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A lot of /pol/ is mudslime diaspora though, so let's see how hard they try to run their script:
>derail to make it about the kikes
>do everything to avoid making the thread about muslims
>"muh christcuck"
The only hope for the world is to reconquer what were Christian lands and eradicate pisslam back to the godforsaken cave it was born from.
It's okay I'll just turn the other cheek until I win.
By posting in this thread you automatically:
>denounce the Talmud
>denounce the Quran
>accept mohammed was a false prophet, hallucination-ridden madman who slew his own kin
>reject Tawhid, accept the Trinity
>all these countries the usa toppled..... hmmmmm sus.
We talk about it all the time. We gloat over it. You're next kaffir.
Wasnt lebanon 70% christian in 1950s?

I remember once muslims were 30% the civil war started and "the paris of the middle east" Beirut became a muslim shithole. Interesting how white flee 30% applied here too.
dhimmitude predates the US.
Blah blah blah visit christcuck.org
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It's a well known side effect of a mudslime population
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The end times are soon
Forces of Anti-Christ are working from various angels
Look how much they did in few years by destroying Christian threads and replacing it with LARPagan seethe
called it
and so it begins
Then the Mudslimes provoked a war with Israel and Israel fucked Lebanon up
Mudslimes are truly a biological weapon
Not sure if Abrahamic religions will be around in 200 years from now
Why not?
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it was mostly because of kike US wars
Don't care post hot Lebanese.bitches.
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Mudslimes just can't help themselves >>475756587
I would agree if Christianity wasn’t such a fucking gay religion and no I’m not a Mudslime unironic convert to Hinduism.

Christianity doesn’t deserve to exist Christian values are so self destructive and gay maybe if Arab Christians became suicide bombers and beheaded Jihadists they could stand a chance, you know eye for an eye but Christians are such faggots and wimps, turn the other cheek Juan you faggot and keep licking the feet of nigger aliens like your pope.
Not even believable, just varying the christcuck.py script
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I respect every religion even Judaism, but Christianity I can’t respect it’s the literal religion of fag worship. The entire Christian doctrine revolves around surrendering, humiliation, weakness, and being overall self destructive. Christianity is spiritual suicide, Christian teachings have secularized and become the dogma of western liberals. And the trinity is the most retarded concept for a religion anyone could come up with. “he’s god but he’s not god and he prays to god but he is god.” Christianity is the most brain dead retarded religion ever, I was raised Christian went to vacation bible school, sunday school mom is an ex-Catholic turned born again Christian, I despise this religion.

Christianity deserves to die.
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>How to deal with muslims
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>recycles typical mudslime dawaist points like "is weak" and "stupid trinity"
Low IQ muzzies really can't be subtle
>Islam is bad because it’s violent and Christianity is good because the bible says take it up the ass

And they wonder why Christianity is dying
Thank you sir.
Based Slovakia only euro country without a mosque
I’m not a Muslim, I am a Hindu I believe in the Sanatana Dharma and worship Shak ti, Krishna and Vishnu. I converted to Hinduism because it is actually spiritually enlightening and makes more sense than any bullshit Christianity could come up with.

At least in the Bhagavad Vita violence is endorsed when necessary unlike your stupid Bible that tells you to just accept being abused by tyrants like Muslims and Communists.
>At least in the Bhagavad Vita violence is endorsed when necessary unlike your stupid Bible that tells you to just accept being abused by tyrants like Muslims and Communists.
Ah, you've clearly never read the Bible
The majority of violence is in the Old Testament which you fags reject, Jesus abolished the Old Testament and died for your sins that’s why you have a right to be a degenerate.

That’s typical Christian logic, “Oh Jesus died for me so I can steal and I’ll be saved because he died for my sins, and he’s my God but also the son of God, but he isn’t God…” It’s stupid just pure stupidity I always hated Christianity since I was a kid the way people can gobble that crap up and believe in it and feel good about it is detestable and ridiculous.

