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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>OMG mark of da beast
>magnets in arms
>ADE lizards
>brain cancer
>nothing happens

Do you guys feel embarrassed?
What part of modern society indicates any of these things were not entirely accurate
just because you cant see it happen doesnt mean gorillions havent died already, vaxxie. 2 more weeks yaba daba
>nothing happens
>”turbo cancer” has entered the common lexicon
It's too late for me. I didn't get vaxxed, im now heading into my 4th winter of death and despair
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Yeah cool game OP, I'll have a turn.
>takes the vax, wears the mask, socially distances and still catches Omicron
>the people who didn't never died
>gorillions havent died already
this happens only in your dreams
200 more years
I remember here on /pol/ that I told people I took the vaccine and they were like
>"Good luck dying in two years!!1"
and I'm still here, and this place is still full of faggots.
Nope. Glad I didn't take that garbage.
>nothing happens
Have you been living in a bunker for the last few years?
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>nothing happens
You will die!
So when did you catch omicron?
They also said, "enjoy your [insert med condition you know nothing about*]"

*heart attack, heart exploding, stroke, cancer, etc

They are just stupid as fuck. Lowest IQ on the internet.
Go outside and stop reading outrage bait on the internet. Everything is normal.

I honestly took the vaxx because I want to fucking die. Like, not bad enough to kill myself, because I don't want to be responsible for making my mom sad, but if I just happened to cack because of blood clots or 5g waves scrambling my brain, I figured it was worth a shot. or three.

Still here, tho :^(
So who was proven wrong by time anon?
The people who did take the vax or the people who didn't take the vax?
>destroy the lives of 99% of the population
Lmao, you had to get a pinprick and wear a mask on your face and your "lives" are "destroyed". Lmao.
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Lets not focus on...
>ignoring human rights
>subversion of law
>mass coercion
>mass censorship
>false reporting
>etc etc etc
Fucking kike.
>Do you guys feel embarrassed?
Communists will suffer immeasurably in eternal hell.
This brings me great comfort.
Those who didn't take vax, were on ventilators dying in hospitals from covid.
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>had to
and what if we didn't
>twitter screenshot of some retard conspiracy theorist
>this is pol in 2024
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>Those who didn't take vax, were on ventilators dying in hospitals from covid.
>(it was real in my mind)
Belly button peircings are the indication of a bigger whore than tattoos. Change my mind.
Nice bobs tbqhwy
>chinese batvirus
>pandemy of the unvaxxed
>deltagammazeta variant
>unvaxxed had lower deathrates than vaxxed in every country that kept track
Do you guys feel duped?
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>and the unjabbed all died
>the end
>thank you for coming to my fanfiction talk
Anon, I have bad news for you.
In two weeks, I will.
>baxter dmitry
>his own wordpress blog

pharma shills need to be publicly executed.
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>scared of a little cough
>masks for a little cough
>standing further away from people because you're scared of getting a little cough
>experimental medicine for a little cough

Do **you** guys feel embarrassed?
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They're too retarded and stubborn to admit they are wrong and should leave anything medical related to the medical professionals. Fucking retards tried to claim nobody died when I'm watching people from COVID everyday in 2020-21

Who was wrong?
>winter of sever illness and death for unvaccinated
>vaccine is safe
>I watched old and fat people die from the cold and I'm a hero because we got to do tiktoks during lockdowns

Literally no one in medical is a chad
Back to the warehouse Valdis, your break is over.
Are you embarrassed for lying for a paycheck? In any case, many people are dying because of the vax--check out VAERS, for example.
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no lol
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hmm, maybe you'll trust the jews who lied to you? AHAHAGAHAHAGAGAHAGA
Shut up fast ass I saw healthy people in their 30s die. You're a retard
I'm 29 and jacked brother, no one believes you
Three is good but four seals the deal. Consider another booster if you want certain death. I can't give you a timeline but within 10 years seems likely. You are ahead of the curve with your opinion. Most people who got vaxxed will want to die too, they just don't know yet.
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>Literally no one in medical is a chad
They are. They disconnect your life support.

