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That is a logical, CORRECT response to the position this boomer kike society has put me in.

YES, I am entitled.
NO that is NOT "my problem."
It is society's problem.

Society had a responsibility to give me a non-whore, non-broken girlfriend but since they didn't provide me with one then I have no incentive to comply with any of society's demands.
I... have a cute gf like picrelated a d don't work lMao
you're not wrong
Is that gilticus with a female filter?
Nobody cares because the government can easily import and employ five workers from 3rd world countries for the same amount you'd be paid each month and for the same job.
No one cares, faggot. Troon out and become the 'hot gf'
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This is more what I'm after. This type of bong woman phenotype. I'm Irish so I'm sure you understand why.
escorts, gf are not worth your time but money is
Yeah but conservatives claim to be against it so it must be a good thing.
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Why not work and save money to get a girl like that? You know those old European stories where the hero had to work to become a Knight and then get the girl
So you’re just going to be a bum and live on the street like a nigger until some basedchud smashes your skull with a hammer? Broke men have never gotten a gf throughout history and I’m gonna let you in on a secret: women have ALWAYS been whores.
The solution is NPNW. NPNW is an implicit contract that if the government creates conditions that set me up with access to women, I will gladly become a slave and die for israel. I can be bribed.
The problem is, your society died and your people were conquered before you were even born. The outside group ruling your people purposely deny you access to healthy women (and visa versa). Whites are 5% of the global population. They plan to simply replace you in your own lands until you are extinct. Don’t go along with it.
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checked and based
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The social contract has broken and Pussy was the great pacifier,
Ok bye
Post a pic of yourself, retard. Let's see what an entitled King looks like!
In my town she'd have left from being hounded by desperate guys but if she came back for a holiday there'd be five guys around her 24/7 and if you went for her they'd antagonise you until you'd be fist fighting them/ The only way that works is if she's cloned at a factory
Pure nigger COPE. Prime pussy costs MONEY. I worked and studied hard, then imported prime pussy (10 years younger) from Russia and impregnated her immediately. You will NEVER have it!
the thread
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no you don't. you have AIDS and live in a dusty shithole where all dreams die. you hide from the cartel and your rapist uncle, humberto.
Literally kill a man and kidnap his GF, take her to a forest basement. Dont you poltards say you are hardcore and trad and muh muh muh
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How do you expect to land a güff like that if you don't work out and make money? Gotta give some to get some
no trad husband = no trad wife
I felt guilty in college when a girl cheated on her boyfriend with me so I stopped fucking her and then she got very mad with me.
Have fun being homeless.
sound like pussy talk there chang
Maybe that's why you don't have bitches
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>Literally kill a man and kidnap his GF
And then you woke up
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Polbros what's happening with me something deep inside me is saying "What a cute girl" to OPs pic but I feel literally no attraction to her even if she was mad dead after me and rich beyond imagination I wouldn't want to be with her but instead every single time I see an Asian girl I feel such strong emotions of joy and attraction I feel like I only live for Asian girls and nothing else, what happened to me why I'm like this...
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I work to get money so i can do the thing i like , cute gf or not i dont give a damn, get over it boy
Based recessed-chin nooticing Pepe.

Personally I prefer to transmute my sex energy directly into vrill power, but I support you in your endeavors, anon.
I need to see this bitch in a BLACKED video like yesterday
Kill yourself
Exactly. I work my ass off. I have a paid off BMW a large house that is halfway paid off. When I was dating I had white girls fighting to be with me, I never spent any money on them. They just knew I was a good partner. I married the best choice.

My looks are only 7 out of 10 I'm 5' 9" 155 blond hair and blue eyes. Nothing special, girls didn't have much interest in me before I made something of myself.
Its simple, let me explain why you feel like this: you're a gypsy in Romania, hired by the american embassy in Romania, on romanian taxpayer money, to shill racemixing on 4chins and serve your pedophile jewish bosses
Chad can be homeless and get a gf
color cartón?
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Cool story. Drop dead, kike
muy basado, amigo
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baby wants desert before going outside to get the bacon
the problem is physically attractive men do get the desert often without never bringing home the "bacon"
>If I cant have a cute gf like pic related
You can't because you're a fat body sperg. Having a job or not will not change that fact.
Suck a dead dog's dick you fucking cunt
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you can, in russia.
I've been working so i CAN get a cute gf like OP pic related. But I also refuse to settle for anything other than what i want.

