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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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This guy cost Trump the election. What was Trump thinking choosing this guy?
if JD Vance wasn't a threat to powerful interests, the spam would be unnecessary
I need a schizo explanation connecting Vance's mention of Mt. Dew and Cheatle working at Pepsi right fucking now
Fuck off, Langley
No one buys your bullshit anymore
And soon, regular common Americans are going to hunt you down as the sick traitorous kid fuckers you are.
We are going to make the Holy Inquisitionlook fucking tame.

BBQ Glownigger, burnt hair and screams
Fucking A
You can't stop us you stupid fuck Goy.
You have no power here.
We do
I wouldn't be surprised if he used Diet Mountain Dew as an enema.
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Is this nigger wearing makeup?
H-hot *starts profusely sweating*
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You’ve got the power of a gay nigger. I’ll give you that
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Btw it’s 110 now
They're going into overdrive because they found the clip of him saying trump needs to fire every single person in the Whitehouse and federal government that would be disloyal to him, as well as found his own test he gives to prospective staffers that weeds out anyone with left wing views
They know that if Vance makes it to the Whitehouse there won't be a cabal of people giving him bad advice, refusing to do things, or leaking information like last time. A trump-vance presidency is a far bigger threat to them than with anyone else as VP.
>/pol/ is so buck broken that they refuse to acknowledge how putridly bad this Vance pick is
It's really fucking sad.
Zion don is going to win regardless. He sucked the most jewish cocks
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You have a jewish president Miguel.
Didn't help in 2020.
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VPs don't matter
>which is funny, considering your candidate
They do though since Kamala is running goy
You got outsmarted by a bunch of neets.
>Biden is president
>Kamala will be president
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How did that happen?
Do you feel like you're winning?
Hes threat to Europe being pro russia, no eu meme forces backing Trump this time and you will see it.
We are winning objectively
By electing two kaiken simps?
Then why don't you feel like it?
Vance is literally our guy anon
There is nothing to feel here, we won goy.
You are so unsure of yourself
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Hes israels guy if anything.
I am not
Yes objectively
[howls internally]
Trump always picks the best person for the job, he’s a billionaire business genius with high IQ!
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>What was Trump thinking choosing this guy?

>Well, Satan has had my back so far.
Do you also have a botched circumcision and a lust fueled desire to rape furniture?
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The Truth frightens the Jew.
You are the Synagogue of Satan.
Repent and be Saved.
Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savior. It is only through Him that Salvation can be obtained.
Come Judgment Day you cannot claim ignorance for you have read my words here today and know the Truth in your heart.
How many times have I read this exact spam comment...
Dumping this guy would be a 9D chess move
>Trump can go on tv and say "people with comments like that have no place in my administration"
>media, Dems and Kamala will seethe
>Rs can say "didn't you just replace a sitting President on the ticket"?
It's just what the doctor ordered.
You exist to serve us chosen
I can tell how unconfident you are
My guess is Trump knows going to Congress to get a declaration of war against Iran would result in questions about his sanity age. Having a young guy as backup would nullify that argument. The problem is it looks like Vance decided to use the opportunity to start a side job as a controversial eceleb. How will women disappoint the sofa king next?! Subscribe now to get the latest updates.
>dur he fucked a couch
The left has really lost their marbles.
The amount of deranged attacks on this dude is just proof that they are terrified of him
I am very confident

Zion don rapes kids
Joan Crawford shot JFK while disguised as Jackie O. Joan Crawford was in Dallas that day, she was on the Pepsi board. JD Vance is CIA like Joan Crawford and was the secret 2nd shooter that almost killed Trump, but he's a terrible shot because he's a couchfucking goon.
You're deluded. Vance is the military industrial complex. He's a transhumanist technocrat who wants to force women into surrogacy farms to produce babies for guys like Peter Thiel to exsanguinate (see: Ambrosia) and rape.
Most people are women. 52% of the human species is female. Most voters are women. Exactly zero women are going to vote for JD Couchfucker. He cost Trump the election.
Palantir runs intelligence, analytics, spying for the entire West. He's not a threat to them. He owns them.
Hmm let’s see what powerful interests JD Vance threatens:

-congressional military industrial complex?
Nope, he was a faggot in the Marine Corps and then a Junior Senator.

-the elites?
Nope, he went to Yale, and if you gave him one bomb he’d drop it on his hometown to kill the white homophobes who bullied him.

-the Jews?
Nope, he wants to use American blood and treasure to fight for Israeli desert rodents instead of protecting the gates of Europe.