I respect every religion there is except Christianity it does not deserve to exist it has no backbone, it lacks a clear teaching, it lacks logic it’s blindness and encourages suicidal social tendencies.
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>moor rapebabies trying too hard again
Jesus didnt come to abolish the law and he never did
“Think not that I am come to destroy the Law or the Prophets. I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill.
>Oh Jesus died for me so I can steal and I’ll be saved because he died for my sins,
We are told to love God we love him through obeying him anyone commiting sin with this mindset without regreting it isnt a Christian
>he’s my God but also the son of God
Fully human and fully divine you actually act like a mudlim in understanding this
>has no backbone, it lacks a clear teaching, it lacks logic it’s blindness and encourages suicidal social tendencies
In decline, true, but more so, under attack.. physically (persecution and violence, damage to churches), legally (i.e., recent 'hate speech/censorship laws'), and culturally.. nearly everywhere.
cope quote
I do.
We don't reject the old testament.
Again, you act like you know nothing.
The laws of the old covenant simply no longer apply since the covenant was fulfilled.
Who do you think was behind this?
They were fine there when Muslims were running the show.
But for some reason as Israel became more powerful and US started to invade the region they started to disappear.
Almost like they were targeted by someone.
Don't forget the muslim fetish for breaking crosses and desecrating churches.
Even this thread, all attacks (typical muzzie ones).
that's not evidence of genocide
These are all nations undergoing massive hardship, war in particular. Islam provides the spiritual fortitude to endure war. Cuckstianity, as we can see by the evidence you provided, does not.
Who cares about religion? They are still shitskins regardless of religion.
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Lol, called it. You muslims just cannot be creative, same ol "we dindu nuffin, it's the jews"
Most of them fled to Europe after jews bought over Sunni Islam
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Make Spain Andalusia Again
The real Dindu nuffin is America.
Bringing Democracy and freedom everywhere by bombing you back into the stone age.
Gee, I wonder what did the rabid dog Khalid say to Vahan in the Battle of Yarmuk?
Something like:
"It was not hunger that brought us here. We are in the habit of drinking blood, and we are told the blood of the Christians is the sweetest of its kind, so we came to shed your blood and drink it."
Gee I wonder what happened in
I have absolutely nae idea what any of that means
>excuses mudslimes
>ignores and downplays dhimmitude
>ignores Islam-Christian history
>claims "we dindu nuffin"
>deflects to someone else
Yet another mudslime spotted
Muslims dont even understand hearsay. They can get cleaned also.
Battle of Yarmuk, when the muslims invaded the Levant in 636.
They've been absolute rabid dogs since the beginning.
You're an idiot Spaniard. Ask yourself this, if your narrative were true and that decline were fully on the fault of the Muslims, how were the percentages of Christians so significant in those lands to begin with? I am being honest when I say that you can blame Western (now mostly the US') foreign policy for the huge waves of Christians fleeing the Middle East. With the pointless, criminal case of the Iraq War, for instance, Iraq hemmorhaged a huge part of its traditional Christian communities, which trace back to ancient times. And yes, you know you can blame the spread of ISIS and the generic fundamentalist currents of Islamic thought on the US, since the latter was what came to leave a power vacuum for them to come to power. They also financed them to combat the mostly secular, stabilizing regimes that kept the religious strifes at bay, lauding them as "freedom fighters". Fuck the US, Britains and France fo being implicit in killing off the ancient Christian communites in the Middle East. They made it much harder to be a Christian in the Middle East, especially now with their partnership with the Israel. Christian Palestinians get bombed and nobody cares.
Do you even go outside? Have you met Christians before especially in the United States. Christianity is a loose religion it is a meaningless throw away of a religion.

> Fully human and fully divine you actually act like a mudlim in understanding this

What does that even mean human but divine? He is God but he isn’t God? I’ve had conversations about this with pastors who’ve insisted to me he isn’t God while simultaneously claiming he is in the same sentence.

Keep lying to yourself you know Christianity is retarded, it’s a fake religion because early Christians had to hide because they were justly persecuted by the Romans so they made shit up on the spot and it wasn’t until almost 300 years later that the first bible was written in Greek with who only knows what lost in translation while that retard Paul went around making shit up about Jesus for attention.

Then the Romans adopt Christianity as the empire was declining just like modern westerners adopt Progressivism, Nigger worship, and Islam today to be hip. I cannot stand Christianity I truly despise it and hate it, Europe would have been better off remaining with its native faiths like in India and East Asia far more logical and sophisticated spiritually enlightening paths and understandings of nature and divinity.
based giddy up.
I will admit I used to admire Islam, and still respect it but it has the same carnal problem of being a Jew derived religion the rigidness and absolutism of it is insane, but at least at the very least a Muslim can say “we believe in one God and these are his rules accept or die.” That’s way better than the nonsense Christians preach about being a weak fag, and sins being washed away by Christ and turning the other cheek and God is a man but not a man, but we are monotheists etc. Even Jews have the logical high ground with Muslims and Bahais, Zoroastrians and Manicheans of actually being clear in their beliefs.

Mithraism was a far more better suited religion and the west would be so much further ahead and the world a better place had it taken root instead of the Bastardized Judaic lunatic cult of Christianity.
Dumbass Mexican ignores history:
Muslims have been absolute insane bloodthirsty madmen slaughtering Christians centuries before Mexico even existed.
> We don't reject the old testament.
Again, you act like you know nothing.
The laws of the old covenant simply no longer apply since the covenant was fulfilled.

What does that even mean? The old rules are cool but we don’t follow them because Jesus got rid of it so keep butt fucking and being a low life.

