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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>President Trump Office
>Liz Harrington (Trump Spox) https://twitter.com/realLizUSA
>Donald J Trump Presidential Library
@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!
ARCHIVED LINKS https://pastebin.com/eAhgNyeX

>Pres Trump Holds Rally at Charlotte, NC 7/24/2024
https://rumble.com/v57r4oc-live-president-trump-holds-a-rally-in-charlotte-north-carolina-72424.html (RSBN)
>JD Vance Speaks at Middletown, OH 7/22/2024
https://youtu.be/cz4clo15uZs (RSBN)
>Pres Trump and JD Vance Rally, Grand Rapids, MI 7/20/2024
https://rumble.com/v577w5d-live-president-trump-and-jd-vance-hold-major-rally-in-grand-rapids-michigan.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Accepts Candidacy at RNC, Milwaukee, WI 7/18/2024
https://rumble.com/v56kkyl-live-day-four-2024-republican-national-convention-in-milwaukee-wisconsin-71.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Rally at Butler, PA 7/13/2024
https://rumble.com/v560lb8-live-president-trump-holds-a-rally-in-butler-pennsylvania-71324.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Rally at Doral, FL 7/9/2024
https://rumble.com/v560kfz-live-president-trump-holds-a-rally-at-trump-national-in-doral-florida-7924.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump at Chesapeake, VA 6/28/2024
https://rumble.com/v53g5gg-live-president-trump-delivers-remarks-in-chesapeake-virginia-62824.html (RSBN)
>TrumpVideo: WE WILL WIN 6/19/23
>God Bless the USA (Donald J Trump) 10/20/16

OP pastebin: http://pastebin.com/X4KiALfh
prev >>475752987
Ultra MAGA.
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Yay !!
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https://swampthevoteusa.com -- help old farts vote here
https://trumpforce47.com -- start here if you want to help in a grassroots fashion, but are unsure where to start

shilling in cyberspace can affect headspace which, in turn, then affects behavior in meat(physical)space. there is a very limited window in which the media apparatus can convince the otherwise apolitcal public that their kamala astroturf can compete with recent events. this blatant astroturfing, both here and elsewhere, is probably to force a false consensus that kamala has a chance to begin with, in order to create plausible deniability for fraudulent activities through the illusion of widespread support using celebrities and influencers that, in reality, does not exist.

in other words, i suggest staying on the offensive, since it's already clear that the media will fixate on a 3 year old statement, and won't bring up the fact vance said his heart goes out to those with fertility issues.

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>"DICKS could be here" she thought, "I've never been in this public office before. There could be DICKS anywhere." The cool wind felt good against her bare chest. "I LOVE SUCKING DICKS" she thought. Hypnotize by Biggie Smalls reverberated her entire campaign bus, making it pulsate even as the $9 wine circulated through her powerful thick veins and washed away her (merited) fear of sex tapes on the internet. "With a blowjob, you can get any career you want" she said to herself, out loud.
And it was at least somewhat backed. Democrats are making the same mistakes they made in 2016 and making the same mistake the GOP did in 2022
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Be honest. Did Trump fuck up picking him?
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Good awoofternoon frens. How have threads been?
Her face has already aged five years in the single week she's been campaigning
>harris campaign
>drumpf made the wrong selection
she's scared
>third new trip by the same guy made today
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>wahhh wahhh why aren't my POLITICS exactly the same ;___:
anon trump was shot in the fucking head and we had anime girls raising their first in trump's now signature pose in under three hours
you are just a fucking loser crybaby whining over things you can't even remember
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I repurposed the green brat filter, it’s now a Vance meme
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>fight! fight! fight!
>...debate kamala
>nooott lliikkeee thhhisss
She’s 60 and only now getting constant media coverage. Most older women can not keep the youthful facade up all the time.
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Was Vance vetted at all?
Actually yes.
Had to do it.
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Don't forget this!
What's up without the shills guys? 2016 wasn't this bad. I partially blame the Fuentes retards who are shilling for kamala now for some reason
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Trump needs to drop Vance.