>posting screenshots of random headlines
I would get le jab for those milkers only if there were mine to suck and fuck
Bruz we had all the stats, healthy people in their 30s had like a 0.1% chance of being hospitalised and like 0.001% chance of dying
LMAO hahahaha she's insecure hahahaha way to prove you're a retarded fat ass
Ton of people are constantly dying from vaxx effects, there's like 15-30% hike in deaths, they're just padding the numbers to not cause alarm. If you know anything about math you would know this doesn't follow linear curve, so eventually the exponential curve will start to pick up and rise quickly. It's just a matter of time at this point.
Brother 0.1% of 8 billion is 800 million
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>the medical professionals
80 million*
Vaxxed are HELLBOUND!!!!
Okay nigger you need to go back to school
>>nothing happens
Wasn't safe
Wasn't effective.
At least 2 things happened
>anyone who disagrees with my conspiracy is a shill
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And? You got pericarditis whoopie doo
>brother 0.1% of 8 billion is 800 million
>"if 0.1% of vaccine recipients have a reaction it's a tiny irrelevant percentage"
Cool now do that for every other illness or activity with a risk of mortality which we allow in society without freaking out
See >>475754284
I typed too fast
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>And? You got pericarditis whoopie doo
Idk but they're at a whore with more foresight at least.
I'm done arguing with grocery clerks and janitors. Stay in your lanes
peak bait
kys op
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no one ever died of "Covid"
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They are truck drivers and people who live on their mother's disability gibs..
How did you know?
Did it come to you in a dream?
Was it perhaps the same dream where you saw all the unvaccinated dying on ventilators?
you truly are a special kind of retard
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who is that semenous demoness?
Can't even imagine what it's like to be a docile, unthinking retard to the point that you would have lined up for this shot.

Like what does that state of existence feel like? Anyone on TV could tell you to go out and do anything and you'd do it
Enough people never wore the mask and didn't get vaxxed (e.g. me) where it was possible (not Australia)--if you did wear the mask and got the vaxx, it's you who should be embarrassed. All I feel is well earned pride.
Belly button piercings are easily removable
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>the medical professionals
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They admit it themselves, check 4plebs, there are many interesting things.
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ok let's try this one more time
True. Tattoos are permanent.
>glorified city state pushing amerigolem narratives
move back to Virginia Thomas, this isn't it
It's 80 million, and yes it is irrelevant, same as how the 0.1 percent of people having serious complications from covid is irrelevant.
true true.
even if you're real, you're a liar and a fool. Nobody with a brain will trust a doctor with anything remotely flu-related anymore.
Bans cars.
You will die. You and your "doctor" friend both. Painfully.
You are mentally ill. You live online and your entire perception of reality comes from globalist billionaire pedophiles and their pawns. Lmao. Imagine being THAT pathetic.

>let’s laugh at grown men who have the same beliefs/politics as the average fat ugly woman lol
>conspiracy theorist
What is a conspiracy theorist?
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>Ohio 'Nazi' Vandal Gets Grandma's House Raided By Police After 4chan Post
Religion declines.
The cult of internet bullshit rises.
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>>>nothing happens
>Wasn't safe
>Wasn't effective.
>At least 2 things happened
Nobody believes your lies.
Whoa and how many people do you think aren’t on this website who secretly think you’re a pathetic piece of shit? I bet it’s the majority hahaha. Again, you live in a terminally online bubble called mass media and mass social media.

/pol/ ACTUALLY represents the general public TRUE thoughts, hence the anonymity you stupid loser.
What did he post?
Also, you have the same beliefs as the typical gay ugly blue-haired lady hahahahahaha
Heh, I bet you get allota respect as a doctor. People must think you're a pretty smart guy. I wonder what people will think of you when the TV tells them the vaccine could kill them though? Should be interesting.
You boys in Langley never learn.
It wasn’t a “4chan post” you fucking shill, the dumbass vandalized public property while on probation for vandalizing public property
Oh he did? kek
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>gets BTFO in the argument
>immediately starts ad-hominem attacks on strawman anons who aren't in the thread

That's mildly hilarious.
Don't get uppity now: a medical degree isn't even a research doctorate.
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all the replies are seething faggots lmao. muh life was ruiiineed with a mask oh noooo
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This is you.
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>massive increase in deaths
>risk assessments only planned for two shots
>death and disability are a known thing due to being shot in the deltoid
Better than lying for a living.
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>muh life was ruiiineed with a mask oh noooo
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>life in prison
good luck
i see there is an increase of 4chuds getting locked up recently in the us.
Always either an euro flag or an aussie shilling for pharmakorp
rule no.1 /nupol/ is always wrong
I don't give a fuck about the vaccine but the goverment should not force people to take it and take their freedom away from them.

