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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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How do I kill these fuckers? Every time I try they come back in like two days.

I brought this plant from another part of the state so if I kill them all they shouldn’t come back
Neem oil
Buy some concentrated neem oil (its cheaper than the pre mixed shit) mix it with some water in a spray bottle and generously coat the leaves.
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Glyphosate and 2-4D, mix whatever it says, or a cup of each if it doesn't, with some liquid soap (just a little) in your sprayer. It is most of the ingredients of Agent Orange.
It'll kill most anything.
Co-Op or some other farm supply store will have the concentrates. Bring at least $100...maybe 200.
This sounds like a better option that diatomaceous earth - the whole point of having milkweed is for the butterflies so I can’t make it permanently hazardous for insects
you should burn it and wash your whole room with bleach
and everything that touched it
Just wait for winter idiot
I’m in California kek
Uniroinically, dawn dish soap and water, spritz the stem. They ate my dill plants after it fruited so I just pulled them from the ground because their sprouting was accidental by me, but the dawn soap and water spritz saved my mexican lime
You can order ladybugs online. Probably not the most practical, but I mean you get to order ladybugs, and that's cool.
if you can control the humidity lower it and dont overfeed the plant.
If you kill them all, then predators won't have anything to eat. A few aphids are fine
Do not do what this kike says
the plant is dead already btw
>you should burn it and wash your whole room with bleach
and everything that touched it
That's for mexicans and bedbugs, those are just aphids anon
De is good for killing eggs in the soil. Spray with neembor cedar oil than sprinkle DE on top the of soil to kill any eggs left behind. Spray twice a day for 3 to 4 days.
Water and feed the plant properly. Plant a plant whoch attracts ladybugs. Also, you can squish a lot of those guys with your hand. Neem oil will also do the trick
red spider too
I was just joking
the plant look dead already anyway
If you have these things in your home...clean your toilet seat and under it...wash your sheets, dirty mother fucker.
bic lighter
I use dr bronners and water for aphids. I think it's safer than dish soap. i've seen leaves stressed out from diluted neem but it works as well.
how the hell are you getting so many aphids in the middle of a california summer? I only see really see them in the winter
also if the aphids come back too quickly, check there arent ants helping them
if there are, get rid of them first
safers end all but only apply it in the vegetative phase
just get rid of the human
we didnt make the plant afterall
This is /pol/ not /an/plant, bruh.
Spray them with soapy water and brush them off. Is that swamp milkweed?
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ladybugs, but you need good ladybug habitat or theyll leave after they eat them all,

looks like milkweed though and i think milkweed aphids are tasty.
Can't you spray bugspray on them while reciting Hitler's speeches?
this turns the frogs gay and causes cancer
Consider putting it in brighter sunlight. Maybe repot it and apply some microbial innoculants to the soil. Aphids die immediately if the plant has a high enough sugar content in its leaves. The plant needs sufficient sunlight, water, and good soil microbial activity to make that happen. Aphids are a symptom of a highly unhealthy plant
Insecticidal soap, neem oil, or an insecticide with spinosad. There you go, three increasingly strong solutions.
Its in his house...Burn the house down
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Drop a few of these hungry critters on the plant.
SouthernAG has the best neem oil in my opinion
It is super concentrated so one bottle will last you a decade if you are a small scale gardener, two cap fulls in a standard spray bottle is plenty then fill it up halfway and shake vigorously to mix and then spray until your plants are coated. It is completely harmless to humans and animals, it is only slightly toxic to fish. It does not cause cancer like glyphosate.
Buy a systemic insecticide.

They get fat and cant fly. This alone isnt a solution. He should burn his house down.
I'm too lazy to Google what species of aphid that is but if it's incapable of flight maybe add a thin layer of diatomaceous earth around the base of the pot or on the top soil if you can clear them out to prevent another infestation. If they make it through the diatomaceous earth they're dead anyway so unless they're already carrying eggs they shouldn't have time to set up shop.
As I’m not a retard, I know what agent orange is
its in your daily diet, my nigger.
esto es /pol/ hijo de puta madre
dishsoap and water.
genereally this works but only if there isnt an infestation
get some preying mantis
They cant eat enough, tell him to burn his house down
I digress, I need the depression med
Im gonna go smoke some weed
or ducks.
Ducks love aphids.
You have to treat the source of the crabs. Presumably you and your girlfriend are carriers.
>/pol/ - Politics & Horticulture
It would be a better board
Need oil doesn't do anything. If it's something you plan to eat, I can't tell what that plant is, then use insecticidal soap. It literally melts the aphids and is completely safe for people. If it's just decorative, get a systemic, especially bayer 3-in-1 which will easily control it as well.
Gardening is highly political. Every time you use an insecticide a puppy dies and a jew makes money. Milkweed requires full sun. Put it outside and the bugs will go away

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