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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Discussion for TDS1217: I Just Gave You The Condemnation
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Hey anyone know the intro music for Prussian Socialism?
I think it's called 2 more weeks
Ok thanks I’ll try that!
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Condemnation of jews? Wouldn't surprise me. I'm not overly fond of (((them))) either !
Yeah that’s not it, I just documentaries about the Battle of Hohenfriedberg
countless hours of turd worldism!
just for you!
Sven is losing it. So fucking rude to Moike. Very fucking rude. His small business must not be in good shape.
pathetic that you still shill here
Anyone have 1216? I couldn't find it in the archive.
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>Mike Peinovich
>He just married a B'nai B'rith leader
>And just worked for a company that hires exclusively former IDF soldiers
>And just happened to have a full Jewish wedding
>And just happens to have a black brother who was the best man at his wedding
>And just happened to refer to himself as Jewish on several occasions
>And just happened to be dropped from an important political suit
>And just happened to have the best lawyer in America win a discovery suit against him, then drop out
>And just happened to buy a house in a gated Jewish community
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"We're complicit in it," admitted one of the blog's members known as Sven. "I knew that Mike's wife was ethnically, partially Jewish."

"Me personally, do I give a s--- that his wife is Jewish? No, I don't, sorry," said co-host Alex, whose full name is also not listed.
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Who has those pics of Mike Peinovich's black brother and best man for his Jewish wedding?
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jessoid said that he doesn't care if someone is jewish as long as he gets money out of it.
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this one?
Mike Peinovich is a literal fucking downie and it's so wrong that people actually listen to him. Look at him ffs. Fucking DOWNIE!
these morons have the worst political takes anyway. they have no plan, they barely understand how government works and would rather just play make believe
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Looks legit
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Me neither.
Do you have Wednesday's show?
Christcucks and contards already seething and malding over TRS. holy shut haha
Reminder: Free Palestine, nuke israel.
yeah I posted it.
post numbers next time.

remember: jews out, palis out, browns out.
the global north is for whites only.
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i'll ask here does anyone have the article where the tranny thuletide argued for a reduction of the age of consent?
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also is anyone surprised that this ugly tranny thuletide is a pedo lmao

-in his 40s
-shilling himself on 4chan all day
-anime avatar
-friends with degenerate sodomite howe
is that sneako in the back?
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aren't you a paganlarper? answer this please >>475762678
Pali's will come in if you don't help them with their jew problem.
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is brandon martinez part of the global north? he looks like a brownoid thirdie spic to me
if they come then they come either way and I can't stop that.
what I can do is make a fool of myself by being a brown cheerleader.
Let me stop you right there
he lives in africa.
he teaches english.
this fat fuck was asking for money at each of these parking lot gatherings
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wait doesn't he live in cucknada?
I can't wait to be told what to believe. The moment Mike declares something my mind goes blank. Everything previous to that point disappears, I become a blank canvas. I construct a new world view, a manifest a fictional past. I always believed what Mike has declared and anyone who contradicts this is a jew.

I am the paypig.
no, that's lana del rey.
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kek greasy brownoid spic thirdie couldn't even make it to cucknada
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>I am the paypig.
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>fat fuck
>actually in impeccable shape for a man in his 50s
that's from 10 years ago.
he's totally busted now.
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I simp for mike. I have simped for Mike since the beginning and I will always simp for mike.
That's Mike Peinovich's brother. He's black. And he was also the best man at his wedding with his Jewish wife. Google Mike Enoch Black Brother.
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did moortinez break up with you asatru fag assembly sodomites because i see you don't shill for him anymore
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Yeah, not at all.
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-Jesse frequently goes into elaborate visual detail about male sexual anatomy and the nature of man on man sex.

-"glistening, puckering, twitching, moist" were descritive words he used to telegraph the thoughts in his head while he imagined(?) a male rectum in the process of receptive anal sex.

