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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Netahyahu is playing reverse psychology and Trump is too dumb to understand it. What the fuck. He knows he's hated and still the faggot went on to meet Trump to gaslit him. I hate this clown world man. I hope Trump ditches the jews one day.
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All he needs to do is publicly ask Israel to interfere in the election on his behalf so they can invade Iran. He already did this sort of shit with asking Russia for Hillary's emails and trying to pressure Ukraine to publish stuff on Biden... You know the Israelis consider this a national security issue for them and would deploy whatever resources necessary.
The only thing Trump has been consistent on is demostrating loyalty to his jew masters. Everything else is negotiable.
Imagine the potential double cross. Trump tricks the jews into backing his candidacy, then just withdraws all support and aid to Israel. All of it. No money, no bombs, no bullets, no intelligence. Pull back the carrier groups. Leave Israel completely isolated. Turn back Israelis who try to flee. Hand Netanyahu over to the Hague to stand trial for war crimes.
Israel would just do an empty promise for that. The closest thing is actually asking Putin to help him with some of his mutuals. The maximum Vladimir can do is give him some billions for his campaign. Especially now that they're in a war for Russia and Israel, they would focus on their own shit and let the gay election happen. Israel won't support in electing Trump. Even if Trump promised to destroy Iran.
I think that's his entire plan. Just the Israelis to give him money and some hand outs and just completely ghosting Jews. He's grifting jews for just their money. Deep down he knows jews hate him to the core.
Nick Fuentes was right about this racist orange cheeto. We need to vote for Kamala and radically increase immigration from latin america.
>I hope Trump ditches the jews one day.
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Jared Kushner.
POTUS meets Donald Trump
The thing is, he's dug that hole so deep, the only way out is complete 1488 MechaHitler mode. Any half-measures would just get him killed. I don't think Trump has what it takes. He likes to be liked too much. He likes to appear the victim. Surrounding himself with zionists as some kind of 4D chess strategy that ends with him swiftly rounding up all the jews, excising them from power is a Q-tier fantasy.
>Patriots in control
>enjoy the show
>saving Israel for last

Don’t hold your breath. Half of his family of Jewish.
Lmao. Good one.
So basically what he did to MAGA supporters.
Trump won't do a thing about s. Americans. But he'll increase the H1B pajeet tidal wave.
What the hell is this?
The American election system is a joke anyway, might as well have the Israeli's do it. They're allowed to do it anyway.
Not right now though. That's just basically calling for his own assassination. After he formally becomes president, he either cut off the Israel funding, or just go full blown Caesar and name drop kikes at plain sight. 90 percent of Americans would support Trump if he becomes an radical anti-semite and its facts.
this. marriage into alliances have been made for centuries for the same reason
Trump is a coomer populist produced by the media industry. He has no core and just follows the script.
>coping this hard
This level of cope should not be physically possible.
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There's mliterally no escape from the zionist lobby by way of voting. There isn't a single candidtae that would be just slightly anti-Israel. Every single one of them has to bow to the harlot of Babylon otherwise they get disappeared. There is no peaceful solution to this problem.

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