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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Government realizes VUH ANNAYHESS is in bad condition
>Britain goes full shabbos goy
>Suella bullied
>Beans on toast nationalism
>Man kicked in head by police officer at Manchester Airport has cyst on brain, lawyer says
>Fuel still going to be expensive for while
>Royal rumbles
>Finally, an end to universities
>Literal who enters the tory leadership race
>Starmer: I will not force you to get rid of your gas boiler
>Democracy being overturned
>Jew lays a massive turd
>1&2ps coins to be phased out
Just watched Al Jazeera interview some muslims protesting about Manchester. One of those cunts said that they're afraid to go out at night.
I swear there was a smirk on his face while he said it.
The good smirk

Ok here we go we still alive cases are solved evidence all over the place everyone's what pedo chased what
where are the trips constantly spamming and that american with the baby photo and the samefagging, this isn't brit/pol/ like we had back in my day

I just find it funny that someone would refer to his mother as mumberg. Its just so bizzare.
dr_who went downhill at this point
at first i was
>eu flag
>light of the world shining from brussels
this is some bs

>group yogic flying
>field effect of consciousness

and then
>they're brexiteers

and then
>stable collective consciousness first and then the euro
absolute fucking kino
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>GB team appears
>BBC host whines that it's 'Great Britain' and not 'United Kingdom'
Is this guy a niggerlover or one of our guys?
Fuck all the modern parties we need to join TM and get Natural Law up and running again.
Is this the ladyboy general?
Don't forget dadberg and dogberg.
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Our tranny would resent that
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>Is this the ladyboy general?
Innit weird how you can have a ladyboy but not a lordgirl.
I never saw him post that desu. I only ever saw him post about mumberg.
Male privilege, innit
He shouldn't. If they called themselves that instead of insisting they were women they wouldn't be so hated
wan hundred dollar
He nicked that patter from /brit/ on /int/
Yeah they would
Fucking brexit
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special price special price

No but we support trans rights & pube blockers itg
na, it would shut the terfs up
Special fried price.
I really hope there's a race war in this country, I'm going to go out with my log splitter and crack paki heads in half and laugh as their brains leak out onto the pavement.
played gf that scene just now and she didn't like it and thought the girl was dumb and should kill herself
gunna invite JK Rowling to my beach barbecue
surf & terf
jk rowling is going to be the first landscaper on mars
i mean talk about an astro terf
Honestly probably just because I read The Sum of All Fears recently but I can't shake the feeling someone is gonna nuke Paris during the Olympics
Mate, they voted almost all labour and reform in 2nd in many constituencies.
If I was a muslim I'd be terrified of patrolling the Labour heartlands while Starmer and crew are in power.
by kid number 3 which should be a few years at least you might want to think about how you're going to support them
Did she make a full metal racket?
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>gunna invite JK Rowling to my beach barbecue
>surf & terf
The family is highly connected within manchester police

see this tweet

>Their brother a police officer with @gmpolice and their uncle a detective with @metpoliceuk were also present alongside their lawyer
@Akhmedyakoob1 There are no fewer than EIGHT police officers in their extended family. One of those was given a Police honour guard at his funeral three months ago in the Bilal Mosque
and the assistant chief constable is a muslim

free time off work though i'd do the same
He's looking right at us.
If I take the centrist dad chud view of multiple kids, unemployed mum, benefit scrounger with a litter of 12 then I can get on board with that easy.

When I think about situations in which people are fucked over a bit like say, one kid, in a job, 2nd kid, turns out to be twins, now you have 3. Shit, god fucked you and you fucked yourself. Sad but happens.
Have 2 kids, in a good position to have a third, have a third, economic downturn, lose your job, get fucked over by bracket & threshold freezes & inflation, crikey.
Have kids, good job, mum dies during childbirth, now you have 3 kids and you're a single dad and the economy's in the shitter and wages are suppresses so any part time work you can do is barely making it.
Not everyone ends up in those circumstances by pure choice and I can see that and I fucking hate breeders, a full red blooded misanthrope.

When even what would have traditionally been the middle classes are squeezed and the policy is below replacement rate then that's when the ol' Kid Starver name gets tacked on.
All the other Starmerisms are just a bonus innit.
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Some good jokes in this thread, lads.
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On holiday lads
At a spoons in Devon
He's seen your willy he has.
wtf devon looks like THAT
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>Akhmed Yakoob
State of it all
right then, I'm off. no turning back now. see you on the other side lads. hope the post nut doesn't make me feel too empty
Knock knock.
>kicking immigrants in the face is racist
If they don't like it they can fuck off. It's our culture


Did they use the River because the rest of Paris was unsafe?

