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is it cuz they see them as easy and worth less?


I'm a dark mexican dude and I'm angry as fuck at seeing white men pimp out brown women. Its not okay Its not trad. It's crimiNal. Just like ur whole dumb ass race that is just slaves of the Jews. You have no soul. Thats why brown people suffered under white supremacy so much. You. Thats why im voting kamala 2024.
video will fuck you up. this woman was fucking mindraped by a white dude who just used her.

this is the real nature of white fucking men AND the women. NO. FUCKING. SOUL. AT ALL.
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fuck off, nigger
White this, white that, heard it a million times before
>I’m a dark skinned Mexican
We know

Your women are hideous and we love breaking their little brown hearts… there’s a place where that doesn’t happen though, you should go back there… just saying
You can pretend I'm dumb but its the truth. this girl was fucking RUINED by a relationship with a basic ass white dude. its so fucking typical. every fucking time. you people make everythingl suck.

ur a fucking jew slave

girl in the video hates u cuz u suck. stop lying to urself. retard.

wait are you seriously telling me u do this on purpose?
OP mass replying in his own thread
OP is a nigger
>hates the white race
>uses a white language and white inventions to express this
nonwhites exist in a state of perpetual cognitive dissonance.
dont use spanish ever then. no language belongs to any race brown people own every language.

white people are just a fucking mutant abomination in god's eyes. ur a joke.

yeah fuck off. asians would have invented that shit. they invented video games and you fucking need japan to make anything cool on electronics. bitch.
>would have
>us military invented vidya
>japan making electronics =/= electricity
you are a coping nonwhite.
If you hate the white race so much, what is stopping you from going outside and killing white people?
Datestamp your fat mexi titties or I call Bullshit for 500, Alex on yo ass. bean dip!
white boy is a derogatory term thats why
nigga you need to take your bipolar meds, you seriously sound like a schizo retard
white military losers invented BASIC boring games. It took the superior non white people of ajapan to make awesome media, like games, LEGEND OF FUCKING ZELDA. and legendary anime.

as a dark native american looking Mexican i am related to asians. so they are my people

My race is superior and supreme. ur race just looks pretty sometimes.

but ur all white redneck trash. every last fucking white is. burn in hell.

I'm not a chick. dumbass.
Why is your flag US if you're mexican
fuck canada. racist white assholes.

why everyone thinks canadians are nice? CANADIANS ARE FUCKING ASSHOLES. ESPECIALLY THE WHITE ONES.

every last white canadian i met in my life has been a fuckinhg asshole.
my family are part of the global mexican diaspora and its normal. there is also greeks around the world. and blacks around the world. and chinese people around the world. You can't stop immigrants retard. fuck you.
I’m on a cruise ship right now, there’s so many fat spics and nigs but at the same time I’d absolutely smash some brown pussy if I could. Unfortunately I’m on vacation with my mom, and also I’m a very lonely divorced guy with zero game.
>invented vidya
>tranime and zelda =/= inventing vidya
>hell, a white concept
again, what is stopping a "superior" race, which you represent by using a non superior races language and inventions, from going outside and killing off this inferior race?
Before I hit the link be honest
Is it slam poetry?
Go back pajeet
>I'm a dark mexican dude
Callese pinche puto pocho joto prieto de mierda.
ya and its fucking good. she has talent

dude i hope someday if i can move to japan and learn japanese and fuck japanese chicks ill be happier. cuz they wont look down on me like white fucking people do who see me as a lawnmower gardner cuz im not tall or light skinned.

fuck america.
anyone who says pocho is a frucking traitor. fuck u. burn in hell.
Lmao don't flatter yourself darkie, they aren't attractive enough to warrant any effort to manipulate
its because you openly brag about being an invader, and are openly hostile to whites because they exist. But what is stopping you from killing white people?
This disgusting looking bitch is mad because no white boy would date her, she craves white cock.
im indigenous. fuck u. i belong in fucking america.

shes fucking hot and when she talks about her titties u know she has goddamn inSane titties. come on. ur lying
And yet I can almost guarantee all of her boyfriends, past and future, will be white. She probably won't even look at a guy her own race. The cognitive dissonance in these women is off the charts.
You're voting kamala because they let your spic ass over the border and mailed you a dozen ballots.
>retard alert
kek her boyfriend
"gigi bella"
>Im Mexican
>meaning a person from mexico
>I belong in america
>nonwhites have perpetual cognitive dissonance
u can tell she is loving and sweet and is being used by this white ASShole. piece of shit. white men are fucking TRASH
>wont go back to mexico
lol, lmao even
We're sick of seeing you. Get away from us, seriously. You're pushing a limit that you don't want to go past for your own sake.
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she is dainty as fuck

u wanting all white spaces is fucked up. fuck off KKK

so, do you have any sisters?
Wow she’s got a female chudjak phenotype
only shes not a virgin retarded basement dweller POS like you guys are. she is a cool person. stay mad hoe
She is seething but her pussy is wet from thinking about white men
cause ur all sex symbols in the media. she is brainwashed to lust over white male looks

fuck u all
Go back pablito, and take the goblina with you
the cope is real
>white language
>doesn't belong to white people
>why do you oppress me so, I'm just a ShItSkIn!
japanese is the supreme language.

