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>fellow Jeets invite "friends" to visit them in Canada
>"friends" get a visitors visa
>once they arrive they claim asylum (with the help of jeet lawyers) or get a LMIA approval submitted by a jeet business owner
>now they can reside in Canada legally
>repeat the process forever
>Canada becomes Jeetland 2.0

Who gives a shit. Leafs themselves don't seem to give a shit so fuck them.
fucking hell i hate shitjeets more every day. there's just something about them. looking at them makes me feel disgust a deep, deep sense of unease. it's like an uncanny valley feeling. like im looking at something human shaped, but not quite human
I work at a bank and these fucking jeets keep bringing in 60 cash deposits at once with like 5 dollars in singles and .68 cents in small change each that they will try to pass Canadian coins off in, it's this way every time they come in. I'm planning on quitting soon and neeting but before I put in my actual notice I'm going to tell my boss if he keeps allowing these street shitters to do this then I'm quitting. I'm his main guy and the others here are actually retarded and he knows it. It's going to be funny watching these shit skins seethe when they realize they can't keep being shits skins and then poof I'm gone. Eat shit jeets, oh that's right you already do...do.
Jews have the same thing, I think it's genetic. They're sort of bioloigcally adjhacent to us but also different enough to be their own thing which your brain picks up on instantly.
I love seeing fake businesses with fake websites pop up only to see they have LMIA assessments in the works on the job bank.
Everyone has been saying jews and jeets are the same thing for the past couple of years and it's totally true
I dont think they're the same thing but I think they both suffer from inbreeding and fucked up genetics because of it. I don't think anyone disputes this anywhere, at best people will just avoid saying it.
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nothing more corrupt than these little sewer rats
Well it's what everyone is saying, I definitely agree that jeets and jews are the same shit. They both act the exact same.
Umm based. Spread the word too, anon.
they're actually a cancer. let one in and 40 other suddenly spawn in
"Oh no, immigrants who will work to improve the country! Must hate them because of the color of the skin!"

baka.. some losers here should go touch grass...
poo in the loo and do not redeem, shitmonkey
>No evidence of them doing this in their own country
>It will be different in your already successful country that doesn't need us!
Go back.
Should had spend the last 15 years fighting pedos not getting paid by them
They don't improve the country at all.
>muh gdp line go up!
Literal fake news so suckers like you accept niggers, and you say this shit hoping other idiots fall for it. Fucking moron.
No, it's getting beyond "Go back" now.
They're not going to go back, so what are we going to do?
it's the jeet way. they infiltrate companies and countries and as soon as one secures a position of power the floodgates open to a sea of poos
What is happening in India to justify asylum?
Honestly, good for them. Close to 80% of canadian land is uninhabited, and the wealth of natural resources they have is way more than enough to fully satisfy its population of 40 million for countless generations. If it weren't for the government, the canadians would just keep all of that for themselves, which is obviously wrong. There is more than enough land, housing, fresh water and greenery that India lacks to house at least 400 million people. Trying to stop that would be extremely selfish.
And Canada's never going to amount to anything more than the US's plaything if they don't buff their population numbers bigly. White canadians aren't reproducing fast enough or in adequate volume so this mass immigration policy seems like a good call
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They'll be here as soon as canada collapses and the parasites need a new host.
canada should take one for the team and become the sole immigration destination for the pajeets
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It's all fake like everything else coming out of that shithole (except the poop, the poop is not fake)
I'd imagine that soon they're going to round up both you and the people in their government and put bullets in your heads, but if they really wanted to save money they could just throw you off of cliffs or tall buildings. I'm not sure which option I'm more partial to, will you sprout 6 arms like your elephant demon tranny god and flap them like wings as you fall?

LOL. 100% of minimum wage jobs in my city are staffed by Indians. And they're too fucking stupid to even do those jobs properly. Every fast food placed has been run into the ground

On the other hand I cant even remember the last time I saw a jew. They couldn't possibly be more different
nigger most of that land is completely uninhabitable because its Arctic tundra and or boreal forest built atop of Canadian shield rock.