-big tech?
Nope, he’s a buttboy for Peter Thiel and Palantir and Silicon Valley/surveillance state are his main backers.

-the banks?
Nope, he worked for a hedge fund in between banging couch cushions and jacking off to dolphin porn.

He spends all his time talking about frivolous go-nowhere social issues, like all the faggoty republicans insisting on wasting white men’s time. He’s busy right now trying to halve support for Trump by women. He isn’t talking about abolishing the income tax and sales tax. He isn’t talking about machine gunning 40 million brown LEGAL immigrants. He’s talking about trannies and cat ladies and Mountain Dew. He’s a fuckin rodeo clown and white men are the bulls.
He's your guy if you're excited about living in a high tech concentration camp!
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Basado. Rich coming from a wet back with a FEMALE YID as a presidente
Btw we’re going to invade Mexico under the guise of drugs and we’re going to kick all you beaners out. Wait and see…
How much does the Harris compaign pay internet trolls?
I'm looking for a secondary stream of income. I'm facing homelessness in Pelosi's district and would like to remain in California. This extra income may help.
Used to be $0.50 cents per post. Based on the evidence here, I’d say they’ve upped it to $0.75 or even a dollar. They’ve got money to burn
holy fuck, goyim are so retarded aren't they? they won't do shit, muttmerica is ours.
Typical Trump. He's the luckiest man on Earth to be gifted with Biden's blunders and free sympathy points for the failed assassination attempt, and he flushes it all down the toilet as usual. Let's pick some hardcore white guy right-winger as VP who wants a total abortion ban, the #1 issues that helped Democrats to defy the odds in midterms. And also let's continue running our mouth with the usual one hour long MAGA speeches that appeal to zero independents, like he did during the convention - no one outside of MAGA likes this chit, so he's preaching to a damn choir and gains zero new supporters.

Nikki Haley would've been +15 points already without any assassination sympathy (dgaf if you like her or not)
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Shills are worse than ever.

Notice they were not an issue when Biden ran...

Good signs for Trump.
It's 10 cents at best a post and the only way you are making money is by running multiple devices
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Dolphin boy
you won't do shit, you never do shit. If you goycattle actually believe trump and Vance hate jews you're legit retards.
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Sure Jan, sure
what kind of pants on head retarded embarrassing ridiculous take is this
fucker was put INTO PLACE by billionaires for their direct interests. its not a secret. they were proud of it. he is peter thiels bitch boy, just like musk is.
Trump asked every VP candidate if they would be willing to refuse to certify the results of the 2028 election or if they would back down like Pence did during the Jan 6th march on the capitol. This nutcase was the only one who unequivocally said yes.
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Same shit happened with hilldawg… w00f w00f
>I member
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They want they biggest Israel Firsters on both tickets so Israel wins either way. If Tulsi Gabbard was VP Trump would be guaranteed a win but not happening because she went to see Syrian Hitler.
What's this whole couch fucking thing?
your ass
He looks like a faggot. Snipe the Trump kike & this ugly fag. Two kikes gone
Dude had some weird shit supposedly on his search history in a leak. Funny as it is, the couchfucking thing isn't real. What's even FUNNIER is that he admitted to watching dolphin porn.
JD Vance fucked a couch and is so dumb he told people about it. Trump is his newest couch.
Which is why Thomas Crooks is legendary
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He’s a dumb fag from Kentucky. A race traitor who is a fake Christian. He didn’t even demand his “wife” be baptized before marriage. She still refuses to be baptized. Either this fag hates his wife, or isn’t a Christian. He even named his FIRST BORN son after a poo “god.” Carson was the only choice but for whatever reason (IT money), he chose this fag. Still voting Trump
In reality nobody wanted the job, they probably asked a 100 others if not more before him. It would be kino if he could get the dog shooter or the handjob chick.
That's not what a confident person would say
It is what a confident person would say.
Have you ever seen those guy who go around calling themselves "alpha"?
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Get a room
That mtn dew comment was hilarious though.
He made it sound like he meant racism was a good thing.
You abandoned your argument. That's not very confident.
It's pretty funny tbdesu, the coping has been off the charts.
>hey guys, what if we, like, made the republicans fall into turmoil like we just did?
>zomg, that's like so heckin smart
shareblue needs to fuck off
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Argument? He is just correctly calling you a delusional faggot
Ah you went and grabbed your cell phone. You are losing composure. Not very confident of you.
A real alpha would never call himself alpha just like a real confident person would never call themselves confident.