>Be me, 32
>2 years left on a 3br lakehouse with a 30 acre backyard.
>2 vehicles fully owned
>120k per year salary job, 30k per year side gig.
>Full head of hair, full beard, blue eyes
>Average body, not lean but no man tits or fat.

I just cant find anyone that im interested in. I can easily go out and get laid pretty cheap, or even for free, but i did a ton of that when i was a fuckboy in highschool (50+ bodycount coomer). I'm trying to find sombody that i can respect enough to mother my bloodline, and they dont exist.

Your options at my age are as follows;
>Morbidly obese but living in enough delusion to be confident and act like a sassy queen which is more disgusting than just being obese.
>2-3 children from different dads while claiming their children are their WORLD - What irony.
>Extremely leftist and tells her mom you're a bigot because you said the Indian resturaunt smelt funny.
>Import a SEA bride and be silently laughed at by my peers and family who would undoubtedly connect dots.
>Find a mentally unwell 18 year old who hates her parents because theyre "strict", who thinks "Rich" means over 50k a year in income so she doesnt have to work, and will raise your kids like theyre her friends and do retarded "Cool Mom" shit that turns them into faggots, trannies, or junkies.

Where all the white women at?
Doesn't matter if you found one or not, she would cheat on you since you are very obviously an effeminate faggot
Sorry Eric, i'm not reproducing with lesser stock.
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The young boy phenotype, that’s because you are a faggot.
Shave “her” head and then that’s a man, man.
I bet you have a face like JD Vance
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Nigger detected
I’m currently not employed by anyone but self-employed and my wife’s tits are huge. Cope, seethe and shit yourself.
Eunechs rule our country now as they ruled China in times past.

Therefore their days He consumed in futility,
And their years in fear. Psa 78:32-33
That’s true. Your community owes you a fulfilling life. If they cannot provide this opportunity they are undeserving of anything but active resistance.
Incels are completely vindicates in collectively punishing “society” for its failure to provide the basics of the hierarchy of needs.
Right. 'Cause that's how that works.
> I'll be a poorfag welfare parasite. That'll show them hot chicks!
Listen pleb, you don't get good pussy unless you work.
Wash your damn clothes. Take a shiwer. Work out. And get a fucking job.
Then you might have a chance at a girl like that.
You 100% won't by shitting your undies in your mom's basement while posting on /pol/ how we should all be losers like you.
You dont get it even if you work.
It’s not about “pussy”.
Prostitutes are cheap. It’s about finding a potential mate.

The American community does not produce good mates so the American community deserves whatever hardship it must endure from romantically inhibited males.
I’m sorry your life will get harder. But we all have to bare our burdens right ;)
>Broke men have never gotten a gf throughout history
What are you talking about? The vast majority of men throughout history have been 1 bad week away from not eating, and the significant majority of them in functional societies got married. There were men who didn't, but they were literally retarded or didn't want wives in the first place. This strange narrative is historical revisionist garbage peddled by women in modern society so they can have their cake and eat it too.

Women haven't always been whores, but you're right in that they're naturally predisposed to such mindsets. Which is why every functional society throughout history that escaped the stone age were heavily patriarchal, in which women had no real power over who they married, or if they did it was between chosen options a, b, or c, but that was it.

Being a slave to modern consumer society, working a dead end job so some jew can profit, and paying half of your wages in taxes isn't "trad husband". More nonsense.

Most men in society do go out and get the bacon, and most of them don't get women either. if they do, it's some run through slut who can't pair bond anymore, who's only there for the provisioning he provides, and the relationship most likely ends in breakup because you can't correct her obscene behaviors, and no matter what you do there will always be an army of betamales waiting to take your place if she gets tired of you, or gets the ick. "Getting the bacon" is a false promise of society that no longer means anything, and most men that do what they are supposed to do end up alone, divorced, or stuck in a revolving door of dumb cunts.
> You dont get it even if you work
I did. Happily married.
Didn't even date until I was 30. Started working out and making money. Got confidence to start meeting girls. Eventually found the right one.
Don't give up before you've even tried!

dun do wha dey do

nigga muh hand nigga yeah she blonde cuz i put in bucket o bleach.
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no its your problem they dont want you to work

working would compete with boomer wages they want to keep you out of their system

why would you want someone else to take your jobs if you work freelance you want as few competition as possible out there

jews do not want you to work and will continue to automate

so now they took your girlfriend and your job
>yeah bro, just take one of you sisters or daughters and make them be a sex slave for losers. What could go wrong?