Also I didn't take the vaxx
You are mentally ill and live online.

Most human beings of all ethnicities and religions would think you’re a loser. lol.
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/pol/'s Red Deer Prophecy never told what year it was talking about.
Get ready for real fucking zombie apocalypse!
Good Luck.
>worships the biggest tyrant in the world
>derives pleasure from the infinite suffering of others
>thinks he's better than le commies
There's no *mild* myocarditis nor *mild* pericarditis, you pedophile kike. They're permanent damage to your heart, you pedophile talmudic satanic jew
People die all the time.
Excess deaths post-covid are higher than during covid in Europe, but Europe isn't as full of wheezing diabetic hamplanets as the US.
I can't make sense of your prattle.
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you chose an image with BOOBA to attract coomers to your shit thread, fuck you
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The mass die-off was always a meme. The current death rate is lower than 2%. Even after weakened immune systems and aggressive cancers
no more than 5-10% will be culled from this psyop. In the future there will be other opportunities to trim 5-10%
from the herd. With that said:

COVID was the self replicating Q AI and the vaxx helped deliver it.
>over 70% of the worlds population has been inoculated with the [Q]uantum AI
>13.4 billion doses administered
Now we just wait for them to roll out the new technohomo system and hook up all the cattle to it along with all the IoT devices before the inevitable.
Many of the unvaxxed will line up for the boosters once UBI and other benefits are announced.
The masses will also line up for any future brain implant augmentations.
some people died from the vaxx and that definetley counts as "life ruined" because their life fucking ended retard
public blacked out document on government's own website, double niggerfaggotkike. tranny archive link for you too. https://archive.today/hX4WF
so life in America is the same as it feels in 2019?

I'm waiting for it to get cool to hunt doctors soon.
They come in all flags... jewpharmacorps, too.
Hey glownigger, you faggots out yourselves as feds so easily. Your wife fucks younger men behind your back while you’re at work
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people are dead because of crimes against humanity.
Don't tell anyone "meds" when you just need another dose.
Take the shot-- and do the rest of us a favor.
As a healthy man in his late 20’s, why the fuck did I have to waste 2 years of my prime at home, not being able to go to the gym which I did 5 days a week, because some fat ugly faggots never listened to their doctors when it came to eating healthy and exercising and now their shitty immune systems caused the country to shit down. Also inflation is the way it is because of covid you fucking morons. How the fuck do you think the government was gonna recoup all the money they handed out during the lockdowns?

>hurr durr all that happened was you had to get a shot and wear a mask

How much of a shortsighted fucking idiot do you have to be to think that’s all this was.
Jews do nothing but post coombait, demoralization and lies to harm white men here 24/7 and then cry when there are (truthful) assurances that they will all die. Fuck them and the normies who enabled them through the millennia. All of the former will die along with many of the latter.
Yea if we let the vaxtards get what they wanted, you'd all be showing a gay little card to get into every store or public service.
But rememeber it was going to be worse than that, there were apps that were going to track your movements and who you associated with, you were going to have to get a booster every x months, you were going to have to mask forever and get anal swabs and all of the dystopian shit. You can thank us (the unvaxxed) whenever you like, we were the only thing standing between you and total slavery.
Why would they feel embarassed? I was threatened with losing my job by my governor and a "cold dark winter of death" by POTUS. I won, they should feel pretty embarassed they blinked when a lowly peasant told them to stand out of my light.
commies are not human so yeah
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it's the fucking former cdc director admitting it in front of the US senate you stupid 5x boosted retard. You know the same people who is your jab master? AHAHAHAHA. YOU PEOPLE ARE SO FUCKING GULLIBLE AHAHAHAHAHA
OP died, from shame
I’ll never regret not taking it.
I can't calculate 3+4. This should be left to mathematical professionals.
I can't cook pasta. This should be left to pasta professionals. (food analogy for amerifats)
you can just tell that enormous black males have groped those milkbags
How many people understand biochemistry vs. were just being anti-technology retards?
those are tiny tits in a modern push-bra
>some people died from the vaxx and that definetley counts as "life ruined" because their life fucking ended retard
vax deaths aren't real, facebook "research" isn't real, kill yourself
everyone understand the simple basics
Big gov wants you to take it? -> bad
no long-term studies and still emergency registration? -> bad

its that easy. a retard like you can use these rules
>And? Your heart has been fundamentally changed for the worse leading you to always be a slave to modern medicine in order to continue to live as normally as you're allowed to and also you might have nanobots stealing and controlling your thoughts and no soul to forgive anymore when you die whoopie doo
Built for Sex
but then Russia invaded Ukraine and people stopped dying.