Part of the reason we can't build real estate easily for all the fucking jeets is because the vast majority of the good development land out East is already used up. The only real easy space to sprawl is Alberta and Saskatchewan which is why they have always had much higher native birth populations.
Modi wants more soft power in the form of exporting hundreds of thousands of indians to every corner of the earth.

The jeets are concentrated into a 500km area. Most of the land you're talking about is irrelevant
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I'm not sure, I would say violence is the only option now. Balkanization is a second although less effective option. Refusing to pay taxes and contribute is another route.
Although in these "What should we do scenarios" some ego tripping do nothing nigger will just blame whoever they're talking to individually for the entirety of the problems and then continue to do nothing themselves so I expect a reply of

>What are you going to do right now to save ME? Not good enough!!!!!!

So in that scenario I would just say any rich fags should buy up as many big properties/land as possible and stop interacting with Canadian society. Let them rot from jeets destroying everything and do not clean up the mess, simply avoid it like it's a nuclear fallout zone until it is no longer sustainable and collapses. This is something you can do if you have money and there will be no legal repercussions to you. You will never see jeets if you own the surrounding 50+ acres and never set foot in cities. Off grid living is the only reasonable option if you want to remain a non-violent Canadian citizen not directly contributing to your mass replacement.
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For what? The shit on streets?
Asylum because the world needs to understand what shit on the streets really means
Jew moved out of your shithole, they employ the pajeets.
If we can colonize mars, we can do the same for the forests and tundra. We have people permanently living in antarctica. The technology to make decent housing and infrastructure in those places exists, it's just a bit more expensive, but it's a necessary investment that would bolster the economy by creating countless jobs. You can't get a more win-win scenario than this
>or get a LMIA approval
Here's a couple threads from a government LMIA whistleblower:
He/she works in the department that processes LMIAs and lays out many of the scams. The government's employees know about many of them but aren't allowed to do anything. In fact some of the scams were prevented under regulations from the previous Conservative government, but the Liberals have been rolling them back as scamming employers and immigration lawyers lobby them to do so.

For example:
>How can so many LMIA be approved for fast food places[...]?
>They don't need them, but there isn't much that can be done with the rules the way they are.
>At this point they can apply and say that nobody applied and the only thing a processing officer can do is ask about it unless they find conclusive proof that they are lying. If a processing officer were to refuse them because they are lying without proof then the business could get it overruled in court. The burden is completely on the processing officer and not on the businesses.
>The processing officers are aware of this because you will see several fast food places on one road or plaza and one of them will be applying repeatedly saying nobody is applying while the others don't.

It's all been happening for years and will clearly continue to happen until Canada is finally destroyed as the economy breaks down.
>If we can colonize mars
>thinks people will survive months in a space ship getting blasted by regular solar flares to even make it to mars alive
Sorry you fell for a grift but it explains why you're posting such asinine drivel to begin with.
Why the fuck would we ever want to clear out the pristine land in the tundra just to fit more worthless jeets into the world? Seriously it’s a waste of time money and resources
this. jeets should just stay in their containment zone. to be honest it's a miracle they've been allowed to exist this long at all
>but it's a necessary investment that would bolster the economy by creating countless jobs. You can't get a more win-win scenario than this
Who would own it though? A big factor behind Canada's development of the west, such as it was, was that the railroad companies got free land and the moment they dropped down a train station that free land of theirs suddenly appreciated in value, thanks in part to other government programs that would, for example, grant farmlands and homesteads to anyone willing to go out there and break the sod and turn that land into something productive.

Canada's establishment is far too jealous these days for a win-win scenario. They would prefer things to remain as stable as possible. Nothing ever happens, and they can go out for dinner & drinks with one another and talk about golfing. If you want to grow the Canadian pie, but their share of the new larger pie is smaller as a percentage, then in their worldview they have no incentive to participate.