-He often mentions nerve endings in the rectum makes it good for sex. A poster mentioned that he learned the term "anal rosebud" from Jesse,

-"Jesse" voluntarily goes by the name that sounds like "Jessy," a girl's name (it's not the 1800s). He could have used his middle name or a nickname. He likes it

-Jessica (he gets a thrill at the thought of being called this) is constantly talking about her weight and even directly mentioned how she wanted to be "twink mode" with weight goals meant to achieve that by his own admission

-Jessica played soccer in grade school and the other boys nicknamed her "prancer" for the feminine way she ran. She made this admission on air recently (Ep 1179), possibly after seeing this fresh pasta, because she gets a thrill affirming her nature and life-long truth as a trans

-Jessica spends 30 minutes or longer styling her hair. Mike shit talked her about this to her face and could barely contain his disgust before moving the subject lest Jessica make it more awkward her gay sex descriptions

-Jessica was particularly close friends with disgraced TRS supporter "Rhodes," who does gay sex with black men. She made clear in the 2023 December meltdowns that she felt a necessity to distance herself from him. What, fundamentally, did they have in common that drew Jessica to him?

-Jessica frequently mentions "wife beating" as an insult against other men. possibly because she instinctively situates herself in the position of wife in male-female marriage dynamic and feels a preemtive threat from her future abusers

It is only because Jessica "prancer" Dunstan has the self awareness that she couldn't pass that prevents her from going full transition.
>if they come then they come either way
Jews are actively trying to expel them from their lands and into your lands, and you side with the jew.
you could've asked for this pic
haven't you dorks figured it out by now?
if you keep calling us jews, we only get more disgusted by you.
we're not going to simp for your pali brown shithole.
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are amerimutts even human?
>haven't you dorks figured it out by now?
Figured out what, never side with jews? Yeah we figured that out. You're still struggling with that it seams, probably because you want to side with them.
>b-but it turns us away!
You were never one of us to begin with, jew lover.
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you're talking to a brownoid thirdie spic neocon wannabe
Baratheon esq tbqhwyf
why are you even on this board?
go comment on al-jazeera.
you have nothing to do with white nationalism.
you're a pali nationalist
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amerimutts are thirdies
Is Sven still bitching out at Mike over every little thing? Sven is still butthurt over the NJP.

Why does Mike still put up with him or that mouth breather Alex?
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It easy to see why he has so many haters...
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why did you break up with the brownoid thirdie brandon moortinez?
Haven't finished an episode in months. unfucking listenable. Third Rail is the only podcast worth a shit on trs.
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are the Duginist Nazbol Abrahamist chinks in the room with us? are the trying to take over the dissident right? mentally ill amerimutt paganlarper sodomite
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name a more retarded low IQ brownoid thirdie spic i dare you
means nothing to me. kill yourself.
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also promoting the myth that Hitler was a third worldist communist
filrthy greasy shitskin he should go back to guatemala
you are nothing
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hello fellow white people 100% sicilian here not a drop of moor or nigger blood in me
Funniest thing about Marbeanez is that his best articles were either plagiarized from The Black Rabbit of Inle, or littered with fake quotes. In like 2011 or 2012, he was presented as this great researcher, and then I got fucked using quotes from Ariel Sharon or whoever, that I thought he did his due diligence on.

He's always been a retarded spic, and even The Info Underground guys banned him. Kicked out of 109 friendships...
I don't see it, which one's supposed to look like moot?
You know what I actually had that link still in one tab.
Here you go:






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Listening to last episode where they talk about tranny shit for an hour... Lol I like that Jessica (with her long hair and "twink mode" skinny arms accentuated by her tight shirts) had to inb4 the topic to make clear she hates the nazi gays.

Sure thing Jessy.
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I looked up Dunstan and it says it's a name from Wales. No wonder Jessoid looks so swarthy, he's not even an Anglo
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who is the nigger on the left?

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