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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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It's official. War in 3 years.
>inb4 I won't fight
Nobody asked you. Shut your hole and fall in line, soldier.
>fall in line
Careful with your choice of words.
>Uhhh, sorry goy. You were made an underclass barred from work and advancement but you're cleared now. Time to go to war with russia.
Will ZOGbots really fall for this?
>in 3 years
anon, I...
>>inb4 I won't fight
>Nobody asked you. Shut your hole and fall in line, soldier.
Americans are so funny. You have all kinds of denominations and groups who live in closed communities and won't give their members. Just proclaim that you are JW/Mormon/Amish/... and you are fine.

Meanwhile in Ukraine JWs are mobilized to frontline infantry brigades, even if participation in wars is agains their creed

America is big enough, you may settle in ruins of Detroit, in desert of Nevada or Arizona, in Alaska - they won't bother finding you.

You don't even have to hide - I am Ukrainian and I walk anywhere I want or I need.

Also, a dumb question - were hippies bussified for Vietnam war?
that's why they just nixxed trannies as being legal women under military law. they know most younger guys will just "identify as a women" in order to not fight or be "selected" for frontline ritual slaughter and to finally use the wokeworld edicts in their own favor - and that's exactly when those edicts will immediately evaporate.

everyone knows no woman (or kike, and as few non-whites as possible) is gonna see meaningful battle.
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WW3 has been going on for a while now.
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only way I'll ever go to war is to retake Jerusalem and kill every Jew & Muslim trespassing there.
Just in time to die in Iran
that's what I assumed as well
America is divided due to the progressive communism group. Everyone is armed. Everyone hates the other. No, there will be no unification. There will be no peace and there won't be a mass of white gentiles being forced to fight in another land.
I think the government knows they're cooked
There will never be a draft. ZOG is not interested in it's domestic enemies learning how to fight.
There's 0(zero)% chance of a draft being enforced in the US. It's literally impossible and would end with the most brutal civil war. They're never going to attempt it, EVER. They will hire mercenary niggers from wherever the fuck if they need bodies
You mean in 2 weeks?
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>Meanwhile in Ukraine JWs are mobilized to frontline infantry brigades, even if participation in wars is agains their creed
No shit. (((They))) want every Christian dead.
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>Shut your hole and fall in line, soldier.

Lol, no. I'm too white to fight for kikes.
That's not good enough. They need to be promoted to four star generals and they need to fire EVERYONE who promoted the vaxxine including Trump and Biden and prosecute them for crimes against humanity. NUREMBERG 2.0
Welfare nigger
they have for a while.
they're just ending some of the charade by telling the military "okay, we're done jerking you around for now, do what you want"
Reads more like they're going to go full ham on covid-27 or whatever they call it in three years
>>Uhhh, sorry goy. You were made an underclass barred from work and advancement but you're cleared now. Time to go to war with russia.

America does not give a fuck about Russia. Sorry you lost your pipeline. America needs to fight for Israel now.
I wont fight
now what are you going to do?
Protected only for 3 years? Why
>white people help!
Come up with a different name. WW2 was won by the bad guys and if we fail to recognize this, we're liable to end up in another pointless war fighting for the wrong side.
Because they're scared to commit to anything that could turn out to make things worse and also they have to leave room to fuck people over when they're no longer needed.
Lol I won’t fight and there’s isn’t a single thing you can do for make me faggot. I WILL fight (you) though.
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Nothing personal but I have moral and principles, not that you guys would know jack all shit about that.
can I get the tap sign
Anyone who even mentions
>muh Nuremberg 2.0
Should be taken to the nearest public square and flogged to death on live stream for being so fucking retarded
Nothing is happening in 3 years, stop being a schitzo.

Anyone seen that new Fallout TV show, looks great!
> for the next three years
> but later... they will be discriminated again because they once refused to have their immune system damaged by an experimental gene therapy.

Imagine complying with anything they demand. Ever.
>Let's train and arm a bunch of people who hate us and don't want to fight for us

Yes, that will work great.
so after three years non vaxxies will be discriminated again?
Kike CO Rosie fucked over Eddie
Kike admiral Green fucked over Eddie
Kike cake eaters run the teams
I spoke to Eddie he know about Jews
NCIS lawyer -ski ski was a kike
>the most brutal civil war.

active duty military are outnumbered by gun owning americans 82 to 1 lmao it wouldn't even be brutal except for any american military members that would have the audacity to try to lift a gun towards a citizen
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> NOOOOOOO! You are not allowed to abuse the epic Nuremberg trial for anything else but the perpetuation of the Holycaust Myth!
in the event of a civil war the assumed desertion rate in the military is a minimum of 50%
I'm 30 so get fucked :^)
It is going to be fucking hilarious when the standards created by the Nuremberg trials are applied to the faggots who think the “good guys” won. Karma is a bitch.

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