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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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holy SHIT
this is you. go back and stay there
A whore doing whorish things? you dont say...

There I saw a woman sitting on a scarlet beast that was covered with blasphemous names and had seven heads and ten horns. 4 The woman was dressed in purple and scarlet, and was glittering with gold, precious stones and pearls. She held a golden cup in her hand, filled with abominable things and the filth of her adulteries.
You guys do know right that women make up half the population? Posting this shit just makes it more likely you'll lose.
>women will vote against their own interests because you hurt their feelings
No shit, Sherlock
You mean she dated a guy who was seperated from his wife for 10 years.
But keep being weird misogynists about it, talking about women like this is totally not repulsive to normal people at all.
Also you are clearly screenshotting your own reddit posts lol.
But you don't deny her whoring herself to start her career.
Winning the female vote is like winning the special olympics
Do you think half of the planet want their gender (there are 2) represented by a slam pig?
Here os OP's account by the way. He is sharing his own posts like an autist


He makes Trump rap songs like an autist and spams it everywhere begging for attention

The incel's account is only 20 days old but he has made hundreds of threads and posts
This, she got to where she did by sleeping around, not by merit.
Who is going to vote for someone who insults them? You retards have no political acumen.
“My fellow Americans, it is not about how many cocks you suck, it’s about sucking the right cock”


Willie Brown himself wrote an article explaining exactly how he gave her a job after fucking him.


he said she's not qualified to be Biden's VP


Fuck off back there we're full.
>reddit screencaps
Please kys.
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weird ass Jewish ass nigga
Good point. That's why I don't vote Democrat.
>He makes Trump rap songs like an autist and spams it everywhere begging for attention

you have a problem with him spamming on your precious little reddit website?
a married man is a married man
cope all you want but that whore is a whore
>My ex that became more successful than I ever was totally owes all her success to me, p-promise!
He genuinely just sounds bitter and jealous lol
Where is the evidence for her being a whore, though? From what I've seen it's literally just incels who believe it's impossible for a woman to get any kind of power without sleeping around.
women shouldn't vote period. if we only counted female votes we'd live in a socialist hellhole 80 years ago.
Honestly if he didn't try to censor his own name like an autist I wouldn't care but everyone can see it now so my job is done
This is the hill you want to die on? What the fuck?

This is BY FAR the most important book you will ever read this year. Caleb Maupin thoroughly dissects the psychology and personality of Kamala Harris and why she is DANGEROUS for America.


This book was pulled from Amazon on Monday without explanation it's that dangerous to the establishment.

The elites who secretly control the American political system wanted Kamala as POTUS from the start for a number of reasons. They knew she stood no chance of being elected into office democratically, so they strategically placed her as Biden's VP knowing Biden was incapable of running the country due to his age and health meaning it would be inevitable that Kamala would take over.

Kamala is a raging psychopath who hates her father and projects her hatred on to every man (especially black man) she encounters. She also has a deeply Malthusian agenda and seeks to do the bidding of the elites by reducing the human population through abortion up to the moment of birth and contraception. She is anti-human to the core and must be stopped.

This book goes over so many details about this demon it's incredible. Everyone needs to read it before the election so you know what kind of monster Kamala Harris has been her entire life.



PDF of book:
Please do keep saying that, keep being weird freaks, this is gonna be great to watch
Let me just say his name so it's searchable in the archives in case he does this again
ok I am done
>evidence supplied
Fuck women, I will make their lives a living hell and will laugh at them while they get gang raped by third worlders.
Uh, but she and Willie Brown admitted she started her political career by having an extramarital affair with him
Man you were quick to dig through his entire post history and tattle on him. If anyone itt needs to fuck off and go back to plebbit it’s you, you people are insufferable
Told you what happens if you wont put female humans into stables, barns and basements.
We are not going back to the days where women had no rights.
We are not going back to the days where black people were
We are not going back to the days where white men ruled America.
We are not going back to when people felt that had rights to dictate.
what others do with their sexuality

We are not going back.
I will vote for her if she comes to my house and sucks my cock.
President Cumonher Harris
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So what you're saying is she was having sex while Vance was fucking a couch and looking up dolphin porn

Aight. Bold strategy bro. Have you considered touching grass
Ok, but who cares? People have sex (not you lmao), deal with it.
>We are not going back to the days where women had no rights.








