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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Ancestral European religions have the broadest appeal. They appeal to pantheists, polytheists, and atheists. Also, a naturalistic Jungian Paganism sect would be a good way of bringing women into the fold and turning them away from Leftism (secularized christianity).

Can someone explain why the jew psyop of christjewery is promoted so heavily on the right instead?

Read more here:

Every jew, spic, or brown indian that posts in this thread will be cursed by Odin!
Hehe forgot me bitch! I curse you with special Zulu dick shrinking black magic!
Honestly because I don’t know much about it and what little I do know just doesn’t seem all that interesting.
And im too rational and science minded to really give a shit about spiritual matters. Sometimes I wish I was different but not really
we worship jews here
you are a jew if you dont worship a jew
jews created european heritage
What paganisim?and if you go with astaru wich text would be accepted as a kind of scripture?
Modern Christianity is a form of paganism.
>God is a finite entity, defined by his personality
>"good" lesser gods are now named angels and saints
>"bad" lesser gods are now named demons
Because paganism is inherently leftist. Even the word Liberalism is literally based off worshipping the god/goddess Liber/Libera.
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Because worshipping a zombie jew on a stick is based

and the more you worship him the more the White Race is saved.
It’s about going out into the woods with other white people and making offerings and performing rituals and then eating delicious food and socializing. Don’t worry so much about “scripture,” that’s for abrahamic rabbi-worshippers who have to pick apart and pilpul and argue about every little verse in their Jewish scripture
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In case it wasn't obvious: the JIDF is outsourcing their cointelpro ops to india. They pay pajeets $18 a month to incessantly flood this board with:

>Demoralization (it's over, the economy is collapsing, you will never own a home or have a family, give up).
>White women are your enemy. Interracial porn
>Christjewery. "You're a jew unless you worship a jew". "You cannot support European ethnonationalism unless you worship a fictional jewish rabbi".

The mods do nothing about it because this site is owned by jews and they are in on it.

This is why this website is so dead now. If you are an ethnic European don't waste anymore of you time here. Move to X.
>Kike tries to manipulate language
Lol pagans see through this nonsense immediately. We see alien, dick clipping, sand nigger brainrot in both your usage of faux etymology and your total lack of comprehension of what pagan gods are.
paganism was still just god fearing population control, high preists in germanic society would still just be frauds and tricksters like the others, Gnosticism/freemasonry etc. was the only advancement really
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>Why isn't "Paganism" the default religion of the Far-Right?
Because we prefer the REAL God.
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>We prefer worshipping jews
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What bullshit. Paganism is based on the law of nature which is inherently right-wing. Strength, beauty, and cunning are virtues. Christianity is based on the “law of god” which goes against nature. So leftist values such as meekness and charity to the weak.
because you are a retard and dont know how power structures work in the real life.
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>Real God

who? You're not referring to that cacodemon Yahweh I hope.

A lot of these parasites could be doing this for free as well. There are Telegram and Discord channels called "Indian internet defense force" where they coordinate their raids. They are like heat-seeking biological weapons programmed to target White people everywhere we go. I was watching an Asatru Folk Assembly live stream a few months ago and within a 20 minute spam FIVE pajeets came on the chat asking to join!

60%-70% of the posts on this board come from them! The rest are jews and spics. If you're ethnically European abandon this website and move onto X!
I think it's the willful and overwhelming association with homosexuality that scares most people off.
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>Can someone explain why the jew psyop of christjewery is promoted so heavily on the right instead?
Because Christianity is a technology for controlling and mobilizing the broader masses. Pagan cults are naturally exclusive and, in the case of Odin, elitist, and this alienates the masses which will then easily come under the spell of Judaism.

If you want make paganism mainstream you must counter the mass appeal of Christianity and provide an alternative.

Christjewery appeals to the peasants and low IQ of the European race. Who cares about them?
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Because youd have to come up with something practical and not just the 17366464th interpretation of ancient myths. National socialists kinda tried but they got defeated before it could develop.
They care about themselves. And if the Jews come to them and say "we care about you" then why wouldn't they revolt against their masters? That was the story of Rome and if you don't address the problem the outcome will be the same.
Also are you an anti-pagan shills? None of your posts seems genuine but rather reads like a caricature of a pagan.

Not quite. Christjewery empowers the lowest castes through monotheism plus the concept of sin. This allows them to hold the higher castes in judgement if they violate they socially constructed rules of behavior. Marxism does the same thing. The goal is to destroy universalism and create a caste system so that the lowest castes never feel that they have the ability to hold the higher castes in judgement or feel that they are anyway the same.
anyone who disagrees is a jew
The opposite of reality.
What is the point in this pagan faggot shit.
I don't see Europeans as equal. I see Celts and Slavs the same way I view sandniggers, lower caste shit.
>European race
That's a problem right there. I'm getting increasingly frustrated with the European race shit. I see the Irish and Polish as low caste niggers with low value.
Stop trying to unite Europeans because mixing with those sub human low caste sub species of Europeans has destroyed us just as much as third world immigration
>The goal is to destroy universalism and create a caste system so that the lowest castes never feel that they have the ability to hold the higher castes in judgement
History has proven that you can't do that. At best you end up with something like India.
Rome failed and any serious pagan has to come to terms with that.
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