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>this is what poorfag retards mean when they say food is too expensive
When I was poor, I was calculating the calories per dollar and then buying based on that to maximize how much food I could get. But maybe I'm just autistic.
nigga say he starving but he just bought a life time supply of tooth brushers.
What did you conclude have you the most nutrition per dollar?
save that $20 dollars for a real emergency take your ass to the pantry and get $200 worth of food for free...
The economy today is worse than during the Great Depression in every measurable way
>Six pack of toothbrushes
I'll admit I replace mine every other month but even I don't buy 6 at a time maybe a two pack max
Toothbrushing is a scam. Wasted money.
Millennials can't buy a house because they spend all the money on toothbrushes
Maybe he buys toothbrushes once a decade
>chicken breasts
He's poor, but he buys the most expensive part of the chicken? A bag of leg quarters would have cost him half.
how come poor people buy pasta sauce instead of the ingredients for it?
or supermarket butter instead of some local facebook thing?
and supermarket brushes instead of temu ones??
i dont get it
The real comment.
the six pack is only like $1. The single Oral-B is like $7
I'm not faulting him on toothbrushes
but somehow your fat ass got fattier go figure
Maybe that poorfag should have got a block of cheese instead of shredded cheese?
This fat fuck is a lazy piece of shit that can’t even spend 15 minutes grating so he can get twice as much cheese. He’s stupid and lazy and wasteful. What he isn’t telling you is he spent like a sailor on leave when he got paid and ran out of money after a few days of Starbucks and fast food and now he has to make up for it. He wouldn’t be in this position if he weren’t a dullard.
It's the most economical thing to do
Pasta sauce is cheaper than the ingredients for it in the US. Fresh fruits and veggies and canned foods like crushed tomatoes are more expensive. In the US it is cheaper to eat unhealthily which is by design.
>you have to calculate calories per dollar in the richest country on earth
The fact you don't see the problem with this tells me all I need to know. You deserve to be exploited and to suffer tremendously
Dump some oregano, thyme, pepper, salt and paprika into the rice while cocking and you have a decent tasting meal
>Tooth brushes
you don't need to brush teeth if you're not going to eat, I smell bullshit
Got enough avocado toast in ya, you summamma bitch?
Yeah because the $2 pack of toothbrushes will make the difference right
who in the fuck dont have salt at home and margarine not butter is cheaper
>Cheese grater cost $15
Check mate nigga
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With $20, you could get a whole chicken, 10 lb bag of rice, tortillas or bread, and assorted vegetables.
This is what I'm thinking. The chicken breasts. The shredded cheese. That jar of pasta sauce is probably high too. He could have bought a lot more food for $20 if he tried.
I don't understand what he's complaining about.

First of all, this retard made the wrong choice by getting chicken breast when he shouldve gotten chicken tenderloins. They're smaller, but weight to dollar ratio you just get more. Ontop of that, you don't need a whole fucking chicken breast for dinner, so what are you doing with the other half, fridging it? Dumbass, pull out 3-4 chicken tenderloins and you remove the need.

I live on this basket basically lmao. Except for the butter and cheese. Dairy is for people with fetal alcohol syndrome and obesity. Also, i'm on salary of 82k with 13% annual bonus, you'll still catch me eating rice, chicken, and pickled eggs for every meal.

(Ok ill admit i do order doordash on friday when the company pays for lunches)
not at dollar general
Depends what is on sale.
Underrated post. Especially skinless or boneless chicken.
Knowing this is Reddit he probably shoves those up his ass.
>is lactose intolerant
even the cereal boxes look underfed

everybody starving
>I replace mine every other month
is this normal? ive been using the same toothbrush since i started brushing my teeth and ive never seen anyone in my family buy a new one
It's now more expensive to make your own pasta than to make premade. Big companies buy up the ingredients at bulk prices, and companies like walmart sell the excess at retail markup prices. By the time you pay for the utensils, electricity, and the account for the time and cleaning, there is no possible way to make pasta at home cheaper than you can buy it.
>chicken breast
>not chicken quarters which are the cheapest chicken meat
75% of those 20 bucks went on the chicken breast alone
starvation 100% deserved
You could get all of that for free at the foodbank, why would you spend your last 20 dollars on it, instead of like, gasoline?
We're all lactose intollerant, nigger. We're not supposed to have milk beyond birth, and certainly not that of a cow. Enjoy dying of heart disease Eric.
at my Walmart those are the cheapest toothbrushes. a pack is 1.25$, used to be 1$. its literally cheaper to buy this pack than the next cheapest individual toothbrush, not per piece but the total price outright
You can't eat a toothbrush
Wtf is wrong with his guy?
>oy vey Goy, you must eat the poison margarine
>butter is too fancy for a man working full time

Anon, it's flour and water.
I bought one nice toothbrush 15 years ago and have been using it ever since
she didn't even buy pasta $10 would buy month worth of pasta easily
Yeah but then you'd have to spend loads on electricity to refrigerate it, hours chopping and preparing and even more cash on fuel to cook it.
thats 10% of his entire net worth right now
put the toothpaste on your fucking finger you idiot, use your finger
Shredded cheese is far cheaper.
Can you guess why, estupido?
It's also only 1/2 of the usable meat by weight.
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lmao nigger that's like $2-3 quit trying to fucking gaslight. every time in these threads with you niggers
>"bruh no cap frfr i see u got them q-tips in ur cart and u ain't eatin jus brown rice and beans for 30 days straight so u have it good. i walk 34 miles uphill to the store for a potato so ur a bitch."
fuck off
>who in the fuck dont have salt
If you see someone poorfag posting and they have salt in their cart it's because they just got kicked out of wherever they were living.
You need 'em to scrub the chicken breasts.
>When I was poor, I was calculating the calories per dollar and then buying based on that to maximize how much food I could get.
Yeah? So you were living entirely off of bulk buy jugs of high fructose corn syrup? Because if calories:cost was your only concern then you must have.
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And this nigga bought a fuckin' sixer of toothbrushes.
most food pantries barely give people like $20 worth of food anymore they are so strained by the shit economy
This nigga eating facebook butter
dont your cities have farmer markets where everything is cheap as fuck?
20 dollars is what a the dumbest fucks in the us make in an hour
>Dairy is for people with fetal alcohol syndrome and obesity.
say hello to your fucked up teeth, osteoporosis and excess acidity nigger
i can tell just by the fact that you're not consuming dairy that you're calcium deficient and since muscle contraction doesn't happen without calcium, your punches are weak as shit and i would totally fuck you up motherfucker
$3 out of $20 is a lot. Fucking dumb nigger
>measuring your net worth in plastic toothbrushes
Oof. Sucks to suck

Captcha: NAY X N0
>Chicken thighs
Very cheap if you can get them on sale. My local grocery store has them on sale for $0.79 per pound, which is about $0.87 per 1000kcal.
Also pretty cheap. About $1 per 1000kcal.
Around $3/gallon for me, so also pretty cheap.

