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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Alcohol ruins people and should be illegal
Just ban vodka
Just give them drugs instead.
Gives the old term drug store a whole new meaning.
It's a Brave New World.
Sometimes it's fun to drink 4 days in a row, sometimes it's nice to be sober. I've found a balance.
Freely available anxiolytics would be better than alcohol imo.
i agree
so stop blocking my drugs in the mail like the fucking bitches you are

it's interesting alchol is bascially free at any checkout aisle in any euro country
but if you want something useful you have to go through a 6 month circle jerk with some smug faggot or cunt that wants to feel important
Czech republic ftw
Nah. We just need a world where people are excited about life instead of trying to hide from it. The automaton lifestyle isnt natural. We convince ourselves we love the bullshit jobs we settled for. We eagerly watch 80 year olds cling to power and ruin generations in there wake. I understand the want to drink it. It is useful besides intoxicating beverages and cannot support an illegal status, however. You should just be made illegal to yourself if it is an issue. And you can enforce that with your own police force depending on the results you want to see.
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Spoken like a true faggot.

There is nothing manlier than pounding beers with the boys while watching football
Samuel Benjamin are you in Finland now?
that wont happen until jews, jeets, and niggers cease to exist
You do realize that beer have estrogens right
>When we consume beer or other alcoholic beverages, phytoestrogens tend to bind to estrogen receptors in our cells and activate them. It can increase estrogen levels and throw off the delicate hormonal balance. Alcohol abuse has been linked to numerous hormonal issues
yea right
can't even pay with a credit card on hhc world anymore, can't even get hhc
europe is a faggot when it comes to individual liberty
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This moron ruined his career with ethanol too.
This one too.
Also this one.
I've been drinking about once a year or two for a decade but life was much more fun when I drank daily
Stormin' through the party like my name was El niño
I'm an adult and can handle my liquor, thanks.
drunk European men sailed around the world and now we are here.
My dick ruins your mom's asshole and I don't see her running to congress about it
Drug use in societies is neither created nor destroyed it only changes form. Prohibition has been tried in history it created organized crime and enlarged the leviatian state in the US in Russia it contributed to the communist revolution.

As far as popular drug use problems today, everything got thrown out of balance because of globohomo's relentless and ultimately successful campaign against tobacco. Life was so so much better when you could meet almost every fuckable woman by carrying a lighter, make women smoke again.
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Stop drinking and your hoppy bitch tits will vanish.
Also you'll feel better because you're an inflamed rat poison sipper. You beer gut will go away and your gut will heal from glyphosate exposure.

You'll stop turning into a tranny. They tried to kill you with vaccines, coke and pepsi co has been found adding nano-fluorescein and other sussy shit. If you're consuming Big-Beverage products, you're going to have a bad time in the future.
>your gut will heal from glyphosate exposure
Hahahaha you wish it's in all the other food too. It's in the meat because they eat the agricultural byproduct. It's in the milk and cheese that comes from the cows that eat the byproduct.
The only thing you can do to avoid it is grow and raise 100% of your own food. You can, but it's a full time job that won't leave you much time for /pol/, and so you wouldn't be here.
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>The only thing you can do to avoid it is grow and raise 100% of your own food.

Working on it. I'm completely motivated to not be a trans-marxist.

Starts by not consuming estrogenic shit.
/thread. I don't think alcohol should be banned, but if you're gonna ban alcohol it should only apply to hard liquor. It's ridiculously easy to get super shit faced super fast when you're drinking hard liquor. It's why whenever a person gets alcohol poisoning there's almost ALWAYS hard liquor involved. When I was a Freshman in college, a couple of friends from my highschool came up for a weekend to visit. We had smuggled a bottle of cheap vodka into our dorm room and were pregaming before heading out to the bars (We were only 18 but it was really easy to still get served in that town). This kid, who was no stranger to alcohol, he would party every month or so-- He chugged a pint of vodka. He was blackout drunk in 15 minutes, unresponsive within the half hour. Of a shot is basically an ounce, he'd have to slam 16 beers for the same effect.
> Never been a drinker
> Still have bitch tits
Our food is poisoned too
Raise your kids properly you fucking loser.
Yes. Start with parasite protocols, then heavy metal detox. Correct your gut bioflora and eat keto for a time. You'll see the bitch tits shrink if its not too late.
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Yes it should.
Keto and healthy gut biome aren't compatible
Veganism and drinking aren't compatible.
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'Ain't No Party Like a Alcoholic Party'
>feel the vibes, feel the vibe through your body, feel the alcohol tonight

