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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Bitcoin would soar.

Rich women dispatriate
>the most trackable, centralized currency ever invented would soar
Lol. But seriously
>even more migrants
This is just a common sense deduction from the ideology of the modern nation state as one super-family, rather than a loose protectorate built to preserve the rights of natural families.
> Greater good
Why don't we start with hers?
she has a good point /pol/. state your arguments without being sexist / misogynist.
Wellfare is not the greater good.
people who can afford it and know about it would just make trusts and move everything early. the middle class who have an expensive house would be subject to such a tax.
>move all money and property to family trust
>make it so your kids only become beneficiaries after your death
>skip inheritance tax
If it happened they would implement it in such a way that the only people affected are middle classers whose wealth is mostly just their home.
Imagine if we steal everything from you for some stale promises which always fail?

let's fix it:
>Imagine if there's no niggers or muslims or jews
Logical extreme is that dumb bitch doesn't get to decide who puts a baby in her womb. Her desire to choose the genes of her child losing out to the equitable distribution of pussy.
Abandoning people to die either
Theoretically couldn't you disburse to your kids before dying to avoid that?
Black rock needs your fucking house bong. Shit, no wait, this is about funding niggers and jeets! Spare no expense
>Freelance Journalist
So she makes threads on Reddit full-time?
oh yeah great idea then all the billionaires can move citizenship to the caymans and keep their kids as US citizens and donate money through their kids to influnce politics and nothing changes except you lose even harder than you are currently losing!
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Theoretically you could disburse communists out of helicopters to avoid that instead.
>greater good

How about we tax all of her earnings and everyone who thinks like her? Starting now?
This is also pragmatic.
the problem with this idea is the same problem with socialism/communism <soccom>.

soccom is was and will always be a scam. They promise to offer an egalitarian system = social and financial equality. However, they never intend on delivering it.

What the scammers of soccom hope the people won't understand is that you can't entrust social and financial equality to a 3rd party that cares about nothing but itself.

You can see the scam played out in prison systems, labor camps, and even state run hospitals can go this way.

Social equality is achieved by stripping everyone of their rights and financial equality is achieved by stripping everyone of their wealth.

Run from such equality!
>Useless whore yaass queen slay is starting to see the snake eating it's own tail subsidizing her gender studies career.

>What you mean the welfare state is running out of money?
>Plenty of money out there, just take it from the drones, someone have to pay for my fake job
>why not fund the Grasshopper state with an Ant Tax????
yeah why not kill every self owned business when you can´t pass it on anymore
based A Bug's Life enjoyer
excellent analogy
This is a level of evil I would be willing to kill to prevent from happening. Stay the fuck away from my family.
A bugs life lmfao
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>greater good
>no, not one you actually care about or has ever done anything for you
how compelling
So what, if someone lived in their parents' house and then their parents die, the government just comes in and kicks them out and takes the house, even if they can pay the property tax?
Aesop wrote that fable 2,600 years ago
imagine working all your life, dying and all your assets get liquidated to fund foreign wars

it wouldn't work even now old rich people avoid taxes moving to zero inheritance tax places
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Inheritance tax should be 0% and only niggers think otherwise
>oy vey goyim, don't pass things down to your family, give it to us.
>be old rich fuck
>”gift” my money to children
>avoided inheritance tax

Wow great policy, so ground breaking and effective, fucking stupid hole
they would have to have 100% gift tax too (otherwise parents with a terminal illness would give money to their children). And they could get around that by hiring their children to mow their lawn for $100,000 or something.
basically this is stupid and wouldn't work but she's a leftist woman so she doesn't know how to think anyway.
this. They talk about "equity" but refuse to address gender inequality in the dating market. I demand pussy redistribution. Seize the means of reproduction!
All taxes go to Israel, so no
I already own nothing and I hate this place
You speak for yourself.
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>greater good
According to a roastie's ethical framework. I doubt her virtue.
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I don't see any route to home ownership aside from inheriting my parents' house. I'm not a fan of her taking this possibility away.
well that is the whole point of this kind of bullshit. they want to skip a few stages of their multi-generational plan to exterminate whites
>why should you get to choose how to dispose of your assets huh?????
We need to go back to killing communists
Lel. Do you think everyone gets advance warning of their death, guy?
I wouldn't be against tying up this bitch naked and shoving a bunch of minced habanero peppers up her snatch.
Being attached to material things in any way is against God's will.
This but only for white people.
>Jews will never vote for a high tax on inheritance.
Everyone would find a way to skirt it. No one wants their life savings going to the government
This is an advertising section paid for by a dual citizen whose wealth is in another country.
lol delusional girl boss.
people will run away from it