This jewish nonsense belongs on >>>/r9k/
There are so many flaws and holes in your ways of thinking. It'd be impossible to begin to help you.
Kike's law
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women are dog shit
No, there isn't. Point the flaws out faggot.
You're probably some $16 per hour wagie who thinks settling with a fat piece of shit is the right move because you "love her"
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People will say you are a whiny asshole, but this is actually down to earth, the truth. Stress and depression increases because living as a working man in the west is like participating at a company for work that treats you like shit and puts extra hindrances in front of you.
I absolutely understand if guys just cop out and let society bleed out.
You’re a little old to understand what it’s like for a 22 year old male
yup, also theyre all vaxxies. wait til youre in your 40's women with 0 eggs left will be begging you to marry them
Things change boomer
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this, death to all american pastors
You are brown and circumcised
You are brown and circumcised
You are brown and circumcised

You are brown and circumcised
You are brown and circumcised

You are brown and circumcised
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>if a woman doesn't ruin my life then i'm going to remain the perfect goycattle slave for the jews
what the fuck
this has never at any time in history been good advice. wait until youre 24 and established was once good advice for upwardly mobile men who could have attracted women on the way up
If you are white enough you can become a cute gf like pic you posted. You sure have a personality like a bitch. All you need to do now is to pump som estrogen.
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well, yes, thats how living in a sockety works, the government doesnt interfere in your family life and you pay your taxes. now lets talk about how ultra gay evangelical pastors are
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If women want me to work for their gay society that benefits only them, they better stick their tongue up my ass crack and say "rama lama ding dong" while I drain my balls all over their tits
Blow your fucking brains out boomer
Real wahmyn don't actually look like that. The typical femoid is closer to the obese butch lesbian phenotype now.
you need to come out of the closet
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gf requirements:

>not obese
>female (optional)
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I'm sort of the same way or atleast becoming that way. Because deep down its psychological torture to think about it constantly and your body is just trying to protect itself. All the 10/10 cute feminine white girls are married by high school or college at max. I'm 30, not an incel or virgin have had sex with over 15 women but honestly. Its all the fucking same and not worth it unless you're shooting for kids, in which case its an even more nightmare scenario if you have an above average IQ trying to sort for a girl who will be good when you have no support (someone on your side to help point out obvious flaws) because as far as society is concerned modern women cannot have flaws because they are perfect and heckin valid.
They are looking to enslave us. Don't even participate.
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I dunno I find her attractive. Also her London accent is hot.
We're already enslaved
Is this one of the perks from joining the cartel?
Okay but what are the requirements to get a gf?
FINE OP then go to China where you’re guaranteed a pristine tiny moon wife as long as you work

if you don't work, you won't have a QT girlfren. catch 22
I've been working a long time and failed to get a cute gf. I'm going to stop working next year. Don't what I'll do to survive, but I'm not waging anymore for globohomo that's for sure.
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Based, no pussy, no work.
thats fine. as long as i dont have to feed you.
Only a small % of men could even get women who look like this. Dysgenic mentally ill losers like yourself would be cannon fodder for some petty lords dispute against another petty lord. You should be dead, and you deserve nothing, faggot.
t. Chad
Who gets the ugly ones, though? The eco-system needs to have ugly people coping with their lot in life and dealing with it in some way.
Same, I'm working until the end of this year and I'm done
ugly women get knocked up at 18 and have three bastard mixed race children, get really really fat and gross and covered tats and warts. Completely unfuckable by even ugly white men.
>That flag