No wonder niggers love Christianity so much.

Islam is for violent niggers to justify chimping out while Christianity is for drug dealing rapist niggers to justify their filthy life style because Jesus died for them, what fags.
Mohammed says says the infidel
Mohammed says says the infidel

Mohammed says says the infidel

Mohammed says says the infidel

Mohammed says says the infidel
>Islam makes sense
Christianity is pretty clear and as I've already made it obvious, you are very poorly read in it.
>"It was not hunger that brought us here. We are in the habit of drinking blood, and we are told the blood of the Christians is the sweetest of its kind, so we came to shed your blood and drink it."

Turn the other cheek and accept it faggot and accept it
Stats are made up the wrong j7deo bolsheviks

Islam is based! fuck off jews!
Too many reddit gaps for you hearsay niggers, or what?

Must read: christcuck.org
happens here too, Nazareth the city where Jesus spent most of his life used to be a Christian city, and now it's 70% Muslim
Muslim roaches multiply like cancer wherever they go and then drive out anyone who isn't Muslim with their oppressive behavior
No 8ts communism ny the jews bush gognand scotish kike rite freemasons americankillednof chistianslity in iraq
I literally called this out in the first lines of the OP lmao
What does that quote even mean? He’s obviously coping for not following his own rules, but it isn’t a contradiction of doctrine like Christianity. Go ahead and call Muhammad a hypocrite he was hypocritical in many ways but he at least he would just say “Well I’m Gods prophet so I can ignore it my Quran says so.” That makes a thousand times more sense than “I’m God and I want you to worship God, but I am not exactly God but worshiping me will be your salvation so drink my blood and eat my flesh because I am God.”
Broken bot
The real genocide is getting you to not love your neighbor.
Don’t act like you didn’t let it happen your country founded Hamas and supported Iran in the Iran-Iraq war and has actual Islamists in the Knesset.
Then explain how those numbers were so high to begin with. You can look it up yourself, you retard. Look into Christian flight from Iraq during and after the war. A lot of those more "extreme" factions of Islam came to power thanks to the political and financial support of the Western powers. I am not saying that Christian-Muslim relations were great before, but it was more tolerable. Explain how the hell any of those countries even had a significant population of Christians to begin with before the late 19th century. You cite historical anecdotes, but ironically you are extremely ahistorical with respect to Islam and its ongoing developments and internal ideological divisions.
Um quran and hadiths are full of contradictions.
For example: Q 21:57-68 and Q 37:87-97
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According to ex-Jesuit Alberto Rivera, the Whore of Babylon is responsible for Islam.

Lol its because you kicked most of the neighboring villages you silly silly lying jew
It’s pointless to reconcile Islam and Christianity, Islam butt fucks Christians are bread to accept it, you’re better off just worshipping La Santa Muerte and renouncing Christ, it is what is indigenous to Mexico. Christianity must be eradicated.
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>continues defending muslims
You can pick up a history book
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civil war instigated by the west
shit economy, but the decline also due to immigration from neighboring countries.
mossad created isis, chrisitans were treated alright under saddam
civil wars, nonexistent economy, and 50iq government arrangement
>t. arab christian
I know and don’t care because I’m not a Muslim I am a Hindu, the point I am making in a competition between what’s a better religion Islam wins and Christianity and its piss poor doctrines and teachings loses.
no one is obsessed with muzlims anymore its the colored people all of them and now its mostly fucking hindu jeets. you fucking nufag imbecile that was brainwashed by miggers shame in trump being a kike puppet to hate the irrelevant over the relevant

moor sperm did wonders on you proto-spic
I denounce all (((abrahamic))) cults
There are literally dozen of Muslim villages around Nazareth open a map sometimes silly memeflag
Reconcile? You cannot reconcile the religion Satan whispered into the madman's ears in that cave
All nuance is lost on retards like you. I have no idea how any of I said is even a defense of Islam lol.
>expects muzzie shills to be anything but ridiculous
Anon, I...
Lol youre trying to deny the fact that nazerath turned into majority muslim not because of your forced expulsion kek
what about Bethlehem ?? are their targeted killing of christians by muslims in israel that we dont know about?
What about Christian history?
Where they killed everyone who wouldn't bend the knee to the Vatican, even Christians.
you're probably a kike with vpn no one is that stubbornly stupid while giving kikes free pass
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Lol Christian body count literally pales in comparison to yours.
Just in one genocide you killed around 80M - 200M.
>anyone who hates me is a like
Lmao stupid mohammedan nigger faggot
>Don't forget the muslim fetish for breaking crosses and desecrating churches.
Yes.. and we mustn't forget what the Bolsheviks did in Russia, either. There was a Russian poster in 2020 who posted hundreds of photos of what the Bolsheviks did in their attack on the Christian people and their places of worship during and after the Russian revolution. Also, a Norwegian OP posted a similar thread in 2021 which captured the beauty of the churches in Russia, and also their destruction by the Jewish Bolsheviks. Christianity has been under attack for two millennia, by its' original antagonist, and for at least 1,600 years by Islam. Here are the links to the Russian and Norwegian anons who posted the astonishing destruction of Christians and their churches in Russia in the early 1900's.

