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What a fucking mess.
if JD Vance wasn't a threat to powerful interests, the spam would be unnecessary
One day you are going to die and be in hell forever lol
Very clear that trump is being purposely tanked so democrats keep going

Pathetic, but we all knew trump is just another part of the same corrupted system
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Sounds fake, just like Project 2025 only Dems saying this. Trump basically ran all those potential VP candidates through the Apprentice process and then he chose the best White Man for the job. Deal with it.
If JD Vance were a decent VP pick, you wouldn't have to spam this in every JD Vance thread, megacoper.
>((((billionaire techbro buddies))))
I bet you $100 that elon picked this faggot. they're both doing the autistic edgy meme shit way past the age where anybody thinks they're funny.
>Several people say
the amount of hate towards jd vance since day 1 makes him the perfect candidate, actual trump supporters would respect his decision
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So you're telling me these two fucking retards dont know what they're doing and shitcanned their dads campaign. Color me shocked.
Very original, ranjesh. I can see why they outsourced this stuff to your country.
If you're explaining, you've already lost.
>people keep telling me I'm a retard and that's how I know I'm right
>hearing more and more
From whom I wonder
>Burzum as Trump's VP
Kill yourself, obvious faggot
That post isn’t explaining, moron
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they never bothered to make up this shit about pence
that should tell you everything you need to know
prove me wrong then, its an easy $100, faggot
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Funny how all this spam didn't hit till after the coup. And all saying the same thing.
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Seeing how angry he makes you makes me quite pleased.
what happened to flynn?
Who is burgum? I assumed trumps pick was going to be a neocon zogbot.
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get rid of the creepy guy and put in surf mommy
The fire is most intense when you are over the target.

They scared?
They scared.
Oh yeah Governor Burgum would have been soooo much better!
flynn doesnt have billionaire backers. you arent going to beat money without money of your own.
I tend to have a decent read on people, but Vance doesn't seem all that appealing to me. I know he's making wine aunts seethe, invoking their obsessive fantasies over Handmaid's Tale, but has he actually said much else that would make me care if it were him or someone else?
This guy doesn't seem any better, admittedly. I would have strongly preferred Gabbard or Lake.
>I bet you $100 that elon picked this faggot.

He did and even better, he promised 45 million a month in donos to Trump and then once he picked Vance and held his convention, Musk withdrew the money offer lmao

Drumpf status: Wrekt
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>if JD Vance wasn't a threat to powerful interests, the spam would be unnecessary

yeah the threat is kike Trump loses and the jews dont get their war in Iran
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>if JD Vance wasn't a threat to powerful interests, the spam would be unnecessary
if JD Vance wasn't a threat to young children and women, the spam would be unnecessary
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Jr is the same way he’s the Crowder/Tim Pool type
This. Didn't he come up in software with gates? Depopulation will be on the menu with that one.
/pol/ goes way overboard with obsessing over idpol, but the guy marrying a poo really does bother me. I'm just worn out with all the race mixing. I don't want my kids to grow up around people that don't look like me/us. I don't think that's an absurd thing to ask for, a homogenous community that isn't splintering incessantly over the slightest of problems that don't actually affect daily lives.
Jr. is fine. he's appealing to younger audiences. Any smart dynasty like this is going to necessarily function similarly.
>This guy doesn't seem any better, admittedly.
He probably isn't a loudmouth and his wife is probably white. He looks funny but he'd still be an improvement
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When the fuck will you retards stop listening to Elon Musk and Peter Thiel? They ruin everything they touch
>isn't a loudmouth
Can you help me find more on this? What turns you of from Vance?
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if JD Vance actually was a decent vp pick, the spam from team trumpelstiltskin would be unnecessary and they woudn't spend all their shill time defending the creepy couchfucker
and then everyone clapped.
Based discord falseflagger trying to bury Goynald Trump
you can't do that without declaring war
yeah, i'm sure the same people that said biden was cognitively perfect aren't lying this time as well
do better, shareblue
Burgum was accepted to study at the Stanford Graduate School of Business. While there, he befriended Steve Ballmer, who became CEO of Microsoft

After earning a master's degree in business from Stanford, Burgum mortgaged $250,000 of farmland in North Dakota in 1983 to invest in Great Plains Software, a company behind accounting software for various companies. Burgum eventually took control of the company and grew it to point to where Microsoft dropped $1.1 billion in a 2001 buy.