Any woman pick will guarantee a victory. Kamala is doing INSANELY WELL with women right now. almost 90+% in some polls are going toward Kamala…

That cant continue or Trump WILL lose. Nationally, yes, Trump is still ahead. But another 4 weeks of small slipping and Vance getting into trouble for being unlikeable will end up with Kamala on top.

Sorry ptg. You can call me a shill and filter me but you know its true.
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This is fake, but they are covering down hard on all of Vance's soft, squishy parts.
Which means it's working.
And I still have to use some of those pics for ops.
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i am a brat (wurst)
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Is it because she denounced Israel?
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>Among African American voters,
>82.1% support Harris,
>11.5% support Kennedy,
>no black voters in this survey supported Trump.

"We made the rap video"
"We had countless black speakers at the RNC"
"We had the satanist porn star give a speech"
"And we got zero black votes...."
hilldawg is consuming her energy
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you're misconstruing my argument, seems to be a common tactic (you) use
i'm talking about the quality of the threads, not how politics changed from 2016
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Sounds like you guys need a diet mountain dew haha
hey can you point me towards a single poll that shows kamala harris winning almost 90+% of women? thanks!
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let's take a look on this day in 2016. notably, the DNC was taking place on july 26th, so threads were hyperactive
some things do not change
>for some reason
Paid opposition gona paid opposition. There is no situation where an imperfect candidate for your view is worse then the total opposite of your view.
>trump debates 20 dems before they actually settle for a candidate
playing golf with bibi sounds more reasonable
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Don't need those tax credits anymore.
You're gonna save way more money with abortion.
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Poor JD.
I hope he realized that as soon as he hitched his wagon to Trump, the leftards would start attacking him relentlessly in the most stupid ways...
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A statistical impossibility unless the sample size was 20 black collage women.
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Troon satan is dead.

Deflated head.
Red mist.
Agree. He needs a woman to balance out his testosterone-poisoned campaign so far.

Haley could win him the election. But is he too proud to realise he needs her?
He's right.
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i found out where the biden moneys going
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So are the Dems trying to make to make it look like she isn't full on Marxist liberal? "Oh noes guyz! It is DANGEROUS for her to be in the blue progressive liberal cities! She certainly isn't a total Marxist! "
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gooby, plz
> Trump needs DEI
No, the left can run people based on race and gender, but that doesn't fly on the right. Besides, the people impressed and not sickened by DEI aren't voting for Trump anyway.
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I cannot see because I'm gay and a homosexual whatis
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fuck you literally no one remembers that you deserve this
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Oof !!
>WDIV/Detroit News survey
Im trying to find their raw numbers
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Troons pissed
Groomers beware.
Coming for them dogs.
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Yeah, incels on 4chan.com agree with Vance when he talks down childless woman - totally agree there.

Your problem is you are massively outnumbered by normie female swing voters who are getting a major ICK from Vance.


They do though, and at this rate you'll get to keep being based incels posting on 4chan.com throughout the 8 years of the Harris presidency.
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Vance was talking about /pol/cels. Genetically inferior persons should not vote
>be me
>want to be a father
>99.9999% of women are already taken or used goods and unsuitable for marriage
roastie holocaust when? they are infringing upon my god given right to ensure the perpetuation of my family line
yes. but like any other grand sweeping idea, lots of ground work needs to be laid. making women not absolute garbage for starters. i dont want a poo wife. i want a white one.
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i literally say what it is
>Unironic Haley shilling
You could at least try.
i was originally worried about vance since he is theil's creature and i don't trust thiel, but then i remembered everyone who tries to ride on trump's coattails ends up destroying their political careers. Maybe its for the best. Trump gets thiel's support in exchange for a mostly ceremonial position and vance gets destroyed politically by the base as they learn more about him over time.
In other news, some jewtuber in Nebraska decided to derail a train for views.
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And we had East African negroes re-enacting the event!
If Trump had 0% of niggers il MI him and Kamala wouldn’t be at 41.3% and 41.6% in the statewide race. Trump only got 7% of niggers in MI in 2020 and got 47.8% of the statewide vote.
CNN on Harris "she's the underdog"
no, no she's not.
democrats own 90% of the media and all of hollywood.
this specific one >>82896026
see how informative this was? you rarely get anything of the sort in today's threads
Poll methodology:

The Glengariff Group, Inc. conducted a Michigan statewide survey of November 2024 likely general election voters. The 600 sample, live operator telephone survey was conducted on July 22-24, 2024 and has a margin of error of +/-4.0% with a 95% level of confidence. 17.8% of respondents were contacted via landline telephone. 82.2% of respondents were contacted via cell phone telephone. This survey was commissioned by WDIV Local 4 News and the Detroit News.
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I'm just gonna assume it's trash to illustrate that it's always trash from context clues
>Trump debating 20+ democrats wouldn't be kino
Warriors don't balk at a fight. The guy who is going to save us from China, immigrants and wokeness can't handle 20 Democrats? No wonder he couldn't get shit through Congress, even when he had both the Senate and House. He's actually softer than Steve fucking Crowder.
I think it’s expected by anyone in trumps orbit by this point.
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How can this be happening.
Anyway time to vote to import more cheap labor. That will show those greedy racist Republican bosses who all donate to the Democrat party.
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This seems like an actionable statement in court.
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>'Canadian' shill doomposting about JD Vance.
Shocker! These fucks had their shill scripts ready for any VP pick.
Stay mad.
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yes it's fucking nonsense, people do not actually remember what the threads were like. it's just
>omg! it was funny or something!
>and trump won! wow!
>i miss that energy...
>bros wtf what happened?
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>Anonymous (ID: ESop8iUz) 07/26/24(Fri)15:43:21 No.475761587>>475760933(You)
>this specific one >>82896026(Dead)(Cross-thread)[Deleted] Anonymous (ID: Aduz0qmF) 07/26/16(Tue)16:09:57 No.82896026>>475760933(You) >>475761587image.png (309 KB, 1242x2208)File: image.png (309 KB, 1242x2208) google yandex iqdb wait

you're right anon it was such a good post about a riveting topic like income statistics
doesn't most youtube account have those numbers? just checked mine and it ended with "4052".
Keep Vance.
You don't think Vance was chosen because of his race and gender? Do you think a black woman or an indian woman or any woman would have gotten the Republican nomination? lol
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Nah, I'm good.
in soviet russia the future stays the same but the past always changes
It's over. Kamala has got the identical twins vote locked in.
There is no better VP candidate for Trump.

You guys act like the Democrats are a bunch of cultural radicals out of step with the American voter, and on some issues (like borders and crime) there is a plausible case there.

But as soon as they had a black woman nominee they all immediately agreed they need a white man VP, because even though they believe deeply in black girl magic and anti-whitism they know that there are conservative democrats and swing voters who need a bit of reassurance that they still have a place in Kamala's America.

This is a much more realistic and intelligent approach than pretending you can get away with a Old toxicly masculine white guy and a young toxicly masculine white guy ticket. ~40% of America is non-white and ~50% of America is female. They all have the vote. Throwing them a representational bone would do wonders to de-toxify the ticket.

Trump wouldn't even have to change his governing style. Do you think having Kelly as VP will make Kamala less woke in her governance? Same for Trump/Haley, but you're not smart enough to get it it seems. Sad.
>You don't think Vance was chosen because of his race and gender?
Nah, Trump doesn't give a fuck about that stuff.
And I normally would, but the VP pick is largely irrelevant, so I wouldn't have cared no matter who he picked.
Timing of video release [#4500] & Berman termination?
"You cannot attack your political opponent."
The doubters will soon be believers.
Years in the making.
Yes. I forget exactly why, but they changed the naming scheme on youtube a while back and added numbers for some reason if you didn't update it.
she's not welcome in pic related?
did she shoplift or something?
I don't understand
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action is coming
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In South Korea the average 8th grader is more intelligent than the average college graduate in America and is ranked third in mathematics, with a fertility rate of .8.