Page 1 and 2 he spams that Trump rap across multiple pages

He's the retard for not blocking out the thread he posted this in. If you hate me you hate him too then since he lives on that site with how many posts he made
I wonder why the democrats didn't just run someone else.
Retarded faggot fucker memeflag. You'll be the first to face the wall. *Unzips pants*
She literally got appointed to political positions by the guy she was fucking after she began fucking him. The reason we don't see this as much in reverse is because there are fewer women in positions of power who want to fuck younger guys and give them promotions in exchange for sex. While this has been commonplace for young women for decades.
MALA 2024


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So what your saying is as a guy if I fucked old women and ate out their beavers to advance my career, not based on merit, it's okay?
So basically she's a Pornocrat
lmao who cares about R*ddit incels? We've got that CharliXCX endorsement
Yeah, we will, because if we don't, the whole thing falls apart and it will be worse for than anything else you can think of.
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This is going to be great to watch, when democrats dump Kamela at the DNC in august after her support absolutely collapses amongst voters.
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for those that don't know how to disable javascript
They have no intention of letting her win....so that's exactly wut needs to happen

How would they have navigated the current situation if this was the end of trumps second term...
i chuckled
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Lmao get fucked faggot
Fucking a currently married man is way different than fucking a formerly married man. Maybe you think both are wrong, but there's a really huge difference in immorality.
>We are not going back to the days where women had no rights.
Your civilization is not sustainable. At some point it will be replaced by one that limits women's rights in order to get above replacement birthrates. Whether that is some form of Christianity or Islam, or some new ideology, is yet to be determined.
Why is Trump so appealing to the autistic? i swear its just like Sonic the Hedgehog except instead of playing the ring hog game during crucial developmental years they watched The Apprentice or got immersed in shitty memes instead and made that their happy place
>We are not going back to the days where women had no rights.
That's why women are being childless, depressed whores.
>We are not going back to the days where black people were persecuted.
Increased crime rate.
>We are not going back to the days where white men ruled America.
This is why America is going downhill.
>We are not going back to when people felt that had rights to dictate.
That's why shits so retarded and unorganized.
>what others do with their sexuality
That's why pedophilia is on the increase and mental illness is being normalized instead of treated.
I mean that's true but what do we expect from nigger women? There is actually a very high chance Kamala has herpes based on her demographic.
Reminder, those "right-wing white men" online are just right-wing jews loyal to Israel, and use America as a cow to milk.
>We've got that CharliXCX endorsement
She has been relevant since Boom Clap, over a decade ago.
so true. incels dont seem to understand Ms. Kammy might have sucked cock to start out, but a girl has to suck cock to get anywhere in this world!
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Kudos chuds. You triggered those tourists.I can only picture them screaming at the monitor.
Where are the mods!!!!!!!!!
>who cares
kek fucking womanly nerd
lol why are you all such annoying little hall monitors?
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Not supposed to give a shit what goes on over at reddit. But I still keked, have a (You).
I think it has to do with them being able to shuffle the funds raised by Biden over to her while that couldn't be done with other candidates
Are you made he posted this link to OPs reddit account?


Difficult_Slice2024 kind of an uninspired screen name if we are honest.
>Woman uses pussy to get what she wants
It's not controversial or surprising.