After the sale, Burgum was named Senior Vice President of Microsoft Business Solutions Group, the unit created from GPS.
Bergum would be even worse

Trump got JD as assassination insurance. Their plan was to be to take another shot at him after the first one missed.
Or maybe he’s a shit pick that made an ez mode presidential race go up to hard mode.
VP has never made any difference in an overall election
>powerful interests
He is Peter Theil's literal fleshlight
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I think you're overcomplicating this. The shilling strategy is simple
1 - associate Trump with Israel, miga, etc as much as possible
2 - JD Vance = bad pick, kike lover, pajeet wife, etc
3 - post pepes and adopt /pol/ posting patterns to "astroturf"
4 - spam kamala
5 - repeat endlessly
The rest is numbers. They want to flood the board and prevent it from doing its thing (creating effective memes while having fun). But they're spamming everywhere so hard even normies are noticing.
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>Hearing more and more
Whos kamehamehas VP going to be?
Very based. If trump doesn't pay his debts why should elon
>Trump's billionaire tech bro buddies
Vance stays
>hearing more and more
What you mean is:
>as I dive deeper into my delusion
The "childless cat ladies" comment, increased taxes on bachelors, and the fact he wants us to die for Israel. I haven't heard anything encouraging from Vance.
>trump picks burgum
>power intrest spam for vd vance
>vd vance now vp
>other power insterst spam against vance

yes totall y vd vance good
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Donald is too old for this and he needs to fire everyone around him and hire anons.
k keep me posted
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Oh come on, Trump doesn't listen to anyone
This post is a spam post
"This guy is corrupt, he takes bribes"
"Actually, I can prove I haven't taken any bribes, if you look at these financial records I've released-"
"Well, if you're explaining, you've already lost. Sorry, guess you should've just never been criticized by anyone in your entire life."
They said the same thing in 2016 by the way.
nigga JD Vance was handpicked by silicon valley jewish billionaires. what the fuck are you saying?
JD Vance makes me super hard so I put away my dilator, de-transitioned, became a real man again, accepted Jesus Christ and now I will vote for Trump in 2024 and Vance in 2028. I'm a JD Vance man all the way!!!
Are you fags capable of posting even a single thing that isn't fake and gay?
Fuck Don Jr. and Eric. The fuckedany chance Trump had of winning by picking someone who actually is a net negative.

Vance needs to be replaced ASAP while there is still time
>hearing more and more
There's never any sources for this type of reporting, because it's made up.
Yes I’m sure the Jewish dick sucking has nothing to do with it.
We’re trying to win an election, not piss off the most amount of people possible. Burgum, boring, or Haley were the way to go.
Fucking hell these are ethnic Jews. These are not European phenotypes.
Whaaa says the liberal. Keep crying faggot
Put in Tulsi.
they're courting the street shitter vote.
Cameltoe is a street shitting nigger mix married to a jew, it doesn't get anymore fucking disgusting than that.
Don't you want to bomb those dirty towel head mudslimes in the middle east, fellow conservatives? Don't you want women back in the kitchen?
Vote Trump-Vance!
Whenever I go on twitter I see a bunch of shrieking women and I just smile because I know those dumb bitches are going to hand the election to Trump on a platter. Liberal women do not know how to cut their losses, so when they see the Democrats languishing they lash out as hard as they can in any direction they can and it just taints their entire side.

Like the DC riots for example. Credit where it's due, Kamala gave about the best response to it she could, but liberal women desperately trying to "own the MAGApedes" kept throwing irrelevant attacks against Trump and Vance that weren't relevant to the conversation which just makes anyone that supports Kamala look like a dumb winemom that everyone hates. It's like a chinese finger trap. The harder they struggle against it the tighter it pulls.
No dickhead, you are. Every single person on pol was aware of the two party false binary before you dumb faggot Trumptards arrived as subversives to every wn corner eith your judaeo politics.
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coping nonsense
Trump had picked Vance at least a month ago, according to Alex Jones