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>Muslim shill attempting the deflect to the jews tactic outlined in the OP
you'll never be white, spic
Back to muslims and islam:
>Mohammed commands one of his wives to breastfeed a grown man
Imagine saying "cuckstianity" when you're a muslim
Based Juan
Not killings, Christians just slowly get outnumbered by Muslim birth rates and then leave cities once they become majority Muslim because it's unlivable to live next to them
The Vatican is more likely responsible for Islam than anything there’s lots of connections between Muhammad and Arab Christians in Mecca and The Ethiopian Christian Kingdom harbored Muhammad before he returned to Arabia.
You will always be a subhuman, muslim
Isn't this happening to jews in Israel? Isn't aren't like 1/5 Israeli's muslim?
Maybe they just don't feel welcome.
The death of christianity is good, all religions must die
It is happening to secular Jews
But the religious Jews breed even harder than Muslims so they balance it out
Eventually this country will be just Muslims and religious Jews which will be unbareable for regular secular people
I already have an escape plan my wife has EU citizenship
Old religions just get replaced with new ones.
Like Diversity and "Science".
Lmao. You mean protestant cucks who supported bible only and orthocucks who support palamism.

Muzzies says this yet supports the killings of shias.
arabs breeded until 20 years ago in the same rate because they're fucking araps just like mizrahis breed more than ashkinazi
anyone can know the truth by simple google search why do you need to lie on everything
Yes, all religions must die
Just because the classic jew religions are gone does not mean the remake jew religions get to stay
>The only hope for the world is to reconquer what were Christian lands and eradicate pisslam back to the godforsaken cave it was born from.
based, TMD
>Muslim shill attempting the deflect to the jews tactic outlined in the OP
Hahah.. you're being ridiculous if you're isolating this to one perp and dismissing an (at least) comparable offender. The fact that you react so defensively suggests you yourself are the (((shill))), trying to deflect and corral the conversation, ignoring the wider picture.
>Laughs of Christians killing other Christians.
I can see that Jesus is truly in your heart.
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men failing to convince women to have sex is not genocide
>German flag with an actual German
Not nearly enough people know about this. People talk about the Middle East as if it was always a wasteland of Muslims and Jews, but it wasn't always like this. Vid related is a good overview of the subject.

Much respect to those Lebanese and other Middle Eastern Christians who have stuck it out this long. Much less respect to Francis who wants ecumenism with these people while they still treat Christians in their countries like shit. Some of these churches are even in communion with Rome and thus under his supposed protection.
>mudslimes outbreeding in Europe
>mudslimes outbreeding in Israel
They truly sound like cockroaches.
Blink once and you'll be hearing "SUBMIT OR PAY JIZYA"
Imagine being mad about an event that happened gorillion years ago.

Christianity really does judaize the goyim.
>Yet another Canadian muzzie
Lol clearly im responding to the people trying to claim this is totally recent and explainable by other countries like the US when clearly you fuckers are insane murderers of Christians (and others) from the very beginning.
Why do Christcucks like you obsess so much over how pacifist Christianity is when that’s literally why Christianity is dying aside from the its retarded teachings like the trinity.

Every religion has violence and rightfully so, because violence is how history is made while pushovers like Christians are the pray of predators like Muslims.

Muslims will behead you, shoot you, bomb you, they’d use nukes and WMDs on you too if they could but Christian faggots like you can only says “Christianity is so much better because its peaceful and we turn the other cheek.”

I fucking hate Christianity so much and feel zero remorse when I hear about the persecution of Christians be it at the hands of Muslims like ISIS in Iraq or Buddhist militant monks in Myanmar and India, or by the Chinese Communist Party in China or the North Koreans arresting asshole pastors trying to spread this filth in North Korea.

Christians deserve to be persecuted because your religion teaches BDSM style persecution is not only acceptable but admirable.

Christianity is a vile, disgusting loathsome religion it is repulsive and sickening.
You're dodging the fact that you're trying to act like a kike. Unfortunately for you, you're too dumb to be Jewish so you cope with being a good noahide. But christcucks fail at that too.