And there's stuff like rice, lentils, etc which I don't eat but are pretty cheap too.
Yes, and they charge more at the farmers market than they do in the grocery store. Which again, is by design.
if you subtract the bone, gristle and skin weight from that 'cheap' chicken thighs or quarters you end up paying the same cost as what you could have paid for all usable meat tenderloin or breast
>Especially skinless or boneless chicken.
I haven't actually bothered to do a comparison of skin on bone in vs boneless skinless. I wonder if it's actually cheaper.
>hours chopping
No, it's like 10 minutes
>loads on electricity to refrigerate
Maybe this is valid if your refrigerator is so empty and you're so poor that you leave it unplugged
>even more cash on energy
Really? It's probably less than a $1 on energy to cook it.
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The pack is a dollar you coons
this guy knows what's up. you end up paying the same if not more when you buy the cheap shit due to the loss from bone, gristle, skin, etc.
Central Floridafag here. Most jobs are paying between $15-16. I have one of the easiest jobs in the world and make $14 and they feed me. Average rent is $2000/month here. Shit is unsustainable.
I replace mine whenever I get sick so I don't get myself sick with it again later.
yes but you are paying for bone weight there. calorie and protein gram/dollar. breast is better.
$1,12 is 450g of the cheapest pasta at walmart
$3 is like 1,4 kgs of pasta you fucking moron
would you rather have almost 1 kilo and a half of food or have the jew stick to brush your teef?
Block cheese and shredded cheese are the same price where I shop.
Huh? So, since i don't drink cow milk, i just don't have calcium. Weird. Sardines, salmon, beans, almonds, all things that give more calcium than milk, simply arent enough for me :(

Well, i don't drink monster energy drinks and they have lots of sugar, so i must be sugar deficient :(

Nobody even knows where your country is, shut up you dumb fucking brownoid. Just because your skin is tinted white doesnt mean you are white, enjoy living in what is in all reality a 3rd world.
>or supermarket butter instead of some local facebook thing?
what that's fucking walmart butter probably the absolute cheapest butter one could buy. also not everyone has the time to baby sit and make a pasta sauce where all the raw ingredients will cost them 5x what a jar of sauce will
I have that pack in my bathroom cabinet
Why do /pol/nigs keep defending that shit is outrageously expensive?
Buying a $5 (max) pack of toothbrushes shouldn’t be a factor in if you can afford food. That’s not a luxury item in any form.
I saw a thread last week where an anon was unironcially point paper towel as a non-essential, and you should just steal it from your gym.
I know how to make noodles jackass. It's flour, eggs, oil, and water. It's just flour and water, you turbo nigger. It's also requires sufficient counter space, cleaning supplies because it makes a fucking huge mess, and an expensive machine to shape it if you want to be done with it before you retire, and time for it to dry.

You're a fucking idiot.
>not eating the gristle and skin
also the bone/skin/fat are what makes chicken thighs taste way better than chicken breasts and also makes it basically impossible to overcook them, whereas chicken breast dries out if you cook it 1 femtosecond too long
kek, that's how they do it in mexico apparently
I have with my stores, about $0.70-$1 difference per pound because of processing.
>the jew stick
lmao you are fucking ridiculous.
>This faggot should have got more tinned stuff.
>skin is not usable meat
do you throw away the skin and the fat too you fucking moron?
holy shit bro why are americans so retarded
>Last $20.
>Buys a bulk pack of toothbrushes.
Retards. That 6 pack of toothbrushes is the absolute cheapest.on the whole toothbrush aisle. $1.00
>Nobody even knows where your country is, shut up you dumb fucking brownoid. Just because your skin is tinted white doesnt mean you are white, enjoy living in what is in all reality a 3rd world.
Retard. His country is in Europe, on the western side of the Black Sea, and much of it is the Carpathian Mountain.
Can't you just clean it with boiling water and soap?
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Damn is that a thing in Mexico? Id love some mexican qt to whip me up some fresh ass butter