Personally don't know anything about Vance except for Hillbilly Eligy. I would rather have had Trump pick Ramaswamy. Ramaswamy was really good in debates and hit on a lot of issues for my generation.
and before that, it was you fags that shat up the board, it was libertarian. you deserve thedonald election tourists, because you're just like them.
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twedleREEEE and tweedledrumpf
hes talking about hamas here, not israel's acts of literal genocide
Cool story but what’s Kamala’s platform?
He's talking about both retard. Looks at yoohoos face.
>it was libertarian
Hello tourist. You weren't here when it was /new/, stop pretending.
>b-but the ron paul memes...
Yeah, moot definitely killed /new/ because it was totally libertarian.
>palestinians have been trapped in a cycle of terrorism
Trump could just call out JD Vance to reassure everyone that none of his crazy ideas will fly. He cant replace him at this point.
It's not that Trump wants war, and in any case opinion here doesn't matter that much, there will be war, US needs war to keep afloat, peace is not an option here
such spin. cuckmoot killed it because stormfags took over and it pissed him off.
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The shills need to be sent to the poopin' streets!
He isn't, he's ultra AIPAC and a war hawk for Israel.

He's just a poison pill against Trump, either Dems win or AIPAC has their top guy and they knock off Trump.
Yes. Because Hamas does Terrorism and Israel responds to that Terrorism by bombing the shit out of Palestinians. Trump is distinguishing between Palestinians and Hamas. He's trying to give the Palestinians an out by saying "ditch Hamas and there can be peace."
I'm not a libertarian, and neither Republicanism or libertarianism is politically incorrect. The board is and was National Socialist.
He picked Vance when he thought he was running against Biden. The calculations would certainly have been different if he knew it was Karmela.

He probably would have somebody more amenable to the youth/ diversity vote.
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who said so? the dnc? lol eat my penis harris lovers
The tech bro billionaires are also the finance industry. Blackrock recently started openly endorsing Trump and donating more. Peter Thiel made Vance.
I'd say they did it on purpose because they hate their dad (like Hunter & Ashley leaving incriminating evidence about Joe all over the country) but Don r & Eric are such fucking goons they probably actually thought Vance was a great pick.
you do understand that racism isn't exclusive to just natsocs, right?
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He fucked a couch anon, what else needs to be said?
Right, if he's not elected fewer people will want to assassinate him and Vance ensures he loses.
I voted for Ralph Nader because Gore picked Lieberman.
Racism is a jewish slur and social engineering concept. That's another tjing that is understood by us and was before the Trump train can squeeking in with their antiWhite civic nationalism and deracinated politics. If you mean racialism, then the pinnacle of White racialism is National Socialism, think years of peaces under which was the kost productive period in human and europeans histories.
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No normal person puts the fucked up shit they've done in their life like that in print. It's either a ghostwritten landmine forced into the book as part of the payday for the book deal or Vance is an absolute fucking retard. No different than Noem and her dog story in her book (that she was incapable of writing herself). Either way, Vancy Pants is cooked.
Or he’s just a retard screwing up Trump’s chance of re-election
This guy needs meds for the voices he's hearing in his head
It's fake, but hilarious
its over
>if eating shit was bad then everyone saying its disgusting would be unnecessary
Such a threat he was backed by aipac and given publicity to run and win an election.... Just like Trump.
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if you're against the aor, then you're also against the colonists who fought the brits during the american revolution - because both were/are fighting occupation and oppression. back to school with rodney dangerfield for you:
Ah yes a week in which nothing happened really spells the end of Vance
>bbbut I posted stuff on line
I mean in real life
Imagine having faith in any politician. Trump included.
Lol, 'brett'

How much cock do you think he sucks per week?
I'm sick and tired of these gossip games from the dems. Party of karens
>Same post in every thread talking about Vance
At least paraphrase it, buddy
And still, Trump and Vance are going to be at a rally tomorrow together. Incredible how Trump seemingly hates his choice and doesn't want Vance, but is perfectly fine with Vance being with him at rallies and doing interviews alongside him.
>billionaire tech bro buddies
Weird way to say Peter Thiel
I didn't really care for Vance but seeing you retards hate him so much I suddenly like him now.
He must be one of the good ones

Don't care, still voting Trump!
All leftists should be violently killed, slowly and using torture
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indeed. anons memed him in, trumples lost the plot bigly, and anons are now memeing him out
show me where trump/vance are not pro-jew
Are you really so delusional to think there are ZERO actual normies who are coming on /pol/ to genuinely say their stance?
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The amount of shilling against Vance makes me more and more convinced Trump made the right choice. Off the chart seething lmao
as a true Appalachian fuck James Donald Bowman. He does not represent us, his grandma however, does.
so what? kamala was handpicked by other jewish billionaires too
these are literal shills BTW
nobody spams pol with threads about eating shit because it is unnecessary to say. funny thing, though, is faggots actually do eat the poo poo.
I wonder what they had to do. Would be a nice episode of the apprentice.
>I heard from Tara that Jackie is so mad at Jack.
America has become a nation of faggots.
What happened?

