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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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I can't fucking believe there are people who don't recognize the simple fact that the economy was better with Trump and it's in near total collapse with Biden.

How is there even a debate? I'm in the middle of assfuck California and I've watched it go from unliveable to almost comfortable and then to COMPLETELY unliveable again based solely on who was president. The effects of COVID weren't as profound as who was in charge.

But because I'm in California who the fuck am I supposed to relate this to? My hippie neighbors who seem to value Being Nice over being able to afford food?

What the fuck is wrong with people?? I want Donnie back so bad dude I wanna afford things again. I want to at least be able to afford to leave. Should have left when I had the chance.
Wait til you find out the plan is to collapse the economy and enact UBI
What difference does it make which puppet is in power?
Because I was fucking there that's why

Trump: economy good, Biden: economy bad.

What the fuck kind of head in the sand shit are you on anyway?
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>How is there even a debate?
We live in a post facts world
Trump wins on economy in all polls

Most blue voters don’t care, they think they’re about to live under fascism and that Blumpf is gonna make the Handmaid’s Tale real. The funny part is that not only did he criticize the GOP for overturning Roe but reproductive rights are somehow relevant in this election even though actual abortions have been in total collapse for the past 30 years because no one has any fucking sex anymore.
Thus giving the government a monopoly on how people spend their lives, successfully making the US a communist state. No fucking kidding
People believe what they are told, what they aren't told and what they want to believe. It's difficult when the president himself says things are going great in the economy and that we're bouncing back because we don't see it at the ground level. We see groceries, housing, automobiles and interest rates at all-time highs and it's difficult just to get by. But what we don't see is the billionaire class are doing great, that people are spending more (essential to keynesian economics) and that inflation- while still increasing - is slowing down.
Oh wait all of that points to a bad economy for anyone making below $10m a year. But how easy they manipulate data or straight up lie about it to comfort someone in the name of a vote.
None whatsoever.

Thank you for coming on my four chan thread and making me feel less alone. I mean it.
>Political nihilist

You guys did it to yourselves man, you didn't fight back but we've still got a chance over here, stop trying to make us as miserable and complacent as you are
It was fine until that retard printed $3T out of thin air and increased the circulating money supply by about 30% in one year.

Some of us remember that he put his friggin name on the checks.
Economy is the same as it's ever been: you have to go to work or the grocery store won't sell you food anymore, which is to say the economy has always been a disaster for everyone
But God it feels like the fucking cartoon cyberpunk dystopia. The evidence isn't just right in front of you, you're living it. You're purchasing the evidence every day. How can people be this retarded??
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It's fine. The internet and social media really heightened people's ability to live in their own realities. Though anyone with a modicum of sense knows the truth
If you think the economy is the same as it's ever been then you don't buy your own groceries or gas or clothing.
I can. I live in CA. Every Leftie I know has been brainwashed for years and has blocked all news/information deemed "right wing". This is why they have no idea Kamala IS border czar and why they think not wanting children to have access to pronography makes you "transphobic".
it's pointless arguing with them. especially a european. i don't tell australians and indians the way things are in cricket- i sure as shit don't want some bong's opinion on us presidents. lmao
It's so beyond parody here dude. I thought I could ignore it, but when they stop up the streets, when the flags are everywhere, when the libraries close for fucking Juneteenth you realize you can't
They were expensive then and they're expensive now, but I'm sure Trump will straighten everything out, he just needs 4 more years
He already did, shill, and then Biden got to claim that covid ruined everything again
Trump has his chance and he blew it

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