captcha: jn202g
Chicken breasts are all meat and fairly cheap in bulk.
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look at these pussies who can't eat the bones
say meow, pussies
>"Health Conscious" food choices are constantly lowering calories
>Bad goy, thats too many calories. Buy something that is the same price but fewer calories.
>Cant afford food anymore
The weight loss industry jewed us good.
The only toothbrushes worth buying are with gold or silver threads, only they keep bacteria away and clean your mouth, the rest are a sponge for bacteria to fester
Spotted the faggot
My issue isn’t making it cheaper if it’s making it cheaper the retard should’ve went to Costco my issue is that I have no understanding of the place and space he is in. Like is he shopping in new York is it only Whole Foods next to you instead of a Walmart. It’s so many factors to consider as to why is this so expensive. Me personally I’m an aldis and local guy so I couldn’t imagine getting nothing. Like his cart is empty. My cart isn’t empty. I could stretch 20 bucks but it would be with tactfully figuring what store has what what do I wanna eat or prep. It’s so many other things than just saying this cost twenty bucks. The state you live in and the place in the state have a huge affect on the price and availability of food. I noticed my grocery bill increase in the summer when I’m a lazy pos but then besides then it’s pretty standard. BUT I SHOP COSTCO AND LOCALLY.
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I buy crushed tomatoes and then spice it myself. But most Americans are too lazy and fat to do this.
Healthy food is basically the same price as it was before COVID. Processed foods are what went way up in price.
>Average rent is $2000/month here. Shit is unsustainable.
they just built a new apartment building near where I live in the North East and a fucking 1 bedroom is renting for $2500 a month, studio is $2000, 2-3 bedrooms are $3000+ it's fucking bonkers beyond belief. Seeing that I was shocked so I even checked the other day the first apartment I ever lived in on my own which was $600, then less than a year moved into a 2 bedroom which was $700 up to $750 when I moved a few years later. Now those exact same apartments rent for $2200 and $2800 respectively in roughly a decade. The level of homelessly continues to grow here and it's not even just drug addicts anymore the working poor cannot afford to live anymore
I should try the $20 budget and see what I can cook up. Problem is I already own all the spices which is the expensive part.
You're right. He should just let his teeth rot out. Since he can't afford food anyway it's not like he's going to be needing them.
here people sell fresh butter from nearby ranches at fb a fraction of the supermarket cost. thought that was normal elsewhere
most Americans aren't so poor we have to eat nasty chicken skin you fucking turd world poor
And you can make a bone broth stew with what’s left. Post chicken prices leaf
>Sardines,salmon source of calcium lmao
i guess it's suitable for a dog like you to eat fish bones
>beans, almonds
>Well, i don't drink monster energy drinks and they have lots of sugar, so i must be sugar deficient :(
i bet that sounded very smart in your head before posting it, too bad that it's the wrong analogy
>Nobody even knows where your country is
no, you dont know where it is you fucking retarded nigger
>Just because your skin is tinted white doesnt mean you are white, enjoy living in what is in all reality a 3rd world.
i have exactly 0% nigger dna in my genes
can you say the same mutt?
It's actually because of price discrimination which just means making products that are predominantly bought by richer people more expensive. Unlike in the distant past, the only people who bake now are actually the upper middle class who can afford to have stay at home moms who pretentious foodies so they make flour more expensive. No hoodrat single mom ever bakes but they definitely do buy premade pasta ergo pasta is cheaper. This is the same reason why so many vegetables are more expensive per pound than chicken despite it costly much more to raise meat due to simple thermodynamics. I've grown my own vegetables before and they are easy af to grow.
Yeah, the number of homeless would explode if most people under 40 didn't have rich boomer parents to support them.
>this posters a dog
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>When I was poor, I was calculating the calories per dollar and then buying based on that to maximize how much food I could get. But maybe I'm just autistic.
No it's just that most people are retards.
If I'm on a 20$ budget I am buying potatoes and eggs. What he bought is just straight up the "I have never cooked jack fuck shit all in my life" starter pack. Yes prices are out of control, yes it's bullshit, yes people should hang in the street for it. But if you're not going to STEAL and you're going to be a good goy, then you have to start being sensible and creative. You don't get to be a goyslop nigger and cry about prices. Man up and DO something about it. And no, posting on reddit crying like a woman is not doing something
Even though I could make 20 bucks stretch further, anyone defending these prices and telling everyone to "stop whining" is a cuck.
You do know this person got down to 20 bucks because of prices in the first place, right?
yes, dont eat the skin rich guy
here, let me sell you this colagen supplement for $499 / 7oz container

mutts are genuinely irredeemable
we should start cancelling americans on the internet fr fr on god
It is clear to everyone here you have NEVER made a homemade meal yourself in your entire life. I don't think you've even been grocery shopping before.
Flour and rice are the cheapest, calorie dense options and your budget should be based around one or both of those. Rice has actually gone down a bit in price from what it was pre covid.
When I was super super broke for a few months I survived off of chicken quarters and bananas. Wasn't bad, but would suck if you had to do it for a long time.
The carcinogenic mold inhibitors in shredded cheese are what makes them cheap to keep on the shelves.

Eating FUCKING GOYSLOP is never the answer. Chicken is fucking trash too

Poverty food should be: milk, eggs, butter, liver ,rice, ground beef, carrots, banana, block of cheese

You can live well on just that
Which you don't even need if you're not eating
Why do you even check the price of the food you're getting? It's easy, just don't be poor.
As someone who actually has to put real effort into keeping my weight on, it really pisses me off seeing so many foods being lower calories than they should be. There are so many fat fucks with no self control that the rest of us are paying for it.
I need over 3,000 a day just to stay at 170lbs at 5' 11".
this is incredibly poor spending. I used to live on oatmeal, rice, whole chicken (if you learn to cut it, you can legit get 4x the meat for the price you pay for just breasts), oil, bananas, brocoli, potatoes, I forget what else, but that shit alone is under $20 and lasts 2 weeks or MUCH longer if you just eat the oats)
I thought americans are supposed to be rich.
Chicken skin is concentrated carcinogenic trash pufas. Honestly kill yourself if you stoop to eating bird meat.

Men should eat ruminant animals and fish. No pigs, chickens, or sea bugs
>You do know this person got down to 20 bucks because of prices in the first place, right?
That's the critique. He's down to his last 20 because of his poor spending habits, which is visible in his shopping cart of 20 bucks
bullshit I worked at one a week ago and it was full from top to bottom with name brand food and they were giving away 3 meats (beef pork chicken fish)
Those are only around $1 at Walmart. It's cheaper to buy those than a smaller amount.
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something people never think about and is the most underrated advice if you ever find your self without money to buy food and to survive