Im mexican so that makes me related to japanese people. fuck u.




white people are worthless trash
Sounds like you like white men too. ;)
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nah. but id like to fuck white girls especially if it makes white men cry.

My brown alpha dick gonna make ur mom skwheel.
Denial isn’t a river in Egypt. It’s your moms axe wound.
Asian women still crave the white boomer. Lmao.
Buy an ad faggot
her bf is an Xer. dumbass.
yea yea yea reeeee wypipo already seen it, next
That's a lie, we love African Queens.
I'm not even white, and to be honest, the man she's describing sounds like a pretty cool dude lmao.
Oh noes some subhuman animal does not like me, what ever shall I do?
ya vu suck thats why u seen it already.

stupid white trash. god im so sick of u people. so smug and happy usually and "normal"

u people have no idea how much pain u caused me. ur all fucking stupid as well.

ur just gay then. u wanna suck his dick


whites are the subhuman actually
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Why does every leftist have fish lips and a downy face? It seems to be a recurring genetic flaw/biological warning.
but i love brown women
my wife is southern italian i think shes the prettiest thing
holy shit this looks nothing like her. she is fuckable and cute. you just made a MONSTER lookin thing

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thats not the same thing.

Real mexicans are HALF native american aztec blood. Fuck u. Dark white isnt good enough. Ur still european trash.

fucking burn in hell.
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I've never seen a mexican antagonize a white person this hard before on /pol/. Pretty surprising to observe.
>simping for brown chest flabs
What a waste of time having to share a country with loser ass obsessed goblins. Like I couldn’t imagine being obsessed with another race whether it’s these beaners or dudes talking about nigs all day.
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kek my wife looks like that without the hairdye
she was a card carrying communist for a few years
she doesnt consider herself white
i changed her mind
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Haha I didn't know a half nigger monkey could speak english. The more you know.
changed her mind about communism that is
For the sake of white boys, i hope she never dates one of us ever again.
cuz im fucking mad cuz i have seen so many brown girls get turnt out and used as sex toys by white men who never loved them

and plus then i saw that video.

u deserve all the hate u get
I been reading 4chan pol since fucking 2016 and seen so many haters against mexican people, fuck u. ur all jew slaves

i hope u burn in hell. god hates u
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kys nigger sage
shes a dumb white bitch. real mexicans are OVER HALF native indio blood DNA.

dark white pieces of shit like this are just as priivleged. so fuck u all.
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Indeed. Hyper capitalism with no barriers in an ancap society is the way.
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>I'm a dark mexican dude
fuck u people

just go to hell.

i swear can u all just go back to europe and stay there forever. u have brought so much pain in our lives

What's your opinion on mexicans on here who support trump to deport each other?
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excellent seething
very nice
traitors. duh. they are a fuckin bitch. who just want to keep there job or some shit.

fuckin pathetic.

I want a brown USA that kicks white supremacy in the ass. Its the only way to defeat the NWO.
>brown cuck seething because angry self loathing brown girl only wants white cock
love how in the second half of the video she just admits that the only reason shes doing this is because white dudes dont truly like her in a romantic sense and only wanna fuck her
or maybe she didnt mean it and it only came out as a subconscious projection sigmund freud style
lol built for bwc i guess
Damn, why expose your sex fantasies like this?
Most white people aren't like that and wouldn't do that. These women are just fetishizing whites while SIMULTANEOUSLY chasing bad boys and players, as many women do.
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Brown women are our fuck toys. We conquered and built this world. The spoils go to the victor.
lmao you're Mexican your country is literally run by Jews. Nice bait
They're not brown, they're asian. Natives are asians from siberia, thus they're the yellow race
i didn't. retard.
Your "language" is antiquated and offensive in it's gendered structure. LatinX peoples in the u.s. will be reducated on their discriminatory and exclusionary gendered language. It will change, you have no choice
Your women are a bunch of whore cum dumpsters who want the white dick. We throw them away after we're done with them.