>insane murderers of Christians (and others)
I don't care about nonwhites being murdered. You should join since you're so keen to be semitic.
>run ./christcuck.sh
Look nigger faggot muslim, crusades happened and not only once.
The reconquest of Iberia.
Christians met you on the battlefield many times before and we'll do it again.
Muslim in Spain here, 75% of people you see are ancient old fucks walking their dogs, it's completely and utterly OVER for Spanish "people" lmao looks like Christ-inanity failed you
Armenia was the first nation to make Christianity the official religion. I've seen muslims do horrible things to the Armenians, like beheading defenseless Armenian grandpas.
Oh and I forgot to tell you this.

Jews will always support Muslims over you. So keep bending over to them, it won't change the fact that their elites, whether leftist activits or rabbis, vouch for Muslims. They'll open the gates of Toledo a million times over until Christians cease to exist.

Islam is noahide compliant, Christianity isn't,. At least not yet.
I’m not a Muslim retard for the millionth time but it is a fact Christianity is for push overs, accept it. Even during the crusades Christcucks were not fetishizing Saladin and you lost the crusades.

Both of you Muslims and Christians have a retarded religious but at least at the very least Muslims can claim they have a better religion than Christianity.

Christianity is like Communism before Communism
Except I'm not, you filthy muslim.
You respond with complete non-answers:
>Why do you care about history
>Why do you care about Christians dying
It's not just murder too.
Muslims spent centuries kidnapping, enslaving, and raping Christians, including European Christians.
who cares if sandniggers worship Jew religion #1 or #2
Armenian genocide is a laughable hoax.
>Noooo they were OUR middleman ethnoreligious minority, never forget the 2.5 million
See this is why no one takes you seriously. You actively WANT to be victims like women lmfao
>fails to comprehend nothing will take away my hatred for islam
Those who side with you scum will pay as well, don't you worry
> See this is why no one takes you seriously. You actively WANT to be victims like women lmfao

Victimization is the core of Christianity they literally worship a victim.
Jews love christianity for enabling them





https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2014/02/27/strong-support-for-israel-in-u-s-cuts-across-religious-lines/ white Evangelicals support Israel more than jews in America do

https://www.washingtonpost.com/religion/2023/10/12/us-evangelical-leaders-support-israels-right-self-defense/ more recent


Most Christians in the U.S stasticially support Gay Marriage and Israeli statehood. Christians are the ultimate servant of the Jew.
>better religion
Yes, yes, telling your wife to breastfeed a grown man is so superior.
And you actually mention "turn the other cheek" lmao
"Give the other tit"
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>Muslims spent centuries kidnapping, enslaving, and raping Christians, including European Christians.
Nobody cares FAGGOT. What you've done is far worse. You literally gave satanic Jews the entire planet.
>Ok some interest is fine
>Ok some nudity is fine
>Ok some education of women is fine
Now look at you LMAO
while the precentage of the total population declined the christian total increased by almost 5,9 million form 1,6M rose to 7,5M.
so the did not declinded but were overtaken by muslim birthrate
main reason for that is muslims dont have western mass abortation, birth control, "feminsm"and other population selflimiting "benefits"
you can see the birthrate declining by "western" values even in s.korea, japan and even christian south america
the west also brought these "values" also to the christian in the middleeast. ironically syrian christian mostly decreased when the the west supported "moderate rebels"
>derail to make it about the kikes
no amount of shabbois seething will remove jews as Architects of goyim population controll and this not even going in the jew vaxx.
While your God was a virgin and pacifist murdered by kikes. Your god is a victim, your god is a human, your God doesn’t even claim to be God.

Who cares what Muhammad let his wife do, Christians do worse in their spare time most Priests and Pastors are gay.
>runs deflection script
Sorry buddy, this is a thread on muslims and their filthy ideology
>Oy vey, careful how you lie down
why dont MoorPain import all of the christian indians they're being persecuted for being christians
"Victim" of his own dad's plan for...our eternal salvation KEK
Fucking Jews!!! Wtf!!!
The Islamic view of Jews is one dimensional: they WERE chosen, became an EXAMPLE of what not to do, are now and forever our enemies. Christians NEED Jews for their salvation subplot. Islamic salvation is never assured, you have to -- gasp -- follow the rules too. (Christianity ofc rejects all rules and says "legalistic" as a PEJORATIVE)
Hey now, every muslim knows that what mohammed did (piss be upon him) is an example for all muslims and should be followed
telling people to go kill suckling children, infants and donkeys is the true religion though, right?
Fools resort to mockery cuz they can't actually debate the issue. Your kvetching here is so sad lmao your wife left you for Ahmed didn't she
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Diminishment predated US intervention, it coincides with the fall of the Ottoman Empire and the return of arab nationalism and islamism, is education in Mexico as shitty and leftcuck as the rest of our region?
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why are you so thick
>Oy very, don't piss standing up
All of that happened because of jews showing up in the ME
Nah, it was turks no longer being in charge, also you are gay as fuck.
Sar pls it's the Muslims who invade your country in millions sarrr believe me please sarrrrrr
Just poo in loo pajeet no flag can hide you
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Lmao, this.
Nigger they just moved to the west because they share the same believe lmao
Ottoman Empire fell because of zionist and colonialist ambitions. In other words, jews.
Anything else?
As an aside, it is very sad to see basically no Christians on /pol/
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I love seeing 13yo Spanish girls prancing around in skintight clothes, knowing they will soon be bred by Arab Muslim BVLLS, whether she wants it or not.
Seriously why did you think it was ok to let them do that, where is your shame and honor??
>My daughter's religious school uniform is literally "prostitute"
It's actually not even funny desu
He is a hindu street shitter not Christian
Fuck jai shi ram
>all the enemies are inside your family, goy
That’s fine I don’t care what Muslim women do or how many slaves they have or anything, but you know what Islam will be here and they’ll claim victory like champs while you Christian faggots bitch and complain for enabling your own destruction.