Why are you guys so mad his account is being posted? I don't get it????!!?!?
>I think it has to do with them being able to shuffle the funds raised by Biden over to her while that couldn't be done with other candidates
They can't they are violating FEC law. They are supposed to return the money, then it can be re-donated.
The ultimate kek will be when they lose and have to pay back 100 million in donations they spent.
She is going to bankrupt the dnc!
You're the weird freak thinking that Kamala being a useless whore and getting pushed into a position of power with no actual credibility behind her is somehow capable of being a proper presidential candidate.

She couldn't even do her job as VP.

You and your anarchist bullshit can go elsewhere my guy, get the fuck out of american politics for sure.
Leftist thinking the machine cares about them lol. Eat shit and die you fucking squares
thats because redditors dont argue they just attack the person saying the words they dont like. thats why their first instinct is to look at other stuff you said before so they can have a "gotcha" moment where they get a million updoots
His politics is easy to understand because he doesn’t just ramble a bunch of nonsense about diversity and democracy while doing a bunch of evil shit behind closed doors. The platitudes are too much to deal with when you’re an autist.
Her legacy is going to be nuclear war and financial collapse, and that she led an America where young men were expected to die sparking a mass revolt.
As if. Nobody can convince me that a childless hooker cares about Palestinian kids.

Looks like Israel won this round.
There is no reason to blot out usernames. I hate when people do it on this site. Makes me think they are hiding something
Vaxx Island enters the thread
I didn't discredit anything my point was that he as a self promoting autist
One can only hope
Funds don't matter. Voters don't care how high budget political ads are or w/e.

hasn't POTUS always been about gobbling (jewish) cocks? if anything she sounds qualified and experienced
Go back fagboy
Her husband is a jew, he cucked her and she is raising his jew troons.
So yeah she sucks jew cock and probably take jew cock up her gaping ass.
oh so you said nothing of worth and wasted everyones time. fucking faggot
Everybody cares about this stuff or at least they pretended to. This is what's known as a sexual favor. The kind of stuff Harvey Weinstein did. The lack of outrage is the weird part.
What’s her October surprise gonna be? A blowjob video? Somebody has to have one
It’s just weird and presumptuous that you think I care enough about some random redditor that you took the time to post his pseudodoxx. Why do redditors do this reflexively? It’s unhinged
>inb4 some bullshit
Not really even reading this thread. Bragging about your r*ddit posts on 4chan is kinda gay I guess but why are you trying to raise a personal army against him?
You are coming off as jealous.
Have sex
Protip: YOU CANT
so, still married?
>fucking to get appointments
no arguments here?
>female george washington will be a whore who fucked a married guy to start her career
no lie detected, then?
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>"He's only doing it for attention."
>"I will boost his signal, increasing his attention, to annoy him."
kek, savage
The 7 hills
Of Rome
I agree, but why did you or whoever your faggot friend is take the time to read his entire post history and give us a summary of it?
They are trying to stop deranged leftists from attacking people. Like the girl who thought she was a man who shot up a bunch of catholic school kids or the guy who tried Scalise or the guy who shot at people in Vegas or the million niggers terrorizing white people daily on the streets of this entire country
Bye double nigger, also you're a faggot at the same time.
>He is sharing his own posts like an autist
You don't really have much of a high ground considering you're going dumpster diving on redit yourself.
Fucking slide thread like the usual twitter screencaps, who gives a shit.
I do know that democracy is incompatible with women, yes.
>Either pretend that reality isn't real, or I will vote against you
That's how you end with the current state of the western world.
No I was pointing out how the autist was self promoting his own posts
This information would mean big trouble if she was running as a Republican. Since she's a democrat, it's another victim card for her flaunt plus degeneracy award.
Reddit is running for the presidency?
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There’s only one voice you can trust on 4chan. Our man on the ground, Buck Tardwater
>I will boost
How am I boosting it? Man I really upset you so you are trying all the stops with these effeminate shaming tactics lol. Do "thank you for bumping the thread" next lmao
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it's more hoever than previously imagined as possible
This "she's a whore" shit will surely defeat Kamala. Trump will lose again....
>"My name is Buck, and I like to fuck I tell ya what."
I didn't read his entire post history he keeps repeating the same 4 threads over and over like an autist or bot.