Want my sloppy seconds, pablo?
You are not a real Mexican. Real Mexicans live in Mexico. You are a whining little greaseball that abandoned his homeland because it absolutely sucked. Nobody wants you here, not even the other Mexicans. You should thank every White person you talk to for giving you a better life, but you are an ungrateful little piece of shit and deserve to hang.
fuck you.
shes brown
look up one drop rule also
in ur dreams pussy

a lot of mexican girls never wanna touch a white dude. its just the messed up ones YOU TAKE FUCKING ADVANTAGE OVER.

fuckin trash
perverted little dick bitch

fuckin trash
stupid as fuck
>They're not brown, they're asian. Natives are asians from siberia, thus they're the yellow race
their skin is darker than asians so the yellow has become orange, but when they tan theyre red
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Haha it's funny because those same mexicans that hate him too will get deported as well.
You're right, we cannot, but LatinX and others will assimilate with their gay queer black countrymen and adapt their backwards patriarchal and gendered culture to the one crafted by our progressive movement. There is a reason the progress flag has black and brown stripes. You will assimilate
The levels of cope have being astroturf, kek.
Indios, that you are probably not even 100%, are SOUTH-east asian, meaning sea monkey
>spic seething and coping
>Why are White Men such raging assholes to Brown Women?
if the weren't jews would be dead
fuck u. i would not accept her. ever. she is 2 white 4 me. fucking european dna is toxic shit.

im 80% indio blood i think. spanish dna is rape blood. so fuck that shit.

All non-Whites must be deported, starting with the jews.


i dont identify with latino cuz fuck spain
Remember whenever you slide your dick in some latino girl's snatch and it feels loose just remember that there were probably at least 5 white guys who had their way with your "precious catholic wife" (including hailing Mary after getting her ass reamed) before she made the unfortunate decision to marry you.
>dark mexican
Never in your life you will hear a Mexican call himself “dark”
Street shitter D&C thread
It happens here too lol, I'm Mexican, however my father is Spanish and my mother French, so I'm blue-eyed white, I only date light-skinned mestizas though, I'd never touch an india they smell like shit.
south east asians are the sexiest people on earth.

every man wants to fuck filipina women. no wonder we are so fucking hot

every other race is a mutant piece of shit.


i only like asian, south east asian, and native american INDIO

mongolian blood pride
fuck. you. fucking. jewloving. faggots.
They were pathetically weak, and surrendered to the Conquistadors like bitches.
She's cute do you have a body pic?

I am White btw and considering colonizing a nice LatinX woman
Nigger planet thinks whites have control
in fucking america we do.


i'm not like them.
>so I'm blue-eyed white,

fuck u. fake mezxican.

ur a fake fucking mexican. go back to france you fucking colonizer BITCH

you are fucking white TRASH
i literally nut in every attractive brown girl i come into contact with
ur lying. incel.
that shit was unbearable. Only made it like 20 seconds deep. What a crybaby snowflake
This thread is bait but I have to say that I'm a white man and I have a lovely Mexican woman 10+ years who treats me better than any woman including my mothers and sisters. I'm incredibly blessed, keep searching bros there's one out there for you and forget about race open your heart.
why don't you go live with some indio amazon tribes if you hate wypipo so much.

Mexico was a country founded by wypipo
well too fucking bad shes one of you
blame her mother for fucking a castizo
only white people can be snowflakes. ur fucking colored like snow basically. u melt in the fucking sun. real people who r dark skinned can survive in this planet

you people are the scum of the fuckin world
stop doing this to yourself, you are pathetic and you need meds ASAP. You are the reason white people hate
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You are not Mexican, you are a street shitter pretending to be Mexican to incite hatred.
A few months back you pretended to be a Mexican that was about to date a white woman. Same vocabulary, same outbursts of rage. What a petty retard.
If you aren't one of the blaX, then you are LATINX, get it through your thick skull and assimilate with the gays and blaX like you are meant to
the aztecs were psycho cannibals and every other indio tribe instantly united with like 200 wypipo and agreed to take them out
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maybe i will. but my plan right now is move to japan.

japanese people are basically just very pale skinned Native Americans. So i want to be there wth my peeps and chill out with anime and video games.

my race makes better culture to yours. You need us. We made video games and good cartoons. YOU SUCK.
no fuck u. go back to europe white bitch. fuck off.
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Well he definitely ain't white. What did you actually expect?
>Conquered by Spaniards
>Create a violent hellhole of a country
>Move to America
>Blame white people for all your problems
>Your women marry whites
>Whites move away
>America becomes 3rd world Mexican shithole
>Flee to next white country
>Repeat cycle

