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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Xennial here, and I feel like being born in a micro or cusp generation is the best because you aren't fully beholden to the rules and baggage associated with either two of the generations you overlap with.

Also, enjoy this infographic I made and let me know if there's anything I can or should add to it. The micro-generations appear above the line and are color-coded, but they don't get their own description, as they borrow components from both and/or either two generations they overlap with.

This is political because these generations adopted strong political identities. I believe the Millennial cohorts were major champions and pioneers (or at least useful idiots) of the particular brand of leftism we see today, and that zoomers are basically a product of that schism. Gen X, on the other hand, never struck me as particularly motivated in terms of politics or really much of anything else. We'll see what the future holds for Alpha, but feel free to discuss your speculations ITT.
How long is a piece of string?
your world view is small. You think most millenials are left leaning because you are left leaning.

lol, lmao even

>>what a newb
'94. Honestly, can't say I hate zoomers. They seem fine. I did weirder shit on the internet at their age.
Statistically, most Millenials are left of center.
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Fuck you man I didn't have the internet in my pocket and I was born in 2001. My parents were smart and didn't let me have a phone till highschool, if I wanted to jerk off I had to take out my DSi or 3DS and open the mini opera browser that it had or use my vita for watching videos that the DS couldn't handle. I'm tired of millennials pretending like their generation is the main character, you guys always have to throw in a one up somewhere whenever the discussion is about gens.
Generations are a meme
Is some born in December of 1996 a Y yet someone born in January 1997 a Z?
Does that make any sense to anyone?
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lol, the majority don't affiliate with any identity.

get tossed.
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>Gen Xrs
>Tends to get along with everyone
>Just wants to be left alone
>Gen Z
>So far left break out the political paradigm
This only gets Millennials correct.
>My parents were smart and didn't let me have a phone till highschool,
You're the exception, not the rule. I still think it's important we don't get lost in these retarded generation wars lest millenial vs zoomer/alpha becomes the new boomer vs X/millenial. It's a waste of time splitting hairs when we have more in common than we have differences and the real enemy is elsewhere.

Millennials definitely tend to lean more left than the previous two generations, X and Boomer.


lol, well you were more of an exception than a rule. Also, I don't identify with being strictly Millennial.


That's why there's micro-generations that overlap by a period of like 2~ years on each side. A Xennial could be born anywhere from 1979 to 1982, for instance, but someone in that micro-generation might identify fully as Gen X or Millennial, depending on their traits.
literally this
jews want to divide everyone and make
everyone fight
every generation fucking sucks
unite and start gassing kikes.
fuck jannies
Generationshit never accounts for people who grow up poor. A lower-class "Zoomer" had the childhood of a middle-class Millennial.
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Wrong. 52% do not identify with any party. Stop applying your identity on the majority of people.

The sign is a subtle joke. The shop is called "Sneed's Feed & Seed", where "feed" and "seed" both end in the sound "-eed", thus rhyming with the name of the owner, Sneed. The sign says that the shop was "Formerly Chuck's", implying that the two words beginning with "F" and "S" would have ended with "-uck", rhyming with "Chuck". So, when Chuck owned the shop, it would have been called "Chuck's Feeduck and Seeduck".
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This this this. lol
>blue black red
>blue is independent and black is democrat
Retarded imagery
I was born in 2001 and virtually none of that is accurate for me except maybe the last one. Most of us either didn't use the internet until we were almost teenagers or (in my case) our older brothers hogged the sole PC in the house so it was limited usage. I listen to rock and metal music and I got my taste in music from my older brothers, pro wrestling, and AMVs on youtube. I'm NatSoc so auth center, not far left. I'd say I care more about ecelebs than movie actors or whatever though. So 1/8.
>because you aren't fully beholden to the rules and baggage associated with either two of the generations you overlap with.
Nobody else is either irl you pathetic dork

It was written by a democrat (or republican) loud mouth. Like most of these political polls. The mouth breathers can't comprehend the propaganda staring them in the face.

>>hurr you're a part of the team!
jews created the generational terms for this very purpose

That's definitely true. I dated a Zillennial girl about 16 years younger than me in my 30s and she grew up with a lot of the same shit that I did because her family didn't have money back then.