Except this country will be primarily inhabited by low IQ, stinky pajeets that have no education, skills, or use of any kind. We're not going to solve the issue with pie in the sky technological advancement or proper investment. This county is run be evil leftists that only want to see it destroyed.
He looks like those guys that run algo shemes and promote shit coins.
not my problem
canadians deserve more
Need to start separating from NPC whites forcing jeets into the country
it's already inhabited primarily by low IQ the only thing that changes is the skin colour and the amount of trash on the street

Go back to India, shitskin
you don't arrive at the country you have today with a high IQ population
>low IQ
IQ is primarily circumstancially determined and not genetically, so that problem should sove itself with some decent public investment in schooling and social programs
They can be learned, and India has a many skilled workers, most of whom are self-taught, which is something low IQs rarely are
>use of any kind
Human capital is always useful

The only thing that's standing in the way of total american domination for canadians is irrational racism and selfishness
They aren't scamming the system.
Our ruling class is.
They want lots of immigrants to put downward pressure on wages.
It's literally cheaper to higher immigrants because our government subsidizes their wages.
They will ALL be leaving or they will die here
Simple as
Country was fine before you got there, improve your country instead of shitting up ours.
the funniest part of it all is you will say this shit to other white people online but in real life you will grovel and submit you pathetic piece of netbanging shit loser
your country got sold out from under your fucking feet, literally
demons, all of it
I think they're going to try out neo-feudalism here for real before they decide if it's good for the rest of the west.
Death squads
lol jesus christ, this shit needs to end yesterday
You’re literally a cashier lol.
People who unironically say this are retarded on such a fundamental level they may as well just kill themselves because their stupidity is not curable.
I sincerely hope you are joking and this isn’t a real belief you have in your head

Yes I used to think this vacuous philosophical psycho babble was useful or interesting when I was a teenager.

You will one day realize that none of this is practical. You can drone on about what would happen in a hypothetical reality that's a byproduct of your imagination all you want, it won't help make anything better

When you import millions of lazy, uneducated adults that have no ambition but to create low income ghettos of their own people, machinations aren't going to help.

Living as a minimum wage slob is 10x better than the shit hole they came from, they have to incentive to improve.

Import Indian doctors or at least ones with some kind of skill or degree, not millions of jeets too fucking stupid to work at mcdonald's.
Personally I'm not againat immigration in small amounts, but what's happening is crazy and is basically a radical transformation of a country.
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We have been given no reason to believe jeets will do anything positive as their own country is a disaster, yet these Indian shills just presuppose a conclusion that they will improve things, despite all evidence pointing to the exact opposite. They are insincere and demonstrably incorrect. They're just trying to justify an invasion for their own personal gains, because they hate India and don't want to be there anymore. Luckily most Canadians have had the Indian experience by now and know how awful they are so there's no use trying to AstroTurf this any longer. The only pro-jeets there are are people who have never met one and the shit niggers themselves.

I'm advocating for the destruction of this country actually. That's what we deserve. I also would rather see that than boards of cancerous, repulsive pajeets turn it into a 2nd India.

Bring more of your shit skin friends here. See what happens. You'll have another shit hole like India except with 6 months of winter. Enjoy!
No, no, no anon you don't understand they're capable of maintaining all of the nice things this country has, just look at how functional Brampton is!
He's pushing "self taught indian skilled worker" as a positive which shows he doesn’t know any and has never talked to one of them. It's actually absurd but what do you expect
Can you fucking tard learn? Jeets are not like that because le imbreederism, that's a christcuck meme
They are like that because of muttification, when you have a population that doesn't care who or what is fucking you get mutts, and when mutts fucking mutts from another group they become even more dysgenic.
That's how it's and why kikes promote muttification, because they don't want to be left alone as defect, they need to make sure the rest of the world is the same.
And christkike don't understand and don't wish to understand genetics.
good. can we send all our jeets there too?
the craziest part of it to me is you people think you're flexing while you're being conquered
Even le based Canadians are terminal fucking retards
>See what happens.
just fucking lol

Leftist propaganda has been more successful in the mind of the average Canadian than anywhere else in the world. They've been demoralized to the point that they can't even imagine a situation in which infinite tolerance, or importing any number of non-English speaking, uneducated foreigners will produce a negative result. Even when the evidence is on the street in front of them, they will be incapable of coming to terms with it.