Answer to your question: yes beaner wamyn are easy, love to suck dick and are worthless taco folders

stay fucking mad bitch boi. my race is ur boss. SLUT
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You have a fetish for white people. Be honest about it
mexico is violent cuz of SPANISH MACHISMO ASSHOLES oppressing natives and peasants, dumbass

look. it. up.

oh my god thids is such basic history at thids point

only if i get to slap the white bitch if she says i can. i would like that. cuz they deserve it.

but i much more like fucking mexican girls. cuz im not GAY like you
>hurr durr p-pajeet poster posting!!1
Nigger you can incite hatred by merely existing retard. Do you even know what board you're on?
These raceplay obsessed latinas really do it for me, thanks
fake ass spanish propaganda. fucking liar


dumb greasy beaner. Go back you ingrate mestizo cockroach.
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Because brown and yellow women don't sleep around with every nigger they see like the white girls all do. Duh!
im like 80% indio faggot. im cholo

I'm basically native american. I'm not mestizo spanish SHIT. fuck u. spanish blood is WHITETRASH.
You should take a moment to reflect on how absolutely mentally ill you sound. Get up from your desk, wipe off your fecal dipped fingers, pray to krishna, then take a shower.
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well i'm tall and white with very light brown hair and light blue eyes and i can tell you that growing up in south texas it's been very difficult to keep them off my dick.

when they have big fat soft titties i always fuck them but i make sure to take my condom with me when i leave... i know they want my seed really badly.
IDGAF about indians u fuckin bitch. I'm not FROM INDIA

dumbass bitch
I always wondered what would happen if I knocked one up. Would I be OK as just baby dad or will they shotgun marry me
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He's right, he's not american indian, he is poojeet indian
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>this much of a newfag
This retard has been doing this larp for months.
Same cadence, same grammar.

These retards try every two months to make threads where Mexicans supposedly lust for white women
this. she wants to be bleached. 2-3/10 fat mexican womanlet with makeup on knows her reality more than anyone. that's why she has to go vent in "poetry" jams rather than actually change her ways.
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I didn't know you had to be straight to be considered indian
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More posts that show same cadence and grammatical structure of the jeet pretending to be Mexican to incite D&C hatred.
I don't give a shit about Americans hating wetbacks.
I do care about jeets pretending to be Mexicans and shitting up the board with offtopic because they think dragging people down the totem pole will make them less hated.
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>I don't give a shit about Americans hating wetbacks.
Then why play PR agent for mexico if you don't care? Do you even know what board you're on?
>45 Pbtid
>Burger flag

Take a break Javier. Nobody cares.
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shes not latin shes almost pure southern italian
7%scandi(???? we both thought it was weird) both our children have my blue eyes though
Calm down pedro
One guess what takes up the majority of her processing power
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>why do you care about a repugnant subhuman that eats shit as a form of antibiotics pretending to be you to incite hatred and shitting up a board of political discussion
Can't tell if actual retard or another jeet coping. Post arm.

Anyways, here's another picture of the jeet with the same mannerisms as this guy, calling himself Iberian when Mexicans never use that terminology. Cholos call themselves castizos.
What a sad retard, imagine being a street shitter.
i renamed myself a real AZTEC NATIVE NAME because i hate fucking spanish names like javier and fucking jose.

shes a dumb white hoe. i hope she gets cancer.
stop giving the poo tips, anon
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italians arent white retard does this bitch look white to you(no flash)
Doesn't matter if I give him tips, the retard street shitter thought that using the same strategy and his outlandishly petty mannerisms wouldn't raise any flags. Now I know that the idiot is trying this strategy once again and I'll be monitoring the catalog for this exact thread to be made again. Last time it reached the point where he was so buckbroken I just had to point out he was a street shitter to delete the thread on the first post lmao
They are really this fucking retarded. Lowly subhumans.

Sure, Suckshit.
white enough to be bleached.
to white for me. fuck her. she isnt my people

she can go to hell.
listen to what she's saying. she basically slept with a racist jew that was doing all this shit, now she's mad the jew dumped her. that's it lmao. (((white))), not white.
Of course she isn't your people, you are a disgusting street shitter.
White boy says where's your mama?
I need my house cleaned on thursday.
Why did he do it bros?
Seriously they are White man's kryptonite
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>retard doesn't understand english
Okay I'll make it easier for you. Why do you care about jeets making mexicans look "bad" when you don't care about "americans hating wetbacks"? Either you don't care about pajeets larping as mexicans and making americans hate you mexicans, or you do care about "americans hating mexicans" due to having an issue with jeets larping as mexicans and making the situation of americans hating mexicans worse. How much do you get paid as a PR spokesman for mexicans?
u have zero evidence for this bro. shut ur fuckin face

