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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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How will Joe Biden be remembered?
placeholder guy to take the fall for the complete demographic destruction of america without taking out the whole democrat party
very obvious
as the man with no memory
As a hero who saved America from democracy in 2020 and saved it again when he selflessly stepped down to give the best chance of defeating Trumnp. VERY few people would step down in an incumbency bid. American hero. Just like Pence.
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He won't be.
First AI president
As a politician who should have retired after obama
the first president to bring the deep state to the front
is he walking into the jewish autonomous oblast?
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About as well as Joe remembers
as a small asteroid
wikipedia dot org /wiki/2012_VP113
A failure. One termer that everyone knows is a barely cognisant old man in a puppet administration, presiding over one of the worst economic situations in American history with the worst handling of illegal immigration and the border in the country's existence, who was blocked from running for re-election by his own party months out from election.
My brother in Christ, he won't even remember himself.
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if at all as a criminal who participated in the theft of the Nation's executive office and laundered billions of tax payer dollars over the corpses of hundreds of thousands in Ukraine.

His occupying the Oval Office is the most egregious and vile offense this Country has ever endured.
Last white president
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Ol' Potato Joe
fake prezident who sniffed the most kids
Trump isn't white now?
you know, the thing
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remember what?
He won't be remembered.
History has stopped.
It gets rewritten from scratch every hour.
The past doesn't exist anymore unless you are given permission to actually think of it.
Please wait a while before making a post.
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AI fake puppet president
Literally who?
Trump will lose. Everyone forgot about the assassination attempt now.
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It still irritates me they "fact-checked" this and denied what people could so obviously see with their own fucking eyes.
Senile grandpa who sniffed kids and made grocery shopping way more expensive.
biden is the perfection of the american politician
Kamala isn't competent, capable or popular. She's a loser. Trump will win.
Nigger or Jew detected. Fuck your leftist democracy.
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>brusselite takeover of the us coincides with a global hoax and the worst crime against humanity
One of those German barbarian puppet emperors Rome had in the late days that had a brief reign and accomplished nothing but furthering the decline of the empire
It doesn't matter, people will stole vote for her jist because they don't want trump to win. If the republicans would have chosen anyone else than trump they could easily win the elections.
Well, he didn't appoint a horse to his admin..
The same way as the third to last Western Roman emperor.
you know I see those types of posts from Trump.... And I really really don't want to go and fucking just go out and tell my story.

but then again I see the apathy of people on both sides against wars and economic disaster and I just think we fucking deserve where we are headed.

It depends on what happens on the next 6 months.
>Bidon walking outside the White House totally alone, no aides/SS around him
>nobody else out there, one random person wandering around to Bidon's right
>walks up to a bunch of furry microphones, leans in, and stabs a finger at something
>top of his head dissapears
whole thing was fucking bizarre desu
Sneed sells feed and seed, which is completely normal. Chuck, on the other hand, sells fuck and suck.
He pooped his pants in front of Macron.
Me too bro. It bothers me too. I don't know why they fabricated that clip, but they obviously did.
For finishing off the middle class.
fuck off glownigel
Why are all kangaroo fuckers so dumb? How on earth can he win you dumb fuck?
>they rigged the last election
>they almost killed him

He is still gonna win, fuck i hate australians so much its unreal
You kidding faggot?
The usa shouldn't have classes.
Nobody says anything because nobody wants to die. Imagine your life expectancy if you were the journo who broke the story that we've had a fake president for four years.
In 100 years, historians will consistently confuse him for Gerald Ford, and this will piss them off to no end.
It all may seem huge, and all that, but at the end of the day - it is a human size issue.

All roman fancy buildings - the bureaucrats ordered from talents people a work - work got done in agreed timetable - that's it. Same through out the entire super grand cosmos.
- the bureaucrats who ordered the word, weren't artists, nor architects.
Incoherent old man president who couldn't get anything done. Someone who beat Trump in one election but then got btfo'd by him in a debate so badly he had to drop out of the reelection bid.
having a memory is antisemitic
just forget about it and anytime something relevant about that period is needed, the media will tell you about it
As below, so above.
It may not be as grosteque as it is down here, but nevertheless, same prinicpless, same premises are at play.
>It doesn't matter, people will stole vote for her jist because they don't want trump to win.
They had to cheat last time. There are even more people that will want him to win this time than last time. Maybe if the country wasn't in such a shit state.

If he wasn't a chance to win they wouldn't have to cheat in cities or try and kill him, you retarded faggot.
>He is still gonna win, fuck i hate australians so much its unreal
I've never even thought about Latvians.
I vote for Love, I vote for SON.
>There are even more people that will want him to win this time than last time
Than 2020 or 2016? Because trump definitely doesn't have the support he used to have before.
he will only be remembered in relation to Trump
His party chose to humiliate him, a decent yet limited president.
the reaction is the goal same as that pic with him and the carters
Pretty accurate take desu. A literal nobody that deserves to be forgotten. Not even worthy of living in infamy. Riding on the unseen coattails of his puppet masters accelerating the decline.
We've been soaked in acid
Always praised the downfall
With the sound of cadent wings
It's a wonder we're standing tall
But in the truth of the morning glory
And the fear in our wishing well
We're on to another story

It's about time we all get out and vote for love
It's about time we all get out and vote for love
It's about time we all get out and vote for love
It's about time we all get out and vote for love

