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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Like most of you, I was fascinated with anime and video games as a child. In my late 20s, I had the opportunity to move to Japan for a least two years and ended up staying for 3. I spent the majority of my time in Tokyo, but travelled the entire country and also visited other asian countries.

At a glance, Japan is fucking amazing. Yes, it's very different, clean, affordable, and "cool". I fucked dozens of women while living there, it was literally like shooting fish in a barrel if you're white, tall, and decently handsome.

The first year was the best time of my life, and that doesn't change with my new perspective on the Japanese. I went out every weekend, saw and tried new things, met many cool foreigners, etc etc.

Year two, I began to study more Japanese and asian history since I was in that region of the world. Life in Tokyo started becoming a little exhausting but it was still fun.

By year three, I realized that Japanese people are fucking retards, on the same exact level as other asians that they look down upon but worse (I'll explain), and that America is the best country in the world, so I moved back.

What people have to realize about Japan is that they are a shitty, self-hating race with no morals. Chinese and Koreans are annoying as fuck, but they at least have pride and morals and I grew to prefer them (even though many have no manners) over Japanese who I now find servile and disgusting.

Japan's rise during WW2 seemed "impressive", but it was largely due to two factors:

1) Japan didn't actually have an opponent. China was engaged in a civil war coming off of like 100 years of colonization by the British which fucked China up and weakened it, and the rest of Asia was very behind the western powers in terms of everything useful in economics and war.
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2) Japan literally realized how gay and weak it was (exactly like the other asian nations) and sent out emissaries all over the world prior to WW2 to learn and steal information from whites on how to "improve" themselves. They literally just copied white people in everything and used that stolen technology and strategy to destroy other asians in the area.

The Japanese literally hate themselves. They are known as the "dwarf nation" in asian because they're literally the smallest asians. They have a massive inferiority complex because their language and culture is all from China. If not for injection of Han culture and genetics, they would be a shit hole like the phillipines or indonesia.

Obviously they got obliterated once they encountered a real opponent like America, despite all their stolen military advancements, but the real kicker is that after they were destroyed, America literally built Japan back up immediately, taught them industrial manufacturing, and injected BILLIONS into their economy despite hating japanese for how insane and brutal they were in WW2.

Why? Because China had turned communist and the US needed to build bases around China because communist China and Russia were now the new enemies. Therefore Japan's cutting edge and modern economy, and resulting prosperity which put them far ahead over the rest of asia, was ONCE AGAIN the result of white people.
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Why does this matter? Because while living in Japan I realized just how gay and retarded Japs are, which combined with their superiority complex over their asian brothers, combined with their sniveling and servile attitude towards whites who they view as masters, is honestly just quite disgusting. Yes, they do seem superior to the rest of Asia (though that is actually changing quite quickly now), but they only got that way because America made them that way, it was not their own doing, and yet they think it was because history is forgotten. Once you see it, you can't unsee it, and you realize that Japan is fucking gay and you should just enjoy it as a fuck paradise with good food while you're there.

And now, Japan is falling drastically behind the rest of Asia. Why? Because they were handed everything and never learned to grow on their own. They live and die by what America feels like doing on the global stage, and now that Taiwan and Korea are the new American darlings, expect to see Japan get ass blasted back into the third world shit hole it always was.

The culture is still very cool, but once you see through the facade you see what a joke Japan is.
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>They literally just copied white people in everything and used that stolen technology and strategy to destroy
Just like whites did so likewise humble yourself before you look down on others.
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I don't care faggot. Still marrying muh anime waifu.
Egyptians were white you idiot
american seeing foreigner for the first time
bump for effort
You know there was a time when I liked America and Americans.
Then the internet happened and I got to see what all the retarded ones think.
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Still marrying my jap waifu lol
Cool story bro
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No one is reading all that you retarded mutt. Also you're still a virgin
Reminds me of that time i asked a samd nigger to provide evidence for allah and he sent me a video of a white Christian man providing evidence for Jesus lol
>I fucked dozens of women while living there, it was literally like shooting fish in a barrel if you're white, tall, and decently handsome.
I'm not falling for this LARP
>normalfags in country x are retarded like normalfags in country y
Yeah no shit, normalfags are retarded no matter where you go. Now make another post about the average American this time, and don’t let me catch you ignoring the fact that retarded ghetto culture is worshipped by most people here.
op is a chink with a 1.4 inch dick
he couldn't even fuck the cushions on his sofa
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muslims are jews
This is too long to read I'm just gonna assume you're a retarded redditor
makes me shudder to think a fucking dickhead like you OP might have incidentally impregnated one of those poor innocent japanese girls and left your demonic hellspawn genes to fester in the japanese utopia
Besides ww2 the US and Japan have always been hella tight. We love those stickball playing rascals.

yes, Japan is a utopia for westerners who don't plan on living there permanently.

If you decide to live there permanently, then

1) You will never be Japanese and will always be an outsider

2) You will face discrimination in the work place in that you won't get promoted to the highest positions

3) Once the fantasy wears off you'll realize how soulless and gay and cucked Japan is.