STFU and fuck off.
I don't give a fuck cos' I'm not a fucking virgin lel
omfg im not fucking indian. this asshole is a schizo and made it up
This entire board should be brutally killed.
Looks great her face is cute as af anon
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Fuuuuck me. Thanks for the tip anon. Had no idea jeets were engaging this fuckery. True tho, never heard a cholo up here talk like him lol.
que te valga verga, putote
at least in Peru, from doctors to architects, most of the girls are really easy (and exclusively date foreigners). but these slam poems artists are just gaslighting white dudes as they date and fuck them deliberately.

fuck u
Because Americans are justified in the demographic replacement of their people while this retard is just inciting hatred over claims of sexual derangement you fucking retard.
I'm not going to allow a disgusting subhuman to pretend to be a Mexican while acting like a fucking retard because that's the strategy their smartest street shitters deviced in an attempt to stop getting hate for zerg rushing the whole world with their disgusting nature.

You are a retarded pajeet and months ago you pretended to be from Tennessee. Same mannerisms, same grammar.
It's ok, now I know you're back with the same strategy.
>white boy dont want to live in a world as a minority
We already are a minority in the world. We want to not be minorities in our own countries.
>Twitter link
No one forced her to suck his dong, swallow his load, and cry about it to a room of randoms.
watch out for trains
When they say world they mean western countries. It’s an odd thing I’ve noticed.
He's a desperate schizo coping mexican being a pr agent for mexico, it's quite sad to witness.

Speak english boy

>m-muh inciting hatred of this particular form!!1
Oh so you do care about hate against mexicans, you're just doing mental gymnastics. You still are acting like a pr agent for mexico. Cringe. You try too hard.
nigger are retards and women are children
sheboons are nigger children
Some white guy pumped and dumped this goblin and now she’s mad lmfao
No one wants to deal with the shitty attitudes and personality
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You also accused me of using a VPN last time you tried this false flag.
Thanks for giving me more evidence that it’s you, street shitter.
Archiving this thread
Haha you're so desperate to preserve mexico's reputation from hatred from americans lol
fuck off white VPN bitch
she sounds mad about not getting bwc
Why do people care about looks so much, and I doubt the people who say ugly people are ugly inside are good inside themselves.
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Oh wow, why would someone care about subhumans smearing their nation?
Again, it's the same guy from March, he's shitting up the board. I'm exposing him so he stops shitting up the board. I don't care about the opinions of Americans, I care about slander. Not a hard concept.
Post arm, every post of yours from now on without a screen capped image of your arm will be an admission of being a street shitter
She definitely gives off the I-want-to-fuck-white-guys-but-Im-too-ugly-so-Ill-blame-it-on-a-non-sequitor-rather-than-myself vibes.
>I'm a dark mexican dude
Sorry for your loss
>I'm angry as fuck
You have to go back
>i'm tired of seeing white men pimp out brown women
Lol. Your delusional.
true, she doesn't seem to be getting any of any size. Sad really. Given her lack of a jaw she can probably swallow anything
>seething and coping
Haha you keep trying so hard to preserve mexico's reputation on /pol/ while pretending to not care about slander. Seethe.
Cool, so you're playing offense while he's playing defense. Interesting.
>if you expose street shitters pretending to be you and promoting anti-white sentiments to slander your nation in a public forum, the street shitters win
I expect to see your retarded angle in his next threads too.
shut up colonizer.
I'm not British though, Suckshit.
She dated a psychopath and now complains about the terrible things he said. Typical...

You sound a little angry bud. Have you tried doing the opposite of what your currently doing in life. Might become happier if you do that.
ur a british white boy on a VPN trying to derail my thread cuz ur buttmad im exposing how u turn out brown women and leave thm shattered and bitter

ur the cause of feminism white asshole

Mexican men never treat women like that. Fuck u.
What BWC does to a mfker
this thread is fucking painful, hope OP gets the psychiatric assessment he desperately needs
My wife is Mexican ? Lol
I'm white pale redhead
I've tried to break up with her like 20 times
She won't leave lol
When I tried to make her
She gets crazy and I feel bad lol
she's getting wet just going through that monologue, you can't hear it? lmao.
Yeah, a British person would have a screencap of his finger over a Mexican passport.
Street shitters are painfully stupid.

That's the average latina gf experience. Bitches are crazy but the pussy game is ridiculous. Yet you're speaking to a falseflagging street shitter.
If colonization is the height of evil then shouldn’t you go home to not repeat the evilness of white people. Or is it different when you do it?
its gross. shes mindfucked by white male bullshit.

ur a weird obsessed british VPN boy who hates indians cuz ur fucking prime ministerial is a fucking indian .