>n...n...no u
concession accepted
imagine still thinking women are rational, reasonable creatures
chud is as chud does
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>keep being weird freaks
you first, faggot
Hi Caleb
She could make Vance vp after Trump fires him and have him give a speech at her nomination about how he couldn't afford a blow-up doll like the rich kids on the other side of the tracks and the crowd would go wild. Actblue would announce another record-breaking night.
>someone’s being a faggot on r*ddit
W-why this is an outrage! Thank you for your service in bringing this very important matter to our attention!
Yup thanks.
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and here i just thought she was only a dei candidate but it seems she also fucked her way to the top. anything but have actual merit.
Is Amazon interfering with an election?
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You're the kind of dude to be in an open relationship because you're scared of being a loser incel. lmfao
You will never breed, by the way.
Too many posts and threads. We are talking hundreds maybe thousands in the last 20 days
tits or gtfo, sweaty
>implying roasties were going to vote for trump before biden droped out
I am not a woman
Clearly it's not bothering anyone but you, little fag.
A nation that refuses to adapt, or adjust for its mistakes will cease to exist, and be taken over by the very barbarians it once enslaved.
Do you even into history?
>Implying the 2020 election wasn't rigged and that somehow it will not be rigged in 2024 when Democrats control every federal apparatus in America
Kill yourself.
cry moar babby bitch
>no flair
american elections are all about turnout manipulation
roasties in question may not have even gone to the polls for old man biden, but they'll get up for YASSS QUEEN
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I was going to say she can't be whore after looking at her. But niggers will fuck anything that moves.
So it's probably true.
Are you kidding me? Look how many angry replies I have been getting lmao. So many of you are mad and are frustrated that you can't get me to stop posting and go away
Sometimes an empire just fucks up and gets the shit kicked out of it by its adversaries, like America.
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But she's out here in these streets, girl.
>I am not a woman
And you never will be.
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>what is ShillBlue
How new are you?
yea because I am not a woman
who bitch dis is?
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Except he's shilling for Trump so that makes no sense lol
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Montel gave her more than just herpes
Obviously I'm not following the election that much but I'm putting money on Kamala winning because of shit like this lmao. Republicans are actually too retarded to not be overtly sexist and racist, even your elected officials. You're only getting votes from the most miserable, beaten down cuck women and blacks.
thanks for the free money kek
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This is actually a much more fitting representation of women at large.
Fucking plebbit tourist. It takes an actual fucking chronically online freak to be one of those bulbheads that sits there and pours through someone’s entire history and then makes a “discrediting” blogpost about it
This isn’t teddit you stupid fuck. No like buttons here, we don’t really give a fuck about post histories but thanks for outing yourself you fucking faggot. Now go back and get the fuck off my board
>3 sentences of blog posting now

>This isn’t teddit you stupid fuck.
>OP literally posts reddit screenshots
>He makes Trump rap songs like an autist
>T. Fat childless whore who even tyrone wouldn't fuck
This feels like one of those threads where a deranged liberal making insane Reddit posts, posts them here, comments on them here, and then screenshots their posts to make some gotcha compilation about how sexist and deranged pol is. Just my two cents
Whores don't vote. The women who earned their place through hard work will be less likely to vote for her.
Does this not accurately describe the modern woman? I think it does.
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The Kali Yuga really is upon us. The right can no longer meme and have fallen from keks favor. That's what you get for thinking an ancient frog god of chaos was on your side. Imagine actually thinking that Kek, an ancient god of chaos had any agenda beyond
>Lol now watch this
You all deserve it. Your meme magic is gone.
>Not enough mana!
>I don't have enough mana!
You are all so fucked lmao. WE are all fucked.
The devil can vote too, doesn't mean I do what he says
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>to not be overtly sexist and racist
No one who isn't a literal cocksucking buttfuck artist straight from reddit cares about this though. They do care that the fake nigger you're shilling for this week is a bona fide, certified stupid whore lol
Why do people like you only demand evidence from their political opponents, while believing everything their camp says without question?