I am seven months and one day dry I quick drinking on christmas after drinking heavily for five or so years. I'm finally starting to feel "normal" again which is nice.
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I'll drink to that!
What is your favorite drink, anons?
If you've ever watched those 'first contact with unknown tribe' type videos, you'll notice that some people just have that body type. No shame in it lad. You might well be the shaman-king. Being a skinny-fag with abs clearly doesn't impress tribeswomen, and it doesn't impress modern women either. I tell you the truth, women want to be the pretty ones, if you have an attractive face and a chiseled body they are paranoid that you're going to cheat on them because they know you are 'better' than them. It's ridiculous.

Remember always that God made you. One of my favourite pieces of art is from Warhammer 40,000, it's the Emperor of Mankind, and he's got all of his warriors around him. His greatest champions have the jaws of wolves on their shoulders, the mane of a lion draped over their heads, some have the skulls of humans on their heads; but the Emperor of Mankind? He just has the most terrifying and deadly iconography of anything that has ever existed.

He's got a relatively normal looking Caucasian's face, flesh and all, on his knee-pad and shoulder. Because that is what truly strikes terror into the hearts of aliens, demons and heretics. Nothing else will destroy you like a white man could.
Too late. It's been deeply embedded in European culture for far too long to ever realistically be able to get rid of it. Can't put the genie back in the bottle, man
1 year sober for me. Alcohol is poison that destroys your brain and you have to go 3 months sober to recover. Alcohol has short and long term effects and people ignore this.
Irish btfo
Thankfully I do have broad shoulders but nah there is nothing quite natural about the bitch tits (as for women they mostly don't like me but I have banged several normie girls and a lot of strippers despite being an autist).
Pure water.
depends, phenol alcohols like THC consumption should be made illegal with death penalty sentencing for pushers, ethanol is based and whitepilled
Brother, women don't really like anyone until you are with one. Then suddenly you're the holy grail, and they all want you. Women are stupid.

Don't fret about your body shape. If you want to grow some muscle or lose some weight, then by all means, get yourself something to lift and reach your goals. But generally speaking its not going to make much difference unless you're an elephant or something.

We all deposit our weight in different places. The chest is actually pretty common. I have a fat neck, my dad has the same; pretty good bodies otherwise but then flabby necks, heh.

Stop being self-conscious. You were created by God. Just think about that for a second. You know those freaking awesome looking great white sharks? Those sleek and cute otters? Those spiny and cute hedgehogs? The same Fella who made them, made you.

Be proud of what you are. Don't get any nasty tattoos or piercings or you're just ruining His awesome design. Otherwise though, you are exactly as God made you. How freaking awesome is that?... And not just that, but your face is LITERALLY that of the APEX predator. Your kind dominated the entire bloody planet. Aliens and demons fear us and try to use sneaky tactics to go against us. We are something like gorilla-shark-snake-robots with guns. Fear us. The pinnacle of God's creation, made in His image.

Forget about your 'bitch tits'. That just makes you more terrifying. Imagine a great white shark with bitch tits. That's like a super-bitch version of you. Let your bitch tits strike terror into the heats of aliens, demons and sub-humans. God made you lad. God made YOU.
Good book
Just don’t chug a pint of vodka? Seems like a non issue anon
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>Finland is considered one the happiest countries in the world
>Finland also has some of the highest rates of consumption of liquor and spirits in Europe
Nice try, kike. Anytime you filthy parasites try doing something "for the greater good" it actually ends up turning people in your host country miserable.
27 days sober here, anon. Used to be kind of ripped but gained 10kg in 3 weeks of boozing and shitty eating decisons. I'm still miserable and angry with myself but making it illegal won't do shit but blind retards who can't homebrew properly. Look at the situation in Bali and their poison Arak. Drunktards will drunktards somehow.
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The problem with getting rid of any one vice or drug is to remember that another drug/vice is going to take its place. You cannot create or destroy vice you can only change its form.
Alcohol has some bad aspects, certainly parents with tempers should be discouraged from drinking.
The worst "greater good" vice supression campaigns were the massive multi decade propaganda campaign against tobacco (a happy, mind enhancing super social drug which only shortened the lives of old people and only in some cases)... a great icebreaker at bars and parties as in the past you could always meet women by carrying a lighter) and in the progressive era banning prostitution... which create simping, inceldom, hyperfeminism etc.

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