Where do you think your insecurity comes from?
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I watched it just now. I liked it. And I don’t like vance. Shit like that will get him elected
>t. Drank a diet Mountain Dew one time and it made me nauseous for 2 hours
diet mt dew is the most based of the goy slop sodas. do not let this faggot taint it
Kek now you're getting paranoid too. These are not the actions of a confident person that thinks they are winning
>continues to abandon his argument
Crazy lack of confidence.
he screwes up once again doesn't he picking his crew?..

backstab and change of socks/position in 1..2...3....
Having to jump on your cellphone to act like another anon is the peak of no confidence.
lol nice proxy rassija

fun fact rass means ass in børk, is where the anglos get the word from

sigh seriously.. I am concerned.... in 2015-16 the guy gave me so much hope...

amazing though how this election went world wide like this everyone was watching
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>Everyone who thinks I am a faggot is the same person
Damn, inbreeding really does bad things to neurological development
How exactly?
rasshøl/rasshol... just saying.. okay burp...
aren't they all? cringe and homo
What about me? Am I the same anon too?
I have multipass! MUL-TI-PAAAASS
>back on his phone
>back to no confidence
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Sure thing nigger! What ever you say brah, Take your meds unironically Avi.
If you were confident about trying to be 2 different people, you should at least change up your typing style.
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Okay brah if that makes (You) feel better. Whatever you say
Who knew selecting a chud with no political skills who adds nothing to the ticket would cost you votes?
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they go rus comes from finnish ruotsi, wich means rowers and sweedes in finnish, in my humble opinion it comes from RASS because that's what they are an ass

kek i stop
When you pretend to be the other anon again, make sure to type the same exact way and use an image when posting.
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LOL, Jannies starting to prune the Couch Fucking threads.
Try to show some confidence in your samefagging.
vp picks aren't that important, but vance is still a good pick.
I noticed, board wiping with Kamala is fine but laughing at the warhawk zionist couch rapist is too far.
Trump knows exactly what he's doing. This is a carefully calculated move.
Eyeliner man will dutifully aid the president. In a way he's like david blaine but instead of being a magician hes the vice president..
Does that work?
>the Peter Thiel stooge wants Trump to drain the swamp
Do you people unironically fall for this or is it just bait?
To be fair about the make up thing, the lights they use for photos and filming wash out your features, so pretty much every one on TV at least has a dusting of foundation on, other wise you end up looking unhealthy
- worked in industry
so seriously for those that haven't followed so much what' the deal? can you hamburgers explain

and why does trump get people like this that in one moment call him the blablabla shit and oy now I am your fren
Yeah a curry burning self hating hill billy that worked for hedge funds would not be my first pick
I'd assume it stings due to the carbonation but if it's too painful you can just pop in a few mentos and shart it all out fast.
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how many presidential campaigns have you won?
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It wasn't a phase.
More jdvance shill threads? Dont you have some dumb antichristian threads to shill you dumb glowniggers?
>Nope, he worked for a hedge fund in between banging couch cushions and jacking off to dolphin porn.
I need a QRD on this. I have seen this everywhere today and I have no idea what this is referring to
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Look guuuise he said the line!!! HE SAID THE LINE!!!!
Aren't you guys just so demoralized now! I just feel so sleepy
>Meanwhile in reality
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so you hamburgers.. man when trump got shot then day.. omg I love him... OMG GIB!!!!

people 500 years from now will read and see this image

but watching your rnc.....

what are we going to do here? they have already flooded us with niggers.... destroying this 1200 year old country
He works for the Peter Thiel, aka jewish silicon valley techfags. Vance is swamp critter, through and through and it looks like Trump is going to surround himself with traitors again.
Can anyone gibs sauce on this shit?
>19 posts like this
Or perhaps people just don't like you?
It'll be glorious. Glowie heads on pikes and all
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Why do people have such little self control that they have to drink shitty diet soda? Just drink less Mountain Dew.
I am the OP. You guys complain about 1 post by this ID now you complain that there are actual posts. Which is it?
>your gay little smear won't stick so you're reduced to using a vpn to pretend to ask for sources to try to get people to talk about it.
>if I keep repeating it, it will become true!
cargo cult mentality
Somebody’s scared. Nonstop ShareBlue shilling today.
Bully tactics work I guess.
>but if it's too painful you can just pop in a few mentos and shart it all out fast.
Now that's a clean colon
I won an election in elementary School
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I was such a trumpster in 2015-16 he gave so much hope.. but he didn't deliver... sigh

is the only time I have cared about politics... I think the whole world got engaged in this

president trump please halp this time and don't just go
>chinese tacos I hate those chinese tacos are bad
>putin he is no taco eater, I eat tacos better than him
pls trump
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And like the vast majority of OPs you are fake and gay
I am not