idk who needs to hear that but when things get tough and you absolutely have no way out, this is the best advice that won't land you in prison
You can’t eat toothbrush
I just bought some thighs that were on sale to make soup out of.
$9.52 for 1.44 KG.
I mean actually testing whether it's cheaper to debone it yourself factoring in the weight of the bone.
White hands typed this
Americans overall are just poorfaggots who pay 1000 a month for their jew landlord or jew banker for their home that will be gone in a few decades anyway.
They cry that they can't afford food but 1000 a month for a stupid truck is absolutely needed.
German homeownership paid off without a jew bank owning it is slightly above American ownership that's how poor they are and you should remember half of our country was fucked by communism.
when shit hits the fan you will eat even the fucking chicken shit you fucking out of touch with reality retard
sheltered fucks like you will never understand survival mode so shut the fuck up with your retarded bullshit
all animal foods are good and healthy
>Men should eat ruminant animals and fish. No pigs, chickens, or sea bugs
Thank you for telling us about your religion. I avoid ruminant animals because of CJD personally. I won't even eat marshmallows because they're made out of beef cartilage.
much cheaper in the states
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Have a self checkout? Yes? Just steal / declare everything as cheap bread
That'd last me 2 weeks. Could probably make it last to 4 if I don't have to go to work and can just stay home.
yea yea we know. literally everything is better there
We're seriously reaching a breaking point with these food prices. I do remote work for an office filled with women who pull around $60-$80k a year, and I go in frequently. These were the women who always had a Starbucks cup on their desk, would "go out" for lunch regularly, and talk to each other a lot about this new restaurant or that, have you been there, yada yada. Well, this office has changed a lot. They've added a refrigerator, an ice maker, basically built a kitchen. They've got a little station set up there where they all make their own coffees now. They're all bringing their lunches almost every day. And I don't hear them talking about restaurants anymore. They're exchanging hot tips on "Well hey the Dollar Store is carrying X now" or "Hey guys X store has ground beef for $2.99 a pound this week" and shit like that. When I go to the grocery store the carts I see loaded up with the most food are being pushed by immigrants or by single black mothers. When I went to the store the other day because chicken breasts were on sale there was a little crowd in the meat department. They had sold out of what was in the case and people were standing around waiting for the butchers to put more out.
>heh stupid poors spending money on unnecessary luxuries like the cheapest walmart tooth brushes
It is easy to tell who in the thread doesn't know how to poorfag, isn't it? Everybody poor knows the six pack of generic toothbrushes is cheapest.
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>spent last $20 on toothbrushes and butter

You miss the point. ALL OF US have less disposable income due to prices. Regardless if you eat nothing but potatoes, rice, beans, and bananas, or if you eat the goyslop. Regardless of what you are purchasing, four years ago you were spending like half.
The shit in that cart should not be 20 bucks. When it's 40 bucks, people will be on here saying the same shit. I see people posting, "Stop whining and just make more money bro", absolute cucks. Know thy enemy.
poor people are poor because they're stupid
Nice vpn bong
if you are on the border of Minn come over like the rest of your countrymen and do your monthly shopping
its prolly fake but still funny
>lifetime supply
Kek, post hand and teeth…sorry, tooth
Nigga ain't too poor to grate his own cheddar. Mr. Fancypants and shit
Yeah, I already have like 80lbs of wheat berries though, and I'm not sure how much flour that equates to, but I haven't bought any flour in a year. See I just invested money into producing the basics so I only buy stuff like butter and milk. I got chickens too. Maybe I just subtract store cost from what I consume.
im sort of close to a border but with gas prices and the time it probably wouldn't be cheaper to shop in buffalo. im planning a permanent escape instead. I'm likely getting a remote job at a company that has US offices that I'm going to try and last long enough at to get transferred. i hate this country so much
1 20z mason jar of pasta sauce is $2.33 CAD
6 mason jars in a pack is $12
I can a lot so I'm basically paying $14 for 6 jars plus sauce in them, vs 6 empty jars for $12
so my pasta sauce costs me $2
I use a lot of mason jars for pickling and stuff
>, I was calculating the calories per dollar and then buying based on that
I did the same thing, off brand pop tarts have the most calories for your dollar. (Or at least they used to)

Rice and beans are pretty high up there too. Eggs used to be my go to protein of choice when they were 72 cents a dozen at Aldi.
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I cook in scrap metal on an open fire. You think you know more about poverty cooking than me?
>off brand pop tarts
sounds nutritional
And they tested God in their heart
By asking for the food of their fancy. Psa 78:18
Sorry shitskin
Nigger behavior
Beans are like 89 cents. If you buy the right side dish you can eat for less than 2 bucks per meal.
>off brand pop tarts have the most calories for your dollar

I treat pop tarts like candy or dessert. It's goyslop. I hope you don't actually eat them as a meal.
2.50 for 12 legs
>Romanian's think oral hygiene is jewish witchcraft
>white vagies don't have money for food
>fat Shaniquas have carts full of shitty junk food from stamps
How there is still no civil war in USA?
>no advice / criticism
these “people” love being the victim
>Vent/Rant (No Advice/Criticism!)
>calories per dollar
That's a 50 lb bag of rice at the Asian market
>fr fr on god
a third worlder using American nigger jive talk.....kys
if you are staving food is food you pic of shit gay homo faggot...now take your fat ass to the pantry and save that $20 dollars
prices are fine for the correct foods
you argue otherwise because you are sexually aroused by lies
You miss the point. I've been poor. Being poor changes you. My disposable income level does not matter in the slightest. I buy the $1 six pack of tooth brushes. It doesn't matter to me if I have Bill Gates money. I buy the $1 six pack of toothbrushes.
The problem with most Americans is they have not been poor. We need another great depression. We need Americans who wash the tin foil and save the bacon grease again.
I hate these threads. It's never "Yeah this fucked up we should do something about it" its always "BROWN RICE AND BEANS AND KETCHUP NIGGA YUM YUM COME GIT U SUM"
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Why won’t anyone do anything about it?
You can't get all that shit for 20 bucks anymore. You haven't been responsible for shopping for quite a while.
must depend on regional area than retard or because you are brown
Twenty dollars really isn't a lot of money. But how much does he spend on his phone? Subscriptions to Jew propaganda? Useless trinkets?
I make my money stretch very far for food, do a lot of my own cooking. Prices have shot through the roof on ingredients as well as processed stuff. Stop gaslighting.
Store brand Poptarts especially at Aldi.
There are 1600 calories in one small box of poptarts that used to cost a dollar at Aldi. They are also fortified meaning they can provide vitamins.

