.
He's waiting to see if Big Mike decides to step in. I know the Obongos backed the side chick, but that don't mean shit. The modern bolsheviks are a backstabbing bunch. Anyways, Kamala is a low IQ retard that speaks to crowds as if she's talking to 5 year olds. When she becomes the official nominee, Trump will fuck her harder than Willy Brown ever did.
Just shill lie after lie. Heels up is not even nominated yet. Has no running mate. Just keep feeding candidates to the trum meat grinder until one sticks? Nominate her, pick a VP candidate. Act like a legit nominee nd then you can talk to the king. Faggot... Herbs and spices
>He agreed to debate her anyway.
He agreed if she was the nominee. This hasn't been formalized yet.

Why are you afraid to formalize it?
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He didn't have a problem debating Biden when he wasn't formally the nominee. Why shift the goalposts? Why is he a pussy?
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>He didn't have a problem debating Biden when he wasn't formally the nominee.
You're the same shifty kike I already addressed here: >>475760279
He was the incumbent he took him at his word that he was running like normal incumbents do. Then he got smashed and got covid. Not how this works hes not going to debate the entire democrat party. Pick a candidate, put it in writing, pick a VP, put that in writing. Then beg the king for his time.
cope kike
see >>475760138
Try another excuse
you are on the ropes, lol you are terrified.
Spellcheck is your friend
>you are on the ropes, lol you are terrified.
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Crazy to think that taking the bullet would've been better for his legacy. It's nothing but downward from here on out.
Dude... Democrats just switched their candidate 3 months before an election because they are shitting themselves. WEF is shitting bricks. Just about every globalist is shitting bricks. Reeee Drumpf will destroy 100 years of our incremental enslavement of the planet. reeee. Fuck right off.
He's close to openly regretting the bullet missed. How long before he steps out of the race?
Probably a good move on Trump's part.
>4d chess sucka foo!!!
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>Trump regrets VP pick
September isn't here yet and if she's nominated at the DNC it'll go forward. There's nothing to walk back yet. He told them to get the nomination settled first.
I remember when the republicans were celebrating Biden dropping out like it was a massive victory. Now they're scared of his replacement. Acting like the dems pulled a massive switcharoo on them. Justifying their leader backing out of words given just two days prior because he can't stand to debate someone that doesn't have dementia. Enjoy the rest of your election cycle, retards.
hahaha...you missed and I'm still voting Trump

cant debate someone whos not the nominee yet
Laughing at the dysfunction is "celebrating" but that's a nice spin you tried there. I rate it 4 shekels.
I remember 4 years of gasslighting about how smart and on point potatus was. Then.. America sees he has shit for brains. No one cares if heels up is the nominee. Just get it done.
He was the incumbent that got the support of delegates through the primary process. Incumbents have always gotten the formal nomination at the convention. The Biden / Trump debate was an extremely rare outlier of having a debate before both conventions are over. Harris hasn't gone though any type of primary process where voters get a voice. The delegates just lazily backed her 24 hours after Joe stepped down. She has not standing compared to Biden.
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extreme copium lol
harris is hillary but worse, less experienced politically and not as likeable
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>She is as much the nominee as Biden was.
No she wasn't lmao. Biden was picked in the previous primary, which included Kamala btw who was one of the first to drop out. Biden was also the president.
You want to make this supremely simple on yourself? Without Biden existing, you DO NOT have Kamala at the White House. She wasn't chosen because she was a close second in the primaries, she was chosen because Biden needed a minority female so he didn't get called racist or sexist and to pander to woketards who made how exotic VP choices were an actual election issue.