Still voting Trump
Still voting JD
Still supporting israel
Still killing muzzies

They can’t handle the Kamala-cane
You made his point for him, retard
my take.
if jd vance was not a threat
none of the fucking jews on the left would be kvetching.
Breitbart is, what jd vance looks an expert in
kys libtard
No one actually believes this. Biden picked the candidate with the lowest approval to be his VP and all of the Dems fell in line. Now that she's forced into the nominee position, Dems pretend they've loved her the whole time.
>what is a metaphor
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i liked pinochet but he liked the jews way too much.
>hi I'm a kike
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>i heard
it's a bad metaphor because it makes the exact opposite point you wanted it to make. things that are universally bad don't need to be shilled against. they are implicitly recognized as bad without anyone having to bring it up. your example proved that.
>I deeply care about politics, even though it's all fake
>don't vote, fellow white, it's a waste of time
>now, excuse me while I spend my free time debating politics
I liked Burgum, he looks like a eagle.
If you weren’t a degenerate couch fucker you wouldn’t be here defending the glownigger.
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If he picked Harris, Burgum, or Rubio, Trump would be dead within 2 hours of inauguration. They'd shoot him right there on the Capitol steps even.
The only thing Vance threatens is the permanent bureaucracy in Washington, and only then because he's so unleavened.
good goy
Have you actually looked into where his money comes from retard?
why the fuck is the DNC spending actual millions and calling in all their influencer chips to talk about VP's?
He's an autistic warhawk.Trump needs him, and the media is scared shitless.
and thats why so many people shit on jd vance
because hes universally bad
theres no shilling
its just people that dont like him just like how people dont like shit
No one really gives a fuck about the VP but it should have been Ramaswamy. The guy is the greatest orator since Hitler. The way he shits on people is fucking art. The guy has never uttered one word I disagreed with.
Because they know Trump’s base is pissed about being sold out you jackass. They’re just twisting the knife.
He's prob saying that the tastiest memes originated from pol in 2015/6 era
The two aren't comparable at all. For starters, the Arab occupation of the Levant has lasted longer than that of any other foreign invaders in the region. Before you say, "But the Canaanites," Canaanites and Arabs aren't related at all.
I give a fuck. He lost my vote with the Vance pick and the RNC degeneracy. We know a lot of people are like you and don’t stand for shit and are just lardass goyslop enjoying sheep, but some of us actually stand on principle.
>cut to Trump in a helicopter watching the VP contestants
>"They're selling lemonade next to a bunch of fish! These guys don't know what the hell they're doing!"
nah, this is all just seething because a young white guy with an inspirational backstory getting a shot at the big time had the potential to be very dangerous to democrats in the future.
Give me a qrd of the 2020 RNC and tell me why you supported Pence.
This is true.
Not fuck you we aim to get d of Jewmocracy alum talmudic nif a scientizt with the amen sovief round 5 fake ness and fske science pseudo science
more like a fucking inexperienced retard that has no political instincts just ruined trumps chance at election
i mean who do you think are the people mad at jd vance on /pol/?
its people that thought trump had a chance at winning but then this retard destroyed the chances like me
Trump can fix this by having Vance give a few good speeches where he sticks to the script instead of making pathetic anecdotes. obviously horrible horrible choice no doubt pushed by cocained out of his mind Jr
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Vance's life is a billboard for abortion, contraception, AND divorce.
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>He lost my vote
>I'll just sit back and let the Marxists take over instead cuz I'm big mad about the couch fucker now
Shartblue astroturf outrage over Vance is so desperate. You paymasters deserve better.
The left really is afraid of this guy, it is hilarious how much shilling they are doing on him right now.
that image fucking KEK
This is a contrived witch hunt and you're a fool if you can't see through this. Watch Vance's speaking appearances, particularly in Europe, the guy is sharper than a fillet knife and that's why they are going after him hell for leather.
No get rid of democracy
so so much disinfo grift. It's a damn shame i'm still going to vote Trump regardless of how many threads you trannies make
>> politicians are on your side