I just googled, the 12 pack walmart Poptarts are $2, and there is roughly 2200 calories per box. So that's 1100 calories per dollar.
Or he could just keep using his old brush, retard. You don't outright replace things often when you're genuinely poor.
Fresh produce and dairy is cheap. It's way cheaper for me to eat raw and simple then it is any other way but maybe JUST rice and beans. I'm a heavy runner so I have to have protein so I went the fresh raw single ingredients route
>Americans overall are just poorfaggots who pay 1000 a month for their jew landlord or jew banker for their home that will be gone in a few decades anyway.
nigger the average even rent here is now over 2,000 a month. in some states it's like 3-4,000 for a fucking apartment
eggs and fried applesauce?
I've noticed this "race to the bottom" as well with the trolling. We've gone from "well you shouldn't be eating at restaurants anyway because it's expensive and dirty people work in the kitchens. learn to cook!" down to "you're an idiot for buying chicken breasts; buy legs instead." They keep kicking that can down the sidewalk.
>stop buying goyslop at restaurants!
>stop buying goyslop at fast food joints!
>stop buying goyslop frozen meals!
>stop buying soup in a can! make it!
>stop buying fish! buy beef.
>stop buying beef! buy chicken breasts.
>stop buying chicken breasts! buy thighs.
Next it will be to stop buying chicken; buy eggs. Kick the can, kick the can, kick the can. Never a constructive argument offered about increasing income. Never a discussion to at least address WHY food is going up. No. It's all "Well you're fat anyway! You shouldn't be buying that anyway! You should be earning more anyway!"

It's all so tiresome.
nigger wtf are you talking about you should be switching your brushes periodically every few months
I've been buying fresh produce and a fuckton of dairy long before the prices shot up exponentially and they are still far more expensive. You thinking they are "cheap" tells me you only recently started buying them because your hand was forced.
He should have gotten the whole roast chicken for $5 and deboned it. Cheapest 'good' protein in the US.
>We're seriously reaching a breaking point with these food prices
I think it's more the price of everything now. everything is now ridiculously expensive. notice the same thing at the grocery store though it's only the massive foreigners who appeared out of nowhere or blacks with full carts using their $$$$ in food stamps or welfare money which they get on the same card
Nah they give away like 2 weeks+ of meals at a time.

>.t volunteered at the local food shelf for a long time now. I even needed to use it about 6 months ago, but couldn't let my ego down enough to do it. I starved myself instead. Dumb decision
should have just bought 10 bags of rice
You need the brush more than the toothpaste lmao. If you dont scrub all the plaque of your treth regularly you'll spend thousands of dollars to fix your teeth down the line. This is called the poor tax and also why gaslighting poor people for simple items is retarded. Especially over a fucking $1 toothbrush pack
Why is it going up
What are we going to do about it
>Posted from my $1000 iPhone
>Cleaning your teeth is a kike plot
Nigger wat
Who tf buys butter? You buy 1 lb bacon, and skim the grease into a jar. It's free and good.
Stupid nigger. All his items are great value brand which means hes shopping at walmart and is getting bottom of the barrel quality.
not brown live in the city but you cant keep blaming your bullshit on a very strong economy. trump is gonna lose
it's egg and canned hash which is like dog food. I have to have canned, or meats that are dry sealed because I can't refrigerate meats.
Spot on post
>How there is still no civil war in USA?
America is a strange place where all of our poor think they are just temporarily down on their luck billions as the populace has been so brainwashed that everyone can make it. Then instead of shitting on the uber rich the poor fight amongst themselves on whose poorer
food prices are slight higher because of your elite and wealthy greed
Bacon is more expensive than butter.
Also if you buy pork by the pig, which these days I do, the bacon won't last long and you won't get much fat from them because farm raised pigs tend to be leaner.
I get all that shit for free because i simply don't pay! Ahahahhahaha
Shoplifting is based, fuck the stores,
I applied to all these stores looking for a job and they all ghosted me, imo, they deserved to be shoplifted. I call it my biden discounts.
yep it's never 'why in the richest most productive nation on earth are our citizens scrounging $20 to afford food' or why is '1 in 7 Americans on food stamps'
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lol. not sure where you live, but not only is locally grown produce cheaper but it lasts longer than the shit you get at shartmart that was grown in South America, packed in Vietnam and then shipped to your local megamart.
>get credit card
>max it out on food
>never repay

it's that simple, there's free money everywhere and you retards are rationing 20 dollars.
Jfc, in that situation you hunt around for minced 30/70 beef deals. You can get some insanely cheap prices if you look around, and there isn't a more nutrient dense food, quite literally. You bulk it out with the cheapest beans and rice you can find, which is cheap as shit indeed. That's it, done. And if you're not retarded, you can even make it all taste amazing with some cheapass spices that will last you for two or three months. You can literally live forever on a diet like that, and you'll probably be healthier than you've ever been, frankly.
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you have $20 left for the month and 2 weeks to go until you're paid again
what do you buy to sustain yourself?

i'm buying pic related. only 2 cents over which i can get by returning cans or looking down while i go for a walk
you could make a stew with the cheapest beef and can it
Probably true but if I have $20 to my name I'm not buying any toothbrushes. I'm buying food.
"Race to the bottom" is an excellent way of describing it.
People keep racing to the bottom in order to survive, and that in itself can be a good thing purely for survival obviously, but it's also very bad to accept it as "Just the way things are". And then to attack your peers for not going down silently calling them "whiners"? Telling people to simply slave away more of their time to make more money? When does that mentality stop? How close to the bottom do they need to be to stop saying this shit? We all have less, yes it IS important to survive, but it is also important to be angry and point out the problems/enemies.
around here they give people a week box once a month now it's gotten so bad. I've volunteered over many years and it used to be they'd give you a 2-4 week box but there are so many people know they've constantly been cutting them in half to stretch it out longer. It's just shameful this is happening in the U.S. while fresh over the border spics are loading up carts
More than ramen?
How else is he finna clean his booty real nice before he sells it
For $20, I can buy
2 whole roast chicken
2 jars pasta sauce
2 boxes pasta
That's easily a full weeks meals
We know WHY the prices of food and real estate are going up, its the Jews importing the third world into Europe and the US, and halving the value of labour by doubling the labour force with useless women. And if those retards could increase their income in the first place, they wouldn't be in that situation. So frugality is the only thing left for them. Sucks to suck.
>allocating almost 10% of my budget to tabasco sauce
>randomly brings up trump in an argument

retard alert
There is, but one side is just taking it while the coalition grinds it down daily.
doing something about it requires a lot of time, in the meantime he could try be wiser with his money
Is this English? Is it even Ebonics? Can anyone translate?
>recently found a high end butcher in town
>bought a whole rabbit, a waygu strip, lobster(they still have a lobstah tank kek), various cuts of wild boar, bison, and elk. Local unpasteurized eggs. They even got Iberico ham.
>all in like 3 weeks
Holy fuck I love being white, and not poor anymore
See, another one.
>Just make more money bro

Motherfucker money requires time which is precious. We have to trade PRECIOUS TIME for that money. We are being robbed and people like you aren't helping.
>not brown live in the city....muh trump
you are categorically a nigger
That's a terrible use of $20. Fake ass italian nigger.
to be fair, if you are going to shopping some groceries with a 20 dollar budget you are kind of a poorfag
You going to remove the bank and fix the currency? No, no you aren’t. So learn to eat the beans, it’s better then the bugs and it makes you the most irritating person in the pod, which, similar to having the worst house in the neighborhood, is the best position to be in.
Yes, 360 calories per pack of Ramen, times 3 ~ 1080 calories.