Also it is well established and extensively documented she fucked her way into politics.
I mean look at OP's posting history
Just spams the same threads over and over and over for days.

Also note OP only posted the initial 3 screenshots on this thread then never posted again.
It's just disgusting.
See how he has to badass nice looking women. Yet pictures with donald trump are surrounded by pdf files
>remember girls just blow the right guys and they will let you be president one day
I'm actually voting for Kamala because of this, and women will be too dumb to notice before it's too late.
>We are not going back
That's not the phrase you want to use.
The women I've talked to candidly do not like her for myriad reasons. The only one who did like Kamala pre and post Biden's resignation was a mulatto slampig that's voting blue no matter who anyway. I guess blue women are going to say they like Kamala in bad faith but to honest women Kamala is a sleazebag.
I'm married with kids my fine aussie cuck friend
Be a shame if someone bought an ad on 4Chan that linked directly to the book Amazon pulled, wouldn't it?
>Caleb Maupin
The past few weeks seem to have truly broken some people’s minds
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Who cares you Commie piece of kike?
Quit shilling your shitty book here.
You may fool some of these MIGATARDS that you aren't a commie fuckwit, but there are still some of us here who can look a little deeper.
From your OWN site, Faggot:

>In Cleveland, Ohio he was a well-known community activist, video recording acts of police brutality, opposing war, supporting prisoners and teaching classes on Marxism. In 2010 he video recorded police officers assaulting two high school students participating in a walk out, and his video secured their acquittal in juvenile court. Cleveland Scene magazine profiled him as “The Communist Next Door.”
>In 2021, he founded the Center for Political Innovation, which has hundreds of members and engages in educational work about socialism and anti-imperialism across the United States.
>The elites who secretly control the American political system wanted...
Indeed. And just (((WHO))) might they be?
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agreed, we got gigafaggots left and right in this one
>Brown, Willie
>that spacing
>digging through post history
They'll just find more votes at 3am again, no need to lose sleep over it.
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At least half your country cares, and it only takes a few% from your side feeling alienated to completely fuck you
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hey baby. wana be president one day?
OP literally posted his own reddit posts here why aren't you telling him that?
>effeminate shaming tactics
Like digging through someone's post history and blogging about it? YWNBAW KILL YOURSELF
That is funny though. This will be the "first female George Washington". And they don't even care to do better than a cock sucking idiot.
You obviously have no idea how much women hate each other and how they'll fuck the literal Devil in order to fuck over another woman.
>n...n...n...no u
There is another effeminate shaming tactic lmao
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They went after Trump for fucking a pornstar so this is just equality baby
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YOU care about it because you're a basic faggot. It's simple projection and I've already explained it to you once.
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If you get mad at us examining her sexual-political history you are literally a misogynyastic pig racist
You also presuppose that the people writing on reddit are right wingers and not leftists pissed off by a subversion of muh DeMoCraCY.
Ignorant koala fucker.
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Holy shit, you're one stupid motherfucker.
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cry more fajit

kek if i'm a basic faggot what does that make everyone else? You think your party let alone your country is made up entirely of 100% bought-in wife beating racists who don't care that themselves or their family is being indirectly attacked? Good luck in 2028 buddy
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Just stick to the part where you personally think "sexism and racism" is a big deal you stupid faggot and don't forget to go fuck your mother today.
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>Where is the evidence?
>Sees the evidence
>Yeah but who cares?

The state of Democrat voters.
Wtf is wrong with that text?
You have a brain tumor

Her record as Cali's AG is really bad.

Go bet on trump winning you seem really sure about it. Make sure to use bookmaker

Even worse is her record as AG and prosecutor.