In Afghanistan the literacy rate is approximately 37% and the fertility rate is 4.3.
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too lazy to check if this has already been posted
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you can also tell that most people here and elsewhere don't remember what happened after trump picked pence
>dude what the FUCK did trump just do
>he just picked a fucking white guy who talked about shocking gays
>why the fuck would he pick someone like this? it's fucking OVER
>they are going to bring up his past comments over and over and over
>uhhhh who?
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the only one difference between 2016 threads and now is in 2016 there was not incessant metaconversation about how people don't like current threads vibes and pining for days when the thread was still mostly the same band of retards having the same retarded conversations
something something becoming vs being hauntology whatever tripe maybe people should just enjoy posting and stop trying to figure if their posting experience is reaching 1.21 memezoids to jumpstart the pepeplex or w/e
so reading books actually IS gay?
well yes it showed that his economic policies really appealed to the forgotten working class at the time and why they came out to vote for him
it was very informative
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Anon, please... I only lurk here these days... Don't remind me of 2016... I miss it so fucking much... Even the shills... Well anyway, I hope we get a few more kino moments before the election day and then Trump schlongs Kamala.
Jew thread
hey i am going to open up the thread when pence was selected
in that thread alone how many mentions of ben carson do you think there will be
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>faggy name
>dogshit meme
>indistinguishable from botpost
Well done, reddit!
> Do you think a black woman or an indian woman or any woman would have gotten the Republican nomination?
The number two in the primaries was Nikki Haley. What conclusion would you draw from that?
>>dude what the FUCK did trump just do
>>he just picked a fucking white guy who talked about shocking gays
>>why the fuck would he pick someone like this? it's fucking OVER
who said this? not me
>In South Korea the average 8th grader is more intelligent than the average college graduate in America
Not really, no. Like China and Israel, SK cooks their books by using their most wealthy and elite children as "representative" of their whole population when offering IQ and testing stats.
This is old, old news, anon. There's a reason only the White race has walked on the moon, and it isn't muh racism.
Since it's not showing a screenshot for me
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Every lineage will have a substantial portion claim the previous style was superior, but I don't believe most of those claims are in good faith. The big issue is that there is never any active direct action anywhere on this site anymore. Completely neutered.


Don't insult major glory pls
If that number is really true for Trump, the left probably cannot win no matter what they do.
that the uniparty unified around her and bombarded her from orbit with donor money in order to buy enough delegates that when they later assassinated trump a few days before the convention she would be the presumptive nominee? Oh, also that democrats registered republican to vote in the primary for her as has been widely reported.
didn't Thiel publicly disgrace the execs of Gawker and Twitter and Kotaku in legal battles?
Didn't read anything you posted but I'm happy for you, or sorry that it happened.
No, Pence was a good pick for Trump. In 2016 he was still very much an outsider and the GOP elite hated him. Evangelicals and the Christian Right also really distrusted him because Trump is obviously an irreligious adulterous hedonist.

Pence provided: 1) Someone on the ticket with a solid record of actual government experience 2) A normal establishment Republican that the party elites could feel comfortable with 3) Someone who could shore up support with religious right voters who had voted for Cruz and didn't know if they could get on board with Trump.

Please give me one similar advantage Vance gives other than appealing to people who were already part of the MAGA cult anyways.
Yes, he helped The Hulkster fund his lawsuit.
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> obama leaf is back
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I could've told them that. Except for "influencers," grifters, and felons looking for a pardon no black people fuck with Trump like that. Even Umar came out to say fuck DJT. Like, if Kanye couldn't do numbers do you think niggas were going to get swayed by felony convictions and red-bottomed shoes? Be for real. You're looking at black-faced bots and opportunists like Candace Owens.
They're not slow.
Pile of change and a spoon anons