So Ramen is 1080 calories per dollar. Even back when they cost a quarter they had less calories per dollar than poptarts. Now they are 36 cents per pack, so actually you end up spending $1.08 for that 1080 calories.

Whereas you can get the cinnamon poptarts that will be like 1200 calories per dollar.
That toothbrush is probably dirtier than a public toilet bowl. I guess you like the taste of your own poopy. And the poopy of everyone who ever poopied in your bathroom.
Never thought about liver. Makes sense, a bunch of people would complain but good nutrition will give you energy and a clear head to get out of poverty.
Four years ago that would have been like 12 bucks.
to be fair
these days
sometimes packs of these are way cheaper per brush than the single packs.
the synagogue of satan fucking jews really like to punish people for buying one of something.
Don't keep your toothbrush in your bathroom you stupid Mongolian.
That’s quite impressive. How well so they keep? I’m not a huge fan of pop tarts, but it’s helpful to have options.
If someone only has $20 to spend on groceries, nutrition probably isn't at the top of your priorities
Well, what can ya do? Trump printed trillions and gave it away to special interest groups and gave us a tiny bit of the scraps that were left over. Of course prices were going to skyrocket.
>calculating calories per dollar
How do people get this poor? Just work bro. I know I'm lucky not to have a couple of inbred junkies for parents but jaysus feckin christ
you are forgetting the taxes, tipping to the store, the app charging extra, tipping to the app and then tipping to the delivery boy
I believe that brown gentleman is saying he washes his asshole with a toothbrush before selling it for cash
Hello, Rebbe. Why are your people so preoccupied with excrement?
It's been my experience the cost of ingredients end up being more than the actual product. I'll be happy to be proved wrong on this.
This is the way.
>mutts believe you need jewish paste and jewish sticks to have healthy teef
how does it feel that niggers from africa have whiter teeth than 90% of mutt population, even though they have never touched a toothbrush and/or toothpaste in their entire life?
someone has to make dr shekelstein rich, amirite? dont forget your weekly dental appointment goy
OMG, that’s exactly what my dog shit out this morning. Did you figure out what was wrong? Should I take dog to vet?
>How do people get this poor?
They don't. Reddit is not reality.
And what are you going to do when you can't afford the beans? And don't tell me you are going to grow your own. That is a meme. It requires a lot of land, crops, time, and effort just to get a decent yield for one person to be sustained on this way. Unless we go back in time and cut out the middle men and make 1 part work equal 1 part survival it cannot work.
>processed, pre-shredded cheese (much more expensive than the block)
>giant pack of salt that will take him years to use
>processed chicken instead of just buying the whole carcass and cutting it up yourself
>premade tomato sauce
No food tax where I live
>tipping to the store
Who tips the grocery store?
>app charging extra
What are you talking about, brainlet?
>tipping to the app
Do you ever leave your house?
>tipping to the delivery boy
I guess you don't. Flag checks out.
>mutt npc cant into intentional sarcasm
colour me shocked
Why are you vile
nigger most the calories in pop tarts are fucking sugar. you'd be better off eating ramen even though that's shit carbs as well at least it's not fucking straight sugar
Six pack of cheap brushes is a lifetime supply? Post teeth you corn syrup chugging mongoloid.
Uber Eats
Pop tarts last forever. They are a part of my prepper pantry.

Poor folk need to evaluate thier lifestyles. I am low income and eat pretty much whatever I want. I don't even look at prices when I grocery shop and instead just get whatever my body is craving. And I still manage to pay all my own living expenses, live alone, and am debt free. Dafuq y'all spending your money on that you cannot afford to eat?
Protein went way up. Whole chickens were 75 cents a pound 4 years ago. Pork shoulder could be found for 85 cents pound.
Of course, you don't want to risk not having goyslop.
Anecdotal, but all of my friends who are poor waste their money on things other than food, such as cell phones that are too expensive for them, tons of needless streaming subscriptions, drugs and alcohol, etc.
there is no sarcasm from disgusting turd worlders like yourself. go back to getting drunk and bumming change on the corner
You go first. I’m thinking ‘bout them beans
>folk... y'all
Greetings, fellow poor people!
your on food stamps Jamal
They're free at any dentist office too lol, like literally walk in and ask for a toothbrush, floss and toothpaste and they'll hand them over.
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it’s a meme you dip
nigger pasta is even cheaper
it's 1,12 bucks for 450 grams at walmart which is 4,5 x 340 calories or something which equals to around 1500 total
you're missing on 500 calories with your retarded ramen goyslop
OK so realistically how can you do this better? A cheaper cut of chicken saves him like 5 bucks, which is like 5 boxes of noodles. Dump the sauce (what was he even gonna use it for anyways?) and buy beans or noodles.

Cheese actually is a good one to pick though, people shit on it here when you're trying to save money but if you're making noodles and butter about 10 cents worth of cheese can make that meal actually enjoyable. The cheese isn't a meal, it's pretty much a spice.
You don't know me. You don't know what my pantry consists of in it's totality. In a zombie apocalypse they will serve a purpose.
Should have gotten the short grain rice.
Toothbrush is part of a balanced diet.
With property tax and various laws and zoning it's impossible for a commune of people to completely break off from the system and make an old school community that works 1 part for 1 part survival.
I've had the same toothbrush for over a year
I can tell you were raised by a single mother. Eat the skin
you must have fucking disgusting teeth. and are just coping.
>Not sure where you live
It's like this in 99% of america. Farmers markets are only cheaper here if you can find someone to sell you seconds or you personally know the guy.
I have had some roadside squash stands that were actually cheaper but you had to be way out in the countryside for those. For the vast majority of americans it is actually cheaper at the grocery store.
get a single toothbrush
don't buy pre-cut cheese and chicken
buy smaller container of salt
this should save enough money to afford a Korn cd
weimerica is a third world country pretending to be first world.

