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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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If it was an AR15 bullet his head would have exploded! He didn't even get blood on his shirt! No blood on his shirt means you must acquit!

You no-gun fags have no idea how fucking stupid you sound to people that actual know about firearms. Kill yourself retard. You failed.
ITT OP is a retarded city-dwelling faggot who has never touched a gun in his entire life

watch this you stupid dipshit
>he's getting shot at with an assault rifle from an unknown location, by an unknown number of shooters
>the first thought going through his head is "Hang on, let me grab my shoes"

i do admit that seems a bit sussy baka
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Seethe nigger
Keep in mind this is after about 6 agents have repeatedly shouted "shooter is down! Shooter is down" and well after gunfire has completely ceased.
why would he take off his shoes and walk around a rally in socks in the first place?
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Oh yeah, having a blood capsule on your ear means 100% that none of it would get on your shirt! That X user is a genius!

Grow up you fucking dyke
How'd they know there's only one shooter?
>head should have exploded
>even if the bullet didn't impact the head
ok kike nigger
But when I shoot people in my video games or when they are shot in movies blood splatters everywhere, surely real life is the same
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>omg why would a person be irrational immediately after getting shot at and wounded???
Another brilliant mind in the thread.
why wasnt he wearing shoes?
Simply view any gore thread to prove yourself wrong thanks
Jackie-o took the shot
Left wing people atm are the definition of dumb sheep unable to change their opinions. Even a man getting shot in the ear didn’t happen when filmed from all
Angles, a shot that missed literally killed a guy, they are supremely unable to cope with the fact one of millions of people on ‘their side’ was actually the bad guy, nevermind the glaring obviousness of was a little bit more than a lucky opportunist
He bent forward when he ducked so the blood dripped down his face. STOP TRYING TO FOOL POL. POL IS ALWAYS RIGHT.
Dude, don't you know that rifle bullets destroy everything within five feet of their trajectory? I need to show you some movies and video games.
Checked. Only the most low IQ and darkest-skinned of the retarded niggers believe that this wasn't a fake and gay psyop that Trump was in on.
The FBI director said it was fake as well. Trump is a fat lair.
The blood capsule conspiracy theory, again?
>the first thought going through his head is "Hang on, let me grab my shoes"

He remembered Hillary losing her shoe and being thrown in the van.
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They also think bullet wounds are just like in the movies with huge, instantaneous blood splattering everywhere.
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Ugh, you're just coping. We can all clearly see the Blood-O-Matic 3000 hidden in his ear. You chuddies just can't fathom the depth of Cheeto Nazi's deception.
I know that retard it was sarcasm, I've seen thousands of gore webms at this point
It was fake.
When is the media going to push for a press conference to clarify when and for how long the White House knew Biden was irredeemably senile and getting worse?
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you guys are terrible shill
you really are lowering the bar
If he faked getting shot then whistleblowers would be coming out of the woodwork to get him tossed from the race already.
Being compared to Hilary is fate worse than death.
trump saying "look at the beautiful graph", was the shooter's cue to shoot as he knew trump would turn his head then as planned
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Need that shilling money to raise your shitskin offspring? Why did you fuck a Nigger in the bathroom at Walmart? Why?
Are you a Trump denier?
lgbtQ Anon strikes again
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Bullet was already in flight at that point which is what makes it a remarkable moment. The bullet fired BEFORE he turned his head, as it takes time for the bullets to arrive. It's completely impossible to plan this way.
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>i do admit that seems a bit sussy baka
The amount of kike shills in this thread kvetching about you exposing the psyop means you're over the target
consider suicide
It's b8 dumbass.
was it timed, maybe they both had cues, truly insane event
hats where the blood capsules were hidden. He didn't want to leave evidence that's why the shoes were so important to him
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Crooks was a registered Republican
saying its staged with a real bullet is gatekeep theory. its hollywood shit. fake from the top down.
Biden was playing 4d chess and you fell for it
>sussy baka
That was even gayer than the race cuck shit you baby rapists usually post
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Yeah exactly.
>watch this
>OP 1 pbtid twitter screencap rehashgarbage
People who think knowing about guns is some kind of achievement are actually the most retarded biggest faggot losers in the world. Kill yourself with a gun.
>i was only pretending to be retarded.
bot post.
You are brown and circumcised
You are brown and circumcised

You are brown and circumcised
You are brown and circumcised
You are brown and circumcised
You are brown and circumcised
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>omg knowledge about a topic is stupid
>wahhhh kys for not being a dumb nigger like me
You're a registered homosexual and a pedophile
This, Trump is awesome and strong and everyone else in DC is a cowardly lying rat.
You’re that nigger who ate out the toilet
> it can from the toilet and the toilet don’t spoil it!
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It was all fake. Also fake blood in the stands. Everyone in the stands behind Trump = ALL actors.
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>his head would have exploded!
And yet a .50 cal round can pass right through a tower of cards without disturbing the cards?