They're cooking crack
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Also checked!
Haley larps as a southern plantation lady, most people are probably too dumb to realize she’s part poo
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Media discussed how VP Harris is an impediment to Bidens re election campaign because she is unpopular and the worst political decision of Bidens career
dang that pic is super gay
vance is white, that’s already refreshing to see in american politics
The people who bitch most about meta are the ones who will call you a glownigger or le cringe for suggesting something as harmless as spreading brainworms into the normie internetaverse
okay just twice actually
but here are the two threads please scroll through all the doomposting and see it is exactly the same
He lawfared them to death because they outed him as gay, not for any other reason or principle.
Only way to fix them
Remember when people used to shill for this dumb cunt? She rode the Trump bandwagon to sell a couple of books, then dumped him at her earliest convenience, now she flat out endorsed democrats. The right has a serious grifter problem, need to clean house.
You are brown and circumcised''
You are brown and circumcised
You are brown and circumcised
You are brown and circumcised
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>Please give me one similar advantage Vance gives
1. he's catholic
one of biden's appeal to WWC and other whites was that he was catholic. vance will help shore up the catholic vote (although this stopped being much of an issue since biden dropped out)
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Enjoy reveling in your lower rightoid IQ. I will savour your tears when Harris wins.

When she does remember where playing BASED politics rather than smart politics got you.
> spreading brainworms
What's the word?
Yeah. and tranny dikes like you get the
boom boom boom
Alone inside your room
fuck all "personalities"
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Lloyds Bank is older than the United States


It's best policy to treat any force that causes harm as a hostile regardless of their intention, because an innocent harmful force should likewise be removed.
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So is Trump, so is Biden, and so was Pence. 67% of congressman and 84% of senators are European American too. 90% of governors etc
He's right and opticscucks need to learn not to be faggots
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new meta just dropped

>all jews are zionists
>all israelis are jews
>all palestine supporters are funded by iran
>all protestors are palestine supporters
>all MAGAs are jews
>all [variant on we 99% fellow kids] are anti-MAGA
>all [variant on we 99% fellow kids] support kamala
>all fags are trannies
>all tomboys are trannies
>if you don't like something it's because you fear it
>if you like something that means you are something

i would say it's all so tiresome, but it's kind of cute and funny
>Please give me one similar advantage Vance gives other than appealing to people who were already part of the MAGA cult anyways.
The problem with your premise is that in 2024 the entire GOP is part of the MAGA cult, except for the dwindling never-Trump holdouts. So for him to have picked someone who would placate a wing of the party that wasn’t already on board with him he would have had to pick Nikki Haley.
You need a comma after "does."
Exactly. Say they wont do shit and the first thing they do is call you a glowie and ban you when doing shit is as simple as putting up posters.
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what did he mean by this
Understandable. There's been a severe lack of awoos lately.
Does Harris County republican party chairwoman trump Houston mayor? Asking for a friend.
I worry you may have something there
Personas are inevitable but basic enforcement against tripniggering improperly, avatarfagging, advertising, off-site coordination and activities etc. eliminate the vast majority of any serious issues. The only recent addendum is that turbo lolcows now have a particular proclivity to become schizophrenic, manic poisons so they need to be managed and removed outside of those rules.
no u
Holy propaganda
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Please help a homo whatis I'm in shangrila
> basic enforcement against tripniggering
> namefag
This is sad.
This is the face of a pedophile groomer
Trump’s been pretty quiet and lax lmao even the campaign emails aren’t that desperate sounding anymore
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No Time To Awoo

>turbo lolcows now have a particular proclivity to become schizophrenic, manic poisons so they need to be managed and removed
I'm on board.
What's that? I thought she already beat drumpf. Don't tell me that the media lied (again).
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>"Y-y-you aren't welcome here! We can't legally stop you but here's a strongly worded letter!
how will she ever recover from this it's ogre
even you can see how much better, and faster those threads were, the doomposting, shitposts, shills and information posts were way more engaging and amusing then
good, but 99.9999% of them are shabbos goyim and some of the ones you include in the white category are actual kikes
It's much like all the paid kike shills that come here to try to stop us from voting for Trump.
They can't, but they waste their time anyway, proving that they are retarded.
>So for him to have picked someone who would placate a wing of the party that wasn’t already on board with him he would have had to pick Nikki Haley.