Hospitals were empty.
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>nothing happens
Fun times. Why can’t they get over being wrong is my question tho. Every damn day there’s 5 or more “2 more weeks vaxxies” threads. Is it all just trolling or ego protection from being wrong or what? Bizarre, obsessive people.
>behind your back
that cuck watches anon
>peak domestic violence and murder
>peak illicit and pharmaceutical drug use
>destroyed children's future, handicapping their ability to learn
>robbed people of formative teen years
>outlawed gathering for religion or protest (Except for niggers stealing shit)
>mandated vaccine to work and proposed vaccineto access food and public spaces
The societal damage will never be healed
you'll just end up being Amish if you follow those rules
not everyone wants to live like that
You sound vaxxed.

No, I don’t regret not taking the gene therapy, clogging my arteries, nuking my balls, and cutting my lifespan short.

Enjoy your Mark of the Beast, demon.
Not everyone wants to live like a modern degenerate who worships the state because it provides him with the vices to which he is addicted.
no you don't.
why make such a retarded and dumb nigger statement?
Fat big orange guzungas in my face spraying lactating nipple milk all over me while I spray ejaculate penis semen through her love sex tunnel vragana. Baby formed.

For this alone Putin should have half of Ukraine. Let's face it, he single handedly saved the world from the most deadly pandemic ever, and it only took him a few days.
On Monday every news outlet is about the latest death counts, on Wednesday the pandemic is over.
Shouldn't he get a Nobel price or something?
If you don't use anything that has long-term studies, you'd have to reject 99% of technology.
If you object to government orders (eg military draft) also that aligns with Amish
no you don't. there are millions of long term studies for normal medications.
why make such a retarded and dumb nigger statement?

everyone objects to government orders unless you are part of the government
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5 shots total, didn't feel better even in my 20s
oh, and antivaxochinks can SUCK MYH DICK
I got quintuple vaxxed and i am supercomfy and never felt better. did a general medical checkup several times. im in amazing shape. /pol/ are literal niggers. Imagine walking around unvaccinated like some antisocial nigger from Africa
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not at all.
In fact I'm expecting a package from lambs emf protection clothing so I can wear a literal equivalent to a tin foil hat everywhere I go.

I don't need a refund like you. Pureblood and noticing it all.
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The anti-vax thing was a judeo-conservative op that was meant to depoliticize the right wing and divert focus from real issues like geo-politics and replacement migration towards dumb shit that doesn't matter. Anyone who fell for it should feel embarrassed and looked upon as mentally retarded. The fact that the vaccine conspiracy theory shit was mostly a thing in the Anglosphere tells you everything you need to know about it.

^Retarded Jew mind-slaves above^
Nothing happened to the unvaxxed either.

Kek. Who got rich from Pfizer? Or Moderna? Why were nigger presidents killed during this unimportant event? Who got elected in the US during the lockdowns? Etcetera. Etcetera.
Nigga, please.
How about you drop the memeflag.
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Only 2 of your strawmen are valid. Guess which ones.
That was just fat people anon. Being fat didn't mean you didn't take the devil's load. It just meant you were fat. They probably brought their own ventilators from home.
So why are you here, eurofag wannabe? Over 10M people have died because of Covid vax complications worldwide, but please keep being a good goy and trusting that heckin’ science. You’re mad because you lick the boots willingly. For whatever reason, a lot of us refuse. Fuck you.
>the medical professionals
Your average medico knows nothing about virology or vaccines. There's an exception though. Guess what white-collar group is least likely to have their children vaxxed with any vax? Pediatricians. You know, the people who have to treat vaccine injuries in children.
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a lot of vax shilling lately even though it isn't relevant anymore
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if something happens to my mother or sister i kill you all
>Do you guys feel embarrassed?
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they edited that picture to make her flat tits look bigger. Do you feel embarrassed?
>safe and effective
>it’s VAIDS
>no refunds
Do you feel embarrassed?
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This, seeing those around me who took it get VAIDS, nerve damage and chronically sick is pretty telling.
Vaxie Vaxie, no take backsies,
>you guys feel embarrassed
About not taking the vax
About how never been tested
About how I never wore a mask.

I don't feel embarrassed at all ,it's actually quite comical that people like you complied..
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