>If it was an AR15 bullet his head would have exploded!

This is subtle reverse psychology. It's well poisoning.They know it isn't true, and they know you know it isn't. So they put it in with the actual truth as a false detail to poison the well i.e. stigmatize the truth with an obvious falsehood. They wouldn't have to do this if it was legitimate. The fact that they are doing this at all, nevermind all day every day and had it prepared means that it was staged, as that is the idea they are poisoning with these falsehoods.
his ear is totally fine. people were taking good zoom pictures of it at his last rally. its just most trump supporters are like mark dice and benny johnson who would let trump shit on them and then thank him for it
glow harder faggot nigger
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Clearly that kid on the right is the most skilled marksman, more skilled than any trained sniper to craft such a staging

Yeah right, get fucked nigger lovers
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It was ALL Fake. No one died. No real shooters.
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It was WWE. Fake everything.
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>It was WWE. Fake everything.
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>It was WWE
Useless teleprompter noticer
I get that the conspirators who caused it to happen (Obama/the entire DNC/99% of news and entertainment media etc.,) are shitting themselves and desperately downplaying their roles, but this angle is downright stupid. Just this afternoon at 1pm, Chris Cuomo called into 700 WLW in Cincinnati and gave a ten-minute spiel about how glad he is (lol) that Trump survived, and this and that. He spoke softly and kind of nervously about how people come first and we need to separate ideas and identity and some other bullshit. As if he and his network didn't play an important role in what led to this. This angle of "it was schrapnel/it was a blood capsule" is seriously some nervous, 80-IQ shit. That's called desperation, I guess.
i keep seeing retarded redditors claim it was all fake
these people really are too far gone
>thats right the bullet that grazed the ear and killed someone is le fake!
and then the plebbitor replies
>uh actually the thing that hit trump was fake but the thing that hit the dead guy was real
literally what the fuck does that mean? the shooter had two fucking barrels one with glass and one with bullets? why would he fucking dual wield one fake and one real fucking gun?
what a bunch of retards
anyway the bullet was real, it grazed his ear
theres pictures of the bullet
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Hi Frankfurt
>theres pictures of the bullet
I can draw lines on images too
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>I can draw lines on images too
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>literally what the fuck does that mean? the shooter had two fucking barrels one with glass and one with bullets? why would he fucking dual wield one fake and one real fucking gun?
thats right, a person started shooting with a barrel aimed at donald trump
and he missed him completely! except trump knew to have a fake realistic ear!
>inb4 no the shooter was paid
McDonalds ketchup packet hidden between his fingers
Would not.
Mine or OP?
lmao jeet IQ on display
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Since when have you cared about that?
So, you're not a bot. Just a retard.
His social media been found. Reddit faggots can't help themselves. Literally has formatted opinions on everything thats left. The dude was a Biden supporter. Might wanna go check on your handler for a update faggot.
Farmed (You) again.
OP is a glowie.

I've seen tests of the exact bullet and gun and it plays out exactly as it does with Trump.

Also.. He has a piece of his ear visibly missing.. Look at before and after of his ear. You think one of the secret service (appointed by Biden btw) cut a piece of Trump's ear off with a box cutter or something whilst he was kneeling down? LOL

Also, people.. Leftists know what they say is bullshit a lot of the time.. I caught a rare interview where one of them admitted they simply lie for what they believe is the "greater good".. They know they're bullshit, they just want their side to win. They're weak minded and have bad morals, and so engage in this low tier behavior like OP.
>trump faked an assasination attempt by hiring a 20 year old and killed him because trump wanted to win the election against biden who he was beating in the polls anyway its a far right conspiracy at it again
give it a rest
Lying is all you have left.

Nothing can stop what is coming.
it was obviously faked, an attacker today would use a drone, not a fucking gun
they didn't, but these were the same retards who let a shooter on that roof in the first place
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no-guns know nothing.
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Why are people mad a guy who used the 2nd amendment right to stop the tyrannical Republican party??
His shoes were on, it was just shell shock
Wrong hat.
I take it you're being sarcastic? I can't tell with you people anymore.

That actually shows the moment a hole was shot through his ear. So it shows it wasn't staged..
This webm is antisemitic
How to filter 1pbtid
He has hand problems, so they are likely slip on shoes.
why are you kikes so stupid? theres like 400 videos on youtube of the same shot being recreated and none of your schizophrenic glownigger fallacies being proved correct. Maybe if it was .50 bmg but .556 is too small of a round to fucking explode someones head kike.
Let me know how many you have at the end of the year, and how many tendies they get you.
just stop it
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Sit down, relax and enjoy the show.

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