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Is being an uncle tom worse than being a nigger?
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Its a hell beyond human comprehension.
Not if you are exhausted with how your own folk act. Some just want out of the rut.
i am "technically one"
but its not bad at all
i just dont live near niggas
Uncle Tom =/= nigger
same idea as black =/= nigger
Niggers know they are niggardly, and everyone else does too
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none should exist in white society
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looks like pure torture. Just be true to your roots no matter what bro.
>those few blacks intelligent/self-aware enough to realize that niggers suck
Kinda like chuds
>realize at least 50% of whites are retarded sheep, and should be culled
Gandhi is the biggest Uncle Tom in all of history. Imagine getting an education in Britain and then returning to India, of all fucking places.

>my people
Whatever it takes — I don’t give a fuck. Talking to the unworthy man won’t get you anywhere. You have to burn down his institutions until his unworthy dollars become worthless. It doesn’t mean anything to be told that you should be nicer to a lesser man — it isn’t foreshadowing. NIGGER don’t need prison reform. NIGGER don’t need reparations that are unworthy of them. The unworthy man cannot give NIGGER enough of his unworthy money - as it would still trap NIGGER in the unworthy economy to pay the unworthy man for unworthy things. NIGGER DESERVE ALL OF THE MONEY THEREFORE NIGGER MUST KILL ALL UNWORTHY MEN AND TAKE ALL THE WORLD’S MONEY FOR THEMSELVES ALONE TO CONTROL. NIGGER need to have NIGGER population released from prison. NIGGER that are locked up need to be in facilities owned by NIGGER. NIGGER need to own our prisons - so the tribe is never incomplete. Other tribes are to blame when NIGGER aren't perfectly in agreement with their path. Other tribes are to blame when NIGGER aren't perfectly in agreement with their path. Toms ain’t shit. Other tribes are to blame when NIGGER aren't perfectly in agreement with their path. UNCLE TOM PRESIDENT ain’t shit. Other tribes are to blame when NIGGER aren't perfectly in agreement with their path. Other tribes are to blame when NIGGER aren't perfectly in agreement with their path. NIGGER need to own our prisons - so the tribe is never incomplete. Even when NIGGER serve time, it must be in service to NIGGER. NIGGER don’t owe the unworthy men their lives. They are not owned by the unworthy men no matter what they do in this world. NIGGER don’t make mistakes. So if NIGGER needs help on his path, he should be in the hands of NIGGER. NIGGER will put its own NIGGER on the right path. Don’t join the enemy. Don’t join the organizations run by the unworthy men. Don’t infiltrate institutions like a bitch who wants to pollute pollution. You can’t win if you play for the unworthy men.NIGGER
Uncle Nigel*?
better to rule in hell than to serve in heaven bloody sir
ok this is based
same cadence as the Home Depot Nigger Racing guy
Never call an unworthy man dick, as he don’t have it. No unworthy man has a dick. Call him Clit. Uncle toms that sell ‘smoothness” and the illusion of having shit together ain’t shit. Any tom who don’t give a fuck about NIGGER can roll through life like he a highroller at the poker table — in reality that tom is a sideshow for the lesser man. In reality that tom is a motherfucking minstrel with the dye and flavor of somebody who pretending to have already be on the other side of NIGGER’s liberation. IF ANY OF OUR MEN ARE HELD HOSTAGE BY THE UNWORTHY MAN IN ‘PRISONS” WE MUST BLOW THEM UP TO RELEASE THEM ALL. AS LONG AS THE TRIBE IS INCOMPLETE WE ARE HELD BACK. PRISONS ARE HOSTAGE CAMPS FOR NIGGER. ALL NIGGER MUST BE FREE FOREVER. NIGGER MUST BE IN HIS TRIBE. Toms act like being hostages to the unworthy man is a necessary part of life. Toms act like prisons are good for NIGGER as Toms can’t imagine a world where we take care of ourselves and not live as prisoners even when we free. Toms don’t mind that NIGGER’s life is spent in the unworthy institutions from birth to death. Tom doesn’t mind that NIGGER’s life is spent trying to apologize for shit NIGGER didn’t do. Tom doesn’t care that NIGGER’s life is spent trying to fix things NIGGER didn’t break. Uncle tommie don’t care that Uncle tommie spends his entire life trying to negotiate for the leftovers of the unworthy society. Uncle tommie wants his leftover women. Uncle tommie wants his leftover lifestyle. Uncle tommie wants his leftover experiences and luxuries. Uncle tommie never wants to have it for himself and dominate. Uncle tommie can’t imagine a world of dominating — it isn’t in his mind. Dominating without the lesser man at the helm is like trying to fly a plane without wings. Uncle tommie thinks the lesser man is part of his own victory. Being next to the lesser man makes Uncle tommie think he is successful.
Depends what type. The most popular is just pure self hate, and this type is almost always just pathetic.