As an athlete in the rain getting wet from the sprays on a boat were they trying to get them sick first? Cannot get off boat until it went down the river first.

How many boats did they need for the environment?

What a shit show.
Enjoy your fat bird, take care not to spread her rolls too far or the smell will get you
Remember every offence has a defence
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I strictly never eat them out now after a bad time
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Good lad, if you wanted fish fingers you'd have went t' tesco.
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>Vere dere's blem, dere's a clem, mi bruvva
>Bilal Mosque
In Rochdale? Looks kino.
that would have been fucking beautiful tyranny
The lads. Good lads. Great lads.
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Why is that monstrosity in our country ffs
Western mosques are so fucking ugly
So have plenty of people, I've quit drinking now before I end up dead or in prison, had a good run.
>the rats want a revenge holohoax on the cats
More like Mohamedchester police
Fucks sake police force infested with pakis it's so over
I'd consider Islam if I hadn't grown up with pakis t bh, they've ruined it for everyone.
No way we get that kind of kino
Best of luck, wrap up.
Looks like Big Ben but better
Off t'the shops. Payday t'day, saved up big all month.
Pickled onion crisps for all.
Who's there?
There was a big stink in prestwich the other day because a rabbi got screamed at by a member of the mosque and told to fuck off and condemn the child killing in gaza which is fair enough
the officer they sent to the guys address who insulted the rabbi was a muslim i shit you not
There's a certain grotty kino about them that appeals to me, like when pakis used to wear those ugly jumpers, don't see that as much anymore.
Living in a uni town in UK in 2024 is like being in a Chinese-Nigerian colony
looks like an insect hovel
They're usually built in the shittiest places
There's one in Oxford which looks architecturally quite nice, I guess it's for the posh muzzie academics
state supplementing employers is the problem, if you can't afford shelter and food for your family then the employer needs to pay more or only employ migrants
It doesn't.
Big Bilal.
Reminds me of my mate telling me on the bus that he 'appreciated the beauty of factories' when he was 16
All this condenm what I tell you is supicious

Play for your own team, pedos and polygamous bad

Do not try to pretend you are me
I'm surprised chinese still bother coming to the west just to be surrounded by wogs
Must be terrifying for them, poor things
Asians think they're superior to whites which is hilarious.
post it
Should kill the dogs first
I'm not even a Muslim, just don't like dogs. Every time I'm in the park and see a young couple walking a dog I think, they should be pushing a pram. If the dog didn't exist they'd have space for one more kid.
Access to white people is a human right
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How long have the behavioural nudge units been frightening the people of this country
Is it wrong to say I fucking hate pakis and think they should all be deported
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Good practise for their future careers
Indians are literally everywhere now, even at your counterjihad rally
There's something too pristine and ornate about the eastern mosques, I've grown up in run down poorthern slums all my life so there's something about these grotty mosques that make my brain go "kinda kino in a way"
It's getting to be a real problem, i don't like to see them in shops and around town
it's distressing
>I'm not even a Muslim
No you're clearly Chinese.
Chinese love dogs. Stir fried, mostly.
that's shocking to me
Soviet realist
>Shostakovich waltz 1 playing in the background on his ipod
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yfw Africans can't even deliver crushed rocks to specification
could live there for £750 a month which seems oddly cheap
I like those cheap digital clocks they have on the walls and when the sufi ones wail through budget reverb/delay pedals too. Guess I'm just a weird guy
Any news on the Olympic village? Last time some female runner almost fell off a balcony when getting shagged. What sexual hijinks happened this time?
They're like cockroaches.
1 Nigerian ubereats driver and his 5 dependants are good for the economy because ____
Goddamn I'm so horny and lonely why can't I get a short Filipina to use as my personal cum rag
Who caught it?
They help collapse the welfare state and gets those dole dossers working so we don't have to import binmen and Uber drivers
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This picture is fucking weird. Only Harry's face looks normal. The other two faces look edited or something.
It's not weird, it makes sense. I suppose it's nostalgia. But it's sad to imagine how aesthetic taste is so dependent on childhood and what that means for the future.
Midnight news on R4 reported that the paki was "deeply traumatised". No mention of the events that lead up to him getting his face kicked in, the only hint that something happened was reported as an "altercation"
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>You were governed by English law for so long. You went backwards not forwards. You neglected the things given to you when you arrived on the beach, what's more you completely destroyed them. Look at your gibs, biggest handouts anywhere. Even Chinese people don't get this.
Imagine if I punched you in the fanny you stupid ugly bint.
Line go up
Uber eats etc were genius really
Create a whole new workforce from what used to be the plebs thought "I'll drive/walk to McDonalds"
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Their faces were edited by race mixing
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>the government when your dad dies
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show me her early life section
WTF is going on with corrie
Deano Muslim
Shithole innit. That's probably the only picturesque view in town, canal up the hill is a nice walk.
I would have posted the song but data in Tiverton is shite apparently
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It's easy if you try
It’s natural to want to protect and care for your family, but what about people who don’t stand to inherit a penny? Is there any reason their needs should matter less?
Daily reminder the 8 poorest regions in Western Europe are in England.
Its possible, just about, to survive on £12 a week for food, but you'll be managing your food like a hawk to be able to do it (exact measurements etc)

