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>gets robbed and culturally enriched
>still won't call the cops or defend herself

What the fuck is wrong with liberals? They could be getting rapped by a pack of niggers and still be concerned with the police response.
She didn't call the cops because she's lying. Even if you don't want the person arrested to call the cops to get a police report for insurance.
She's lying for attention online and you fell for it.
Women are nothing without their tax funded protection.
>I wish 911 picked up the first two times I called
OP continues to be a lying nigger. The cops didnt show up because it's Oakland and they have 6 cops total that need to deal with the feral niggers.
Tell her to shut the fuck up and that nobody cares
anyone still living there is dumb. Oakland has been bad since at least the 90s.
I don’t believe these stories. 911 picks up near instantly
Depends on where you live
Bitch got what she voted for.
Fuck off jew
Bay Area leftists are beyond help. Nothing to see. Let them rot in their heaps of money lol.
no it doesn’t. every city and county gets grant money to buy state of the art 911 systems and they are usually interconnected with neighboring ones. only makes sense if reception is bad for a cell phone
They don't even realize it, they don't realize what physicality is, and that it's simply a choice on aggressors parts to not brutalize them. I've said this before but most boys learn his lesson in like 1st grade. When you mouth off to someone and they attack you. Then you finally understand "oh, I have to be careful when dealing with people stronger than me cause they can just stomp my face in and I can't stop them" or you have to become the strong person, either way you learn that lesson very early.

Women rarely learn this, they operate like they're physically untouchable when in reality they have to rely on the aggressors following the social contract, and if they aren’t armed or competent, they’re powerless to stop them. The state can’t save you, had that obvious nigger decided he was gonna rape and stab her she would have been raped and stabbed. No law can stop that in the moment yet she still doesn’t realize it, or is lying.
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>Mister Rogers said

Women are literal children holy shit.
Ive called the cops before and had them never fucking show up, in Tucson
this is a new thing in blue cities maybe
but youre just wrong.

you are wrong.
The state is incompetent on purpose because of retards like this.
>politicize this all you want
>she says after going on a multiparagraph rant politicizing her experience
I hate women.
yep lol. defund the police!!
Why should I be concerned, if they aren't.
Hand wringing fwggot
Who'd a thought that defunding the police, banning guns, letting everyone out of prison, and allowing public drug use could backfire os such an unforeseen way?
Liberalism is ultimately an ideology of suicide
did the 911 call go through? they just didn’t send an officer because it was a low level call I bet. cops don’t show up for auto theft in houston anymore
>the failure to trat a man with mental illness
Uh oh sweaty. Looks like someone forgot that the insane have a right to refuse treatment. Only after shit like this where they commit crimes, hurt people, and otherwise end up interacting with law encoforcement and end up being hospitalized can the process of MAYBE treating them over objection be initiated. Even then it isn't always approved by the court and even if it is, they are only treated to stabilize them and make them not an immediate threat to the public or themselves and they are turned loose. If you are lucky enough to live in a state with progressive treatment plans they might end up with one after multiple failed discharges and even then it doesn't really prevent destabilization unless their outpatient provider is aggressive in enforcing the plan.
Not true. I called 911 a little while ago to report a fire and was answered by an answering machine that kept repeating to hang up if its not an emergency. I got annoyed with it after a while and hung up, only to get called back like 20 minutes later. This happened in Phoenix. I imagine its way worse in Cali shitholes. It you look it up online, there are tons of articles of people who died because they had medical emergencies and 911 didn't answer in time.
it's pretty fucked she called the cops. they could have killed him. she should have just let him take what he needed, he obviously needs it more than she does.
She even says that he is having a mental health crisis. Everyone know the cops only shoot crazy people. She should have called a social worker to come help him find housing and get signed up for benefits so he doesn't need to steal women's things to survive.
Provide link to twitter and I’ll do it, especially faggot OP>>475751456
damn they must’ve defunded the 911 call center
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>defund police
>police no longer function
>"wtf police?!?!"
No, it is pretty well known that in the worst liberal shitholes like the bad parts of Chicago LA and Baltimore that 911 is near worthless.
Sneed sells feed and seed, which is completely normal. Chuck, on the other hand, sells fuck and suck.
I’m from LA and don’t lump us in with those other shitholes. During the summer of Floyd I sat on my friend’s balcony listening to the police firing rubber bullets into rioters. There was one night where a bunch of stores got broken into and robbed, and then the police cracked down hard. LA still has an institutional memory of the LA riots and the LAPD is not going to let that happen again.
People that do all sorts of crimes avoid calling the cops when they get fucked up because cops will also investigate YOU.
>live in oakland
>shocked at home invasion
next post will be
>yes he was black, but not all blacks commit crimes
I'm in cali and bullshit, they took a knee and raised their fist in the air in solidarity. Sure they shot rubber bullets at actblue agitators but the police, fbi all stood around while the nation burned. Social contract is dead.
>Got off zoom calls
>find a man going through my things
>He'd been through the whole house
How is it possible to have this little awareness?
Link you fucking homosexual
she voted for this

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