>Muh Crusades
Like the war on terror where NATO was raising pride flags in Afghanistan and Iraq and where Barack Obama specifically said his war on ISIS was to protect homosexuals from being thrown off roofs.

What a joke
Incredible how the years perfectly coincide with the US and European countries invading the ME for jews. How do you square that Moshe?
Fuck off, rabbi
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changing direction.
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he huffed too many migger memes
When you forget race is religion you die, only Whites can be Christian
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Fuck vishnu son of bitch ganish suck my balls lol poop hindu shit
Cool story bro, not a jeet
glazing over your posts. you have typical hindi ESL. cant fool me sanjay. go ahead picture of your hand with a timestamp
Semites created Christianity. Egyptians and Mesopotamians invented western civilization.
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>> sarr I'm not pajeet sarr pls belb me sarr
What did Hindus do to you? Are you coping because it is a more enlightened religion than Islam or Christianity.
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So you got grandma's version of christianity, literally, I can attest because sounds like my grandma's rant and no one in the family takes her too seriously, now, I really don't care much about religion as for me is just a human construct to attempt to measure the unknown, but christianity in general and catholicism in particular has literally been fighting and winning in most frontlines for millennia despite handicapping itself by not being completely scumbags like Islam, militant atheism and so on.
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>make thread mentioning Christianity
>swarm of memeflaggots and swarthoids tirelessly spam the same three retarded talking points until the thread hits the bump limit

Why is this such a consistent trend? Are there standing orders to try to stop right-wing Christians from talking to each other at all costs because a rightward shift in Christians is a threat to the (((agenda)))? Is this website just organically full of the most obnoxious fedorafags on the fucking planet?
>Accuses me of being a jeet
>Is actually a muslim jeet
At least Hindus respect animals
explain why you speak exactly like a native hindi speaker speaking in english
He is 100% pajeet lying and larping so hard lmao pajeets can't cope that the whole world hate them
they're exactly like this spic think if they join you on hating muslims that means you're on the same team ignoring hating them all the same
basically sucking big dog balls is a turnoff
No idea, but all the responses have just been a variation of the muslim deflection script.
>western civilization
No such thing you silly faggot LMAO
What is it? Dumbocracy and jewman rights? Painting human forms? Just fucking lol at how easily you are to manipulate "Western Civilization" he said LOOOOOOL
[Citation Needed]
yo momma
Don't tell him he wants to know how to hide his pajeetness
Christianity may survive but it is deformed, there’s nothing Christianity has that’s principled just look at Christmas a tradition made up out of nowhere because Christianity is such a plain religion.
Poo in loo you shit hand poop hindu shit go make your mom commit satti or i will wish for you black death
यह आपकी घृणित भाषा है इसे पढ़ें मैं हर दिन विष्णु को चोदता हूं
Can't hide what I'm not.
Honestly looking at this thread I will admit something is terribly wrong, I truly underestimated the muslim takeover of /pol/.
Where the hell are the Christians?
sure i'll do a few
typical jeet way of not responding and deflecting.

> many times before and we'll do it again
SAAR WE VILL SOOPERPOWAR! exactly structured like a jeet would.

>slaughtering Christians
SAAR THE MUSLIMS KILL US SAAR. again, structured like a native hindi speaker.

finally anyone who is not a jeet, when they get accused of being a jeet they will get so offended they will 100% take a picture because that's an offense they cant bear. go ahead, prove me wrong Rahul
In the middle east, right now, the biggest protectors of Christians are Iran and Hezbollah. And the biggest killers of Christians are the US, israel and their terrorist proxies.
I mean, it's pretty goddamn funny because I'm actually from the US
Can't read the shitskin squiggles but it's ironic you shit on jeets being one yourself
>takes 1 second to post hand with timestamp to prove he's not a jeet
its over boys, the ranjeesh had its run. let it now slither away back to its delhi slum and light some cow shit incense. and just for him, a cow mother will be beheaded in the name of Allah SWT by my hands tomorrow INSHALLAH
> Where the hell are the Christians?