nobody will do any productive work

jews will import Erev Rav hoping they can maintain infrastructure

people will run away to totalitarian states like china or russia together with all belongins

jews will understandand that they are losing and cant export communist revolution, declare ww3 and all will nuke each other

remaining people will restart civilization again madmax/fallout style
after a short while there will be a dramatic fall-off in estates to distribute to fund the welfare state.
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do these leftists understand the concept of tax avoidance
do they think the world is that simple?
theyre just writing what other libs want to read so she gets clout
oh my god women in the workplace was a mistake
this is such a rookie mistake
who the fuck even pays inheritance tax in the USA? americans just set up a trust fund and get away with little tax
woman what are you doing
what the fuck holy reddit spacing
go back
As a woman who will die childless and alone, this makes sense. She's a ward of the State. In lieu of a husband and kids, the State is going to have to care for her until she perishes of old age.
>neo-marxists continuing the marxist agenda
Yeah, no. This is another version of disrupting the family in Bolshevik and Maoist nations. It has little to do with the money and everything to do with making you into rootless city dwellers.
someone find her trust fund and start hammering her to donate it all to some christian mission in Calcutta.

these fucks don't gaf about inheritance taxes because they completely evade that system through family charities and trusts.

They already plugged that hole. You can only gift like 20k/year before taxes kick in anyway.
>Imagine if there's no niggers or muslims or jews
based knower.

Just transfer it before you die.
Based. Generational wealth is how everything we have was built.
kill her
>greater good
>=for the good of globohomo
This is why women shouldn't be allowed to vote.
I'll own everything I want to own and you're going to do nothing to stop me
you cant "transfer" "your" money, after like 18k it is taxable.
Imagine being comfortable enough to write this article under your real name, complete with headshot.

Speaking of headshots...
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Indeed. She wants more government budget to finance her globohomo stuff
>parents just make a big bank transfer and give me their house before they die
>avoid all inheritance tax

Are people this retarded?
Imagine there's no niggers
It's easy if you try.
No Jews ruling over us.
No muslims blowing us sky hi-igh.
Memeing life in peeeeeeace oooh-hoo-oooh
Now poorer people can never accumulate generational wealth. What their parents earned, will be spread a million ways and not between their own children. Thank you, idiotic woman.
Abi Wilkinson can go fuck herself.
This. All this would accomplish would be to completely plunder what little wealth the working and middle classes still have while not effecting the aristocracy in the slightest.
Under this system the kids would have to buy the full value of the house from the government in order to live there. Yes it's theft.
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Some may say I am a shitposter
But I am not the only one
I hope someday, you will join us
And the world can shitpost as one
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>schooling zoomers on an anime forum
Nice face you ugly whore.
Communism for the poor. Captured capitalism for the rich.
How about state mandated gfs?
There are dozens of ways to slip money to your kids tax-free without even touching being an inheritance. The rich would just jump through the hoops while everyone else floundered.
Oh another thing. This will encourage people to squander their wealth, maybe even go into debt, and let the banks eat the loss, if they can't legally give wealth to their children.
Wealth is correlated with the reverence towards property.
Would rather kill every commie on the planet
> the greater good
Why is a welfare state "the greater good?" I see nothing good about funding failures and lazy people and invaders with money looted from productive families.
This isn't possible to pull off, you'd have to make private sales illegal. Nor should it be attempted, it'd add too much instability to society.
> I am 21 years old and can speak about huge changes in society
> also muh other people’s money
How about we enslave shitskins again so they stop collapsing the welfare state?
You're expecting a roastie feminist who writes for the Guardian to understand consequences.
They don't function that way.
Very antisemitic of you
They know about trust funds?
No generational wealth for you goy. Start from scratch every generation.
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This. Fuck the rich.
>why not give everything to niggers instead of your children?
Fuck offffff
>sell ownership of everything to your kids for 1 dollar before you die
>now you own nothing and nobody inherits nothing from you
>commiefags suck a dick like fags they are
>I wonder (((who))) ordered this article from that "freelance" journalist
if those "people" are niggers, it is
snowballing wealth is a white mans lifeline and should be illegal.
it makes no sense to allow people who acquire a mere few million dollars to then be able to grow that infinitely (by simply putting it in an index fund) while also outspending actual workers.
and then to roll that wealth over to their children to continue their mentally ill lordship via spending power is anti democratic.
same goes for property investment. should be massive taxation on accumulated wealth unless it's being put to use for innovation.
post nose
>work entire life to provide for kid
>every penny goes to shaniquas kids
>100% inheritance tax
Lmao we have a 4% inheritance tax here (and only after 1mln worth of inheritance) yet my parents (who are just in their 70s) already started putting my name on everything they own so as not to pay it.
How do people manage to grow to adulthood without realizing that the state isn't fucking omnipotent? Every law has a billion loopholes.
If I can’t pass my wealth to my children, I’ll be just like Russian trash.
Bent in half over a park bench, destroyed by booze.
Why work hard for no one.
This is a child’s idea.

