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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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File: Hadrian.jpg (202 KB, 1240x1616)
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>Kills 6 gorillion kikes
>Still revered by most

I will have to admit, despite him being a homosexual at least he actually holocausted them.
he literally ended the jewish race. no modern "jew" can prove their ancestry, making them no different from a "goy".
File: Hadrian.jpg (37 KB, 523x768)
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Based Hadrian, slayer of kikes, banner of circumcision, larper of Greece, builder of walls, and weeper of lost at sea boy lovers
Yeah he's the best.
Got a wall named after him and the name itself is pretty good.
I've got another kid coming, I'm thinking I'm going to name him Hadrian.
Kikes will go fucking wild.
Well yeah.
Hitler was a fucking pussy who didn't *try* to kill any kikes, just to get them gently out of the way.
The only reason a meager 230k shlomos died was because he was losing the war and couldn't feed them anymore.
Of fucking course people will remember Hadrian more fondly.
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If anything, despite me being very much into the revisionism and believing that Hitler wasn't a bad person, he had this autistic vitriol towards Slavs. I get that he had it rough in Vienna with Czechs, but it was so irrational and retarded it cost him the war too. If he was more lenient towards Baltic and Slavic people and maybe dropped Pan-Germanic retardation, maybe he would have won too. Ohh, and let's not forget about gassing the jews for real.
The only homosexual here is you, faggot. Hadrian was based.
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Settle down, retarded mutt. Fucking another dude's asshole isn't 'based' in the slightest, no matter how many kikes he might have killed.
>he had this autistic vitriol towards Slavs
>it was so irrational and retarded it cost him the war too
Add us to that category.
After the Dunkirk's betrayal Pétain offered to have France willingly join the Axis, mostly because we wanted to have a little explanation with Albion.
Uncle Adolph hated us so much he said no to getting his army and industry double overnight, including a navy that was actually in shape to cause trouble for England - any of those 3 would have turned the war in his favor.
Instead he decided he preferred petty revenge for WW1, sacked Pétain (thus destroying the authority of all pro-Nazis movements in France) and creating the STO (single-handedly turning La Résistance from 5 communist hobbos into something with enough manpower to make France's occupation a net loss).

It's fucking retarded how hard Hitler fought to NOT win WW2, thus dooming the entirety of whitekind in the process.

first three posts are memeflags...
Hadrian built a wall but trump cant.. ridiculous

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