In a scenario of a healthy society though, what would you expect to happen? There needs to be at least some class of the uglies that deal with it.
Similar to the job market, not everyone can be a CEO, we need the jannies, street cleaners, nurses, store employees etc.
Someone needs to eat shit, the least we can do is not kick them while they are down.
If you had marketable skills, you'd have cute gf like pic. Make yourself desirable and stop being a fucking loser.
can confirm. no job. swimming in it. whoops.
this girl is clearly evil and the fact that you are attracted to her proves you deserve the life you lead
Spoken like a true white person plagued by legions of narcissistic white demon brats lol

Ok mutt. Canadian chads own American women. They travel to Canada when they are 18 to come drink and get trains ran on them by superior rugged Canadian chads. It’s a rite of passage for your whores to get their cherry popped in Canada. If you’re in a border state, every potential gf or wife you could have has taken 15 Canadian cocks before they even look at you, half-nigger.
Leafs are beta cucks lol, didn't read btw
>Society had a responsibility
No. Society has not and will never owe you a fucking thing. Ever.
Then we don't owe society labor or obeying laws, simple as
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I didn’t expect a half-nigger mongrel to know how to read.
Speaking of beta cucks. You’re an embarrassment to your ancestors, pussy.
I got married just 12 years ago.
The issues you're facing now were much the same then.
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even an 11/10 is a pass for me if she's not a virgin
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You’re a dead end on your family tree. Pathetic.
>I deserve a thing first, then I will perform an act
This is a feminine mindset, ostensibly because you were raised by a single woman.
>contributing to the capitalist hellscape you live in
lol lamo even and a heart kwab to all seethers
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Since when does society have "responsibilities"?
You can't give an entity responsibilities without also giving it the authority to look after these responsibilities. Case in point, most girls don't "look" like this because a lot of the authority has been taken away from the parents, who have their best interests in mind, and invested in the schools, who exist to condition them to prevailing social narratives, be they maladaptive or not. You WILL learn intimate details about sex when you're 10. You WILL socialize with blacks. You WILL consume literature that demonizes your conservative parents. You WILL take birth control and Gardasil to fuck your ovaries up. God HELP you if you're sensitive to the trans social contagion.

With that said, you're in the boat you're in because you, people like you, and previous generations have wrenched away any and all authority the government could possibly have to control what you consume, read, and watch. There is a compelling case for this, and I will not argue against the decision to uphold first amendment principles over public safety, however, to cry foul when you're the one who jumped into the "weird internet porn goblin" life isn't fair. You can't have her, because you're not anything like her. She went rafting with her parents this summer, you were gooning that day. She got a job at 16 on top of her extracurriculars and still kept her grades up. You refuse to even show up and pretend to work. If you two were dating, she'd love to meet any female friends you have, start laughing with them, you'd see any male friends she had as a potential threat.
She probably doesn't even know what 4chan is!

A healthy life and a healthy mind translates into a healthy appearance and attractiveness. To generate wealth on your own terms exudes competence. To sit and whine as if the world weren't always a shitty and inhospitable place is beyond pathetic. I know crackhead career criminals that she'd probably date over someone like you.
seems reasonable, keep us posted which hand fills up first, the one you're wanting into or the one you're shitting into...
lol this poo/chink actually posted this “meme” unironically

Get fucked, Gagdeep Fong
>Posting fed memes

Look at mark Twain over here
Thanks. I thought I was just stimming .
Are you just not really good at anything, anon?
Get good at something and by the time you are, you'll have someone like that in your life (that's a man, by the way)
oh no some unlikeable faggot who already is a lazy faggot isn't going to work
Yeah bro its over and I am 100% with you, Asian women win. A qt Asian girl mogs white women, and that is simply the truth.
does anyone have a source for this picture?
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>If I cant have a cute gf like pic related, Im not going to fucking work.
How about this one?
hell id settle for a homely chubby girl that genuinely loves me and only me at this point.
>inb4 plapposting
I said chubby not obese
Why would I do that when bludgeoning my rival to death and raping his harem is an option?
cute girls don't just fall on your lap, you have to work on yourself to achieve one.
Women are inanimate objects losers. Revolving your life around getting a specific type of woman is retarded. They are exchangeable as chickens. The only thing that matters is she is young enough to give you kids. Anything beyond that and her not being obese means you are retarded.

