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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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What if we were wrong and jews were really innocent?
Some jews are based and some are bad. Same as anything else.
well then reality would have to be a dream and everything you ever experienced would be a lie

you never had to interact with jews very much didja??
What are the odds my cyclopean friend?
Maybe we're stuck in a dunning kruger effect and can't see beyond our hatred.
It's hard to admit we were living in the wrong for all this time.
some jews are, some aren’t. Same as everyone really. It’s just really easy to follow the jewish thread because there’s been a lot of people following it for a long time.
Half the 1pbtid screeching about them is astroturf from Iran and China though. There’s no way people wouldn’t be bored writing the same boilerplate shit in every thread. It’s not even worth the captcha.
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Actually impossible to be jewish is to be guilty against all life
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No, either you are a kike or you are a RETARD.
Don't project onto us.
Judaism is a supremacist ideology that joins other nations and profits off of them while some amount of their Jewish population works to undermine the nation itself. This is driven by their ideology and usually excused by saying it makes the society safer for jews or often just by saying my jewishness informs this.
They will write it as such in the history books. All of our names will be listed as villains of the internet on a large limestone block
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Then the Talmud wouldn't say the things I read in it.
you lack life experience
you look at things in black and white but everything is beige
Blatantly obvious kike shill posting. Herbed
no it's not the same as anything else the same way a nigger, sand nigger, streetshitter is 1000x more likely to rape than a white person is the same a kike is to subvert and destroy a country, poison the food supply and import more niggers of any variety into the country they are destroying you fucking faggot.
Why would people be wrong 110 times?
I'm not saying they're all black and we're all white.
We did a lot of bad things too in the past, why aren't we talking about this? In fact, we're scared to talk about this because that would prove our theories inexact.
Intellectual honesty is the first step towards truth.
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What exactly are Europeans of today guilty of?
Get fuck kike i can you your shit from a mile away.
I wanted it to not be true, but:
Jews do indeed own the media
Jews control the banks
AIPAC handlers
9/11 israel and silverstein involvements
5/6 people I know of who work for blackrock/vanguard are jews
Small percentage of population grossly over-represented in politics
Holocaust official narrative is ridiculous based on the evidence for it.
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Brother, if I got fired from 109 jobs wouldn't you think it had something to do with me?
All of (((you))) are involved in the crimes of their mafias in some way and you also seem to enjoy this.
Ask any real victim and they will confirm this.
>fake quotes
All i'm saying is that they have their reasons to be suspicious of us after what we did to them, i'm not completely defending them, just trying to understand them.
These threads are so fucking tired. Goddamn I hate kikes so fucking much.
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Wait are you the same french faggot using kike sources to try and prove the holocaust happen?
Preposterous. They have subverted both the right and left. These are facts. both sides shill for immigrants. The left destroyed our cultural values and the family. The right pushes for wars for israel.
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What if anon can just find the pedos porn stash, post it and solve the case

Then allow the courts to make their job?

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>Were not as bad as you think we are goy
>Why don't you understand things from our postion, that we always made for our selfs over thousands of years.
True but yet the people in control of that stuff is but an even smaller percentage of the jewish population total.
They created the two worst religions of all time.
They got banned from over 100 countries throughout history.
They have all the top jobs in every country despite doing no work.
They like to eat baby foreskins.
They spread anti white propaganda.
Part of their religion includes torturing a chicken and killing it and according to their beliefs the chicken burns in hell for their own sins because they transferred their sins to the chicken.
They also hated Jesus because he spread their religion to goyim and they rioted until the Romans (ancient shitalians) agreed to publicly execute Jesus.

Then they claimed to be the victims in a statistically impossible event and jail people in Europe who deny it. Lol.

They are also known for being greedy, lazy, and weird. And they are super racist towards non Jews but it's okay when they do it for some reason. They genocide Palestinians and they have perhaps the most racist rules for citizenship in modern times. Anyone who is genetically 15% Jewish or more is a dual citizen with Israel.
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obviously there's normal people among jews but most of them are brainwashed to hate Whites because of holohoax
109 countries would say it's NOT true.
Eventually this will be the main talking point of all Jews when everyone is awake to their devilry
So you're saying you're 100% innocent and never did anything wrong?
You're literally thinking the same thing as this Theodore Kaufman, but replacing "Germans" by "Jews".
You're no better than him.
I think the people that generalize entire ethnic groups so they can blame individuals that didn't do anything wrong for the others misdeeds are in fact the bad ones. If you could just calm down and name specific people and their specific actions rather than hollering about their entire ethnic group we would be able to address whatever they're doing wrong much more quickly and effectively. Instead you make it easier for them. Ever hear the story of the boy who cried wolf?
i don't think god is wrong
Race is so stupid, isn't it? I wish we as a species could turn our crosshairs of blame toward culture.
T. Jew Orthodox 4channer, god bless
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>What if we were wrong and jews were really innocent?