Holy shit… I was actually interested in this thread and couldn’t listen to that worthless slob for more than 3 seconds before I exited off the screen.
Only Canadiens are white. What you talking about? Lol
fuck canada. fuck thm all. white assholes.
I listened to the whole thing so you don’t have to and my only take away is a white guy met her on tinder, pumped and dumped, and her response is to make a 3 minute rant about white privilege. Truly mentally stable and marriage material.
>>Mexican men never treat women like that. Fuck u.

She shouldn't have dated a psychopath. Also, side note, if you look at crime statistics Mexican men have a lot issues too. Just saying...
It's ok, I'll be one of the first posters in your next threads to expose your petty falseflag, Ranjeet.
Just like 4 months ago. Seeing you insta delete every thread I posted was pretty funny.
For the record, I didn't give a single fuck about your nation of subhuman shit eaters but thanks to threads like this one, I've woken up everyone around me about the street shitter problem.
mexican men LOVE the people in there life. unlike white men who all think they are PATRICK BATE MAN and use people.

Fkn scum. all of u.
stfu NIGEL you are a british vpn bitch stirring up hate against indians.
I'm not. Of.ypure cunty wothe I'll be cunty right back matter who you are
Sure thing, Patel.
You sound completely stable and not mad online.
Same. Their world view is western media.
I fuck brown women all the time, but i tell them straight that i will never stay with them or get them pregnant because their genes are inferior, and if they have been with another man before i just tell them no i don't want her lasts dudes DNA on my dick even if it's just her mouth and then i link them to microchimerism. The last chick i fucked dropped me off after fucking, cry in her car, and when i asked her why she was acting so crazy she asid "you don't love me" and well that's that, onto the next fresh brown vagina. Might take another tour of China for fresh high school girls again. Spent 7 years there and that was amazing. Girls barely getting into college would fly across China to come stay at my place for a week or weekend and only bring a change of lingerie to entertain me with. I had a couple girls that never even wore heels before and almost broke their ankles when i made them dress up.
stfu brit tard

I'm mad and pissed but im not crazy. I ahave a right to be mad. THE GIRL IN THE VIDEO LOOKS LIKE MY FUCKING SISTER. THIS MATTERS TO ME.

i am sick of seeing white guys use mexican girls like this.

yeah ur an evil piece of shit. burn in hell.
He's supposed to sound like a deranged retard because he's a street shitter larping to make D&C threads.

Evidence here
Are you from India? You type like my buddy Dhruv.
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA genetic dead end hooks up with white genetic dead end. Both hideous.
its called anger u dumb bitch. yes i AM angry and i AM expressing myself

you think having a fucking soul is fake cuz ur a cold white fuck with no soul
Why are niggers so stupid?
im from fucking america. im mexican-american.
if u actually keep hurting brown women ur gonna burn in hell forever. just a heads up.
Angry street shitters are inoffensive. The worst thing you can do is throw shit at people which is akin to greeting you with a handshake anyways.
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brown people are not owed access to White people.
Nagging women deserve domestic violence.
bro ur a racist idiot. what the fuck do u hve against indians.

I'm not even indian but ur some kind of Nazi bitch. Fuck off. Fake ass Mexican
holy shit I triple teamed that bitch behind a 7-11 in New Jersey with my boys
>You have no soul
everyone has a soul, even you, even if yours is severely corrupt it still exists.
You aren’t and never will be an American.
I'd rather have a coffee with a white guy than listen to this aztec blood sacrifice brownie... Calling it how I feel it.
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IM calling it>>475752912
IDC I have a gf
Something 99% of you monstrosities don't
I assume most of you are ass ugly midget chinks anyway in some troll factory in suzh xing province lmfal
white people have basically no soul ever

am though. born here. suck my dick
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Okay, but why is a brown man in the video?
You literally are a street shitter. Your disgusting nature was proved 4 months ago.
Anyways, nice attempt and thanks for showing your face, now I know you're gonna spam this thread this week.
>jeet COPE the post
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OP made me think of this lol
fuck england. fuck you people. bitches.'

i have never shat outside and im mexican. suck my dick troll.
this shit is stupid
Not a works based faith, nigger. Saved by salvation and belief in Christ. Get wrecked. No GG, no re. Go read a King James Bible and this time only listen to what Jesus says and start from there. Once you manager babies first step in Christianity then you can try and manage wrapping your stupid nigger brain around what is expected of you on this Earth.
obviously, it's brown.
fuck u unless ur catholic

no its fake. she is only ugly cuz she is to fat. BROWN WOMEN ARE OBJECTIVELY HOT AS FUCK
Buy an ad
Workout, find Jesus, get a hottie Mexican gf/wife, and you'll be ok buddy.