For that reason, I don't really care what happens to these country. If the only chance of a wake up call is complete annihilation, then let's speed up the process.
The two aren't mutually exclusive you fucking sperg lord, unless you wanna tell me jews and indians never inbreed and we don't see evidence of it all over the place. You're not even wrong you're just being a pedantic cunt, here's your (you) nigger do you feel smart now?
Holy fuck are you stupid. Other than tiny strips of land in southern Ontario and BC their rest of Canada is A TUNDRA. The summer is only 8 weeks and it’s brutal winter for 6 months.
India doesnt even issue biometric passports and millions of people have the same name. they can literally burn their documents and its impossible to deport them
India is the next china in that there's raw talent and potential without parallel, and you're getting all the savvy enough ones to know how to exploit immigration channels and legal frameworks. The bottom of the barrell indians have no fucking clue on how to take advantage of such a scenario, nor do they bother learning how. You're getting the best of their not-so-well-off population. It's a recipe for success when you have the space and the technology to accomodate them. Maybe now they're still sticking with the big cities but once they start becoming canned fish they will start sprawling outward and taking up the empty space.
If I were a canadian politican I'd invest in wide reaching infrastructure right away and push for even more immigration.

Pajeets can't conquer anything retard, they're a disease. To conquer would imply they would have some design or would intentionally reimage this place into their desire.

They have no desires, they have no design, they have no capability of organizing on a level that would produce that kind of result.

They will leach off the resources around them until they run dry, and turn their surroundings into an image of the slum they came from. Then they will move onto the next place and repeat the process.
I'm not blackpilled or self hating so I don't share this sentiment. Feel free to kys though, the government will maid you for free I believe.

You have the equation backward. The jeets are not exploiting anything, they're being brought here as a disease by the people actively trying to destroy this country.

The jeets coming here are precisely the ones you're talking about. They're too fucking stupid to exploit anything, learn anything, do any job, or produce anything of value.

The issue is you've never step foot in this country and interacted with these creatures.

Not surprisingly, the things you're making up inside your head don't reflect the reality on the ground.
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That's just the result of the scam culture, they see white's goodwill as a weakness they can exploit for their own benefit. They're laughing now but what they don't realize is that all the good stuff will be gone when the whites are gone.
>and you're getting all the savvy enough ones
Our government is doing this to artificially inflate housing for their own personal portfolios. This means bringing in and scamming as many of the dumbest, lowest IQ jeets as possible. It's literally the most short term economically beneficial way for the gov to do this. I'm replying to you one last time to tell you you have no idea what you're even talking about. Anyone actually from Canada can tell this just by reading a single sentence from you. They know you’re simply incorrect in what you’re saying. I can only surmise you're an Indian on a proxy, or just a fucking brain dead college kid trying to exercise his debate skills by parroting globalist rhetoric he has never actually tried to demonstrate in real life on any capacity at all.

But I promise you you're not convincing anyone of your position and India is proving every racist correct every day they’re here, hence the universal rise of it. It's the logical conclusion when the experiment has been tried.
The funny part is that they literally have it better back in india. Over here they get to be exploited by their own kind, having to live 20+ to a basement while giving all of their money to the king jeet.

Yes that's call demoralization. You have to fabricate a scenario in your mind in which there is still the possibility of a positive future for this country. The reality would be too difficult to come to terms with.