She votedfor it
Her dad voted for it
Daddy was a hard anti racist who said we all bleed red hwyte n blue
You need to die faggot
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I for one can't wait to be cursed further

But the wicked are doomed,
for they will get exactly what they deserve.
Childish leaders oppress my people,
and women rule over them.
O my people, your leaders mislead you;
they send you down the wrong road. Isa 3:11-12

That Russo-Ukrainian war is going to be so much worse with Kamala at the helm.

Go ahead and support her, I want to see war engulf Europe. You fuckers are so retarded that two world wars taught you nothing.
You see guys, reddit is cool too. You should all go there
Imagine being this big of a faggot.
I have deppression but if i was doing things like you- i'd just KMS

If this is true then anything she's involved in during her time as prosecutor and AG can be brought into question. Fruit of the poisonous tree and all that.
You goys realize jews are good for the economy right?
You do know that all women secretly hate each other right?
there's 0 women on 4chan
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accelerate with the nigger or mine salt with orange man?

i win either way, faggotlips.
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TKD may be necessary for the survival of humanity.
Checked. You are a low information person. It's not that you're stupid, although you may be, its that you are a coward who only accepts information that confirms to your confirmation bias instead of based on the truth. You should stay here and lurk for 2 years and challenge or absorb what you see.
With Goynald trump at the helm the war is going to fucking expand.
Iran going to war with the US is going to destroy the US. Russia and China are all going to supply Iran with weapons to fight us.
Nobody in the world supports Israel but the US so nobody is going to support Israel's war on Iran except the US which will drag our reputation to the dirt even worse.

With Russia fighting Ukraine, it'll just be a regional conflict in eastern europe. With Trump fighting Iran, it actually will be WW3
They’re all piled in the main cities, this is why the electoral college exists
That's bad but expected. Trump's sugar daddy was his literal father who held his hand through everything while he lost the millions he gave him. Trump acts powerful, important and tough yet his success is 100% luck being bborn into it and if he'd just invested the money he was given early conservatively instead of throwing it at risky vanity ventures he'd be so much wealthier than now
open bobs bb

Really? The Russians attacked an American outpost in Syria and got BTFO'd with no response in kind. Are you ignorant about the two world wars that came out of Europe? The Russo-Ukrainian war has the potential to turn into a nuclear exchange and this is all you have?
I don't care and you can't get me to begin caring. The boosted shilling effort on here has made me resent you more over the span of a week than years of this bullshit had refined and hardened within me. You are setting yourself up to be killed one day soon as we can remove you from the discussion table where all you had to contribute was bullshit and faggotry.

Tick tock.
>In two more weeks we strike gentlemen! Small dick NRG
She sucked the most powerful cock she could get her lips around to get her start in politics where she'd go on to use a crime lab caught in malpractice to put Marijuana charges on death row and play the prison state game for money.
women cannot even be sane for 30 days straight. They should not have any position of authority or power at all much less run a country
>The Russo-Ukrainian war has the potential to turn into a nuclear exchange and this is all you have?
Putin has been threatening nuclear war for 10 years. He's not going to do it. He's not going to risk nuclear war to gain land in Ukraine.
Iran however has much less to lose than Russia.
Besides Yemen defeated the United states navy. Yemen and Iran would destroy our military or we would have to resort to attacks that would gain Iran many friends in the world and sanctions us into the stone age.
Unlike Russia who has an entire network of criminals who smuggle parts and things past sanctions and China completely supporting them. We have nothing, China won't supply us with shit like they did to Russia and that will happen if we invade Iran.
Again the world generally sympathizes with Ukraine because it's being invaded, and it will sympathize with Iran once we invade.
I hate Iran and it deserves a nuke but we can't invade them at least now.
Many would defect to russia - most whites would anyway
I have a list for my own community. If social breakdown ever happens, they will never contribute to it again nor rebuilding order. Shills, nomatter who vote blues, pedos, self-identifying antifa and general faggots that fucked this community over to serve their own blue bleeding heart go on it.