90% of the stock market is owned by 10% so it's a game for the ultra wealthy.

90% of the workforce is millenials-zoomer with a very small portion of genX still working and boomers are all retired.

People can't afford rent, car living is the new norm. The only people who live good are rich/upper class which are the small minority.

People in other countries like eastern euro have a "weak currency" compared to the USD but that shit doesn't matter because that's only relevant in relation to living in weimerica. If you live in belarus or russia you don't fucking care about what the USD is doing.

In doing this eastern euro and non american countries actually end up having a better quality of life due to a government that cares, family culture still existing and overall well being in job security.

For example in the midwest there are still families that exist, but its being wiped out because apartment jews still exist in the midwest so its become more about money and who has rich family/farmer parents that can support you in this new money hungry age.

The kids that are rich are staying living 30+ out of their parents home not because they like their parents but because they have no other option and there's no jobs. We are just piggybacking off genX which genX is just piggybacking off the inheritance of boomers. The ones that don't have parents are living in their cars

What this means for the future? Who knows. tens of millions of kids with no future or no care for their country.
No wonder. Slopmart, Sloprite, Stop and Slop, and most American chain grocery are gonna charge you up the ass. Go to places like Aldi, C-Town, Lidl, etc.
The larger salt is actually cheaper than the shakers
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i drink my hotdog water hot
This is the smarter thing to be doing in Canada. I know plenty of people that are voluntarily going to stores and buying food when there are more than enough resources to get money from pantries and not spend money on food. Then you can use your money in other ways to work for you.
i just proved you wrong
get fucked
>As of 2023, the homelessness rate in the U.S. was approximately 19.4 people per 10,000, with certain areas experiencing much higher rates. For example, Washington, D.C., had a rate of 72.5 per 10,000, and states like New York and Vermont had rates exceeding 50 per 10,000 (USAFacts) (National Alliance to End Homelessness) (USAFacts).
>In contrast, Romania has a much lower homelessness rate. According to available data, Romania has about 15,000 homeless people, which translates to approximately 7.7 per 10,000, considering Romania's population of around 19.5 million (USAFacts)
>more than double homeless people per 10k pop, with big cities even going as much as 10x higher lmao
Just because by necessity one CAN live on a tiny food budget eating nothing but rice doesn't mean we aren't far more healthier if we could eat some beef. Meat prices have been hit the hardest and it's pure coincidence that if you ever want to be in fighting shape and doing better than merely surviving that you need it.
>facebook butter
Currently trying to save up while I wageslave, diet consists mostly of:
>peanut butter
This nigga is not wrong...
>pre-shredded cheese
>frozen prepackaged meat cutlets instead of a whole chicken or pork roast on sale
>real butter instead of cheap cooking oil
>glass jar of premium tomato sauce instead of cheapest plastic bottle of ragu, prego or storebrand
>buying multiple toothbrushes at once even though he's living alone
He thinks he's shopping frugally because he bought a bag of rice with the other stuff. I bet that salt is morton, not store brand.
>that will be an extra dollar for the labeling on your salt, stupid goy.
He could have bought a rotisserie chicken for $7 and just yoinked a couple salt and pepper packets
it's pre seasoned, retard
Beans and rice. Fucken sucks cooking the beans but the nutrition value, you can just eat beans and rice for every meal
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Why does $20 matter? I can just use my EBT card (pic related). If you want to be truly enraged, go to Walmart's website, type EBT into the search, and see the piles of unhealthy bullshit all available for free to you. Of course if you're a single mom you can get those WIC items for free as well; arguably the most healthy foods you'll see in any of their carts (milk, cereal, peanut butter, cheese, eggs, fruits, vegetables).
I can tell you were raised dirt poor as a chicken skin and feet eating nigger
I’m eating a giant double cheeseburger with ground beef hand rolled with chopped onions, paprika, and herbs on Safeway bread, with ice cold sweet tea and no one’s going to stop me
Did you mean checking out? It’s not impossible, but it is hard. It’s more or less what the Amish do is it not? And of course, outside the west there are lots of areas where people live exactly like that.
I was figuring you were advocating for more kinetic revolution and imho, Western people are not going to rise up against the system because at the end of the day it is (or was) their system. They built their own prison, and until it is broken by some outside force they won’t be free.
you are talking to larpers who've never shopped in their life pretending they have
$20 for that is a deal in my part of the world. every jew within 100 miles would be feverishly rubbing their hands.
This. Every poor person I know has a iPhone and expensive ass phone plan, buys Starbucks and lottery tickets every day and drugs.
Yep. And that is EXACTLY the direction we're headed. Pretty soon all of the white people are going to start shoplifting ground beef and the stores will either close and only accept online orders or they'll all look like those Walgreens stores in California where they tape up pictures of the items on all of the shelves.
>As of 2024, the average gross monthly salary in Romania is around 7,939 Romanian Lei (RON), or about €1,600
>Average weekly earnings reached $1,142, while the average American made $4,949 per month in Q4 of 2023
fuck off you literal poor as shit turd worlder
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Homelessness in America would be catastrophic in America if most people under 40 weren't supported by their parents. The majority of younger people in America can't afford housing on their own.