Yes. Exactly. He should have done that. This is what I am arguing.

Also he doesn't just need the GOP, he needs independents.
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You boast a big boast for being such an evil group.
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(it actually is exactly the same lmao)
anyways people can't remember what happened
>two weeks ago
they definitely won't remember what happened eight years ago except for the top tier highlights
>jeb and his guac bowl
>the best of hillary posting
>trump winning
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Hey I guess now's a good time to mention, there's something going on with the avatarfaggers and eye color.

Yes I know, I've clearly spent too long pondering the orb, but next time this place is infested with trannies and anime, check the eye colors. They denote ideology, best I can tell. Two blue eyes means hard dem, two red means play acting as republican to consensus crack, just a theory....

keep an eye out for it
Nah I excluded the 4% of congressman/governors and 8% of senators that are Jewish
Based knower
you are such a fucking faggot
>well actually saying trump is a neocon jew selling out to the koch brothers was so much more engaging back then!
leave and never come back you fucking nigger
for me, it’s the cruz missile saga
I was going to vote for Trump over Biden but I think Ill probably vote for Harris now. Shes young and hip! She smoke marijuana before, she really is just like the people on the streets. The energy of people in my neighborhood is palpable. Ever since she became the nominee, everyone is buzzing with lowkey grassroots excitement. She may not be perfect on Israel, but no doubt shes done a great job for the country already and will do better than Trump. #coconut2024
>trump picked pence
Trump didn't pick Pence.
Reince Preibus picked Pence
i apologize
I dont give a fuck of you're mp or dp or any fucking thing..
You're a bitch.
God knows love
You know only hate
You get what you give
Boom boom boom boom
what is the blue city who told her to fuck off?
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>shitposting and mockery
>swaying voters
One of these things is true, and if you've been on 4chan long enough it's an easy one...
can’t argue with this, i’m cackling for kamala!
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It was foretold. I was working on the assumption that it was far to easy to nixon him so jfking him his far to risky and would backfire, so it was unlikely. They don't seem so follow any sensible plan of action anymore.
Trump is a phony
>and information posts were way more engaging and amusing then
left that part out
and see this >>475760858
>you're misconstruing my argument, seems to be a common tactic (you) use
>you are such a fucking faggot
this but you
trump also didnt pick Vance. Thiel picked Vance
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>Also here's how he can improve his chances of winning...Dump that Vance guy.
Everyone on the left should be declared clinically retarded.
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it's hoever, anon
you don't know that because trump's campaign doesn't leak
then who was phone?
I've got a story to share /pol/. I come from a deep red state, and I hate women with a passion, something I'm sure many of you can relate with.

Today I was chilling with my 3 misogynistic brothers in our mancave, listening to alt right podcasts, when suddenly Steve said "Ey you know that Kamalla Harris? I know she's a woman and all... but I'd totally bang her". There was a brief silence, then Charlie shouted from the bathroom, as he had overheard us "hell yeah, my man, I'd totally bang her too!". We then erupted in glee, talking about how we'd all give Kamala a good fucking. I then put my arms forward and started thrusting my hips, mimicking screwing Kamala doggy style. "This is how I'd do her", I said, as my bros cheered. "I WANT TO BEED HER SO BAD" Yelled Barry the mentally retarded, unable to contain himself anymore.

Then suddenly we heard a knock on the door, and our woman hating gay fathers barged in. "What's all this commotion?!" George said.
We were all struck silent, fearing we'd be forced to play "cave explorer" because we misbehaved. Eventually, Barry the retard stood up and with unexpected bravery he said "We were just discussing how fuckable Kamala Harris is". After another few seconds of silenced that seemed to stretch on forever, George responds "I know she's a woman and all... but Kamala makes my cock rise like no other". Jerry looked at George with a grin, and said "You and me both, just thinking about her makes me rock hard". He then unzipped his pants and took out his raging hard boner, as did George. We started cheering and dancing, as our gay fathers stroked each other until they finally erupted into a gleaming white fountain of cum.