It's not healthy to get so mad a strangers online. We have little control over the people you are mad at or we would be on tinder instead of 4chan. Generally speaking we are not tinder Chad.
You are not Mexican you are the same street shitter that pretended to be a Mexican from Tennessee back in March.
You have not given a single proof about being Mexican and all your mannerisms point towards being a seething jeet.
You just make these threads in which you antagonize white people because you retards make D&C threads every week in which you pretend to be from other countries and incite hatred towards other races because street shitters are at the bottom of the totem pole.
Your whole existence is repugnant and your mannerisms just show how lowly your being is.

Again, you will see me in every thread you make. Not because I care about what you have to say, but because just the thought of a disgusting shit eater like you calling himself Mexican makes me vomit.

Mexican women would never go for jeets. It's akin to zoophilia for them.
>is it cuz they see them as easy and worth less?
Cope harder faggot, bitching about passport bro's taking your bitches coz you beat them and treat em like shit and our white whores are well whores.
>I'm a dark mexican dude and I'm angry
Sooo just another limp dick spic living in a white mans world?
>as fuck at seeing white men pimp out brown women. Its not okay Its not trad. It's crimiNal.
Yeah white men pimping, ugly cunt sounds like she's upset white men aren't chasing her, dressing like a fckn emo, fck me whyte boy pay attn to me whyte boy im dressed like a whyte emo ethot, wtf is up with that?
>Just like ur whole dumb ass race that is just slaves of the Jews.
You got us there slave of a slave.
>You have no soul.
Yup, aha, then why does god love us more and lets us rule over you?
>Thats why brown people suffered under white supremacy so much. You. Thats why im voting kamala 2024.
OK boomer/faggot/kike/spic/nigger/tranny/coconut/hohol/daigo/wog/chink/slant eyed bug/glowfag anarchist/sandnigger/shitskin/pajeet/neck beard.
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>she is only ugly cuz she is to fat
and tatted and pierced and clearly mentally ill just like that bitch in OP.
who gives a fuck about women of any color
schizo. get a life.
I don't worship a woman.
Especially the woman Jesus Christ tells to shut up and stop being a woman like 9 times.
I especially don't believe a woman is a co-savior to all of humanity.
I especially ain't going to pay some fucking kike money to give me grace in the afterlife.
I ESPECIALLY don't believe faggot priests can COMMAND JESUS DOWN FROM HEAVEN during their satanic rituals.
I especially don't believe any mortal can give grace or salvation or lessen judgement.
Get fucked shitskin. All Catholics burn in hell, remember that as you get on your knees calling someone else father or teacher or priest other than Jesus as he commanded.
You just made my day a little bit better knowing yet another Catholic will be going to hell, thanks for the laugh pope cuck.
Said the retard that pretends to be Mexican because in his mind, this will somehow make /pol/ stop mocking a race of subhumans that literally eat shit.
im alpha compared to u

u little dick australian white bitches colonized people with no guns. you are monsters

u should not fucking exist even

u should get on a space fucking ship and leave this fucking planet once and for all. forever.
no. girl in the video is hot as fuck just has TOO MUCH MAKEUP on.

ok schizo
I shitpost but I like mexicans. It's the venezuelans, squatemalans that piss me off.
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>girl in the video is hot as fuck
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ur a fucking homo then. cuz she is to any man with a working dick
4chan was always shit but it was a comfy type of shit.
Then jeets discovered the internet and confused a tongue in cheek motto with an invitation to a buffet.
I despise these retards with passion. This particular retard is so stupid it hurts.
You can see his former threads using the same mannerisms and forms of speech here


The interesting thing is that back then he was lusting for white women but now he can't do that because everyone started laughing at how obvious it was that he was a street shitter (he made multiple threads under the same pretense) so now he goes for this angle.

It's so fucking stupid, how petty you have to be to spend so much time thinking of convincing skinsuits to incite hatred over another race.
It's like a jew with negative IQ.
>is it cuz they see them as easy and worth less?
Your words not mine.
>Thats why im voting kamala 2024.
Lol Biden is already dead and she still isn't president. You think your jewish owners care if you vote for her?
stfu schizo