In any case, I'm going to watch this putrid shit hole burn to the ground from the outside. I happily await the day when all of this comes to a head.

Good luck getting out in time
He’s probably one of those African Portuguese hybrid mutts with 65iq
You won’t do shit. Report the bank to the better business bureau if you want to cause a stir. Otherwise shut the fuck up and quit larping
They win by flooding white countries since they have the numbers to do it, that's their strategy, it's the lowest form of war where you just throw bodies at the cannons, hence the expression cannon fodder.
jeets do jew tactics better, kind of impressive honestly. theyre also much more open with it and will even brag that theyre doing it
2 societies built on the foundation of acting like greasy degenerates to get through life
>There now hives of Uber drivers on e-bikes forming near my home

Time to vandalize the e-bike setup
I've heard the same exact rhetoric about our native reserves from academic who've never been within 50km of one. They have all these "solutions" they presuppose will work despite having no field evidence to base anything off of. It's all just theoretical garbage from people with no real world experience and it's extremely transparent.

They don't win anything, in the same sense that an infestation of rats doesn't "win" or have any coordinated goal, they simply destroy and consume resources until there are none left.
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>immigrants who will work to improve the country!
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>immigrants who will work to improve the country!
Whites were selling programmable robots to the chinese in the late 1700s, ya dumb shit.

>muh age verification
Yeah I didn't know they censored it, it's ducking insane because there's 0 inappropriate content in it other than making non-whites look inferior as fuck
>they really censored a documentary about whites making programmable robots in the 1700s because of the implications

20 to a basement is a good deal, here they live +40 on a single 2 bedroom apartment, most of the time they stay outdoors and they sleep in shifts.
There's been some cases where the buildings exploded because they keep multiple gas tanks and other nonsense.
Yup, I bet any jeets that go onto or near reserves with their scamming will be grievously injured or disappeared. The exception being if they are paying natives to be smuggled to USA.
It is the size of a one bedroom usually. There's been a couple of notorious cases, like some guy paying $800 per month to sleep on a mattress in a hallway.
Import as many of them as you can so we can have a "Look at what happened to Canada" talking point please.

You're not even a real country, just take the fall buddy, just give up.
Because of their lazy nature, they are attracted to the cities.
Cities are fragile things.
Helicopters can deliver supplies but not cost effectively.
You're wrong because you're seeing the process through a highly politicized and biased lens, you're on here after all. The canadian government knows it needs more people to maintain a competitve economy in the near future, so it reworked its immigration policy to accomodate more foreigners who are willing to become a part of the great canadian revolution. Immigration doesn't just happen like that, there needs to be a catalyst, in this case, it's mismanaged, poverty-ridden India. These conditions make for a pulsing immigration incentive, and the canadian government welcomes them because if you have the awareness, willpower and know-how to recognize the absence of a decent future in your current situation and to leave your country with the scarce means at your disposal, it's likely you've already got the qualifications to make it in a more developed country. The "low IQ unqualified" immigrants are those that are brought over thanks to their relatives and whatnot, and despite their initial apparent negative net worth, in a generation or two their descendants will have completely assimilated and will have been incorporated within the workforce, another perfectly aligned cog. This is what history and basic sociology tells us. You're just unable (or unwilling, which is worse) to see the bigger picture because it detracts a little from some of your immediate comfort. Selfish and juvenile.
Time for the entire white population of the West to rise up against the elites & their system. Then drive out all the invaders.
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>The canadian government knows it needs more people to maintain a competitve economy in the near future
After they kill everyone in 2025?
Call me after a trip to brampton or niagara falls. Then I will maybe consider reading your uneducated ChatGPT tier garbage.
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Sadly this is nothing new
All you have to do is cut off the infested cities.
They will have nowhere to go.
They should make it legal to kill jeets in the west
Make them leave on their own accord if they can survive the trip to the airport. Hell we will have done India a favor by getting rid of their undesirables. Everybody wins.