If you do a search on youtube, theres a few UK based accounts who do cooking on a budget. I found [this video from 11 months ago](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DUfdMEKxN84), where the guy is doing cooking for the week from Aldi for £10, but that will likely be out of date pricing by now. The video is about [this article about a savvy student who does a weeks meals](https://www.echo-news.co.uk/news/23657479.aldi-10-weekly-food-shop-tips-savvy-student/) (21 meals) for £10 and consists of the following

Aldi customer shared £10 a week meal plan

Here's what Mia's breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks look like when she follows her £10 - a week meal plan.

Breakfast: Porridge & Honey x 7

Lunch : Toast & Poached Egg x 2 / Sausage Sandwich x 1, Toast & Honey x 3, Jacket Potato & Spaghetti Hoops x 1

Dinner : Mixed Vegetable Omelette x 2 / Sausages, Mash & Veg x 3 / Jacket Potato & Spaghetti Hoops x 2

Snacks: Yogurt & Honey, Cookies & Cream Biscuits

There are other videos you could follow to add extra variety into your meal planning. If you really want to go to absolute bare bones, theres a Youtuber called [Atomic Shrimp](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WHDTP8P9SFI) who has done a 5 days for £5 challenge and a few other 3 meals for £1 challengers, but from memory, some of his itemshe forrages for (wild mushrooms , fruit etc) which i wouldn't recommend you do unless you know exactluy what you're picking AND you have time to go looking for things.
Honestly, the weird development of Muslim communities in urban England into a bizarre orientalised-Deanoism is a topic that anthropologists should be all over, it's fucking fascinating
Dunno just got here and came straight to spoons, we're actually staying in a hire cottage in bampton
Yeah I see zoomers round here going to Turkish/Paki barbers and takeaways because it's all they've ever known, I'm old enough to not be that bad lol
you could easily live on a pound a day and get all the nutrients you need
Just get a dominos
Consider suicide
Stupid slag probably spent more traveling to the shop and heating the food up. It's a nice headline but people fail to understand what actual food poverty is. People donating pasta and tinned food to the food bank trolley in supermarkets are thick.
Jobbies are free and they come out your arse every morning
Defo, provided you're open to shoplifting
will Germany ever be great again
Seeing lanky paki lads going to the mosque in full on trackies and nikes with a tea cosy on their heads always gives me a chuckle.
>£1 a day
That's 5 tins of spaghetti loops from Aldi, with 5p change even.
Imagine hating yourself and your family this much.
I went to a barber recently and the barber told me he was from Jordan
I said where is Jordan, he lied to me about where Jordan was and said it was near Turkey
I know geography really well so I said, 'it's near Syria' and he turned to his manager and said something
and said 'no near turkey'
I asked him what was interesting about Jordan because I don't know much about Jordan and he just laughed
and then he started insulting my girlfriend who was waiting for me, I asked him to confirm his insult directly and he wouldn't
I was so mad
I still think about it all the time
Spaghetti hoops aldi 11p
Cheapest loaf 39p
For a quid you could have enough bread for a week with 6 portions of spaghetti hoops if you use a 3rd can each time
> Rebecca Achieng Ajulu-Bushell was the first black woman to swim for Great Britain.
>But she walked away from the sport ahead of the 2012 Olympics, aged just 17.
>She tells @itsanitarani about her memoir, These Heavy Black Bones, & what achieving that level of success cost her
Obviously she's committed to dying a childless cat lady
>wake up with 1 pound
>buy 4 potatoes
>eat 4 potatoes
>calorie intake met
>micro/macronutrient intake to survive met
Provided this story is true your gay, if you're lying you're also gay, you are gay
Totally agree. Fuck money hoarders and their grubby nigger loving kids.
Why am i gay for that story
this is unironically based
> ‘Looking back … that’s what put food on the table, that’s what got me to uni’
>Poet Zara Sehar joined @itsanitarani to discuss the unspoken shame she felt at school about her dad being a taxi driver, and how now she wants to use her poems to uplift his work
Drive uncle!!
Bamptons a nice little town lovely bakery and pubs. You gonna go for a wander around Exmoor?
Paying swarthoids to cut your hair then letting them know you're insecure about what they might be saying in mudlanguage
That’s not the states problem, nor the concern of other citizens. Fuck em
Mass potatoes would be a good option. Alternatively steal your own from the community garden. They usually have 0 security you can scope veg on the Facebook group pages but use a burner
yeah I picked up on that.
Rude bastard.
I went to two white barbers and they wouldn't cut my hair without an appointment
It's what he said in English that fucked me off not what he said in paki
They were 19p other day.
>hes pissed off because the paki said something horrible in his paki language, which he understood
Mask has slipped. You're a confirmed shitskin.
> The charity Karma Nirvana @KNFMHBV is highlighting how school holidays are a time when young women might be vulnerable to forced marriage.
>Their Executive Director @natasharat2 joins @itsanitarani to tell us why and how it can be prevented
Ban holidays now! Endless Michaela to save r BAMES!
I've been thinking a lot about shoplifting recently with the rise in lawlessness
I think it would be extremely easy and the companies that perpetrate these ideologies are literally enemies of Christ
based bohemian grove knower
Sounds like you just beta your way about getting dominated by everyone you meet, major cuck vibes from you
the jiggaboos on the zimbabwe boat looked well happy there
My knowledge is from last year but that sounds ridiculous. Used to be 11p n 22p the basic baked beans. outrageous
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>and how now she wants to use her poems to uplift his work.