I hope to one day do this country a service should the opportunity present itself. They either can't be reasoned with or premeditated their evil and stick to it. Other anons should be making their lists too.

>shill from NZ

Fucking 5 Eyes nigger. Go away, moron.
>no tits
Then gtfo, dumbass. No idea why you're still here trying to dunk on people for updoots when this site doesn't even use them. Unless you're planning to go back and show how you epicly destroyed those heckin' 4channers by a-logging a single thread.
how come Joe Biden never kissed the wall?
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>willie brown
US is one of the eyes, you are the moran
This heavily implies other politicians don't do stupid shit to make it to the top too
This also ignores literally everything about the literal rapist/pedo/felon alternative
Oh no though, Kamala has a sex life and did what she had no choice to to make it to the top
Ya kys
Actually me and the lads were joking about this far more tactfully today. Rest assured you will never be allowed to get your way ever again you diseased genetic failure
Based. Of course a creature like you would never understand the value of creating anything so you view it as something to hate. I'll make sure to share his music with the boys so thanks for the link you stupid faggot, feel free to keep promoting right content.
they already lost. this is the death rattle of the Republican party. Trump's campaign is fucked. literally anybody voting for Trump is just suiciding their own life. no refunds after 2024.
I would even rescend government pensions to Trump voters on charge of sedition. And I would take their guns and sentence them to a year in prison.

Potential is much higher with Russia than with the goatfuckers. Iran is hated by most of the Middle East since they're Persians LARPing as Arabs. Yemen is only holding the Navy at bay since ol' Joe and his people don't want to commit to anything that might actually turn the tide. The world is fucking retarded, they want to sympathize with anything that'll make America look bad because that's the in thing to do.

Fuck Iran, fuck Russia, fuck Ukraine.
No they’re really not, they’re the reason why the system itself is broken beyond repair



Do you mean normal people?
Do you think women like being outcompeted by other women because they are willing to suck more dick? I don't think you know many women.
Good thing you're just a fat faggot who doesn't even have power over his own bowel, much less a majority of the American population.
>Going through post history
>Trying to damage his reputation by exposing him and shaming him

A woman and a Redditor, eh?
ALFONSO CHAVEZ-LUJAN of Marrickville raped a child. Well tell Bobbi!
Bullshit. Trump is anti-war. Kamala on the other hand doesn't have any strong conviction. She's not a leader, she'll just do what the warhawks tell her because "I thought they knew best".
Why is he making pro war with Iran comments then? He's just pro different wars
>Let's call her a whore, that'll make people less likely to vote for her and more likely to vote for us!
I don't mind kamala but I fucking hate her supporters so much I can't vote for her.
ty legend


There's documented evidence of both.
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Got any good thicc Indian chick recommendations?
The memetic energy was American more than anything else hence it revolving around Trump. Go ape destiny from a host that actually gives a fuck about you you parasite of agency.
If Kek ever existed his agenda was only to destroy ISIS. Terrorists abused the name of his wife and he sought revenge. The best way to take them down was through Trump. When ISIS was gone his work was done. Now he's back to Egyptian heaven fucking his big titty goddess of fertility wife Isis.
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>ANCAP faggot flag
>"Normal people"
>rimmed his anus
Kek which one of you was this
I'm dying of laughter.
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... and that's a good thing. The Anal Empire needs to die.
Everyone knows your reddit name now
I renounce the Talmud
None of this stuff matters, Kamala could eat shit live on TV and she'd still be a better president than Zognald Trumpenfeld
This is this incel's reddit account
How are republicans in their interest? They are taking their rights away
>i'll just invert reality because i believed my own astroturfing campaign
hahahahaha fuck your life idiot
>keep being weird misogynists about it
Thank you I will.
It's absolutely disgusting that Americas first woman president got there being on her ashy knees sucking off whoever would throw her a bone. I have no respect for whores. To use your pussy and lips and fucking to advance puts every woman around you who doesn't do that down. It degrades every moral woman. The fact she's a dirty dark skinned piss drunk cocksucker brat is embarrassing for the nation and she will get blown out harder than her back did when 2024 elections happen.
He sniffed it and said "Come on, man!"
Immigrants are overwhelmingly male so women are probably a good few percentage points below men in the west right now.
The incel didn't create anything. He put some prompts into an AI generator and spammed it everywhere begging for attention and acknowledgement. There is nothing impressive about that.
Checked those digits, Satan
You drastically underestimate how much women hate other women, especially other women who got more social status by being a bigger whore.
Threads like this are honeypots so the feds can identify your accounts on Youtube and Reddit.

