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Why are we being replaced? What fundamentally is it that elites hate about White people?
we think before we consume
we have aspirations
we are capable of organizing in ways that are more than just senseless, wanton destruction
Jews are eternally seething and jealous. Their entire existence is pure loathing of their inferiority. They wish they were White
>What fundamentally is it that elites hate about White people?
that they are a threat. white peoples notion of having healthy, strong, monolithic societies threatens everything they need to live and thrive
The jews believe they have to own all of the property on the earth for their messiah to come.
It's just the normal course of action when you forsake God after He had given us unprecedented success and wealth.

The foreigners living among you will become stronger and stronger, while you become weaker and weaker. They will lend money to you, but you will not lend to them. They will be the head, and you will be the tail! “If you refuse to listen to the LORD your God and to obey the commands and decrees he has given you, all these curses will pursue and overtake you until you are destroyed. These horrors will serve as a sign and warning among you and your descendants forever. Deu 28:43-46
Revenge for the holocaust
We have a threatening combination of intelligence, beauty, and industriousness to the ruling elites, who are themselves now so inbred and surviving on pure nepotism they mistakenly believe we are an existential threat to them
it is an eternal battle for reasons we can't remember but they can. but seeing how we're all aware of the problematic jewy behaviour my guess is that they're just a parasitic type of being and we simply cannot coexist
We used to think (and some still do) that jews are white. That's was the most critical error seconded only by women rights.
But they must know that civilization wont function if White peoples become less than lets say 20% of the population, you cant have a society purely on mindless consume, you have to produce something to consume, surely they would like to keep living in a safe society for themselves.
We’re the biggest competition against jews, plain and simple. Chinks have a decent IQ, but they’re not creative at all, and do exactly as they’re told. Niggers? Spics? Please, they’re not a threat now and never will be. Whites are the only ones with high IQ + pattern recognition + creativity and innovation. Put those three together and you get an unstoppable civilization that can both heal itself and route out infiltrators. Unfortunately, the west has been subjected to anti white, anti Christian propaganda for a century straight, without pause.