Why are we simping for billionaires again?
Is that why her thumbnail was enlarged, so you can get the good data mine going
Please specify the "objectively bad stuff" that Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos do. Elon Musk develops electric car technology and reusable rocket ships: is that objectively evil?
you can gift up to 15 million (cumulatively) before gift taxes kick in
Fuck, women are so stupid. They're just dumb, stupid pieces of meat.
this is always so retarded. do they think they are like scrooge mcduck just hoarding paper and coins?
very little of their wealth is liquid
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>They're just dumb, stupid pieces of meat.
and ironically their only real value is the spot where there is no meat
I like how those who had shitty nonproductive ancestors or ones that have literally blown through their own inheritance want everyone elses.

fuck off I'm getting mine and I'm not sharing with anyone.
This is hilariously bad. People would blow all their money close to death and rack up huge debts that no one would ever pack back. Jews would literally be on suicide watch if this happened.
how about you kill yourself Abi? Come get it in blood
They just make trusts and "non-profits" that employ and pay their kids anyways.
These retarded campaigns are typically driven by people with very rich ancestors.
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in all honesty this doesn't really impact anyone that isn't selfish, since unless i die early
when my kids are married and settling down, they'll be getting inheritance from my in the form of down payments or outright purchases of homes, cars, etc.
and when i'm approaching the end? they'll buy my house from me before i die... with much of the cash from that being gifted to my grandkids
Any gift over £3000 is taxed in England
>only niggers think otherwise
Boomers too with their retarded "just pull yourself up by your bootstraps and earn everything yourself" mentality.
this is literally a shit test lmao. Shes craving cock
Why won’t they just admit they are communists instead of doing this song and dance

Such a tax is the fastest way make that the whole economy is owned by foreign corporations (which cannot die).
Just because it's tracked doesn't mean it can be confiscated or not lost in a boating accident.
Because there’s niggers playing with balls on the electric jew.
>for the greater good
translation: Let Jews give your money to their friends and not your own children or people you love
This is their plan. How did you know?

That was good apu don't stop
Only upper middle class and below actually pay inheritance tax. The wealthy have dozens of loopholes, the most common being owning companies and trusts in "tax neutral" jurisdictions, which own the real assets like shares or property in the UK. Since these are independent entities, changing owners is trivial and doesn't incur things like "stamp duty" or inheritance tax because this applies to individuals, not companies and also the underlying assets aren't being sold ("disposed of") so there is no taxable event for them.

But stupid cunts like Abi think that you can have 100% tax on the middle class and they'll just take it and not leave to somewhere that treats them better. Especially if their local area is turning more and more into a third world shithole, thanks to dumb cunts like Abi cheering on mass migration and calling anyone who doesn't want to live in a dirty, smelly, third world dump a racist.

A sensible tax would just be small % based on how many square meters either a company or individual owns. You could set the rate based on the zoning (e.g. set a lower rate for agricultural). They will never do this because it means wealthy will have to pay a little bit more tax % wise, which they'd rather have everyone else pay.

IF you were to introduce an inheritance tax, they should have a tax free bracket which is keeping up with the average value of a home, and the tax is 30% max on everything over that. It's still a tax on the middle class but it's making sure that at least parents can pass on at least one property to their children.
>Democrat memeflag
'Fuck the Rich'.
Kek, the awareness is low in this one.
The max cash gift is 18k goybucks here to one person. You could give 18k to 100 different people and none of them would get taxed. Give someone $1 over that and it's taxed at 18%-40%, depending on the amount.
Then there's lifetime limits (it's like 12m for single people and 25m for married couples) on gifts that are taxable or not... Our tax code is fucking gay as fuck.
Instead of owning shit you create family foundation with all your shit as startup assets and members of your family have rights to use assets of foundation based on rules you set up.
No inheritance tax, no gift tax.
>The max cash gift is 18k goybucks here to one person
no, that's just the reporting limit. the tax only usually applies on amounts above the lifetime limit
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As a belgian you should understand that, that would be taxed.
18k/year though, if you parents die with 200k in the bank then 182 will be taxed at 32%. They could start giving you 18k/year up now though for "free".
this, and your gifts to you wife arent taxed
>t. glownigger
I would simply kill whoever came to collect. You cannot take away what is rightfully given by law.
The moment you convert you cryptos to anything usable they will seize all your non-crypto assets.