New Kamala shill just dropped
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>What if baby penis mutilation somehow isn't evil
Not a possible scenario
The slow deadly death of those who took the paycheck
There are two major factors with them, not including any Mossad intelligence operations going on within their populace,

1. Khazars - 95% of them were not ethnically hebrew to begin with, they were eastern europeans descended from the surrounding tribes driven out of israel by them, thus the enemy. Not serious practitioners of Judaism to begin with, they revert to the ways of their Baal worshipping and Molech worshipping forefathers, contributing much to the secular degeneracy of modern Israel.

2. They were constantly made to live under sin by a succession Kings who worshipped Baal even after knowing God; (old testament, from Samuel through Kings) - This eventually led to a corrupted priesthood that created the Talmud; a collection of rabbinical opinion and tradition and elevated it to the same level as God's word, despite Deuteronomy 4:2 - Ye shall not add unto the word which I command you, neither shall ye diminish ought from it, that ye may keep the commandments of the LORD your God which I command you. Mind you there are non-talmudic Jews who follow Karaite Judaism, but this is less than 1% of their entire population and less than .1% of them in the united states. You could perhaps consider this the remnant. Talmudic Judaism is in this way similar to Catholicism
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>What if we were wrong and jews were really innocent?

We weren't
Its always the Joooze or one of their proxies they control
>3000 years of people hating jews for no reason
Than that would mean Judaism is true. It's verifiably not. There is no physical evidence of a mass Exodus out of Egypt or Yahweists being slaves. There is also no Egyptian record of moses.
It would mean that out of 110 nations and over 1000 incidents, Jews have been expelled globally for le magic racism.
there are no absolutes in life
i have had good jewish friends, bad christian friends, good black friends, bad black friends
racism is stupid.
now, if we could round up stupid people of all races and religions, and put them on a boat to africa...
Doesn't matter, there are far too many jews in positions of power.
Every group of people were hated by other groups throughout history, even in Europe.
Some christian minorities were hunted down by the Catholic church.
It happened a lot for Jews because they were resilient, even when people tried to genocide them they still survived, unlike the other minorities.

>There is no physical evidence of a mass Exodus out of Egypt
How would you know? Were you there?
>There is also no Egyptian record of moses
Ancient Egypt lasted for thousands of years, we know almost nothing of them.
>How would you know? Were you there?
What the fuck kinda reply is this? So any legend can be true, after all we weren't there!
And what the fuck does "physical evidence" of something that happened thousands of years ago mean?
Were you expecting a "Moses was here" sign somewhere in Egypt?
we live in the world where everyone thinks they are innocent and they've been ruining everything based on the baseless but "unshakeable" "truth" that they are innocent.

how is it unshaekable and true?
because those who won the war didn't want to have suffered so much for nothing and disproving it means it was not just for naught but also wrong and these people would be lining war crime tribunals.

and now they rule you.
>We're not.
Not try Rabbi, but we see through your tricks.
Judaism is incompatible with the modern world
they sacrifice animals
they mutilate baby genitals
they think slavery is fine

Judaism is the last piece of human barbarism and it must be deleted from this Earth
if that means all the Jews have to go too thats not really a big deal for me
I guess Achilles really existed and was truly invulnerable then! After all who cares about historical records? It was so long ago!
And yet in another thread you will cry like a bitch because the modern world is "completely jewed"
1. nothing changes. no reason to take any chance on issues of existential importance, moral or practical.
2. the chance of being completely wrong on this is comparable to the theory of evolution being completely wrong. the theory of jewish power being used against whites has very few premises which are all well established
I suspect anti Zionist orthodox jews however many are left are probably innocent. The intent of Zionism was to destroy those jews and replace them with jews who are more like Christians.
it would be a interesting parallel universe. Everything we know would be probably different then.
Achilles was written as a legendary character, not a historical one.
Greek gods were just ancient kings turned into deities by the people, same for egyptians gods.
Moses has never been depicted as an all-powerful entity, just as someone guiding his people, even the splitting of the Red sea was made by God, not by him.
Retarded ass logic, so God exists because why?Dumb christcuck/jew
Yeah. A minority of jews constitute the mafia in control, but almost all jews benefit from it directly or indirectly.
Normie Jews like the fact that their people are in control. Just look at Israel, everyone says that Netanyahu is hated and all that, but Israeli kikes flock to the streets to greet their troops and ask for Total Arab Death.
Who would the real culprit be?
The Irish?
You're the only one responsible for what's happening to you.
Don't like it? Then start changing it.
Stop trying to find culprits.
Fippy bippy
>to you.
Not to him. What's happening to society.
And what's wrong with society exactly?
Would you prefer living like back then when you had no freedom and no food?
Back then when?
Last century when Europe was destroyed by wars?

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