Superiority incites jealousy. Jews haven’t built shit, ever, and even when they have their own homeland, they still have to suck resources from everyone else through deception because their survival strategy didn’t change, even if the ground under their hoofed feet did.
My grandma had 12 kids. My mother had 7. Of the 7 she had, only one had kids, and she only haw three. The desire for children just goes down each generation. I'm afraid to have kids myself: there is maybe an 80% chance they they either don't have kids themselves (genetic dead-end), end up lgbt/atheust/liberal, or end up race-mixing. Why would you have kids given those odds?
>but they must know
Nope. Psychopathy is Really prevalent amongst jews, and for all the strengths of a psychopath, foresight is not one of them. Combine that with unlimited ego backed by a bullshit religion that’s based on satanic ritual, and you’ve got an effeminate race that will blame everyone else when they fall, or go berserk when they’re found out.
>they hate us for no reason!
Dueteronomy 28:
15 However, if you do not obey the Lord your God and do not carefully follow all his commands and decrees I am giving you today, all these curses will come on you and overtake you:
18 The fruit of your womb will be cursed, and the crops of your land, and the calves of your herds and the lambs of your flocks.
25 The Lord will cause you to be defeated before your enemies. You will come at them from one direction but flee from them in seven, and you will become a thing of horror to all the kingdoms on earth.
28 The Lord will afflict you with madness, blindness and confusion of mind
43 The foreigners who reside among you will rise above you higher and higher, but you will sink lower and lower. 44 They will lend to you, but you will not lend to them. They will be the head, but you will be the tail.
45 All these curses will come on you. They will pursue you and overtake you until you are destroyed, because you did not obey the Lord your God and observe the commands and decrees he gave you. 46 They will be a sign and a wonder to you and your descendants forever. 47 Because you did not serve the Lord your God joyfully and gladly in the time of prosperity, 48 therefore in hunger and thirst, in nakedness and dire poverty, you will serve the enemies the Lord sends against you. He will put an iron yoke on your neck until he has destroyed you.
49 The Lord will bring a nation against you from far away, from the ends of the earth, like an eagle swooping down, a nation whose language you will not understand, 50 a fierce-looking nation without respect for the old or pity for the young.
You think they just don’t know that Browns will probably treat Jews worse than White peoples? I mean in a way wouldn’t Jews want to live in a White neighborhood rather than a Brown one?
>But they must know that civilization wont function if White peoples become less than lets say 20% of the population,
nobody knows any such thing. they are going all-in on that not being the case and nobody knows how it will end. they have hope for the productivity of jeets, mulattors, and AI. right now it looks like yes, the quality of life will significantly decrease for the lower and middle class. but for upper class jews, things might stay largely the same. and even if they had to accept some worse infrastructure and such. if thats the price of getting rid of something that threatens your very existence, i think they are reasonable to take that deal.
>don’t they know?
Of course they know. But they’re convinced that they can subdue them forever, because non whites don’t question anything, ever. That golem will eventually turn on them, but like I said, zero foresight. Especially when they’ve become this decadent.
>wouldn’t they want to live in a white neighborhood?
Of course they would. But like a nigger around a bike, they can’t help themselves. They’ve been stealing, deceiving, and lying for millennium. That’s not going to change. They must subvert.
Jews have a biological aversion to the other. Give them power and they'll use it to attack the closest group of non-Jews.
Why wouldn’t the replacements they brought in overthrow the Jews? I feel like at a certain point the population difference has to show, don’t you think at this point they would make a sort of "alliance“ with White people?
But why does every post make the Jews seem like the real victors in every possible scenario, why would I root for a bunch of losers
They might overthrow them, but jews are banking on them being too stupid. Imagine something as complex as, say, the German rail network being run by dumbass africans. What a fucking nightmare.
>don’t you think at this point they would make a sort of "alliance“ with White people?
the idea is to have societies where no one group has an absolute majority or is much larger than the next group. in such a situation you can always pit groups against each other easily
>don’t you think at this point they would make a sort of "alliance“ with White people?
i think you underestimate the power of divide and conquer. of course there remains a risk, there is always a risk when you have a golem. but its the definition of a diaspora jew that he rather lives with the risk of the golem uprising than live without the golem. and by controlling all media and social incentives, you can keep that risk very small. i mean, just try to start an uprising now and see how fast you will land in jail or at least social exile
This. It's our own goddamn fault.
Jews spending billions to import foreigners until they became half the population - legally or otherwise - for 70 years to compete with us in the labor force and drive up the cost of housing had nothing to do with it.
You faggots are altruist to your own demise. Feeding niggers to acquire some imaginary points.
Jews believe they will have the power to subdue the threat after they wipe the world population starting in 2025.
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>But they must know that civilization wont function if White peoples become less than lets say 20% of the population
They don't have to know that. Biology dictates NOT to know that. They seethe, until everyone is dead.
Who wrote that book?
If it was the people bringing in the foreigners, surely that would be a strange coincidence?
Wait until you read Jeremiah 31:27 and learn it wasn't in the oldest versions. Whoops!
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Total jewish victory!
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/Thread. Pure truth
he forgot to mention the third option, the one jews hope for: there is sufficient race mixing such that there are no more whites or blacks, and no hard racial identities (other than the jewish one), but only varying shades on a spectrum. that is their -very possible and maybe most likely - "good ending"

Longer answer: the mixture of colorblind + not believing in ethnocentrism allows them to import the third world to keep the welfare system afloat without any concern. That’s literally the economic reason: it’s welfare. It sounds backwards until you realize that their logic is that individuals generate money in the system which a portion is then taken for welfare. They couldn’t possibly imagine cutting your grandparent’s social security, so for them to continue their extended existence, more sludge has to be pumped into the system. This is the snake eating its own tail. There’s no fixing this, the system would need to be undone and the result would likely be the starvation of millions, meaning the only opening would likely be if there was an economic catastrophe that justified it. And yes, many of the ones making that choice are Jewish, some do have an ethnic grudge against whites. Not all of them and not all of them are Jewish though
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Naah, there will be "allah akbar, kill all the jews!".
White people are pure evil, nikkers, hypocrites, mediocre biological communist thrash. They hate everyone that succeeds, they hate every original thought. They torture and rape animals and kids. The thought of their kids having a better life than them makes them seethe harder than you can even imagine. They are filled with envy, hate and negative thoughts. White people have only themselves to thank for their decline and soon enough they will be eradicated like the vermin they are and the world will be a better place for it.
>the idea is to have societies where no one group has an absolute majority