Still voting Trump
Still voting JD
Still supporting israel
Still killing muzzies

why are people freaking out about a VP pick or what this guy said? the people he offended were never voting trump. ever. so who gives a fuck?
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The left is this afraid of a man who wears eyeliner
kek yes

the whole world is standing on eggshells rn, but even I am worried as fuck

but last time he just did shit like this make a fuss and walkaway ... he never completed shit

look I am not a political scientist is just me, I am an engineer. I don't know international politics

biden failed though, when you deal with authoritan states man this weakness...
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>"NIGGER DICKS could be here" she thought, "I've never been in this public office before. There could be NIGGER DICKS anywhere." The cool wind felt good against her bare chest. "I LOVE SUCKING NIGGER DICKS" she thought. Hypnotize by Biggie Smalls reverberated in her entire campaign bus, making it pulsate even as the $9 wine circulated through her powerful thick veins and washed away her (merited) fear of sex tapes on the internet. "With a blowjob, you can get any career you want" she said to herself, out loud.
Nigger, could you just answer the question?
only normal amount
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Better than pence.

you scared shill?
well you are wrong
Ironic. Because you happen to be the largest faggot of all time. Tell me how right I am.
ok and eyeliner is necessary because... ?
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btw did you hear about this indians in canada that pooped on the beac? so the canadians couldn't send their kids there anymore... sigh... I hate india so much it's not just because they don't have common hygenia and go poop on other peoples beaches where kids play....
>ooh building a sandcastla look at this brown .....

reee they support putin
Someone should take out all these "influencers" sending their cocksuckin rat faggots to 4chan
You only create more trump voters, thanks for your contribution
and journaists I am so sick of it anon, look here in norway idiot homo commie shit took over all our news... we haven't had news for years

all the experts, you have to go find them your self, and they are going "we can't this honest conversation on nrk can we" haha

and I' m not talking about that gleenn diesen guy he is fucked he worked for one of putin's advosiors, and was a professor in that elite uni in moscow for years so he just pout what they think..
Because you can smell your own?
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I am sliding is how it works in norway now, we have no news.

so our expert on war and russia, they go they simplply don't get us on.. instead they just make up stuff
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Oh no! Is that the obnoxious walrus that they had to kill after he commandeered several boats? It is isn't it
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>they simplply don't get us on.
not freudean slip I am no expert I am just a pissed of engineer

they also abolished freespeech... not that we had it, it was ie a crime to offend a public servant, I am not kidding.. I was once tried for it.... that is calling a public servant a retard, I went to my lawyer but I thought he was retarded

.. this is norway not free at all, now it's hate speech, and their aim? ofc .. politicians.. critize apolitician go to jail like it was before.....

critizing a politician ( an etnic white one ) is hate speech, go to jail.... already happened in sweden...
hehe yes I still kekked how the world reacted to a simple pest control... it was sick anon it this has happened since they started to recording it in the 1800ds one even made it to finland... he went up in this yard fucked everything up and they had to shoot him

look at it, it's sick, thin.. so this is the male the otheres folloed and again denmark have kept records since the 1800ds... is not normal but it is


it was fun though in oslo he fucked everyones boats, the world went mad as they went (rightfully so) is pest controll it doesn't belong here
Great pick! Our guys are gonna win in a landslide!


is from norway... and the bongs propped them up prior so these hippies that don't know nature got pissed we killed it...

the finns don't eat this type of stuff, so I dunno what happened to it there. is normal it just takes decades
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so anon.. this party afs I just spotted this on twitter haven't heard of them since what 2016? they are scammers?

all this shit about sending them home was just a scam to get money? what's going on?`
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>Shills mad 2nd in command is a H I L L B I L L Y

Bow down before the hillbilly master race!

can you elabortate I don't trust shit, is it true or is this just the state with their jewis shit running some psyop? this kasselstrand they go just took all the money ... burp.....

i am sorry sven I don't follow your shit sometimes I do
cope nigger he's literally the deep state, the spam is because it's funny to roast this emo faggot
Did they at least eat him?
Now that's a comfy sea fatty
pence was literally the deepstate, have you been living under a rock

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