The only westerners who stay long term in Japan are weird freaks. Go there and you'll see
Micro, Japan is a very servile nation; while macro, they maintain the modern high culture which the globe adores. The Japanese have a very high rate of people you try to create, hence doujin culture. The America you speak so highly of is full of people who can't even get off their ass long enough to lose a pound.
You call them self hating, but then say they have a superiority complex. You speak like an amanojaku.
sar we bloody invented toilets and computers n shit saar the white man is lying
Don't you think that all of the points that you made (about their inferiority complex, how they are now falling behind and their worshipping of BWC etc) could be explained by the simple fact that America decimated them with the atomic bomb (an incredibly unfair advantage) and although they were "built back by America" and "given everything" they were absolutely subjugated by the US? They are not free to pursue their own international policy and thus they are dependent on the US economy.

About the war, the Japanese were pretty comfortable fighting a war on two fronts. Many have speculated that the Japanese would have won if it wasn't for the atom bomb. To this day products that come from Japan are widely regarded as superior. The same things could be said about Germany as well. Both nations have just been cucked for 80 years and have paid dearly for their loss.

Jap women still better than modern westernized woman.
Thanks for sharing anon. Now tell these weaboo fucks about how they eat monkey brains while they're still alive, have zero fucking culture when it comes to loyalty within marriage and that these bugmen are good for making (were good) electronics and machinery but have now succumbed to the globohomo and even that's shit by today's standard. Also, they smell funny, do they not?
Filthy chinese hands typed this.

You're late to your mattress explosion, chang.
Think of it like this
>Japanese mentality : Try your best
>Western mentality : Win

There's a reason why the japs get shat on every time they try something
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Humility is a good thing pride is not. Japan rose to dominate Asia by being humble, when they became proud they stupidly ended up at war with a superior power they had no hope of ever defeating. America went off the rails thinking it could follow any stupid policy after the cold war due to pride. The best part of Christianity is that it strongly warns just how toxic pride is.

The Japanese should of course remember not to let the 3rd world in but the motivation for that should not be pride but reason...
1) I'm autistic and will always be an outsider anyway
2) So I'll be a second class person in Japan as a white male foreigner rather than the sixth class person I am here because the Japanese take the horrible abominable position that they don't want some foreign carpetbagger having ultimate authority over them...
3) Is it as gay and cucked as here I doubt that is possible
kys yellow fever retards
Nips are severely autistic, not retarded

>half Korean here
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Okay, but somebody's gotta make the anime.
I got transferred there for work and asked to return after 6 months because outside of nice food and easy lays it's such a shit place to live. Now I just fuck the naïve rich girls that come over here to study or the ones here for working holiday visa.
I lived in Taiwan for 5 years, Thailand 5 years and Japan for 4 years. A common detracting trait of all asians is their hivemind mentality, but each group has their unique faults and strengths. Chinese blood is malicious, SEA blood is lecherous/knave, Japanese blood is very vain. Koreans I think are a mix of Chinese and Japanese, but I haven't lived there. Japanese vanity is absurd, and how they treat people who are technically superior than them speaks volumes.

But you're right about pretty much everything you said, however I don't think Japan will regress to their former third world muddy wagon era; rather they will become a colonized admixture of Chinese, Koreans, and SE Asians. Similar to what's happening to the western world. You can see their media drumming up population crisis fear so people more readily accept immigrants. I still think Japanese are superior to all of Asia in many ways, but I personally prefer Thais/Laotians. They're very good people, just impulsive hedonists. And of course bug minded, but they actually have souls.

Side note: I've been watching more anime just to better understand Japanese culture/people. They're fucking weird, man. I do really like some series, some really great stuff, but these people are serious closet weirdos. The kind of stuff they enable and proliferate in their manga and series is cringe tier. And people boast it by wearing anime avatars and saving gigabytes of of this dross.

I am a white Amerishart with extensive experience in Asia, and I also found Japs to be insufferable.

Chinks can be rude and uncouth, but at least you know where you stand with them the majority of the time. Most of them say what’s on their mind and speak bluntly. Japs hide their true feelings and are weird as fuck.

Chinese can be friendly, and Chinese girls are generally interested in White guys even though they are our supposed ‘enemy’, while Japanese girls are feminist and leftist leaning and generally dislike white guys. A LOT of Jap girls are into niggers, too.
worst korea making em besides japan also chinks do em
and honestly all new animes are shit haven't watched anything since Gintama ended
I don't care, I just want to go there, fuck a few hairy asian pussies, eat sushi and leave. And maybe do this every couple years.
That's something I do prefer with Chinese. In many ways they're pretty straight forward, but they will backstab you if need be or cut corners. But the more you interact with them, the more you understand why they host the most bloody civil wars in human history. Japanese on the other hand are just so insulated it's uncanny, and to wear your heart and be affable is a huge no. It's like they' can't compute how this kind of human decency and love works. In fact they tend to translate it as an act of stupidity. If you were to transplant a 100 happy people from a nice well-to-do area around silicon valley and give them their own metropolitan space in Japan, I'm certain most Japanese would regard them as idiotic. It's like watching AI trying to fathom humanity, but they can't.
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97% white DNA. 0% Sub-Saharan Africa DNA. Pic related BTFO.
>Chinese and Koreans are annoying as fuck, but they at least have pride and morals and I grew to prefer them
The chink reveals himself.
Straight facts. Nips suck Western cock hard. They are going to get Jeeted.
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Certified Maple Syrup post.
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Lol reminds me of the Jeremy Renner app.
How does fucking women in foreign countries work? Do you just talk in English? I thought most Japs wouldn’t understand that.

...the final truth is, japanese are more NPC than anyother!
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