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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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I just fucking flipped
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>"DICKS could be here" she thought, "I've never been in this public office before. There could be DICKS anywhere." The cool wind felt good against her bare chest. "I LOVE SUCKING DICKS" she thought. Hypnotize by Biggie Smalls reverberated her entire campaign bus, making it pulsate even as the $9 wine circulated through her powerful thick veins and washed away her (merited) fear of sex tapes on the internet. "With a blowjob, you can get any career you want" she said to herself, out loud
More lefty inspired bullshit
Shit me too. Wtf how did this happen
This is that Nikki Haley group I presume
Flipper here, the chance to be unburdened by what has been is too good to pass up.
Old white men ruined America, it's time for a brown woman to put it back together.
I cannot believe I am saying this but old Oakland Kam has my vote.
Kamala: Anti-pissrael, Pro-Ukrainian
Trump: Pro-pissrael, Pro-Russia
Sorry, MIGAtards, but I'm flipping. You've got some kike cum on your chin btw.
I'm flipping 360 and walking away.

My dick just flipped from left curve to a right curve.

How did that happen?
Torah demands kill Jews
The voting machine was going to flip me anyways so yeah. why not. I'm a flipper now
you do realize a 360 deg. turn ends up with you pointing the same direction, don't you?
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I flipped for now but I'm definitely gonna flip again before the election to vote for Trump. They call me FlipFloppa

So I just came back from a klan rally and we were talking about Niggers. Master B. Ater really inspired us with a story about how she locked up those coons left and right all while cackling. Nobody puts them monkeys into the slammer like Oakland Kam. That's why she's got my load.
A Trump voter just flipped over my house to Kamala!
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kamala harris has secured the most support, the highest polls, the most donations, the largest group of followers, the most nobel peace prizes, the highest iq, the most volunteer hours and the most face-tok updoots of any human in the history of earth.
israel is currently in talks with harris, regarding military strategy. they are taking all orders from her and army general schmulleywitz greenblattstein has been quoted as saying, "she's like napoleon, alexander the great, atilla, and light yagami rolled into one. hamas is fucking isekai'd this fall, goyim."
donald trump is reportedly shidding and farding somewhere in florida currently.
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Leftist news source
I guarantee this is in response to that "Ol' Oakland Kam" copypasta. 100%.
Im flipping right now
Kamala is the only America first candidate
Come on man, shoulda been more subtle
Kamala just flew over my house!
she is america, as far as i'm concerened. hope my fellow anons are giving her teh votes. i'm a huge racist nazi usuavly but i gotta just voot for kam.
Accelerate I guess? Double up on being cursed?

But the wicked are doomed,
for they will get exactly what they deserve.
Childish leaders oppress my people,
and women rule over them.
O my people, your leaders mislead you;
they send you down the wrong road. Isa 3:11-12

Therefore their days He consumed in futility,
And their years in fear. Psa 78:32-33
>jews need trump for messianic prophesy bullshit
>do the opposite of wut the jew tells you to do
Well, white man....
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I flipped, nigger lover Trump will let niggers run wild again, only Kamala will keep these thug niggers where they belong in prison being slaves.
Fuck kikes, Fuck niggers
Harris 2024
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Oh no what will we do! Vote Trump of course
You can tell she is really excited about getting the job. If somebody with worthless experience teaching constitutional law like Obama, a real estate speculator, and a man with dementia can do the job, she can do it at least as good.

She understands she is signing off, along with the two majority leaders in fake congress, on things jews have decided on. She is ok with this. She is not going to be giving military generals advice on how to their jobs as originally expected of the role. This also suits her fine.

She is going to sign things, golf, read the teleprompter, take a lot of vacations, take pictures with girls scouts and boy scouts, then collect fat checks for speeches on diversity after her two terms. She is one of the happiest women in fake america right now.
Sir you are a British man.
Texas bro here. all them Trump signs are gone for a while now round these parts, but full of them blue Kamala signs as far as the eye can see. even my local church is in it for them democrats. we have a 'Kamala for the win' prayer, and you can bet the farm on it. Trump is all hat and no cattle, it's over for him y'all.
i'll be vacationing in israel soon as well, fellow texan.
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those eyes creep me out. she looks like a demon
I'm pretty down about the Trump stuff bros. I don't have a lot going on in my life and 2016 was a special time for me personally - a rare win. Why can't the dems and leftists and trannys just let white conservatives like me live in peace somewhere and not mess with us? I don't want to mess with them, I just want to be left alone.
Please, just let us have a single State to ourselves or something and stop forcing their ideology which is diametrically opposed to my own on me and my family. I feel like we've lost our country and nobody even gives a shit.
Is there any hopium he'll win now or is this the end?
>those eyes creep me out. she looks like a demon
she's either always intoxicated or is a reptile wearing a human mask
Got any good thicc Indian chick recommendations?
Can anybody share anything Kamala has said or done that is supposedly making her more popular with the people? Or is this 1000% astroturfed media manipulation as per usual?
Flipped like one of Vance's soiled couch cushions
getting the narrative ready so when they rig the election they'll have a reason
Do a flip faggot

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