There once was a driver called Mo
His uber through London was slow
Till one day a BAME jumped in the cab
And all his friends came to give him some stabs
And London remained a shithole
Hairdressers are literally always armed
also wtf do you expect me to do in that scenario
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This is like those GCHQ puzzles.

hand greed arab gender tax
A crushing surprise attack of barely imaginable brutality
Banger. You’re now the brit/pol/ poet laureate, licence fee sinecure bennies will now be coming your way
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The paris olympic opening ceremony is the most faggy god damned thing I've ever seen
Driving a truck is fucking shit. They should make boat wogs do it
Imagine this situation
>Did you just call my girlfriend old yeah? Do you think my girlfriend is old?
>No, i would never say that.
>*Crushing brutality*
it makes no sense
So far
It's French.
have you seen the lane discipline in bits like Lagos and Kabul? Don't want them fuckers cutting you up on the motorway
reckon there'll be a terror attack or major incident at some point?
You obviously have to racially abuse him first, but if you're an obvious rice burner that's going to look weak.
I guess your only option was to bitch out just as you did.
Make an appointment with a white one next time, consider this a lesson
Fingers crossed
Fucking retard, good work
walk in and do a hate crime get citizens arrested by him and his brothers
fucking div
live in the real fucking world
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I fukkin hope so