t. Chicken owner, wife owner
hey look the 4chan pedo mod protected his tranny groomer thread again
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one more cute girl for you anon. She is even into guns :^)
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its not femenine. Its just modern and retarded.
the sulotion is very simple, if you clone a white women and give every brown man a white wife then brown people would vanish a couple generations later and only white people would be on earth
You are correct. Here is how every endeavoring civilization has prospered throughout history up until about 50 years ago, without exception.
>First (#1) is the incentive. (pussy)
>Second (#2) is the motivation. (participation)
NOT the other way around.
But dumb dick suckers on here will try to convince you to murder yourself first, THEN pray to god you get a .05% of the population virgin to breed with, without 500 niggers' ball snot mixed into your kid's DNA through microchimerism.
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4chan LLC is an American registered LLC.
James W. Macfarlane is the only employee listed for the LLC.
His pseudonym is SwagLord.
He's not the only paid employee of 4chan LLC.
The 4chan moderation are the owners of 4chan.
Namely, RapeApe(GrapeApe) is the head of the 4chan moderation.
He is the person deciding what will and will not be moderated.
He is the person who prevent the moderation from moderating.
He's also the person responsible for protecting the sexual predators on 4chan.
He's actively receiving money directly from China and Tencent using Smile for intermediaries.
Yes he's a pedophiles enabler and a traitor receiving money from a foreign enemy country to sell access to 4chan user base.
Hiro is not the owner of 4chan LLC.
He is the face of the moderation so the moderation can hide their activities.
Hiro is a sellout traitor living in Paris, the multicultural epicentre of the world.
Abib is the real administrator of 4chan. He's a known pedophile and sexual predator, and he's guilty of protecting and abating sexual predators activities.
Hunter is the /b/ head moderator. He is a pedophile and a groomer, using his position as an excuse for his child porn collection and habit.
He actively uses his position to frame and entrap underage himself.
Kami, is an active pedophile moderating /lgbtqp/ and is actively using 4chan to frame entrap and groom underage.
The 4chan moderation refuse to apply 4chan own rules.
They don't enforce their age limitation. Don't enforce the content rules.
Protect psychological warfare against 4chan user base.
Investigate 4chan LLC.
Martin Schwimmer is the 4chan LLC. lawyer.
Here's his email: Schwimmer@leasonellis.com
Please ask Mr. Schwimmer where the money is coming from.
>multiple lines at the corner of her mouth
>thin hair
>wearing shitty clothes that don’t match
>cheap ass necklace
>wrinkled clothes

Disgusting. She clearly craves the bbc.
Not really. Women like a guy that has a good job and is self sufficient. They want to know he is financially stable and that he will be able to provide for his family. All you’ve done is prove yourself to be a selfish lazy little twat that refuses to play if the others won’t let him win. No one owes you a damned thing- especially a cute gf you won’t be able to care for.
At least, when she’s out of the roost.
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Try instead the sword. Cast down effortlessly those jabby joomers in the name of God. Over their big part in the Jew Coup.
They are everywhere. Even chubby girls avoid a guy that looks too thirsty though.
Fight your own battle, chicken shit. And stay off my lawn or I’ll cap your ass myself.
That works for shitty jobs like burger flipping.
For intellectual jobs, however, it clearly hasn't worked.
>i did a ton of that when i was a fuckboy in highschool (50+ bodycount coomer). I'm trying to find sombody that i can respect enough to mother my bloodline, and they dont exist
I'm on a similar situation. I don't mean this lightly, it really is over.
women don't have to do shit and they get everything they want. In fact the more they do (sleep around, travel) the less likely they are to get a high value partner.
>Listen pleb, you don't get good pussy unless you work.
Yes you do.
Women separate all men into two categories: men they want to marry and men they want to fuck.
If you're attractive and have "game" or "rizz" or whatever she'll fuck you, even if you're a bum.
If you're hardworking and respectful, she'll categorize you as "marriage material".
But guess what? Being marriage material absolutely fucking sucks. She won't have sex with you often (as a way to show herself as pure and prude), she'll want to go on expensive dates all the time, she'll want to control you (she's after your wealth, afterall, and controlling you is how she gets to it). Oh yeah, and don't even get me started on the chances of her cheating on you.
>t. bum who fucks a lot of women. Sometimes I even have them pay for our dates.
The girl in those stories was beautiful, fit, unvaccinated, no tattoos, virginal, and (very) young
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>there he is
>that's the guy that wants pussy without having a job!
that means propaganda is having an effect on you
do you still feel smart or better than the average normie?
That's useless, because every year spent working raises the socially acceptable age of your partner, unless you're Hunter Biden or Leonardo DiCaprio. Zoomer women are especially conscious of "toxic" age gap relationships and muh "groomers".