lol Kamala entering Milhouse meme status
You kill asshole hollywood lookalike and then raid it and take the wealth
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Let me be Frank, the show must go on. Everyone wants their paychecks and jewish lobby money.
hearing more and more how lefties are committing suicide with their anal plugs out of desperation. truly a sad day in america
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>Turns your shoo-in re-election into a potential loss.
Nothing he says now is going to undo the things he wrote and said years ago. Dems are going to keep bringing them up for the next 3 months.
Obvious non/ptg/ shills have been saying that Vance was picked by trumps ultrakiked sons since day 1 of the rnc it’s just that you and your shills kept covering that discussion up.
Bullshit. Trump did what he could in his 1st term butnhe was constantly roadblocked by democrats and bad faith actors.
Trump's biggest problem has always been listening to the retards around him. Now he's stuck with this couch-fucking weirdo as his running mate. He killed all of Trump's momentum.
>who do you think are the people mad at jd vance on /pol/?
shills from discord and concern trolls who think it's funny to rile up trump supporters. i accept that the 0.001% of the population who are actual white nationalists might also be upset, but they are completely irrelevant.
>as I thrusted away and neared climax I let out a loud manish grunt. A Hillbilly elegy if you will to cumming
Thomas Massie should be the vp. Heck, he should be nominated for president.
Leftist cope is hen heresay at this point.
Real tabloid grocery store level cope.
>still supporting shitskin jews
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quads of truth!

Trump was always going to pick someone with a one-syllable last name. This is a very DJT choice.
I’d rather have jew dick sucking not fat retarded racemixer for vp pick over Jew dick sucking fat retarded racemixer. You’re gonna have a Jew cocksucker regardless I at least would want the one that at least doesn’t look retarded, people vote with their eyes more than you think.
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white nationalists dont support trump in the first place
all american politicians and parties are zogged
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>memaw I'm gay
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checked. Honest question: if that's so, what's different this time around? Why would he be more successful now, given that Biden had 4 years to prep against him?
>(((Several people))) say

Once you notice the pattern you can't be fooled anymore.
>Gabbard or Lake.
Picking a woman would be a death-sentence for the campaign especially those old-hags.
Congress passes laws. Biden was practically a lame duck president, too, because Democrats didn't have an overwhelming majority in Congress.
This style of shilling is obviously orchestrated by killary's campaign strategists. It didn't work in 2016 and it won't work in 2024. Chlamydia anointed herself the nominee which pissed off a lot of other democrats. They're the ones dealing with the in-fighting, not Trump's campaign. They claim otherwise to distract from their own problems, just like communist governments have always done. It's all lies and propaganda.
Because he knows to fire every motherfucker he can right away this time. This was what I pinpointed as his single biggest mistake the first time around, he thought he could work with these reptiles.
>which pissed off a lot of other democrats.
Name one.
I'm so troubled, guys. On the one hand I don't want the whole Isreal war thing. On the other I can't wait for the leftist meltdown when women and trannies are sent to the front line to fight a war they oppose. Either way, in November, I win.
>but muh conservatism
Hasn't conserved shit. I lose nothing when the right loses. The literal only thing they are good for is upholding the 2A. Otherwise they just suck Jewish cock and lower taxes for kikes.

Why should I give a fuck about any of this blue and red clown show we put on every 4 years? The only reason I can think of is watching people I hate seethe.
>hearing more and more
completely fake bullshit
Powerful interests are jews. And we know vance sucks them off. Debunked.
And look what happened with pence, he betrayed trump and the country at the penultimate moment.
Why would his judgement be sound this time, when he hired and fired so many wastoids last time? Bolton, Flynn, Gulliani, just an endless clown rodeo.
I believe this jews tweets
Oh my science
Try paying attention, numb nuts.
>inb4 name 5 more
Go fuck yourself.
>if JD Vance wasn't a threat to powerful interests, the spam would be unnecessary
>i'm a contrarian but that' doesn't mean that contrarianism is my personality because otherwise I'd be contrarian about that!
You are a without a doubt one of the stupidest people alive.
Why would kamala or any other democrat be better for our country? Assuming you aren't a fag with a VPN.
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pithy and perfect
Imagine the smell
They gather information via a game of telephone with other morons.
Vance is shit, but still better than Burgum.
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aye, the way of all cohesive societies is sharing commonalities and culture
I'm sure everyone was bat shit and livid panicked behind the scenes and it isn't just nuh uh, you from democrats panicking about biden.
>reddit spacing
was delusional coping always this embedded in the /pol/ brain
Don’t you know what keeping up an appearance means?
he got binders full of women and he forced the dog to ride the car on the outside during a family trip
Vance is right about one thing. /pol/cels shouldn't be allowed to vote
When the shills are panicking this hard you know it's going bad for their candidate. And I have never seen the level of shilling we see right now for Kamala. They know she has no legit shot against Trump.
so if vancey-pants had a mamaw and pawpaw, does his "wife" the beard have a moomoo and a poopoo?
>dont support trump in the first place
they have that in common with everyone else desperately shilling against vance on here
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>those old-hags
lol, what are you, 13?
white nats couldnt care less about trump and his campaign if they dont support him
no reason to shill
only reason to make fun of him which they do
Turn off your adblocker.