Getting persecuted for being weak faggots
Sar I'm from the US sarr belb me if u don't you are shitskin fuck off suckdeep shitjeet go poo in loo better for you
So you’re telling me Christian in the Middle East survived this long, suddenly when Israel become a creation, they all disappear? Get fucked spic kike chink, you send 50 percent of Christian Levantine to shithole places like South America for your own agenda.
They fled the civil war, which incidentally is a good lesson on what happens if you wait too long to do something about hordes of hostile foreigners coming into your country.
in fairness moors are as brown as jeets so he could still be not an indian
No nigger, 50 percent of them were send to South America and United States, they didn’t die out like this spic kike is saying. While they send the worst muzzies to Europe, they send the best christians to spic dirty places like South America. I hate kikes so much

T. Half Syrian/Greek Christian, I’m probably the biggest nightmare for kikes.
in my eyes, anyone browner than me is a jeet
Who the fuck wouldn’t flee during war? The wars never stopped because of jealous dirty anglo kikes.
Lol jeetfaggot, it's a simple principle of never acquiescing to a mudslime's demands
also if it was really muslims killing christians why would i give a shit if its not in the west like what next should i start sending armies to fight for africans
>reconquer what were Christian lands
We're facing a one world government and likely soon a one world religion and the outlawing of Christianity. I think we have bigger problems than 'le Reconquista'.
Checked, Iran is protecting the oldest Christian nation (armenia) and Syrian christians, while kikes and amerimutts are supporting the killings of Syrian Christian’s and Armenians
no kanglesh and i'll tell you why. im the paki that helped kick off the /shit/ and jeet hate you see here. most of the anti jeet memes here was me specifically. i can smell you brown turd golems from across the world. we will do to you hindu dogs what we did to your brethren in bangladesh. but this time we will make you choke on your COW DUNG. never forget brown turd
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You will never be white it's simple you pajeet
They’re probably better off in Latin America because America and the first world will be eradicated in a nuclear war or be overrun by Muslims and niggers or both.

First world countries and the west are abominations
Spain is toast, accept it. Muslims won
Read Bible, loser. In it you can find the way to victory.
I’m Syrian/greek Christian, let’s talk man to man you beta incel kike spic.
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>mohammed was a false prophet, hallucination-ridden madman
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Better in South America? They would’ve been better in hell. Kikes are just evil and want real og christians to have the lowest quality of life, that’s why they send them to shithole South America with those barbaric animals. We would’ve been better in Europe, not south fucking America
>look at this decreasing percentage
>christcuck birthrates are dogshit and haven't caught up, plus they have an easier time/economic incentive to move to the western imperial core
>this means muslims have been trying to pull a gaza on them for centuries and starve and kill every single one living in their territories, but couldn't, for some reason, slaughter a subjugated population's defenseless women and babies
jewish glowniggers actually pay for this level of shilling? G R I M
I guess it's fake printed money anyway.
F for effort you dumbass kikesucking streetshitter, lmfao
>Low IQ muzzies
>I am a Hindu
Same IQ different religion SAAR
>be the CIA
>install literal terrorists
>destabilize the region
>it turns into a shithole
why would muslims do this?
Lmao based muzzie
Thats what you say now until the United States is turned to glass by the arrogance of its leadership escalating tensions with Russia and China while simultaneously importing Latin Americans, Niggers and Muslims.

You’re retarded if you actually think western europe or the US is actually “high quality” I hate being an American.
Spics are lower than any racial groups, even smelly pajeets. I hate how these low class ghetto trash are making mockery out of Christianity, they’re perfect golems for kikes.
South America isn't that bad. I'm going to move there. Syrian Christian, same as you.
>the same people who made Christianity into mockery and passed it on to low life animals such as spics and sea niggers.

