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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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this is the singer singing the French hymn, La Marseillaise

French women look like this?
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At least we're not speaking German.
Kek. That pic instantly came to my mind when I saw the negress.
Lmao jesus christ if the Greeks could see us now.
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sex with negresses
>Muslim majority in France projected in 40 years

lol you're so fucked. I forgot besides the Muslims which are taking over your country you also have a large population of Africans.
Fuckin kek, the west can't fall fast enough.
hey rabbi can you sampson option yourself so your great grand yids wont have to?
Apparently native Europeans dont exist anymore even in their own countries

Everything everywhere is just fucking NIGGERS
typical french woman, though she does have some british and german features, such as dark skin and nappy hair.
That’s a French woman. Hopefully she learns German and they put a bbc on the French flag.
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And your country will be no more in a few years
Cope, seethe, dilate
>The US white majority will soon disappear forever

No, My country still have a chance and we're willing to fight for it. Unlike yours, Niggers and spics conquered your land without a fight. Fucking pathetic losers. In 15 years you're a minority in your own fucking country. You're a fucking disgrace you filthy mutt.
First Olympics I won’t be watching. Come on, we need more saboteurs
Terrible opening
Niggers and faggots
Rainy weather

The only thing the world will remember is : SHAME
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It’s all so so so tiresome
You know we can still delete you with one submarine?
Good job at the opening jew, making niggers into faggots is a great idea. Full support, make all shitskins faggots until they stop having kids.
Muslims know how to have sex and not abort.
>My country still have a chance and we're willing to fight for it.

Once the haredim make up the majority of the population, you won't have a country either.
It's fucking shameful, really. But what can one expect? Ever since they totally dissociated ethnicity to culture and national belonging, shit like this became the norm.

As much as I find it interesting, I'd never dare to sing the Marseillaise to a crowd of Frenchmen. How could I? It doesn't speak to my history and my background (at least not directly), it is not a memory of the struggle of my people, it has no connection with me, even taking in account I descend from euros. I find it a beatiful work of art, but a work made by others and that should preserved and cherished by others.

This shit is a shame, honestly. I almost pity the euros, but alas, they brought this shit on themselves
Take care of your own shithole we don't need your pity.

I'm sure you don't LOL

I can understand wanting to try it out but would you really marry her and want to have little nigglets? No negro pussy would be worth it.
Ok it's over

If the whole country is being negrified, it is a matter of time before everybody is black and your nigglets will have an easier time blending in.
You got 60 000 murders a year, fucking retard. Keep your pity for yourself.

Yes, we got 60k murders an year, and you should be envying us lmao

"n total, Blacks accounted for 79% of the 47.8 thousand deaths that year, considering the combined number of Black and mixed-race individuals, according to the classification by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE)."


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>this is the singer singing the French hymn, La Marseillaise
that is a man
Ring finger is longer than the pointer finger
That thing, while i agree its dressed like a female, was clearly born MALE.

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