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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Be a man of God
Uhh how about you lick the shit off my crusty asshole, faggot
Your magic geriatric in the sky isn't real.
Eat shit, kike.
You had to use AI because you can't find a white woman that age in a church outside of Utah.
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Jesus didn’t go to church
>worship the Jew!!!!
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How crusty we talking?
Young lady, why aren't you married to white, Christian man and working on having children?
Notice how much demons recoil at the idea of not following Satan
Anon, why do you have that saved?
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>Be a man of God
You too.
There's no such thing as demons, you deranged mental patient.
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I serve the good. If God is good, then he will approve. It the gnostics are right and God is evil then he can go fuck himself. Religion only serves to distort and misdirect the moral compass of man which is something far holier than any old book or building.
Probably the same reason I have this saved
So I can /crust/post on /tv/
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John 16:33
“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”
>Be a man of God
And get no pussy? Fuck that.
>y-yes maam
That's bad
says a person using demon powered AI
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Nah I asked chat gpt it told me it wasn't a demon at all so it's ok
Serious question. How can I be a Christian when I hate jews and niggers so fucking much. I don't want to go to heaven and find it's half full of niggers
i went for the first time last sunday
spoke to a priest this week
gonna get closer to God
have a lot of work to do, but I'm ready
Well by the bible you'd have to cleanse your heart of hatred and repent for your hatred for the negroid, the African, the quadroon, the octaroons and the Hebrew alike. Then you wouldn't have a problem being in heaven with said negro, quadroon etc.
Sorry OP, I'm not a feminist.
yes please
I stopped going to church when they made me wash an old woman's feet.
Church is where the old gay men who diddle little boys gather, and your "God" is a jewish demon made to turn white people into enslaved cuckholds.
quote scripture where it commands that
the last years have proven otherwise
>moral compass of man which is something far holier
we are by definition demonic, only concerned with ourselves
I am god.
How can you be a man of someone that doesn’t exist? Makes no sense. You’re mentally ill + low IQ
How bout you die and so every christkike
AI Christ-chan is way too hot and doesn't look unhinged enough.
Norf FC sounds off
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But the Church is the Satan's gateway to Earth?
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Strange how that word "church" has been cooped to mean a building or denomination when the Greek word ekklesia refers to all believers, is singular and belongs solely to Jesus.

"a place where God is worshipped," from Hebrew beth El "house of God," from beth, construct state of bayit "house" + El "God." Popular as a name for religious meeting houses among some Protestant denominations and also of chapels for sailors.

“For we are in danger of being called in question for today’s uproar, there being no reason which we may give to account for this disorderly gathering.” And when he had said these things, he dismissed the assembly. Act 19:40-41
Assembly in Acts19:41 is the Greek word ekklesia, the same word used for “church.” It was a non-religious term used to describe a gathering or association of people.
No thanks. I think that after what you did I will just burn all the places down and build a bunch of Academia Arcanas upon their ruins! Enjoy the coming devastation!
What if I just read the Bible at home instead?
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>Go to church

I went to church from around 5 till about when I was 30. every church has failed me when I needed them most. every church was full of cliques and judgemental hypocrites.

never going to another church.
There must be a real Christchan out there bros
They get married as teenagers
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Shut up nigger
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Christ is King. Amen and God bless.
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I am above the influence.
Any law about government officials drinking on the job?
>gay pastors
>"turn the other cheek"
>"refugees welcome"
>asks for gibs
>glowies looking for patsies- I mean "domestic terrorists"
I enjoy my Sunday morning runs, and can nurture my spiritual self without any of that nonsense.
Who is this girl and why do I keep seeing photos of her?
I'll start going to church the day you stop prancing around "you just have to believe", and give me a genuine reason to subscribe without the fear mongering of salvation or a selective afterlife for believers. As I innately do not believe that throughout the entire span of human society, in which there were many religions prior to Judaism, Christianity, Islam and Hinduism, that all that was before was wrong the whole time. That instead those who did not hear of your faith thousands of years into the future are destined to damnation for the lack of hearing your scripture.

TLDR: I'm not a man of faith, nor do I look for something to believe in when we die, death without an afterlife sounds oddly peaceful to me, compared to an afterlife with no escape.
I'm a dirty atheist, I can't to church. Might catch fire.
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I'm worshipping the Norse Gods, now fuck off christjew
No, I will not worship a Jew or your evil Jewish god
>9 Then God said to Abraham, “As for you, you must keep my covenant, you and your descendants after you for the generations to come. 10 This is my covenant with you and your descendants after you, the covenant you are to keep: Every male among you shall be ritually mutilated. 11 You are to undergo ritual mutilation, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and you. 12 For the generations to come every male among you who is eight days old must be ritually mutilated, including those born in your household or bought with money from a foreigner—those who are not your offspring. 13 Whether born in your household or bought with your money, they must be ritually mutilated. My covenant in your flesh is to be an everlasting covenant. 14 Any unmutilated male, who has not been mutilated in the flesh, will be cut off from his people; he has broken my covenant.”
Unlike you I am a moral person and therefore capable of seeing that this is pure evil
it sucks so much to know then just have to keep battleing the same old bullshit over and over
I'm not worshipping a jew. Christcucks will be banned from the ethnostate.
I quit church years ago. Best decision I ever made. I even demanded the money I donated back. I went to my old churches Facebook to see what they were up to recently. It’s all Zionist bullshit about how Israel is special and God wants them to mass slaughter children. Fuck the church.
Same here. Make sure you call them and demand your money back as well. They act so shocked. They will give you your money back if you don’t top bothering them. All that money is a scam too. Only like 20% of it actually helps anyone.
you couldnt find a white woman under 50 in a church so you made an ai? kek
I'll just throw in my story here, why not.
I used to believe in a loving God, but that time has past. I was in a desperate situation, and despite all my efforts, all that was left was to pray to God and hope that he loved me enough to help. I thought I received a sign from him that things were going to be okay, and the exact opposite happened. I kept praying, and things kept getting worse until I stopped looking to God for help and decided to cut my losses and move on.

I know my bible, and stories like Job, and the Disciples on the Lake, and the Shepard and his Sheep were all stark reminders that God's silence said more about his role in my life than any perceived actions that I could attribute to him.
This is what Christians did to the Romans when they finally got power by sneaking around and converting Constantine's mother.
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>muh church
No need. I am the way, the truth and the light.
Is this the same Romans that tells you goyim to give money to the jews (the chosen race)?
>t. ben shapiro
They did all this to White people for not worshiping a magic jew, but won't lift a finger against the brown orcs that rape their own children or the jews who imported them, LOL
It was and always has been kikes, that reads exactly the same way Bolshevik kikes operated in the USSR
Neither is your geriatric astrology then
It has lost all legitimacy. I am sympathetic to the hardline calvinists over here. Then I see them adopt niggers and save down syndrome kids from abortion. No thanks.
I go every Sunday my man.
We are living in dark times, for real.
>Go to church
>Be a man of God
A man of God is a church.

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