Fuck you
Lmao this hindu street shitter just vanished the moment his pajeetry exposed fuck jai shi ram lol
>Sides with muzzies
In the remote even you're actually a Christian and not a muslim subverter, shame on you.
You’re not Syrian Christian, you’re dirty spic/kike. Stop trying to promote your shitholes to us, we rather live in Africa
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You’re literally a spic nigger, you can never be a true Christian. Go convert to Islam, and leave us the fuck alone.
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>accusing me of being a jeet is the peak mudslime argument
I do understand, but Latin America is literally the future for Europeans/american, so why on earth would I moved to a bigger shithole? I rather live in Ethiopia at this point, at least those nigs are actual christians.
This is possibly the most bizarre larp I've ever seen
The worst crime of Christianity is turning people atheist when they realize how dumb it is. Which is why Jews are on a 50yr anti Islam campaign: the goyim mustn't find out how different things could have been if only, as Hitler said, we had been Islamized. Christianity is the anti religion, designed to fail
Proof: Muslims didn't take Syrian refugees because they were "too different"
Christianity alone is a legit suicide cult
Sarrr you accusing me of being pajeet sarr I'm trying to hide because I'm ashamed to be Indian sarr fuck jai shi ram fuck dharma lol
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>taco nigger kike kvetching
You will never be a Christian.
Ewwww it’s a fucking pajeet? I remember some abbo pajeet telling me that they are identical looking to Greeks and white christians.
weird how everything was better before Israel existed, isnt it
>inb4 excuses
alright, kike
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Then forget the other post.
You’re not even making sense you acknowledge South America is safe and the future of Europeans let rather live around fly ridden niggers, on what grounds because they’re Christians.

Again I proclaim Christian retardation at its finest.
I don't care about Christian shit skins. The only reason this is concerning to me is because they all flee to white countries and almost exclusively marry whites
That’s because before Israel, the kikes were dragging their wars in Europe. Notice everywhere kikes go, wars follow? Muzzies are dumb niggers, we christians were oppressed but under kikes, we are getting genocided.
Yes you can clearly tell or actually smell lol when pajeet make a post they can't hide their stinkness because they are doomed to their low pajeet IQ
>> 74 IQ average pajeet
South America crime rate is worse than Africa and war torn places in Syria, no thanks kike, I’ll take my chances in Africa. Why are kikes so eager to place us Levantine christians in South America, what plans do you kikes have cooked up? Even we wouldn’t be able to safe those spics.
Then go to Africa since you love niggers so much better yet go to Somalia and convert them to Christianity and civilize them.
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Why are they like this? Holy shit
yeah confirmed jeet. i can tell by the way he speaks. i can bet you he will never give a proof otherwise wallah
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Ethiopians are the second most ancient Christian state, you want me to compare them to dirty taco niggers who make mockery out of Christianity? Christianity was never meant for spics.
>dumb low iq spic doesn’t know Ethiopian is the second Christian state in the world.
Go on, be a true christcuck like all the niggers.
What is even going on in this thread?
Christ is king, Allah is not God and many Muslim are demonically possessed.
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We have already won anon. Christ is King
I don’t give a shit I hate Christianity and I’m not a Christian
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I do all of that except the last one, and I have no problem with Jesus. It's the rest of Christianity, particularly the Paul shit, that's of no interest to me. Islam is an abomination, and well, we all know that communism is simply the Talmud for the Goyim.
>spic is jealous of some ooga booga niggers

If you think about it, even niggers have been part of civilization a lot longer than Aztec indio spics. Go rip out a kids heart or something, Christianity is not for your kind.
Literally the work of israelis
Then stop trying to promote your shithole continent to me.
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>we won
Makes sense that u need to cope w sheer denial
Wow christcuck ameritards don't know geography.
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Why are smelly abbo pajeets the worst fucking liars? Do they have no shame? They remind me of spics so much. Even if they mass converted to Christianity, no one would like them.
Not amerimutt like you spic chink kike. I despise you all and I have Christ blood running in me.
I'm italian you retard. Keep worshiping that jew.
>it's immoral because god said so
wow....this is such a good argument
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The Incas and Mayans were ceritified BLACK Empires. Mudhuts in africa were a jewish psyop.
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jeet neutralized. paki out
Simple as
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i was just reading the same thing about iceland. the christcuck churches are forcibly subsidized by tax dollars and nobody even goes to church except on eastern or christmas. shit is dying hard and not even jews with their infinite wealth can keep it propped up any longer.
and yes, thats how it always worked. who do you think built the churches? jews did. then once they had a foothold, they forced you to use your own tax dollars to build them. it was always a racket to ensure you were defenseless against uniquely jewish forms of warfare
TMD indeed, good kraut
You are on the brownest of brown discussion boards, Juan
You think Jews build things? You think they do work? kek, lel even

As an aside, notice how we have arguments about Christianity, but nobody ever argues about islam? That's because you either know nothing about it or know it's retarded.
Too late, by posting in this thread you have accepted the trinity.
Show your true flag, kike juden. Islam is at the forefront of the fight against ZOG. Without Muslims, Europe would be way worse.
Fuck off back to your desert shithole Ahmed. Muslims are just a tool used by the kikes to kill Europeans and destroy their countries.
Christ is king
this level of delusion can only come from a turk
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Muslims turn every bit of land into shit->Christians leave

Tale as old as time
They're doing the same in France and Europe now. the more subhumanic and rapey they behave the more locals leave and let them take over. Quite a brilliant strategy.

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