Fuck, I want Trump to just immediately challenge her to 3 neutral party debates if she even gets nominated. Her own party clearly is struggling to accept her and the leaders are just desperate to look unified and not like their party is in freefall.
Watch Kamala do the same shit Biden did just before he made a fool of himself. Talk a big game, get challenged, pussy out and make every fucking excuse about it being "unfair" so that the rules have to drastically favor you including, favorable moderator, favorable network, favorable venue, and getting softer questions. Except Trump accepted and Biden still did what he did under all those circumstances.
Kamala all he has to do is antagonize her a bit. Bring up kids in cages or children getting blown up as a result of her incompetence enabling war. The milisecond she starts grinning at the mental image it's game fucking over for her too.
She'll get a prime time speech next to an empty podium instead.
>Dildos, lube and other deviant equipment
>LGHDTV flag for queers who have absolutely no sex or libido
What did the artist mean by this
Orange Jesus is just a rat kike with a cult, snipe that kike fast please, Ameribros
he is doing the right thing by giving her the least exposure possible.
she'll remain the ghost she had been throughout her vice-presidency so far.
nobody will vote for a nobody.
>names them
>they who own all 3 major telecommunication companies cut the transmission the second he starts
>kill his family before his eyes then him
>"reports show a murder-suicide over low poll numbers"
You really think it's going go the way you think it is?
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Why won't drumpf debate our kween?
why? so harris can be dropped for another nominee? lol. not until she is declared will trump fuck her up
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Based max chaos enthusiast. Newfags don't even know this place used to exist just for the lulz. The most horrific shit that would make the normies barf their guts out and cry...while we would just laugh at the absurdity of it all. This vile jewish website has been dead for many years now.
why would trump debate if he will win without needing to debate?
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Adding on a final thought to my statement. Biden in a debate countered "Old Trump" because it was easier for Biden to look like the calm and composed one while he dodged questions. He didn't sink to Trump's level and won on optics...
This is not going to be the case with Kamala. You see it in how she acts. The moment she's heckled, or feels belittled she gets supremely fiery and starts lashing out. It will not be hard for Trump to make her foam at the mouth on live TV.
Trump had to actually greatly restrain himself and let Biden sabotage himself last debate. If Biden didn't put a shotgun in his mouth it's very likely that optically, Biden would've looked on par. The moment he gets under Kamala's skin and she starts mudslinging, she's entered his domain and will not be the victor in his own empire.
Simply put, Biden knew to stay out of Trump's wheelhouse. Kamala does not, and will venture in there desperate to prove how she's some kind of "girlboss" only to be crying the next day about how Trump is a sexist meanie who pulled no punches.

Total Banker Death?
No, for all the talk of the Jan. 6 screechers it's actually the democrats that are and have been ignoring our democracy. Kamala Harris hasn't won nomination, she was just handed it. She hasn't been voted through any caucus or primary. She's an illegitimate non democratic candidate and Trump doesn't need to acknowledge her.
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Nice b8 m8. How old are you?
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Tldr, you degenerate attention seeking nigger faggot. Rolling for you to get full blown AIDS.
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Big Mike is the man America needs.
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Tldr. This isn't your own personal blog you vile piece of shit. Lurk for 2 moar years and post less. Rolling for your mom to get full blown AIDS.
Cause he's a coward & a billionaire media man. His handlers will only let him debate senile Biden cause it's an automatic slam dunk public relations move---hust like getting "shot" was too. Debating Harris will bury his campaign. She would crush him like a bug.
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Neck yourself troon. Kamala's sudden popularity is due to astroturfing.
Dems making up crimes to go after their political opponents is literally why I'm voting Trump in 2024 lol
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lol faggot
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>this niggerfaggot still here
kill yourself fuckbitch
I'm Hanging with Harris now
What debate did Kamala have planned?
Go back to your faggot discord
>le heckn votes!
It's funny that you retards still fall for that shit.
It actually does, you trans nigger (ywnbaw)
I do this for free, you stop when you get off work
It's crazy how much 2016 is stuck in your head.

I bet you work for the IDF, usually when I start posting these photos you dumb kike shut down the thread, so I'll do it again.
He didn’t say he wouldn’t do it, he says d he wouldn’t set a date right now,
That doesn’t appear to be the case
Kamala is so fucking stupid. This needs to be reposted on every thread with about her.
Some say trump was forced to pick the vance goy.
Watcha doin', rabbi?
Has trump EVER agreed to debating kamala?
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well the other option is vote for 34 felonies and a convicted sex offender, so....
Watching her get rolled by Pence so hard they had to start photoshopping flies onto him was hysterical.

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