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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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How does /pol/ respond? What does sucking big business dick and raping the environment have to do with being a Nazi?
The windmill should be frozen stiff along with the guy.
Black is beautiful
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Do a 360 and toss you into the windmill
Assert that nuclear is more environment-friendly than green scamtech and rightfully accuse them of being oil shills who hate the environment.
How many windmills would you need to supply enough power to build another windwill?

What's the energy cost of maintaining them before they're retired and how much power do they generate over a lifetime?
Why put it speciícally in HIS bakcyard?
why would they shoot their goodest goy
Well it is in the man's back yard, can't argue with that.
Windmills produce an insane amount of waste that is difficult to recycle. Same as solar panels. They only last a few years. They amount of energy they create over their lifetime relative to their cost to create and maintain is a total joke. Anyone not advocating for nuclear doesn't actually give a shit about the environment and pollution and just wants to sell you some shit or they have stocks in solar/wind companies.

Remember: nuclear solves problems. They don't want solutions. They want bandaids they can keep selling you for the rest of your life.
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>kills birds
>costs more energy to make than it ever generates
>will not last long
>is incredibly susceptible to the elements/weather
>will freeze in cold weather
>does nothing if there's no wind
>can't be installed anywhere
>made out of materials that cannot be recycled
>made out of materials like fiberglass which if it shatters, will make millions of deadly sharp forever particles that you can never clean up
>has to be buried in the desert at the end of it's lifespan
Not to mention dead birds, and the guy saying “not in my back yard” needs to be portrayed as rich and in the Hampton. The late drunk Ted Kennedy shit canned an ocean windmill project because it fucked with his view.
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Got one
If you're anti-nuclear you're too retarded to understand the issue of energy and its demands.
A nuclear plant alone can provide electricity for a city. A wind mill not even for a house. Do you know how many wind mills you would need if you want to get completely rid of oil, coal, gas and nuclear? People are fucking retarded if wind mills can provide all the electricity that is needed alone. And what if there’s no wind? How are these kind of people even living, it seems they’re incapable to even think one hour into the future
so trumpstein doesnt love jews or israel?
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Nuclear in countries with average of 100 iq and safety standards above Chinese tier is the solution
You also need oil and coal to make windmills. It's impossible without. All you're doing is playing with your feel good toy that's essentially just a worthless waste of resources. An environmental funko pop.
No we just use that image to tag your IP for geolocation
to get him elected duhhhh???

its true though, they """shot""" trump so it would make him look powerful to get him to win the election.
climate activists say otherwise
Omg for realz? You've totally convinced me with your memeflag and fag talk and nigger meme
>gets btfo
>"uhh, QUICK, try and scare them, claim we got their IP"
Desperation lmao. Keep on sucking his cock maybe he'll give you a job as a janitor at Trump towers!
IP? why do you want to know where i pee?
Nuclear is still the best way to go
Just don't use uranium reactors or retarded Soviets
Did you step in because the other shill couldn't speak English or something? Sorry jeet but I can smell your shit through the screen
Nuclear is the way. We can dig a 1000ft grave for you and fill it with nuclear waste.
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fourth image should be this
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nuclear is the only way forward
only retards frightened by shitty Soviet engineering and fear mongering propaganda think otherwise
I couldn't help but notice that decapitated birds and burying broken windmill blades was left out of the last panel.
Quite dishonest.
are the shills in the room with us right now?
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Ultimately this is the best option solar into space with a launch loop or orbital ring

Cuz Nikki Haley would have been gooder.
Have you tried thinking through the consequences of not using fossil fuels?
Do you have any idea what would happen if we stopped using fossil fuels tomorrow?
Are most people literally retarded?
Windmill need to keep their blades in a "primed" state so that they don't start to turn backwards or become stuck in a static position. They accomplish this with an electric motor the continuously keep the blade assembly turning in the correct direction. Unfortunately, in order to power the motor, windmills generally use about 75 percent of the energy that they just produced, right back into the device. Windmills are wildly inefficient
Never forget that the American public was tricked into thinking boiling water for infinite energy was bad because of The Simpsons
Now show the amount of wildlife killed by the windmill, the pollution it causes due to the blades having to be changed constantly and discarded in landfills, the windmill stops working due to cold temperatures or if there just isn't any wind so whoops low amounts of wind means brownouts/blackouts.
Windmills are lame
I like living, retard. Your silly shit about wind power will get us all killed because the resources will be too scarce. My bad for trying to live my life
>implying green energy initiatives are not big business
If people really gave a shit we’d be clamoring for nuclear but no, we have to go with windmills that don’t work and solar panels that are toxic.
>he does not know about wind farm catasrophes
It’s all commodification to sell you as much shit as they can. Very jewish. It’s why I don’t believe in climate change.
Nuclear reactors are the cheapest, cleanest, safest, most efficient, most powerful, and longest lasting energy source humanity can currently exploit.
Kills birds
Horribly inefficient for powering anything
Only people it really benefits are the politicians who own oarge stakes in the corpos that manufacturers them and ignorant vooootersbwho get a green energy chub from seeing them littering the countryside.
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How much oil and coal does it take to build and maintain a windmill? How much plastic does it put into the environment when the blades are no longer usable? How many birds died flying into the thing?