Go on YouTube and start watching random videos.

You will be INUNDATED with Kamala ads.

I've literally blocked them and they STILL SHOW UP.

In 2.5 years this will be a talking point during some horseshit useless congressional hearing about how YouTube artificially boosted Kamala Harris ads.
>This style of shilling is obviously orchestrated by killary's campaign strategists
Yes they are called Meidas Touch, The Lincoln Project, OccupyDemocrats. They are behind all the bluetick twitter shills, they are well funded (superPAC). They're not hiding in the shadows, they have podcasts and their own social media app (Tribel).
>if JD Vance wasn't a threat to powerful interests, the spam would be unnecessary

This right here.

The they are truly going all out.
He looks like a jew. Probably stole the IP from random employees.
Hearing that OP is a faggot
That's all I have heard
you just know the trump failsons got their dad to pick vance because of their favorite "dark elf" xitters
>white nats couldnt care less about trump
they've been bitching and moaning about him non-stop for almost a decade. i'd say they clearly care a lot.
I’m sorry I like women who aren’t knocking on menopause's door.
My parents did it for 15 years.
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vance is the new pence with added nonylphenol ethoxylate (NPEs)
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they care as in they pay attention to him
they dont care as in care for him and like him, especially for his safety or consideration
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good one and touché. i read and heard that in bob dylan's voice lol
the whole thing is for show the entire nation could not cast a single vote and they would still play out the election like someone did.
So trve
>Hearing more and more
>Hearing more
Nothing is more pathetic than a grown man who loves to gossip online
>photoshopped pic
wtf i hate the trumps now!1
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I thought Vance was a lame pick initially too. But the sheer amount of hate and lies directed towards him in the past few days has changed my mind. If the shills hate him so much that they have to make up insane shit to smear him with, then he's probably a good person.
I heard Kate Middleton had to let all the blood royals fuck her bloody with a spiked dildo, so probably some sort of masonic humiliation ritual.
Yeah, Rs hated Palin because "she was a threat" not because her lunacy would hurt their election chances.
>he's probably a good person.
That's not the issue. The issue is that he hurts the ticket.
Peter Thiel funded Trump in 2014, he funded Vance in 2022 and he's funding them both now in 2024. Why are you even bothering trying to compete with a guy whose company is literally named after a crystal ball that can see anything anywhere at any time? Don't you have a new gauge to dilate with or are you a bunch of hooknoses who have no clue what you unleashed when you tried to steal the white man's technology? Either way if you're going to do your rock thing sisyphus at least stop screaming while you're doing it, everyone else is trying to enjoy eternity and you keep screeching about cum couches and no one really seems to want to even acknowledge you anymore.
>if i use a VPN and post enough replies, I can create a fake concensus - just like on reddit!
>and I can get paid by the DNC to do it!

these losers are so pathetic
>I don't think that's an absurd thing to ask for, a homogenous community that isn't splintering incessantly over the slightest of problems that don't actually affect daily lives.
he says, as he splinters over being around "people who don't look like me"

you're a parody of your own self.
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or, he really is that bad and is going to be the final straw which makes trump lose the erection once and for all. you might think everyone who read his silly book finds him to be up there with pliny the elder or plato, but most americans see him as a degenerate. so that's the new republican tent? good luck. donnie john could use this window to replace him, but his stubborn pride won't let him because as you well know - he's never wrong.
And yet Trump just said, "Drill, baby, drill"
Trump will never lose his erection
This is the one.

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