And no, I'm not a pedo, I just want a 20-25 yo woman, who's not completely worn down from the cock carousel and still fertile.

So what you are saying is thatwomenbelong in the kitchen or the bedroom, should be barefoot and pregnant, that we should lower the age of consent, and engage in a little domestic discipline when required?

Thatwe should votefor far right christian fringe groups that have no chance of winning, so that the mainstream parties (conservative / republicans) politicians will start to represent the above values and people like you? (moving the needle)

stop bitching and do something about it, and vote

all adultwomenshould be in a conservatorship like Britney Spears was, until they are given away for marriage

Bride price now

“I, (Bride), take thee, (Groom), to be my wedded Husband; to have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health; to love, cherish, and to OBEY, till death us do part, according to God's holy ordinance; and thereto I give thee my troth.”

Napoleon Bonaparte Quote
Womenare nothing but machines for producing children.
You know that you are an incel if you have a list of "phenotypes" that you will have sex with

somewomenmay say they aren't 3D printers for our genes, but they are too smooth brained to understand that if we win, they win
ho die in a gutter then
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Men and Women are not the same nor are they equal, cuck.
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No one can stand in my way.
Not even you.
posts like this why i unconditionally support hamas.
lol faggot
You have an average body, and you are probably average looking at average height.

Let's be honest here, you are a beta male buddy. op pic is chad only fuck boy!
That's not how it works anon.
You have to go pick them.
You'll never find one if you don't leave your room.
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>Tfw a girl looking exactly like the girl in your pic moved in next door to me but she has a nigger boyfriend
It's the other way around and you are obviously a zoomer faggot, but you are also correct so godspeed little neet.
And then suddenly nearly every industry in the world is experiencing a competency crisis. Jews and Capitalism do not go well together
They had these contracts for men throughout all of history, they are just simply being stingy jews now
You're a low IQ loser and you're not entitled to anything from another human being, you're a low value piece of shit with horrible genetics and you will need to settle for a low value woman, probably a fat pig. Fuck you, sit around all day and rot away while stuffing yourself with goyslop and playing video games, you will die sooner from health problems which to me is a good thing.
yes, that's right, if society doesn't give enough rewards for participating, then it's "you do you" situation, so to speak
Kike detected
lol, some clueless idiots are still buying the "work hard and you get the girl" trope, lollero

If you are tall and look even somewhat decent you get girls without even trying, and if you are not then no amount of hard work is going to get you anything other than gold digger whores, it is what it is
shut up faggot. checked
There's zero incentive to slave 8+ hours per day unless you have a cute gf to impregnate
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Historically and still to this day, men find and secure tradwives when they're still teenagers. Ages 14-19.

That didn't change just because (You) got older. It's bride and GROOM. Dating as an adult is a compounding punishment for all the time you've squandered since your own youth. The name of the game is to pairbond a local maiden virgin, bind her to your household and destiny, and protect her from herself/Jews/niggers/fuckboys/etc. When you understand and achieve this--congrats, youve unlocked masculinity and made yourself a tradwife.
It's not even about the sex either when it comes to me. If I have no future and I am not wanted. Then I'll find new horizons instead, the Jew helped create this wicked world. But it's everyone else who chooses to live in it.
>they do, it's some run through slut who can't pair bond anymore, who's only there for the provisioning he provides, and the relationship most likely ends in breakup because you can't correct her obscene behaviors

I studied, I groomed , I got the job and yet I had this exact experience occur too many times to count. I truly do not blame any man who chooses to drop out of this morally bankrupt out of society
boogie2988 is that you
>YES, I am entitled.
>NO that is NOT "my problem."
>It is society's problem
Incel logic. If you fucking L O S E R S cant manage to impress women, who are mentally childlike, what makes you think you could have impressed a patriarchal, based father of the past thay was the custom before ~1960. Face it, most of y'all are cringe and retarded.
thats not good enough.
if you cant have a cute gf like pic related you should be indiscriminately killing every jew and spiritually jewish traitor
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>it was real in my mind
Nice try.

