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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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What is the solution to the glownigger problem?
What would politics be like without glowniggers?
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revive the Anti-masonic obviously
Define what a glownigger is as this conversation can get pretty nuanced. At first I thought, politics would like like anything pre-1934 and then I thought… Jews, FREEMASONS, Illuminati, political machine systems…. The glow goes back to Sumerian culture w/ a Hebrew hijack in the 2000s BC and a Jewish hijack around 190 AD. Freemason cuckery got bad starting in the 1700s leading to the French Revolution. America got cucked by FDR and his successors leading to the creation of our well known alphabet soup agencies that have no purpose but to confuse us. Shine the light down the hole and the hole stares back at you.
Most glowniggers that shill here for things like Jewcraine are former military. Posting dead ZOGbots upsets them. Telling them to get a real job and calling them welfare queens upsets them. Telling them to kill themselves upsets them because they know guys that killed themselves because they got tired of having nightmares of seeing dead Iraqi children.

It's not that any one thing will work when posted once though, it's more of a sustained campaign that eventually breaks them. It used to be easier 10 years ago, but now we've had influxes of tourists that even have problems using racial slurs, so the glowniggers are actually more content in this environment. Which is all the more reason to resort to the tactics above.
24/7 Rice Fields.
Mass psychiatric intervention because most of you are mentally ill and it has neurological sympmtons besides many other clues. Or killing those homos.

Too bad most of the mental health sector are also shitty sociopaths or stupid normies.
This. All the esoteric order bullshit is what's currently polluting society. There are some esoterics that are cool, but that's a major player is who is fucking up the planet.
They are all run by the Jesuit order the 1st order of modern glowniggers (and one with no real country) and things will never be fixed until they are taken down.

I'm not gonna lie to you Hans every political leader (since Elizabeth I and Tokugawa Ieyashu) who has tried to take on the Jesuits directly has died, but they are holding all the keys and they are guarding all the doors which means sooner or later someone has got to take them on.
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>They are all run by
Glowies actually do stop the odd terry wrist attack. You just never hear about it cause it doesn't make the news.

I think glowies get a bad rap. And I'm not just saying this cause they've been messing with me and I wanna show them I'm a good guy.
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>they are holding all the keys and they are guarding all the doors

there is good news though..

Truth be told, they don't hold anything in their possession other than your mind. They have one the human mind, therefore living solely in the mind, appeasing the mind, growing the mind, feeding the mind, that in the ACTS of KNOWING you indoctrinate yourself to them. IN order to escape their grasp, you must enforce this mantra: "I don't know anything"

the mantra is therefore based upon the premise of a contractual reality. Christ refers to the "becoming like children" as the only way to inherit the kingdom of heaven. that the reality of man is built upon his limitations and in his observations. If he observes thing through only empirical and material means, he will know not his true power as creation of God.

Purity of Heart, FAITH in a higher, benevolent heavenly Father, and desire to be the avatar of this merciful Godhead upon earth is the pinnacle of human achievement- to manifest the GLORY of GOD; to shine like the sons of God. you become a light in the darkness.

Though the problem arises:

These people believe in the gnosis, they are taking the Gospel of Thomas, as with most parables of Jesus, to be some kind of lost, ancient scientific formulae for bringing heaven down to earth. Jesus is Lucifer to them. He is the bringer of light, but with it, a hidden cost
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Everything upsets glowniggers. I was gangstalked for years.
My 5eye monitoring agent was very upset when I got angry and flashed my middle finger at him. I repeat: he was upset because I did not like to be spied on! Glowniggers belong in hell.

According to some prophecies, every single intel agency worker dies before the Golden age starts. This includes their contractors and retired glownigger colleagues.
Someone will take the jesuits out. Every single one of them. Go for it ,John John.
find where their families live
force them to read what happened with their commie counterparts after the hungarian revolution or the fall of ceausescu in romania
That's a pile of bullshit. Those big nosed nobilities are running everything and the jesuit work for them.

Yes, (((you))) are easily triggered. Without mind control you need to pay form someone to stage an elaborate fake cute plot spanning days for me to give a fuck about something while you are triggered by me eating literal cheese.
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If you are black, breed their wives. When you're done with that, breed mine too
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A plane can still fly after loosing an engine. Population control depends far more on media manipulation and censorship than glowies. System would probably adapt and shift to using more of these media tactics. In the end it might even wind up being more efficient. Alphabets are really a hold over from the coldwar and actually create a liability for those attempting to iron out Satan's wrinkles. The only real issue I see for ZOG is the hard power that becomes necessary when you are involved in crimes that are far more clearcut and horrific than war profiteering such as the adrenochrome trade. Without the glows to destroy evidence and threaten witnesses there is a chance this side of it would become exposed and commonly known by the public. Such knowledge would overload the propaganda division's ability to regulate thought and they would loose that last engine. This might be wishful thinking on my part, though.
There may be some executive level of black nobility families above the Jesuits but it would be toothless without them as the big families would immediately go back to acting as they did before the Jesuits ie in their own interest and with little coordination.
It would take an act of God to remove them. Alternatively if you do nothing then the Jews will overwhelm them with their adversaries, commies for example. Ever heard of Havana syndrome? It's Russia, China, and obviously Jewish commie "traitors" working against the glowniggers literally giving them brain damage and life threatening illnesses for trying to spy against the communist East. These Chinese, Russia, and Israeli commie assets also work on US terrirotry because glowniggers kept the border wide open and spies have now entered our country by the hundreds of thousands from all over the world. Now the glowniggers are going to pay for it because they will be overwhelm and inundated with cases and attempts on their life from those very spies. All because the Jews let them in at the highest above top secret levels of the Western governments. It's not just Muslim terrorists entering our countries through illegal immigration and open borders. It's also spies from all over the world including from Russia and China who will kill and attack glowniggers with things like Havana syndrome.
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These intelligence assets or American and Western glowniggers are not people that are easily replaced too. The ones that Russia/chinks/kikes give Havana syndrome to.
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I act as a subtle fifth-column on three different MAGA forums/sites. It's a fun hobby and makes me feel important, even if I'm not. But it takes time and effort to build up a post history and look legitimate before I can start injecting bits of doubt and nuance. I get banned every few months and have to do it all over again. I try to keep backup accounts but I don't always give a shit enough. So that's how you can slow me down on those sites.
But I don't know what the solution is here?
I don't know how to you solve that on 4chan, without forcing signups and more real "moderation" against specific viewpoints. That is explicitly against the spirit and purpose of this place.
>What is the solution to the glownigger problem?
total glownigger dead
What would politics be like without glowniggers?
organic politicians would be encouraged to speak their mind instead having to correct every second sentence in order to now get whacked by this filth.
NDA probably prevents them from defending themselves
HERE YOU GO: what is the glownigger building ?


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