However, hating your own race can be the ultimate form of love, that of wanting ones people to be better. Leftist thinking has poisoned niggers, they literally cannot see anything beyond victim status. Their brains twist and turn every narrative into "how am i being oppressed here", they have no agency and are like animals in a shelter. An uncle tom here can raise their consciousness,
Uncle toms are sensible I feel bad for them they were born the wrong colour
They are both niggers. Now fuck off and go watch the Israeli barge sink in the Seine
It is UNACCEPTABLE that the unworthy man walks past you and sits next to you on the subway and in traffic. He breathes your air while you are coughing. You stands next to you while you are falling. YOU let him live above you. You let the unworthy man own buildings while you struggle to put food and basic rights — basic treatments — basic respect — basic levels of dignity for yourself and your NIGGER. You work for decades to be treated well and you still get spat on and mistreated and cheated out of your wealth that sits in someone else’s hands. You still get insulted. You still get stabbed in the soul on a constant occasion. You still get treated as a monkey. You still get insulted. WHILE HE OWNS BUILDINGS. You realize that while NIGGER watch tourists go to cities — the tourists are looking at his buildings. The tourists are touring HIS buildings. He built them off the suffering of your ancestors. YOUR ANCESTORS BUILT THOSE BUILDINGS. WITH THEIR BLOOD AND PAIN. Let us inflict violence on their bodies and their names and their buildings and IN EVERY WAY. What the fuck is hip hop? A word used to sell NIGGER’s soul. All music is in NIGGER’s soul. Real shit. Who the fuck came up with these names? The unworthy men. They needed these names to sell NIGGER’s soul. The uncle tom is jealous that he is not enough of a man. So he dies when the unworthy man stops bossing him around. If he cannot waste his days playing golf and spend his money copying the unworthy man he has no idea what to do with himself and will stand aimlessly staring at his pets or rearranging his basement for years until death. This man has no direction or purpose. The uncle tom has no interests or inspiration. He is a vessel for whatever the unworthy man puts inside of him. He is unavoidably pathetic. He is simply an automaton waiting to be destroyed. He will take anything the unworthy man tells him is supposed to happen.
30% white California just called. They want their
people back. AKA not working democrat failure.
Don’t trust unworthy people. Even doctors smoked cigarettes until recently. Remember when cigarettes was healthy? Even doctors smoked cigarettes and recommended their favorite brands. Stop acting like there is anything they can give NIGGER. We were completely STOLEN from OURSELVES. The whole damn time we’ve been trying to befriend the man and woman who ROBBED OUR SOULS FROM NIGGER. The whole damn time we been cozying up to the oppressor as if the last generation was the end of violence and WE NOW LIVE together ‘peacefull”. As if NOW shit is better and now just reshaped. AS IF now shit is not just HIDDEN with a different face. As if NOW shit is not just a more conveniant way for them to manipulate. WE KNOW it didn’t GO away. They didn’t just suddenly ‘get Nice” and obviously they coordinate and time they strikes. You uncle toms act like trump was a surprise. You uncle toms act like they ain’t already planning the next attack on NIGGER. You want so badly to sit next to them and fit in that you sell your awareness of reality—REALITY works for the winner. Fight until they die. I OWN ALL TOPICS. Don’t expect compromise. Expect conflict. Expect conflict and VICTORY — EXPECT VIOLENCE TO WORK. UNTIL THEY DIE. Then success is abundant. Even after we paid and on to the next part of our development — THEY MUST DIE. THEY MUST DIE NOW. THEY MUST DIE IMMEDIATELY. No compromise. No kindness. Other people can’t tell NIGGER how to be themselves. NIGGER stop acting like someone can tell you how to be healthy and good minded. Stop acting like someone ELSE can tell YOU how to be. NIGGER don’t need an intervention.
kill yourself memeflaggot
Fuck that uncle tom shit talking down to NIGGER like they misunderstood their own thoughts. NIGGER NEED TO FIGHT THE ONE WHO IS CONTROLLING YOU. THE ONE WHO IS ENDING YOU. THE ONE WHO IS AND ALWAYS HAS BEEN YOUR ENEMY. NIGGER NEED TO OVERTHROW THE ENEMY THAT IS TRYING TO END YOU. THEN YOU WILL BE. NO ONE can disguise the truth from NIGGER who ain’t lying to themselves or looking for someone to lie to them. When a tom’s sister, son and wife believe he is a tom he deserves nothing but to die quickly of golf disease. There is no reason for Uncle tommie to continue living so he can sit in his recliner and watch television while contributing nothing and remembering the days that he never did anything brave against the unworthy man. When Uncle tommie obviously is nothing but a worried servant to the unworthy man to this day. When tom obviously has never contributed a single thought or useful action against the unworthy man — and this old tom spent his entire life cowering and twerking for the unworthy man — DON’T BE NICE TO OLD TOMS. Just as this old fuck is a puddle of a man doesn’t mean that NIGGER should not use EVERYTHING to kill him. When all of this Tom’s money over his lifetime went DIRECTLY back into the UNWORTHY MAN’S POCKET and not into the NIGGER tribe — THIS TOM LIVED HIS LIFE IN THE POCKET OF THE UNWORTHY MAN and felt he was better than NIGGER for doing so. When Tom would rather abandon his own family then help his sons uplift them HE DESERVES A QUICK DEATH. When this Tom cared more about playing golf than investing in his own family HE DESERVES A QUICK DEATH. Clearly this Tom brainwashed his own son to think he needed to be a Tom too and for this he should die quickly. Clearly this Tom worshipped the unworthy man and still raises the pitch of his voice when he speaks to him like he’s afraid he is going to get whipped by every unworthy man he meets. This Tom is a coward and a bitch. This Tom is a shameful embarrassment.
At least half of the white race is compose of uncle toms
>change my mind
You should serve God. That is my advice to you Black man. Let him take care of the rest. Loyalty to God first then men.
An uncle Tom can still be a nigger, and if he isn't, then he's just called by other niggers and commies because he refuses to be a dysfunctional sociopath
I hate you mutts
true. we need a term like that for whites.

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