Payment upfront or no deal.
Where do I get my free Jewish privilege, then? What's the point if I can't get it?
I fucked your "good one" in her throat in a bar bathroom, getting strangers piss all over her knees and slutty skirt.

You are a fucking retard and deserve the most pain possible.

In a just world I would be allowed to cave your skull in with the femur of a bear.
You posted a Trans woman.
Wow you just get dumber and fucking dumber. I'm older than you and even I know that what he said is true. You fucking retard 12 years ago might as well be 500 years ago. Please literally kill yourself. I'm not joking man literally PLEASE kill yourself.
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Is she an amputee?
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That's not good enough, you have to actually impregnate women like in OP, and ONLY if you are a WHITE CHAD and you need to do it 1000+ times.

Here is your new mentor:
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In the west we are financially so pampered you really do not need anything more than welfare in order to bring up even a large family very easily.
Your children can still go to work and all once they inevitably get forced by the circumstances or something.
the privilege is material benefit in exchange for any spiritual benefit, aka being incapable of ever knowing god. 1 drop of jewish blood = jew. youre not getting the material benefits? contact your local rabbi for the (((trickle down economics))) benefits. the material is all youll ever have. better cash in while you can, because once youre dead, youre dead forever. but maybe if you sacrifice your own children to try to guilt trip one of your gods to feel sorry for you or continue trying to make everyone on earth godless, theyll relent and let you take a spin on the wheel of dharma. (the poo wheel)
congrats your government is no longer for your interests, and it's not in theirs either. what do
Gross, I don't want any roasties taking my semen, The other thing, those women kept choosing him and then got upset after finding that he was so popular.
just join a church and get setup with a trad christian girl from the community. ban her from eating corn/corn syrup
I met a cute girl like that once, but she had already had over 40 partners, dumb Swedish whore... I did still fuck her once though, lol. I should not have, as she called a few weeks later and said she had clamydia (I did not catch it).
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If you are so superior to those roasties, your genes should be enough to give them healthy and good quality children.
Absolutely not giving my semen to lesbo's or to singlemotherhood. Would rather my line die in a ditch.Which modern day women aren't even sentient beings at this point. There is nothing to gain from them but misery.
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You know, that's also something that I personally wrote alot on this board.
Shit skins / third worlders / ugly black haired mutts and med niggers pretty much belong in a ditch.

If you're actually a nordic chad, you should impregnate 1000 women at least.
That's just my book of course.
You seem quite black pilled. At least enjoy your life.
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What you should have done is looking after her health and impregnate her at least 8 times over the course of her lifetime.
(While of course fertilizing at least 3000 more white women being a professional nordic sperm donor in the mean time.)
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lol the kind of guys that can get a girl like that aren't the kind that need money to do it
I just don't like modern women, they never EVER take responsibility for their actions. Even the thumbnail which you posted, she is almost a completely fictitious character in what she represents (Essentially no one living today comes close). The modern world clings to lies, because people refuse to better themselves. People just having children just to have children won't make the world a better nor a more stable place by simply increasing the number of people living in it.
Meant to reply to this post.
I have an incredibly hard time accepting a women who has had too many partners. I dont think it would be worth it, even if she aligned completely to my beliefs and became a classical women who obeyed me.
No sperm donations allowed unless I'm doing direct deposits
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I think in these times of demographic catastrophe we have to make decisions like these.
Otherwise if we are this picky and then end up pregnating some random roasty once or twice anyways, this would be going nowhere.
The ideal would obviously be everyone having a normal large and healthy family with everything in balance.
Right now there is just way too many uggo third worlders in my opinion. And everyone knows they don't even love themselves. So if I have good genes I see nothing wrong with spreading them. If I was some random pajeet or bug or whatever I would just video game / whore / coom max and be a complete hedonist the entirety of my life, without even bothering with all this women/children/family/procreation work.

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