No sourse of power exists without downsides.
They literally are, but Big Press has spent nearly half a century sucking russian dick and here we are now.
better version
Nuclear is the only feasible one. Wind is an unsustainable moneysink. Nuclear just needs to be made safer is all, it's literally the only option.

>baseload power
>baseload power
>baseload power
>peak load power

Stop being retarded.
OP doesn't even understand anything about anything and he's a 1pbtid
Just don't show the dead birds and the windmill blades in the dump since they can't be recycled.
too many words, the other one is better
Tell that to the birds and other wildlife dick head. How many windmills do you need to generate even a modest amount of energy? Honestly, some people are irredeemably retarded.
Try again Moshi
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>environmental funko pop
Amazing choice of words, kek. Instead of bobbing their heads like jeets, they kill birds and shatter. And poison the ground with the fucking huge goddamn concrete base with rebar stuck into the ground.
Reminds me of the nigger behavior post, where the concept of time is foreign to them.
Nuclear technology should never have been given to Slavs and bug people, then it wouldn't be such an issue. It's sad that the one country that opted out, Germany, had some of the safest plants anywhere and is now uglyfied by wind turbines that are often not even turning.
>kills birds
Kills less than 0,1% the ammount of birds building do when birds fly into them
>costs more energy to make than it ever generates
This is wrong. Evidently wrong since 15+ years
>will not last long
Avarage lifetime is currently 18+ years
>is incredibly susceptible to the elements/weather
Thats the reason yoou have maps showing how often wind is strong for several days
>will freeze in cold weather
Doesnt apply to 99% of installations and can
>does nothing if there's no wind
See above
>can't be installed anywhere
Lol what an argument coal plants and nuclear plants have the same downside
>made out of materials that cannot be recycled
Applies to your uranium waste as well. The difference is that the m,aterial is inert meaning it will not pollute the enviroment when dig into a dumpfill. Also they make up lkess than 0,01% of all landfill materials
>made out of materials like fiberglass which if it shatters, will make millions of deadly sharp forever particles that you can never clean up
Lmao what a retarded argument
>has to be buried in the desert at the end of it's lifespan
See above

1/10 apply youirself
This. A lot of countries are investing in nuclear while we still have the "progressives" slowing everything down here.
how does anyone this retarded about nuclear also think they are smart enough to make political cartoons. it's very very gay.
>It's in my backyard
I wonder how many windmills "Carbon footprints" are set back when one burns down.
Forgot image
This. Green energy is a lie. It all produces waste.
How Fukushima could ever have been built in a country known for Earthquakes and Tsunamis is honestly beyond me. At least Japan has learnt from its mistakes and decommissioned most of their plants. But China has been rapidly building new plants.
>Kills less than 0,1% the ammount of birds building do when birds fly into them
That's retarded.
Buildings that aren't totally incased in mirrors dont kill birds at all. They can live on them if they can fucking see them.
Birds can't see rotating turbine blades. They wipe out entire flocks at once.
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>why would they shoot their goodest goy
I respond by laughing at shitty wind energy. Nuclear is the clear winner. Just because some Soviet retards cut some corners, the rest of us shouldn't be punished.
The funniest part is nuclear power is the safest form of power generation out of everything posted there. It has the best track record in terms of negative effects on the environment and people's health and safety.
Because that's a lie and always has been. You moronic shills actually started drinking your own koolaid lol.
You crawled back into whatever hole birthed you lmao.
He owned a 1000 acres of non agrarian land he deprived of forest

Perfect for wind

This might be too technical for the typical IQ of a green energy advocate.

The Problem with Wind Energy by Real Engineering
The meme is gay. Energy diversification is crucial for any country's national security.
Disregard anyone who only likes one type of energy.
Your "clean" shit breaks too often. gtfo
>arguments against nuclear
>some bullshit a retard made up
Wind power generates 7% of the power required for the US solar 6%
Math doesn't work

Petroleum products are used for fertilizer, plastics, tech, clothing, etc., etc., etc.