We are white zombies
Chained to our own demise
Decades of sleepwalking
No light's shining in out eyes
We've painted all doors bible black
Wir haben niemals kampflos aufgegeben
If there's light we'll claim it back

It's about time we all get out and vote for love
It's about time we all get out and vote for love
It's about time we all get out and vote for love
It's about time we all get out and vote for love
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The Truth’s For Sale
So Much For Suicide
Time to claim it back
Time to claim it back
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Pedo Joe, simple as.
As a Jewish puppet.
They created the two worst religions of all time.
They got banned from over 100 countries throughout history.
They have all the top jobs in every country despite doing no work.
They like to eat baby foreskins.
They spread anti white propaganda.
Part of their religion includes torturing a chicken and killing it and according to their beliefs the chicken burns in hell for their own sins because they transferred their sins to the chicken.
They also hated Jesus because he spread their religion to goyim and they rioted until the Romans (ancient shitalians) agreed to publicly execute Jesus.

Then they claimed to be the victims in a statistically impossible event and jail people in Europe who deny it. Lol.

They are also known for being greedy, lazy, and weird. And they are super racist towards non Jews but it's okay when they do it for some reason. They genocide Palestinians and they have perhaps the most racist rules for citizenship in modern times. Anyone who is genetically 15% Jewish or more is a dual citizen with Israel.
I'm going to miss ol corn pop
Why do I feel bad for him
Based on what?
Worse than Carter.
To Claim What back?
If I asked from the singer, the infamous psychinaut, of Tiamat this, he would probably tell me all about Gaia and all that.
How to claim Light back, that's been taken from us?

>1. I once had it
>2. someone took it.
>3. who and how?
>4. I need to attack.
>5. how?
>6. what are my strenghts and weaknessess vs my enemy's ?
>7. what do?

Every animal, from tiniest ameba, thinks like that.
>Because trump definitely doesn't have the support he used to have before.

What kind of bizarro world psyop is this? He has his entire previous base PLUS working class minorities this time. Dude is literally at at all time high in his popularity.
Keep in mind. I am just a Nobody here.
All I say is free to use.
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>How will Joe Biden be remembered?
He will be remembered, just as that pic is, Ai, shitty deepfakes, tons of actors playing a role, and always avoiding questions and walking away.
>*free to use as your own.
Unironically this.
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For Missing
I have came to terms with my maker.

terms is that:
>when ever I feel a sting in my heart that it's
>I know, nothing is off of me.
>all I am, ever were, every will be, is according to God.
Worst president in all of U.S history. Literally the personification of the downfall of America.
as a cautionary tale of why we need age limits
as a demented old faggot who cared significantly more about shitholes like israel and ukraine than the border
Depends on who the historians will be in the future
has been sidetracked, down here, long long ago.
It has been distorted to mean killing babies, the most horrible things you could imagine, to burn the names of "perpetrators" to your minds forever.
Most vicious and sadistic forms of propaganda.
Why would I ever do that?
Makes no sense.

Now, people who have been "working on my name" are indeed freaking out.
None has worked under my name in about 400 000 years.
I have never responded to any stupid summonings or rituals. At best, you've only summoned an occasional demon, none are of any usefulness, fucking idiots.
81 Million Votes
biden = biding
Everyone looks so fake and has no genuine energy.
Don't have compassion for evil.
The trannyiest president ever. A level of tranny faggotry that will never be topped.
So what if "Mona Lisa" from moon shuttle was real.
>it was her life, as it was, in x, y and z circumstances.
YOU were lucky to be born from human woman vagina, from between piss and shit - into a world of shit.
Or depends on your chemical balance, from between a rose to a world of plenty.

>point of view, Obi Van.
Dude Ukraine was known by everyone as the “corruption capital of Europe” and then a suddenly they are our greatest ally besides Israel. After that they realized they don’t even need to try
Is this a white guy?
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>How will Joe Biden be remembered?
As a puppet of a puppet.
Don't be afraid of the emotions.
Go through it.
Joe who now?
Most history books are written by democrats so they'll say he inherited a crisis then fixed it despite it already recovering naturally from imposed limitations forced by his own party
he's joe bidens wife
Why steel smells?
By all reason and logic, steel should not smell.
But it does.
I believe this is incorrect:
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do you know what it is boy?
No, but I believe the clue is in the smell.
Steel shouldn't smell anything.
The answer to riddle of Steel, must be in the Smell!

- not joking, even.
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>this clay pot had the power to make the girl jump down
>this website had the power to take a number of people to a fly by comet..

They're going to memory hole his entire existence and the history books will say we just didn't have a president for four years.
He threatened to fire me and everyone I work with if we didn't take the VAX.

Funny how they conveniently sweep that under the rug. Fuck that senile faggot. Fuck him sideways and six ways to Sunday.
I can see this.
In Finnish Epic - Kalevala, a blacksmith called Ilmarinen, decided to forge himself from iron and silver a bride, after failing in otherwise getting a partner.,
will he even be remembered?
This is deep.
He set the presidential record for most charged protestors, third most corporate bailouts, and most inflation of any president. Every action he took in office was a zionist initiative to declare the United States.
very based take
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I think I have what you're looking for
Pedo president Poopser
Joey Skidmarks
man do i ever hope Trump gets in again. can you imagine the amount of seething there will be up here? Can CBC take any more TDS? lol

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