America is a country with very rich boomers and then there's everybody else that has to live in a country with a high cost of living but second world tier income.
why didn't he just bring his own bags and steal all of it
I used to spend that much on one meal. I would just make a massive meal and eat it in 6 hours. Still need to eat every day so 20 bucks for 5 days is 100 bucks
Chicken leg quarters is very inexpensive animal protein, even after accounting for the bones. Also keeping an eye on sales. I got brisket for $2.99/lbs a couple of weeks ago because Kroger had it on sale. If I still had a chest freezer, I would have bought a bunch of it, but even the 20 lbs I did buy was a great deal that's going to feed me throughout the month.
If you want a bunch of cheap carbs, unpopped popcorn is low cost per calorie but you certainly shouldn't try to live on just it. Cheez-Its, especially when on sale, provide a lot of calorie bang for your dollar.
The last statistic I saw was 50% of young adults aged 28 and younger live with a parent.
It’s the bun that gets you, “official” hamburger buns are the real scam
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Sucks being porr. I spend at least $20 per meal, and then I'll pay an African villager to bring it to my house from the restaurant.
>bong diaspora
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>chicken parm and rice
Joeflation is a problem and all that but maybe try something that isn't mostly already prepared for you?
That sounds pretty good.
I spent $30 today and got food for at least 3 days.
Spinach dip
Salmon dip
(Already have scoop chips)
Smoked trout
Package of local made beef sticks
2lbs. Of pasta salad
Green pea salad
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>have nothing to eat
>buy toothbrush
Also frozen burger patties can be a good deal. Got a bunch of them for $3.33/lbs last month. There's a high price to pay for being too lazy to look at sales papers and plan ahead.
the problem with those is it's very low mass. so it's a lot of calories, but you'll be hungry right after. eating a box of poptarts throughout the day probably wont keep you full like chicken + rice will
>subtract bone and gristle
>10 lbs quarters is $7
>2 lbs breasts is $10
Stupid nigger can't roast
It's more than that. I'd wager at least 80%+
You can make broth out of the bones you fucking nigger.
The only thing is I need a source of citrus because limes are too damn expensive
You should buy a new toothbrush every 6 months anon
You can make cat food and soup with the leftovers from a whole turkey or chicken
Oh, it's higher. I think probably 80% cannot afford their own apartment. There are a lot of younger people not on good terms with their parents, or with dead parents, who are piling into apartments with one another like a bunch of Mexicans.
He bought jar sauce and not puree. Shameful.
>no pigs
>are not ruminant
>"""sea bugs"""
It takes at most an hour, quit being dramatic.
He's making fun of murrimuttistan's retarded tipping culture.
>canned hash
>walmart eggs
Yes, I too know what poverty looks like.
I learned long ago to train myself to live on 900 to 1200 calories a day. I can go a few days at a time on less with too much drag on performance. Sardines in olive oil are great for this. You can go weeks on two cans a day + some sweet potatoes or a can of pickled beets. And I work a physical job in manufacturing, and I'm not skinny. 60 pullups and dips per day, walk alot too. Its something you have to train your metabolism to do, but its totally doable.
And yet my autistic 6' in shape ass can't find a girlfriend that isn't a mom, obese, or pushing 40. And I make(75k) more than median combined household income, and well more than that stat for my state. The real conversation needs to be about hoeflation.

Is it skeezy to go to church to pick up a chick? I am very Christian but the churches around me blow dick with female pastors and such so I refuse to go
My single greatest accomplishment was learning to make chocolate chip cookies, I can bake two trays of giant cookies at a time and fill up multiple ziplock bags full
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What's wrong with fucking the obese mom pushing 40? LoL
>wastes money on 6 toothbrushes.
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Luckily the ratios have already been calculated you black pill negro. Your math sucks, probably because you're a nigger and niggers can't do math.
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Not counting spices and bullion because fuck you, I'm not retarded and already bought that shit, which lasts weeks and doesn't need to factor in to my last 20 bucks.
>2 boxes of noodles, could bump this up to 3 and cut other things
>American cheese slices + bread + butter - grilled cheese sandwiches. Easy and filling meal that tastes good. 24 slices = 12 sandwiches for 4 bucks
>Egg sandwiches with the other loaf of bread, another 12 sandwiches for 4 bucks
>Can easily make a few day's worth of food with the pasta, some of my bullion (not included in price, fuck kikes and retards), hot sauce, and some shredded cheese
>Do something or other with rice

Bare minimum I have 24 sandwiches and 6 meals worth of pasta. Rice for when it gets really desperate. Some beans would have been nice, and beans + hot sauce + rice is an easy staple, but I'm not worried about it. Could of done better but I have easy meals that taste good.
You know you can go a week without eating easily.
I just bought chicken thighs (which have more usable meat than a whole chicken) for $0.79/lb. I don't buy raw pork but I've seen it around $1/lb
Yes, but I keep mine in the mouth wash. Will never be contaminated.
>6' in shape ass can't find a girlfriend that isn't a mom, obese, or pushing 40. And I make(75k) more than median
How fugly is your face?
How awful is your personality?
Barring these, why are you too scared to charm attractive younger women? They should be throwing themselves at you, what are you fucking up?
God said be fruitful and multiply, so I don't see anything wrong with it. Go forth, anon.
Starving niggers and libturds need to feel the hunger pains. You voted for dementia Joe and you'll vote for congo bongo kamala. They are sharing African nigger culture with you! Live in a hut starve to death, amirite? The border czar has you covered. These retarded fucks need the chaz experience to see why their ideas are dumb as shit.
How can California possibly be so low?
Maybe, if it’s local enough that you can get decent value out of the tithe you WILL be contributing.
Which for 14 days isn't that bad even, 2 sandwiches a day for the first 10 days, then you're down to 1 sandwich a day for the last 4.
Now you just have to basically eat some rice for dinner to hold you over and make up whatever pasta dishes you can think of.

I mean, some beans really would have helped with the protein situation but I'll take the cheese over them and actually enjoy my meals instead. With 25 dollars or not being in biden's america this would have been way more manageable.
>they have never touched a toothbrush and/or toothpaste in their entire life?
All of Africa is sustained by donations from the west. They have toothbrushes. God forbid someone gives these niggers internet.
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1. Compare median wages or minimum wages because mean wages says fuckall about how much the general population is earning
2. Compare the costs of living - link above may not be perfect but it's something
3. Compare the fact that you have public health care in Romania whereas in USA most people if they get sick they can go fuck themselves
I'm not saying living in Romania is peachy - it's probably not, just like in my country - but I'd always choose that over a de facto third world country that USA has become.
To add insult to injury in USA you are surrounded by niggers, spics and mutts, while over here (at least in Poland) seeing shitskins is pretty rare

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