Climate fucks are highly stupid low iq niggers that do not understand how shit is done.

Want to battle climate change get rid of the climate jack offs...they are a waste of O2
DSA is trash.
trump's grandkids are literal jews. the man gets all his caloric needs from jewish semen.
>Want to battle climate change get rid of the climate jack offs...they are a waste of O2
Yes, but memeflag reddit refugees have to be "dealt with" first. You're the first to get in the oven.
windmills dont make any money at all, they cost more money than they make and the only reason they make them is because of homosexual retarded politicians and the subsidies that they give to their friends

you might as well just set money on fire
Wind turbine and solar waste are more toxic than nuclear waste and can't be reused unlike nuclear wastes. Also they are far more numerous.
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>and rightfully accuse them of being oil shills
Coal shills, given how much steel wind turbines need
>not my problem
image is pure propagana

we solved that problem decades ago. we more than have the technology to make it safe.

expand that image to 100x the amount of space, if not more, needed to get wind to produce a viable amount of energy. the land requirements are enormous, destroying massive swaths of land and wilderness to place them down. the noise then makes it uninhabitable for all life, human or animal, aswell as the giant concrete blocks used to place them. not to mention, they decimate bird populations, so make sure to show piles and piles of dead bodies at the base of them. then, also show the giant piles of buried fan blades that cant be recycled or properly disposed of too, the giant stinking pits of tons upon tons of old lubricating oil they're filled with that also has to be replaced and discarded from time to time, and the other piles of replacement parts built using unrecyclable and no degradable, even environmentally toxic, parts and methods.

if you hate nature and the environment, advocate for wind and solar. if you like nature and the environment, advocate for modern nuclear.
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Wind is also expensive.
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Also double the CO2 emissions than nuclear.
If you cared about that sort of thing.
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Reality will come crashing down in a decade or two.
But I reckon all the snake oil merchants have gone underground by then and left a mess for society to endure and try to salvage
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>How does /pol/ respond?

Wind energy fucking sucks dude, its super inefficient, costs a ton and yeah having a giant bird chopper shitting up the view from my home as it cleaves a bald eagle in half isn't great.
British Petroleum is using Green New Deal bucks to build a solar power farm in my county that nobody wants or needs. We got no vote on it. Cut a sweet deal with our supervisor to slide it on in. We quite literally don't need the energy. We already generate PLENTY. So they're out there to destroy acres and acres of trees natural habitat where they'll then dump a bunch of panels that will decay and poison the soil in a few years. British Petroleum is doing this. In Mississippi. Those people don't live here. They're a fucking British oil company! But Biden gave them money and now they're going to spend as little as possible, pocket the rest, and destroy the natural beauty where they don't live, poisoning the soil, too.
>>made out of materials like fiberglass which if it shatters, will make millions of deadly sharp forever particles that you can never clean up
>>has to be buried in the desert at the end of it's lifespan
It's literally fiberglass and wood. The only argument against windmills is that they bring energy back very slowly and you need shitton of them and when there is no wind you are fucked
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>nuclear plant
Name 5 excluding shitty soviet ones
>sucking big business dick
Remember when you took a controversial experimental corporate vaccine because you trust corporations even though you pretend to be against them? Remember when we didn't because we don't trust corporations even though you pretend we worship them? Remember all that? I remember all that.
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Whoops. I guess I don't have Ben Garrison levels of talent in labeling things.
This has be debunked. Better luck next time incels. Study science
"It's in my backyard" has never been an argument I've heard or repeated against wind power.
>windmills cannot produce reliable base-line energy
>the production process for a modern windmill pollutes more than the machine can pay back in its "life cycle"
>they are notoriously bad for avian wildlife
are my main three arguments against wind. They do typically get set up on valuable farm land, but I have more of a gripe against solar for that.
I simply believe that anyone pushing wind and solar aren't serious about clean energy. Nuclear and hydro need to be in the conversation if they really want to do away with fossil fuels.
You bury that shit in my backyard instead of melting it down, asshole.
Also Joe Biden is dead.
>most intelligent African-German
And concrete, and rebar.
Do you even know what fibreglass is?
Also an entire windfarm in Texas had to be powered with diesel generators to keep them from freezing and being wrecked by it. Thus their actual energy output was net 0. It's actually a loss when you consider the resources put into making something that will never recoup the losses. Though this is far less schadenfreude than the windmills freezing in Texas. Of all places.
> non agrarian land he deprived of forest
What a retarded thing to say.
Never understood the problem people have with landfill. You bury and and forget about it. It works like a charm because there is so much land on this beautiful planet we are blessed with.
Y'all dun season yo food
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Gr8 b8 m8

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