I dunno if you would let any angle run through it would probably in that corridor. Or no, rather than there would be only one angle that captures all of them.
Do not redeem, poop-eater.
All these gore posts of chinks and pajeets and niggers getting 404'd is wild and is supposed to illict the feeling of "damn that sucks i would never want that to happen to me" but if that video happens at 20 years old or 30 years old or 40 years old, imagine having to fucking exist for 30 or 40 fucking years as a brown person. How do they do it? Especially in the modern age when they can see they aren't normal or a benefit to human existence.
You're a street sitter saar, everyone hates you saar, Indians are the lowest forms on earth and get exactly what they deserve
KEK this niggers a stank ass jeet
pervert freak. fuck off schizo
They are people and don't have agency
fuck off racist.
You literally eat shit to get closer to your retarded god lol
Because you are low tier
fuck off irish asswipe. ur my toilet paper bitch.
>white people have basically no soul ever
kindest most compassionate and empathy feeling race on the planet has 'no soul'. KEK it's hilarious how you brownoids COPE, then SEETHE and RAGE over whites

so compassionate u raped and pillaged the fucking earth. STFU
"People" can't really be applied to them. Sub-species of human is more accurate. Imagine if brown people were never allowed to ever enter a white state/civilization. Imagine if the West progressed and the modern world was just off limits and kept progressing without them. What white people refer to as people is a different class of humans than what they as people are.
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>77 pbti
What lack of bwc does Frustration drives people mad.
Leftist girls literally cannot stop thinking about BWC
It's on their mind 24/7. White, Black, Asian, Latina, fucking Eskimo, it doesn't matter. They will bitch and moan and complain until they get their BWC
The truth fucking hurts dont it? btw you're not a real American if you aint white.
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Mexican women look identical to jeets, not even the North Indian Jeets but the abbo South Indian nigger ones.
>all your mannerisms point towards being a seething jeet.
>You just make these threads in which you antagonize white people because you retards make D&C threads every week in which you pretend to be from other countries and incite hatred towards other races because street shitters are at the bottom of the totem pole.
>Your whole existence is repugnant and your mannerisms just show how lowly your being is.
utterly based
I'm human you fuckin bitch. now fuck OFF. get the FUCK off my thread. Loser. You are a fucking sexual abuser. You should be locked up and thrown away the key. Ur a fucking criminal.
Working with brown women is awful, the BO is something else, can literally stink up an entire room. Your dirty stanky brown fuckers. hope you get genocided by the Chinese.
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>george Lopez phenotype with mustaches

The fact kikes were able to use 1 percent of white Latinas to brainwash people into thinking spics are attractive is quite impressive.
they are ugly
KEK the jeet finally snaps
Nah, you're a filthy street shitter.
How's Tennessee?
Chinks have no soul.
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HEE-HEEEEEEE nice bait but this is my thread now bait-nigger!
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Disgusting, she looks like a corpse
Who does she use those colors?
Dunno is like arts without the brain.
its called radial punk aesthetic. you wouldnt know about it cuz ur a redneck bitch.
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she is so fucking ugly, and that voice!
no shes cute and when she complains its feminine how she does it

ur a white fag. justl ike the pic u uploaded
Estás interactuando con un come mierda que pretende ser mexicano.
El engendro fecal lo intentó hace unos meses. Piensa que si hace que /pol/ odie a los mexicanos (como si fuese necesario lmao) entonces su repugnante raza subhumana dejará de ser el hazmerreir del planeta.


Misma sintaxis e idiosincracia al escribir.
High-speed derangement using tasteless anecdotes erected into a strawman, removing all personal accountability and pawning it off onto someone they subconsciously perceive as more capable & responsible. Many such cases

If all white people decided to just leave and settle somewhere uninhabited, they would complain about not being allowed in. Because they want to be around us when the sun rises & sets.
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>white boy says
Shut the fuck up, woman!
What is wrong with that particularly? Because you can't be subjected to racism anymore?
>Why are White Men such raging assholes to Brown Women?
because that's not our target for procreation or protection
Pic of you
Actually i was going to use a brchan or kuruminha that was a christ chan but apparently accord to MODERN SEARCH ENGINES that doesnt exist fuck me
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>i keep doing the same mistake over n over!
Nah, she is not cute.
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she talks shit because she knows white boy won't do anything to her. We won't even think about her.
But you insult brown men and they get angry for real.
gross white supremacy

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she is obviously horny as fuck and shaming her people by complaing about how much she fucks white boys, shes mentally ill ffs :D
Notice his loxist attitude to paint Mexicans as filled with hatred towards whites.
Don't engage with the street shitter unless it's to remind him of his lowly nature.
He'll make this same thread a couple of times more during the weekend.
Hope you can notice this trend to realize the lowly nature of the jeet and what they are attempting to do (badly)
>spic gets dumped by a white guy
>becomes so utterly mindbroken that her life revolves around being obsessed over how superior he is now
and then here's you with 83 posts simping after her and raging at superior white cock while her last bwc creampie still drips from between her legs
congrats on this, seriously

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