You're ignoring the fact that there's no evidence any of the assumptions you're making are true. You're wishcasting what a reasonable or non malevolent government might do. Even if your assumed motivations were accurate, it would be a desperate ploy to save a sinking ship that is not recoverable.

When you import this many people this rapidly from one location, they become the prevailing cultural force in the area they live in. There is no reason to assimilate, becuase they're surrounded by thousands of other pajeets. Many businesses here are now run in whatever language they speak, and that will not change.

If you go anywhere here it's like walking through a Star Wars bizarre. You would never know you're in Canada except for the fact that signs are temporarily still in English.

There's a reason there are 0 Canadians that will agree with anything you're saying. The hubris you have to assume you can make things up inside your head about a place you've never been to and be correct is astonishing.
Well good, hopefully they put enough strain on the system to break it.
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one of you is taking some action

In case it wasn't obvious: the JIDF is outsourcing their cointelpro ops to india. They pay pajeets $18 a month to incessantly flood this board with:

>Demoralization (it's over, the economy is collapsing, you will never own a home or have a family, give up).
>White women are your enemy. Interracial porn
>Christjewery. "You're a jew unless you worship a jew". "You cannot support European ethnonationalism unless you worship a fictional jewish rabbi".
>India threads like anyone cares about india.

A lot of these parasites could be doing this for free as well. There are Telegram and Discord channels called "Indian internet defense force" where they coordinate their raids. They are like heat-seeking biological weapons programmed to target White people everywhere we go. I was watching an Asatru Folk Assembly live stream a few months ago and within a 20 minute spam FIVE pajeets came on the chat asking to join!

60%-70% of the posts on this board come from them! The rest are jews and spics.

The mods do nothing about it because this site is owned by jews and they are in on it.

This is why this website is so dead now. If you are an ethnic European don't waste anymore of you time here. Move to X.
>So in that scenario I would just say any rich fags should buy up as many big properties/land as possible and stop interacting with Canadian society.
Okay, wonderful idea
Now what do the other 99% of us do?
I've always said that we'll be stacking dead jeets in the near future

there's no way this doesn't end violently
>Now what do the other 99% of us do?
You owe me a soda
>IQ is primarily circumstancially determined and not genetically
nope it has a near 0.75 R value with genetics and race. sorry not sorry.
Christ is literally king, every white man for the last 600 years knows this. Do you think Spain would’ve chased the muslims out of the Iberian peninsula if they were dog-fucking pagans? Christ is literal kryptonite to the disingenuous “judaism” that we see today.
that works
Honest question: did the Pagans ever have a Muslim invasion in the first place?
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The only people who wont acknowledge race and iq are lying or are brown and in denial.
>IQ is primarily circumstancially determined and not genetically
Bold faced lie
>They can be learned, and India has a many skilled workers
They aren't sending their best, they're sending the one's they don't want. That are a drain on their own system.
>Human capital is always useful
Not if they are a net negative by nearly every metric.
>The only thing that's standing in the way of total american domination for canadians is irrational racism and selfishness
Looking foreward to the rain that will wash all this scum off the streets. Every day I pray for the day of the rake.
Verification not required.
We need to stop all planes from India and bar all Indian nationals from entering, anybody who was born in India or have a grandparent born in India -- Canada is a small country and we don't have the resources to weed out the scammers one by one.
My Indian fatigue is such that, I'm listening to some zombie creepypasta series, as soon as "Nurse Patell" comes on I had to close window, even though it's set in London s it's not out of place. Also, I retroactively loss sympathy for the Indian nurse who killed herself after being pranked by the Australian DJs into giving away Kate Middleton's private medical information, if she wasn't high IQ enough not to give away confidential information to pranksters, she should have stayed in India, good riddance, tis a pity she already reproduced so it's not a Darwin Award.
Around 10 years ago I keep getting American quarters, not so much anymore though Scammers are just so exhausting to deal with. I miss being able to pick up the phone without knowing who it is.

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