Lots of salty core zoomers itt mad that they're being called out.
-completely wise to the propaganda in schools and media
-easily identify woke teachers as hypocrites
-anti-woke but know better than to open their mouths around teachers and mothers

Many under-20 Zoomers are like this, too.

Source: my job is to be around these humans ever day

Maybe it is another form of (((divisiveness))) but it's probably one of the more benign ones compared to everything else people get divided on. I think it's foolish to think that there aren't different sensibilities across generations, though.

For instance, one thing I see younger people (zoomers) getting outraged about are older guys dating younger women, the whole idea that somehow post-pubescent women in their late teens are somehow "literal children" if an older (guy in his 20s to early 30s) is talking to them with interest. You NEVER saw that kind of shit before with previous generations. Millennials might just give you a funny look but they'd never dare to call you a "pedophile" over something like that; that term used to apply exclusive to literal child fuckers. Gen X would probably cheer you on with their slogans like "the older I get, they stay the same age" and "if there's grass on the field, play ball!"

This is probably the best example of how much sensibilities change between generations in the span of 30~ years.
So you not understand party has nothing to do with your actual slant? I am independent but I lean heavily to the right. Regardless of their party most millennials lean left
Fair enough on the exception thing, sucks that I can't express how much I hate being lumped in with the giga retards without it looking like I'm doing one of those "I'm not like the other girls"-tier reply. I will admit that at some point before highschool, my brain wants to say maybe 5th or 6th grade my parents got me and my two older brothers some kind of android tablet but it wasn't something I was raised on by any means.
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it's like trying the herd cats in this thread. jesus. you either identify with the oligarch or you dont.

>>hurr most independents lean left because....reasons
It's not because reasons. An anon linked you to statistics showing demographics. Man some of you really are so stupid you think your bubble or this site represents the majority.
>I think it's foolish to think that there aren't different sensibilities across generations, though.
Why do sensibilities change? pop culture pushes trends. Who controls pop culture?
I'm a millennial, but my older sister was a Gen-X'er, and my mom had me a bit older. I'm very much a hybrid.
Die in a fire.
>pioneers of performative leftism
This type of activism has been noted for decades. This perception is pinning social media activism as something uniquely millennial when gen x and older generations were also involved.

>Highly consumerist
That's also gen x though. Again this is social media warping your perception.

>far left
Not really, but I could be wrong.
I played gameboy, then from there DSI, then monkey quest ( level 65 rank 1 on the servers btw ), then to Minecraft ( kohi 2700 elo, badlion 2400 elo top 10 on both servers ) Then to Osu (rank 6,374 peak in 2014 ) Then to league ( Diamond 2/1 Kha’zix main S6,7) At this point my mom bought me a phone but I only used it for porn and school assignments cause I’m socially inept. Then to CS:GO ( LEM, never played faceIT). After this point I was 18 and quit video games for 2 years. Got back into it with valorant ( currently sitting at immortal ) Quit again recently. I don’t know life is boring. Ive just met weird people and been sent down a lot of rabbit holes online that have led me to very dark places. I’ve talked to probably over 800 girls ( for a week minimum regular texting ) online at this point.

I’m not far-left because I secretly hate myself and long for a world free of degeneracy with white picket fences and nuclear families. Because I know in my heart that’s what’s right. No drug addicts on the streets, no pointless crime, space exploration. I like those pictures of cities filled with random trees and flowers everywhere, i wish we could live like that. But I have no power. I’m just good at video games.
One of the things that white pills me actually, is that the kids are more alright than we give them credit for. There are still problems to be sure, not least of all being that they are just as, if not more, soft and coddled as we are in an racial environment even more hostile to white children than ours was. But the demographic shift the youth are enduring may be just the right level of harshness to make them into much more hardened, rave aware, and competent adults then we are, or at least a large enough contingent of them to start making a difference and leading our people.
*race aware
millenials are highly politically ignorant and obsessed with pop culture. That has been my experience in most cases. They have political opinions but they are almost always just things they heard from the mainstream that they just parrot but cannot explain or elaborate further on. They will also very easily yield on anything if you know what you're talking about to any degree. politics was not very important for us growing up, that came much later for us
problem is everything is so fucked they dont really have good economic prospects or a real future of any kind. We're in the final push to normalize rent slavery everywhere for everything and they're now having to start from less than nothing. I actually feel for them
The highschool I went to had 8 white kids out of 400. Yes I knew the names of all the other white kids in the school.