There's no way the muslims are going to tolerate the trannys for too much longer
Shut the fuck up paki
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>live in the real world says a drunk
Not a big one, a lone wolf or two maybe but the spectacle of 9/11 was a once in a lifetime event desu
>she chooses to wear
I wouldn't be caught dead in one of those heroin cash laundries. You obviously feel insecure about this episode otherwise you wouldn't have brought it up to copespam about.
Take the L and move on.
smart guys
why aren't you both in prison if you practice what you preach
what the fuck am i watching
is this the fag olympics?
Fuckers want diversity let's diversify the roads with 44 tons of unsecured, overloaded trucks being driven peacefully
Why don't you go and hate crime them
or too busy in white barbers cowering
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it's only inspiring when working class browns do it to put food on the table
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latent >>>/fit/ /fph/ content
>oh noes! I need to run away from my country because they make me wear the bin bag
>wearing the bin bag in your country is feminism
Make your mind up you stupid paki
Once saw a couple of cars in the middle lane of the M23 in convoy doing about 45mph. I pass them and in both cars it was a family of fucking jeets or pakis.
This is so fucking evil
Says the yellow fever severe alchie kek
what is it
>fighty battles for me because I'm a limp wristed tub of puke
I've cut my own hair for the past two decades. Cope more about some Jordanian hairdresser boying you off, laughing at you trying to make out like I'm the bitch here. He literally insulted your bird to your face and you're having a good at me?
State of you
it is about to eat Dionysus!
The West really is cooked beyond belief. Our ancestors are spinning in their graves.
Typical lazy french coast guard. They'll be landing in Dover in the next few hours.
>The one child among the faggots
Fucking demonic, feel bad for the kid tbqh
left the room to grab another beer whilst the fat lizzo bint was on and I come back to see some blue fucker splattered across the deck
Thick cunt, after all the Christ larping too
He made a bad joke and i called him on it and he backed off despite having a weapon in his hands and people to back him around
>I've cut my own hair for the past two decades
Not one to give advice about hair then are you
Yeah sorry mate not up to date with everything in the world since becoming a christian
should be a new rule that all white countries should just have their own competitions and tournaments where they can out fag eachother and leave the rest of the world alone.
French Olympics yeah.
>Refugee Olympics
Cor, that's an idea
>Border Fence Pole Vaulting
>Cross-Channel Freestyle and Butterfly
>Men's Dinghy (not enough female competitors to have their own category, sadly)
You brought it up to try and cope about it, but you just ended up exposing yourself as a gutless bitch. Tell your story walking kid
Yes I do.
they turned fred durst into a nigger
>decide to have a nice date with gf
>go to get a drink
>walking to pub
>group behind us
>gf accuses me of laughing at a comment a girl made behind us
>wasn't, was spacing out, dunno wtf shes on about
>starts giving me shit
>firmly say no I wasn't and I was spacing out
>accuses me of being defensive

oh my fucking god I hate women, I suddenly realise why they've only just recently gotten more rights.
It looks to me to be a parody of the last supper. Not at all as intelligent as you demand people believe you are, can't say I'm surprised in the least
have you ever seen the nigerians in clapped out old corsas with the driver's head hunched forward, staring into the horizon doing a steady 40 at all times, fellas are totally locked in
How did I expose myself as a gutless bitch when I literally btfo him
what's wrong with coping with things that happened dumbcunt
if you got shot in the head by me and went hospital would you off yourself for coping
Maybe India will win some medals this time, teehee
rape marathon
Unironically what's worth saving? Everyone around me appears to be a totally thick cunt unwilling to look their own destruction in the face