Wont there be like 4,5 billion africans by the end of the century?
Whos going to feed you when Whites no longer exist however?
jews dont give a shit about africa. there will be some border restrictions allowed to be put in place in the west when a "desirable" racial mix has been achieved
Wow so gay Austria-Hungary? And I was thinking Jews have a high iq.
Whites will partly live on in the new mongrel low caste race than will do manual labour. Ofcourse.the foods you will eat in the future will be heavily contaminated and barely recognisable as food.
its objectively a sensible strategic goal for them. they do have a relatively high average iq.
white women have been brainwashed to destroy western civilization
>Whites will partly live on in the new mongrel low caste

Just lookswise White people can never be low cast, physiognomy is real.
Because whites are vile disgusting feral cockroaches that think their shit don’t stink but it stinks even worse than everyone else’s because of all the ultra processed shot they eat and all the aborted babies they inject and all the foreskins they give to their kike masters.
Don’t Niggers have the most abortions in the west?
Predators prey on the weak. it is called natural selection, you may of heard of it some where westoid golem. Your middle age golem is weak and the muds and cannanite kikes of the NWO see it. They prey on your weakness because they can. Your not a master race westoid, your a middle age domesticated golem. A dog pretends to be a wolf then bows to master jacob the kike, that is your eugenic westoid.
Honestly if any white doesn't transcend from “ivory white” to “shining gold” at some point in their lives, they’re part of a failed nursery and should be discarded.
it's commies not elites, they believe it's fair since westoids colonized non-white countries
>pojeet kike
That’s because the white man puts those health clinics in black areas.
sure, its those pesky "commies" who control all finance, politics, media and academia but cant be considered "elites"
ok boomer.
We don't fuck enough. We don't have enough healthy babies. Capitalism and communism both assume a constantly growing population base and consumer class.
Pic related was right.
What holocaust
they want to rule, and they cant while whites exist. jews can rule over niggers with no issue
we Jews are going to be the rulers in a sea of moorish retards
>a sea of moorish retards
imagine the smell
we are capable of critical thinking

browns and low iq people just accept whatever they are told.
Until everyone is mixed up. And their entire identity and history is being oppressed by Jews. Even an 80 IQ moron can realize "Hey Jews have everything! That's fucked up yo!" Even if the Jews get what they want I can't see how they will stay on top if they keep differentiating themselves from the other.
When their population gets too large they’ll just see you as White people moshe. Look up the Haitian revolution, population size>populations iq, atleast when its too disproportionatel.
human trafficking is not white collar crime, but it is compatible with shitskin criminality along with illegal drug pushing
Yea. Post Oct 7 the Jewish community collectively has been like "oh fuck oh fuck go back go back". Maybe we are not as smart as you think. ^_^
If Timmy was out there getting white girls pregnant then Jews wouldn't need to import millions of shitskins to keep the economy rolling.
Which holocaust? The holocaust that white people stopped, or the holocaust that never happened?
Honestly at this point it seems like “white people” is just a hologram by Jews that can be rescinded at any moment as a punishment.

Like, oops, you betrayed us, so aegis revoked: you’re brown now.
We all hate white people.
Jews want our birthright.
Timmy isn’t incentivized to make Children because he has no Religion nor racial identity. Those are issues that can’t be solved on a individual level.
>Why are we being replaced?
Importing future voters will give left wing parties absolute control
We need wage slaves to suppress wages and prevent social security from collapsing
Women and basedboys get to brag about how virtuous they are on social media
How do they count Indians? White or Asian?

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