This artist really is a gem
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Don't care about Antifa niggers.
I'm also pro-war, against niggers, faggots, troons, leftist cunts, söyboys, gooks, kikes, and jeets.
you already told us you stupid bitch
>bothered to count
>too retarded to not notice there’s only two sentences
You’re still a fucking freak
>2 sentences is blog posting
is this reddit redemtion arc?
Chuds of the world Unite!
Don't care, still voting Kamala
Don’t cry for me, Argentina
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you must be 18 to vote

You're going back to when women trade sexual favors for power.
Aww, did you not get as many updoots as you expected with your first attempt? It's probably because you're an a-log faggot and your kind isn't liked on any corner of the internet.
crazy how much I upset you
>get banned from Reddit because I said “Kamala isn’t going to win”
>I'm gonna put you in my next Reddit thread!
>Take that 4channer, get le heckin' dunked on!
>Here os OP's account by the way. He is sharing his own posts like an autist
Why the fuck do I care, this isn't Reddit. I'm not gonna downvote or report him to some tranny mod, and nothing that he's saying is inherently false either
go back faggot
Women hate other women more than men do
so angry

OP posts on reddit and shares his posts here
>separated for ten years
Like nigga get a divorce lol
The evidence is Willy brown
Nobody hates women more than women. Female solidarity is a myth. Childless cat ladies with degrees in labia studies will vote for Kamala. Normal women won't.
I'm so angry, I decided to go post about someone I'm a-logging from Reddit on 4chan.
thanks i’ll go upvote all his posts
>Remember affordable food and $2 gas?
"We're not going back"
>Remember entertainment that wasn't just political grandstanding?
"We're not going back"
>Remember when everyone didn't call for violence in the streets over political differences?
"We're not going back"

Her time as AG and prosecutor in Cali proved otherwise. When Cali's supreme court had to compel your office to reveal exculpatory evidence, you done goofed. She even covered up the failure of the crime lab and possibly can bring further scrutiny to cases that were prosecuted under her time. If fruit of the poisonous tree gets brought up, the state of California will get fucked by her previous incompetence. BTW, there's a possibility that she was admitted to the Cali bar without passing the bar exam.
>OP posts on reddit and shares his posts here
Okay, and?
god I love these threads. I can feel the fear coursing through your scared little conservative brains.
Keep on attacking anons, I can still get a bit harder.
No one cares what some faggot tranny would do if they had power because you'll never have any you dumb faggot.

Cope. Seethe, and Dilate.
>Kamala fucked her way to the top
>B-But what about Drumpf?!
get new material
>Cope. Seethe, and Dilate.
>I have no argument, I'm mad, this is how I cope
Literally can't see the difference of these 2 sentences.
>I'm so angry
>admits he has a reddit account
Because any politician with a pulse would refuse to run in this situation. Kamala is set up to lose
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Look at those goalposts go!
I thought you said you weren't a woman. Why are you throwing other Redditors under the bus? Seems like a pretty effeminate tactic.
>I thought you said you weren't a woman
that is correct
You're trying pretty hard to emulate one for someone who's supposedly neither a woman or troon.

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