It's beyond belief
>I went to two white barbers and they wouldn't cut my hair without an appointment
Why didn't you make an appointment?
Yeah no shit goes without saying doesn't answer the question you fucking retard
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Nothing ever happens.
You're a very insecure person, not very masculine tbf
she needs a beating
It would have been too late in the afternoon
Target shooting but they are the targets?
>backing off
you fucking pussy
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There's already been cunts firebombing the railway lines
>Not at all as intelligent as you demand people believe you are
>Yeah no shit goes without saying
Wow, you just got handled again, how humiliating for you
please - then the fags and the shitskins can destroy each other
>>backing off
Post your hand josh you sad little twat
Facile, this is you backing off into unreason in a pathetic way
Yeah I’ve mentally checked out of it desu. Once I graduate I’m going to try my best to get as close to innawoods living as possible. The game is a bogey.
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I feel like I'm taking crazy pills
You can't handle reason so you have to go into a mad world of conspiracy
Pal, you got boyed off by a hairdresser, I'm laughing at you but you're acting like we're in a competition for dominance, we're not, you're coping about your humiliation and I'm rubbing it in
The Danny Boyle 'Cool Britannia' shite in 2012 was cringe beyond belief, but this is like clinically mentally ill
Another dub
post arms
Yeah pal, so sure about this interaction at the foren money launderer that you're trying to convince me that it's my responsibility to go set them straight when they insulted your gf.
You're a clown pal
Not seen that, quite regularly see pakis in pimped out Bimmers and mercs thinking they're hot shit though.
One of my pet peeves is the cunts who overtake & zoom past you when you're doing 30 in a 30 zone in a built up area with cars parked along the roadside.
Just ignoring your posts from now on because you're embarrassing yourself and it's not fair
nothing substantial just macho bullshit that's been addressed
he can't skate. why is he there?
this is just bullying.
Remarkably similar to someone else who copes here, weird that
I doubt it. They still don't want anything that might make people go "hang on a minute".
>suggesting that if he lived up to his own ideals he would be in prison
>yeah like i'm going to solve your problem
the greasy state of the nignored poster
I'm not the one whinnying about some sort of imagined slight, fucking pathetic cunt you are. Why does this general attract such screaming insecurity
surprised they just showed a split second clip of Adolf at the olympics. Thought they'd steer clear of that, even for the brief second that it was
History happened
Passive aggressive posting about me after your acting like I'm not worth your time, kind of mixed messages from you
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>muh ego crushing haircut
>I'll cope on britpol
>now you look stupid for laughing at me
All namecunts are just bitch made retards, cunts too thick for faceb**k
yeah I always wonder who they pay to get their license and all that cos I refuse to believe the minted sheikh's nephews with the big mercs queue online on the DVLA website to book a theory test and I doubt the lower caste ethnics can even read the questions
>he cuts his own hair
Your taste in music is that if a man who loses all composure at the hairdressers
enormous fat slag moved in to the house across the road. just met her. fucking enorrrrrrrrrrmous.
>but the biggest tiddies ive ever seen.
d damn
>he pays foreign lads who insult his girlfriend and talk behind his back for something his gf should do for him at home
Oh my now this is some josh grade cope
>He lives in a victorian reality in 2024
Oxford centre for Islamic studies, I guess it has a mosque in it
>his elaborate modern do requires the skills of a man who rides to work on an electric scooter
He still thinks he's some face left to save
Make one for another day
After all the postering from Muslims about how they are going to take over Europe all it takes is a kick to the head and they cower in fear, they still fear the Saxon
Sgt. Slaphead reporting for duty sir!
What's Tommy got planned for tomorrow then? Something about a protest?
But I wanted my haircut that day
Un-range ban me from /sp/ cheers based mods
Bad time management, bame tier life you're living
Has the saxon finally started to hate?
Might hide in a hedge and giggle at passers by
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Tommy will play christian tunes and get christian speakers on stage
he's like a crowbar
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>After all the postering
kek. she's a chonker and im not into fat girls. but i fucking love humongous tiddies. the bigger the better, like there's no such things a too big. conflicted. anyhooo
Inaccurate memery
No righteous fury then, sword of flames an all that?
Yeah maybe, have to see what the folks are saying
checked. would love to see the crusades happen again, but in leeds and bradford and londonistan this time.
The reconquista part 2
It's funny, some pansy who just has to have his hair cut today, takes his old looking foren gf to the drug dealers fake hairdressers, gets boyed off and pays for it, comes here trying to cope his ego into shape, gets laughed at and thinks just ignoring it all makes it look like he's come out on top, still is passive aggressive posting because he's shaking too much to just drop it and move on.
Hilarious tbf
>you fool! You ran me down with your iron horse
By fat do you mean morbidly obese or do you just mean a bit chonky
The level of violence that has been perpetrated against us without consequence
every action has an equal and opposite reaction
That’s my pc way of saying chinky
>said from a hedge
@Cauldron did the at least give you a decent haircut? I would have thought if I got into an altercation half way through a haircut they might give me a bad cut on purpose, also this is why I don't usually don't talk to hairdressers
>Inaccurate memery
And of course, it's a poem about English contempt for German barbarism. Can't be doing with Wignats appropriating /are culture/
I always look shit with short hair but they didn't deliberately fuck me over
I'd say decent job but not the best
i mean like she's probably 150 kilos.
fuck sake https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c19k2rdzxyko
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this one gives me the ick
>le refugees blah blah le refugees
>merci beaucoup
I think it's always been like this
shakespeare was an exceptionally good memelord
>William Shakespeare is credited with the invention or introduction of over 1,700 words that are still used in English today.
What do you call a chonky Chinky then
It's 2024 and we still don't have a Pern movie series
Rizzmeo and boopliet
I don't mind them adding slang to the dictionary but they do this every year just to be sensational, these terms will go out of fashion in the next 10-20 years.
cor some odd digits going on tonight
fucking sick
you should write that if you came up with that
A skibadee bummers nights meme
>merci beaucoup
Who's she?
It's french for good bye
Titus Androgynous
State of this

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