I didn’t have any friends besides the 26 year old TA who ran the weight room at lunch and after school. I used to eat my lunch in the weight room on the mats in the corner. Imagine being surrounded everyday by people who hate you for existing, the only remedy I got to this pain was escaping it through video games after school to take my mind off the resentment I felt for the world around me. You have no idea how many times I fantasized about killing everyone inside. Id sit in class and stare at them imagining how I’m going to skin them then dissect them piece by piece. The only other white kids in the school were bluepilled fucks, they’d sit in the halls at lunch playing on their phones and at one point some black came and fucked two of them up. I seen it happen and walked away. Why is it fair im fighting for my god damn survival and these stupid fucks just sit there waiting to for someone to come and beat their frail bodies to a pulp? Fucking retards. I grew to resent them. That’s why I’m an accelerationist now, because the faster those pussy fucks holding me back, decrying racism to me from their hospital beds die the faster things can change.

I’ve moved from Toronto since then but once this place starts getting bad as there and I know it’s coming. I’ll do what I have to do.
Not really a wealth thing. I grew up dirt poor trailer trash but still was on social media since like six yo. Computer/internet prices are so low it has more to do if your parents give enough of a shit to actually raise you or buy a plastic daycare.
Still marking threads I see
Kids are not stupid, they only lack context
>being born in a micro or cusp generation is the best because you aren't fully beholden to the rules and baggage associated with either two of the generations you overlap with.
Or maybe we could just do away with this retarded 'generation' concept entirely?
all these "generations" are just the result of boomer narcissism. it all started in the 80's with studies about the baby boom generation now that they were all adults. the whole thing was boomers studying themselves and talking about how special they were. that's why the generation before them was "silent" and the generation after became "X". because they didn't matter to the boomers.
then they approached the millenium, boomers started to get old and the world started to change in ways they couldn't keep up with. this is when they started making up the term "millenials". those damn kids! they're all terrible! who raised these lazy millenials?!?!
you did, boomers. not that you'd ever take responsibility for it.
anyway, some people took this field of study too far and started trying to apply it further, but the whole thing falls apart rather quickly. the length of these generations is completely arbitrary. terms such as "90's kids" is much more apt, since it's a lot more narrow, but in general you're just going to have shit in common with people about 5 years older or younger than you. that's about it
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anon what the fuck are you doing? get off your fucking phone
>I think it's foolish to think that there aren't different sensibilities across generations, though.
Nice circular reasoning, retard. People are being born every day. There is no such thing as a 'generation.'
>then to Minecraft ( kohi 2700 elo, badlion 2400 elo top 10 on both servers )
is this a joke i'm not getting?
Why so angry
>There is no such thing as a 'generation.'
someone born in 1995 has about as much in common with someone from 1992 as 1998. but the person from 1992 has little in common with the one from 1998. they've got more in common with someone from 1988. and the one from 1998 has more in common with someone from 2002. and so on and so forth. trying to define generations is retarded and meaningless
Generation comparisons are kind of stupid. People's tend to grow more right-wing with age. Within a generation you can have a wild variance in temperment just based off the year they were born. For example older millennials who just entered the job market when the 2008 financial crisis hit tend to be more frugal than younger millennials. What you will ultimately find is that while people are molded by the conditions of their upbringing, they adapt to the hear and now.
Zillenial here,
shit's strange, I'm either the youngest millenial or the oldest Zoomer, and can't really identify with either.
Tho probably more with zoomers I guess, since I never played really old-school 2D stuff on a SNES or something, and started my gaming career with shit like HALO or World of Warcraft, and my first phone I got when I was like 12 already had a touchscreen and wasn't some nokia brick.
what race/class/spec
in wow?
Uhm since I was an edgy 8-9yo...
obviously undead warlock. demonology, which I always played even until wraith in ICC, no matter what spec was good or bad in that current patch.
Snowflake trying to pretend it's more special than it is.
>look at me I stand out if I have an arbitrary unit of measurement that makes me different!
Not like this is new behavior but it makes you an a pathetic bitch.
How many years do these inbetween gens cover? 1? 3? 5?

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