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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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You are hinting that you actually like the retarded negress Kamala, fuck you.
It's understandable to say, "Trump's not the same."
Obviously he's 78, he's been relentlessly beaten down in kangaroo court, and his retarded kids are preaching centrism to him. That's understandable.
It's even understandable to say, "He's cucked one time too many and I just don't care anymore."
Obviously he's disappointed - it was 1 vs 200,000,000.
But what's NOT understandable are these bitter faggots - starting with Nick Fuentes - who fucking SMIRK as they wax poetically about the negress retard Kamala.
>Kamala's a BRILLIANT strategist! The meme game she came up with is kino! "BRAT!" She's so funny!
You don't think she's funny.
You don't think she's smart.
You don't think she's good.
You're just fucking trying to get revenge at the Orange Man.

Disloyalty is the most repulsive trait of all.
Israel shot Trump
Trump abandoned white voters in 2020 and is doing it again...
He’s a fed. That’s all there is to it. He’s pushing the same talking points as head of fbi (incl for example that trump wasn’t hit by a bullet but by debris) but trying to masquerade them in “right wing” language. And he faced no consequences for his agitation during Jan 6. He’s an informant.
Trump is disloyal, miga
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2020 was a hilariously rigged election you geriatric old faggot.
THAT'S the takeaway from 2020:
>U.S.A. elections are illegitimate and this country's a scam and must be broken up.
Instead you creaky old wignats screech about trade policy even though you're all childless welfare cases who have no children.
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But Fuentes is gay. Just a tool of some gay kike. "Retconning"
He has to say what they pay him to.
Why would they shoot their biggest supporter
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>fuentes, fuentes, fuentes
For how many years have you pajeet tier bots been spamming the board with anti Fuentes threads? Same with Alex Jones, but I guess that's no longer necessary. What do you fear?
>wignat posting
please stay off my side
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>if youre anti-Loomer youre a "wignat"
>neo-Nazi memeflag
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What has Trump ever done for White men that would warrant him our loyalty?
How did you determine that, miga?
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What has Kamala ever done you stupid faggot?
It's not about policy or any other shit.
It's about basic man to man loyalty.

We all agree that Trump's disappointed, big time.
We all sympathize with
>Voting doesn't matter
What OP is about is the DISLOYALTY in his petty, catty, betrayal of Trump, as he mocks him and goes all-in on Kamala
It's fucking gross.
because you're not a German man in 1935 you retarded old LARPer
get in touch with reality
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>get in touch with reality
t. giving a PSA on 4chan about Nick Fuentes not MIGAing hard enough.
If you want your kings to serve your interest you have to make sure you can hurt them. Nick is just send a signal that his support isn't to be taken for granted. Saying you won't vote doesn't send as strong a message as saying you will make propaganda for and vote for the opponent.
no fuck you for being retarded.
Nick is right.
you are wrong.
Trump is just another gay republican now who sucks jew cock harder than ever before.
Groypers were among many in the crowd during January 6 and had their lives destroyed because of it. Trump did nothing but throw all of his supporters under the bus and to fend for themselves, he is the backstabbing traitor. Not to mention Nick himself spoke with Trump and was disavowed by him personally when the media started kvetching over his visit with Kanye. Say what you will about the catboy lover, but he is only responding in kind to the backstabbing Zionist traitor who deserves to lose after all he’s done. Buckbroken niggers such as yourself should wake the fuck up and stop rewarding this behavior from our politicians.
How does 'the platinum plan', cosigned by jared cusher as a strategy to peal the nigro vote from the Democrats, form an argument either for or agaisnt the validity of the 2020 election in your brainlet mind?

His rhetoric was 'the lowest black unemployment' and the platinum plan. I never posted anything relating to 2020 being stolen. If he says 'i will work to make white families better off' i would not make this case. But that's unspeakable.
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The Negro and the Asiatic have a right to exist in their own lands, with their own people. The White European man has a right to exist in his lands with his people. Segregation long kept the peace between the races. Segregation kept things civil, even with cordial relations between the races.
Though the Blacks hate to admit it, family formation and financial security were more stable under segregation and the White man's careful guidance, him placed here in the US through no fault of his own, by jews, to serve as labor for the jews.
But the jew, in his envy and hatred for the White European man, seeks to end him, and through chicanery and preying upon the European White man's empathy, has foisted upon us integration and miscegenation, to our utter detriment.
The fact is simple. It is the jew who is the source of the world's troubles. It is the jew who opened the gates of Toledo to the Ummayah hordes. It is the jew who brought the Black man to the shores of North and South America. It is the jew who has allowed the unfettered flow of brown hordes into Europe and North America, Australia, and New Zealand. The jew is the source of our people's misery, and it will end when the jew is ended.
Disloyal to who? Israel? Fuck Israel.

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