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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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The entire world is losing its mind because 50,000 Palestinians died over nine months. Hiroshima's bombing alone obliterated up to 144,000 people, mostly civilians. Why does Japan not demand America be held accountable?
We're not sorry and we would do it again
FPBP /thread
They fucked around and found out.
Because kikes are the only ones who ever have to be apologized to.

The Japanese had already surrendered and unlike the myth of the atrocities committed against the jews in WW2 it was a actual holocaust.
Japan was cucked out of its mind after the war ended, then their economic boom was tied closely with American trade, so they bitched out.
Revisionist horseshit.
What was wrong with what he said, then?
Ok faggot.
Nukes aren't real retard
Tell that to the Micronesians you flat earth kikw faggot.
Obama did and the right lost their shit
The Japanese were already on the fuck around and find out train when they convinced all Asian countries that white dudes colonizing was racist. Sorry I stopped you from wiping your ass with your hand and eating your own shit, savages
Axis countries brought everything upon themselves. And nukes spared more Japanese civilians than any other realistic strategy of making them surrender. And the nukes almost weren't enough because they tried to stop the Emperor.

The alternative was giving Japan the colonies where they have committed a genocide.
2/3 of japanese deaths in world war 2 were from starvation because they didn't feed their military at all
imagine the famine of there was a land invasion or blockade of Japan

Make us.
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They deserved it

Not at all true in the slighest retard. The options were not Japan just capitulating because they simply would not. That was the problem itself, faggot. "Down to every last man, woman and child" was the policy. The US was planning an invasion of the mainland and predicted atrocious casualties. The nuclear bombs were an option compared to the land invasion, not compared to "no option". There was no "no option" available where Japan surrendered.

You're fucking stupid and believe revisionist claims. Those are just people's opinion, actually pay attention to the options presented at the time.
I am sure that the U.S. didn't have a week long forewarning of a impending attack on Hawaii and didn't disregard the radar readings as well.
>Why has America not apologized?

Apologize for what?

We should've nuked the gooks too. Nobody would say we lost then. I would've supported dropping nuclear bombs on Vietnam
comparing Hamas to WWII Japan is outright stupid
OP is fucking retarded
The US was imposing a rubber and oil embargo on Japan while it was at war in order to start a war with Japan. It was the same thing with the Civil war being caused by escalating economic warfare by the North on Southern industry.
The Japanese had not surrendered at the time the bombs were dropped. The government was ready to surrender because they knew Russia was about to join in the fun and kick their happy asses out of Manchuria, but they were still weaseling on the “unconditional” part, and the Army wanted to keep fighting and a group of officers even attempted a coup to prevent surrender.
So no, we didn’t nuke them after they surrendered.
Nukes are fake, but Hiroshima and Nagasaki were destroyed by firebombing, and the perpetrators of those atrocities will indeed be held accountable. The same people who own Japan also own the US.
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Because the United States, like the Empire of Japan, began to view Russia and China as enemies after the WW2.
Funny how the side that was 'saving the world from domination by the Axis' happened to end up dominating the world, and was also the side that pushed for unconditional surrenders on both fronts resulting in the war being probably 50 times more bloody than it had to be. Its almost as if the war was an actual coup by banker jews to take over western civilization
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Because Japan is a vassal state of America and all relevant politicians over there serve American influence like in most western countries.
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>Why has America not apologized?

For what? That shit was fucking hilarious lmao
crazy how this happened to coincide with the bolshevik jews being exiled from Russia, as well as Stalin's plan for further exiling that resulted in him being assassinated by his jewish doctors.
Because if they step out of line we'll put them in camps again.
Cuz we won
And your point is? They still declared war on a country with the population, industry, and natural resources to bury them. Their entire strategy for the war was based on Hopium and arrogance, as quite a few in the Navy and government knew quite well and did their best to dissuade the imperialists. But they went ahead and did it anyway and got the everloving shit beaten out of them for it.
And still the countries you cry about committed more genocides, even if you don't count the Holocaust
>Funny how the side that was 'saving the world from domination by the Axis' happened to end up dominating the world
Why is that funny? It’s what always happens when you have major wars where there’s a decisive victory. And it wasn’t so much “the side” as it was the US and USSR. Continental Europe and large parts of east Asia were bombed out ruins, and England was bankrupt and their Empire dismantled. The US and USSR were positioned to fill the power vacuums.
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Manchuria is an important region for Japan. Japan wanted to acquire this area and use it as a buffer zone against China and Russia. After many years starting in the late 19th century, Japan finally achieved this goal, but America and Britain criticized Japan and placed an economic blockade on Japan.
Then Japan began the war against America.
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Will just leave this classic here.
After the WW2, North Korea became in a difficult situation because China gained Manchuria.
rent free
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>tfw the writer of the copypasta has a relative or even a child who's probably gooning to Chinese cartoons from Japan
the truth is that Japanese people don't care about each other or their culture. They sell it out for foreign buxx just like their women sell their bodies.

They also started taking over the counter abortion lozenges and wish the women in America who don't have access to abortion will also be able to take them
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Westerners who think Manchuria is China do not understand history.
Manchuria was outside the Great Wall of China and foreign country to the Han Chinese.
For one, Japanese meth soldiers would torture American POWs in grotesque ways, e.g. forced to drink water then stomp on their stomachs for internal evisceration, this sort of medieval stuff always standard, and lots of perfidy etc
Imperial Japan getting nuked was kid gloves

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