If you just like to see numbers go up without any use for them there's a app on most phones. You can start a stop watch and just never stop it. Numbers go up. Cool right?

Point of any currency even crypto is to convert it into something else.
or how about remove the welfare state?
theres a cap on gifts. the word you are looking for is a "trust".
Woman in London says something.
We would surely invest our money overseas outside of the english and welse jurisdiction in such case. Just look at how Chinese people do it.
Welfare state just means giving the money white people worked for to niggers who are too lazy to work.
why not fund your precious welfare state by actually taxing parasite jew billionaires instead of imposing these insane financial burdens on regular people?
You're right but they're also trying to go after those loop holes now. I was just talking to someone about this recently in my province, and the guy has been having a hell of a time giving his horse farm to his son because of some bullshit they're trying to do here. It's not like these people can't afford lawyers or legal council. They just wanna steal because the economy they’ve destroyed is becoming less viable by the year
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Here is my argument :
If I can't leave anything to my children, I'm not leaving anything to the state either. When I'm retired, I'll sell all of my assets, withdraw all of my money. I'll go to SEA countries and fuck whores, eat in fancy restaurants and snort coke like no tomorrow until I am completely out of money and die of overdose.
The state won't get a cent of my inheritance, because there will be none.
Why not take the money you were going to spend on your own child's welfare and instead spend it on someone else's child's welfare?
Only a bug person (aka any white woman) could think like that.
>they're also trying to go after those loop holes now
They'll never close them all, for one simple reason: if they do they can't exploit them themselves.
Also they just aren't that good. A handful of retards aren't gonna outthink millions of people.
Imagine there's no cunts...
because they're the ones who decide who has to pay for their projects duh and they don't want you or your lineage competing with them and theirs for power and resources where have you been?
That's a man
Well that is a popular though that many financial planners talk about, you should "die broke".
>i dont know what trusts are the article.
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>Imagine if we could use that money for the greater good
Heres option b bitch, fuck you.
>caring about some rich jew getting plundered
In an ethnostate this would make sense

but in the current state, where whites are cattle and blacks are pets ruled over by (mostly) jews, it will inevitably lead to dysgenic collapse.
Woman logic. The second an inheritance tax is implemented at that level, every single responsible parent is putting their assets in a trust or llc amd having theor kids on the board. Thats what they ought to be doing anyway. Thered be nothing to inherit. for this to have the intended effect, theyd have to rewrite the tax code from the ground up. Then theyd have to ban private business.
Poor people are genetically inferior

>lower IQ
>shorter stature
>literally smaller brains (look it up)
>shitty personality traits like the MAOA gene

rich people are genetically superior

>higher IQ
>larger brains
>more complex personalities
>can handle hedonism and still work hard

People who aren't retards leave the poor class. Class hierarchy is LITERALLy eugenics.

If you do a huge inheritance tax and forced rich folk to stay, you'd just increase the number of bad genes.
nationals, who actually stand to have something to inherit, would immediately have nothing to inherit
it would go to people who do nothing with their lives, or worse, non-nationals who think access to white people is a basic human right
it would also fail because anyone with anything to inherit would just liquidate their assets and then buy gold OR just give it to their heirs before dying in the form of a gift, which is what they already do anyway to avoid inheritance tax
Just leave your kids the bitcoin key and have them say it was theirs all along
Even with high intelligence, these people are not gods. We can't entrust the future of the entire species to them-- they may be smarter than the lower classes, but in the broad scheme of things they're REALLY stupid. For example, there's this retarded tendency for smart people to fall in love with their theories, and then bet the future of EVERYTHING and EVERYONE on it. It has to succeed or everything falls apart. This leads to things like communism. Or AI.

We should instead try to live closer to nature, until we're exponentially more powerful and wise than we are now (protip: we wouldn't indulge these totalizing, risk de-diversification ideas if we were)
On deathbed, I sell everything I own to my kid for $3.50. Upon my death, the state gets my entire estate: pooped-in sweatpants and $3.50.
>not noticing the fundamental transformation of everything
You think trusts are immune to the jew? They do whatever they want, anon.
>18k/year though
wrong. go read form 709 instructions, you 'owe' tax after 18k, but you get a lifetime tax credit against that of, currently, 12million

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