I've talked to many in the misogynist community, and they all had similar experiences. I'm usually a staunch republican voter, but I don't see how I could pass up on a smoking hot president like Kamala, and that's what everyone is saying!

I think the Kamala Kats are taking this one!
Don Jr. picked Vance.
anon you said
>well actually the way trump was called a kike lover was SO much different in 2016
>god... it was so much fun back then...
>when they said he sucked jewish dick and had sex with roy cohn... those were the days
how fucking mentally ill are you?
Every day I thank God that I was not born as a C*n*dian.
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All investigations have ceased
No more information is being released or will ever be released
The media has a gag order and is not allowed to even so much as mention it
The assassination attempt has been successfully memoryholed
>some shitlib rags call you a fag
>sue them to death
I'm sorry, this is supposed to be bad?
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anon all i see is the same shit i was there, it was not more informative nor more cutting edge, it was people dooming, people yelling at people for dooming, people posting anime, people posting the hot tweets of the hour, people bitching about campaign staff, leafs larping as hillary supporters, the only thing missing from then is this exact retarded conversation
so in a way yes the threads are worse and it's you doing it
your father works at nintendo?
the money men arent exactly hiding anymore. why would they? US citizens have made it clear that they are okay being ruled like cattle slaves by the rich.
See? It's an axe.

Tick tock anons.
Canadians are the best
because Thiel said that was the only way he would write a check.
>gag the media
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Thank you
What's wrong with Thiel? In your own words. Thiel was an early Trump mega donor in 2016.
Trump / Vivek would have been kino af
Pretty sure the only reason trump didnt pick him is his last name has too many syllables
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>roy cohn
lol, I forgot about this oven dodger
No wonder half his grandkids are Jewish.
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no, it's a hoe
i didnt voice any opinion of thiel, I am simply explaining why Vance is Trump's VP pick.
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Good awoofternoon guys
yes everybody forgets about roy cohn posting because it barely happens anymore
but guess what? it happened a fucking ton back then!
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and both of these days i've shown are exceptionally active days of the RNC and DNC respectively
do people want to know what 2016 was like?
fucking rick and morty in the OP
the reason why you're kvetching about vance is:

1) you didn't know until the moment Trump posted it himself
2) if you do manage to kill trump you'll get him.
3) he's already a chan faggot. you kvetched about this point yourselves.
seethe about it hahahahhahaha
he wasn't called a kike lover until he bombed those empty airfields, anons at the time thought he was hitler 2.0, get your facts straight before you shitpost
> the only thing missing from then is this exact retarded conversation
go back a few threads and you'll see people complain about the quality of the board
His last name has too many syllables because he is Indian and that is why Trump didn’t pick him. Where was Vivek even born Kerala? The dude is short and almost fucking purple
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>7 years
How is this anything less than 10 minimum?

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>he wasn't called a kike lover until he bombed those empty airfields
>he wasn't called a kike lover until he bombed those empty airfields
anon i can find a thousand posts in 2016 bitching about kushner's involvement in the campaign
You don't love Israel enough.
because 'le dumb teenager he dindu nuffin'
The founder of BlackWater @realErikDPrince said the shot that killed the assassin was a 488 yard shot.

Problem is, it's not 488 yards from this Secret Service Sniper to the kid on the roof: it's 354 yards.But, it's exactly 488 from this sniper, to the Water Tower.

>he wasn't called a kike lover until he bombed those empty airfields
LOL, you sure fell for the MIGA psyop
hey is he fun posting he must be right?
Whoa a poll just flew over my house!
i'm right you're wrong cope and cry more
you'll find more about his muslim ban i'd wager
7 years feels low.
May I ask what race he was?
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Is that a hoe?
i love israel, i hope americans declare war on iran and go die to make sure israel stays safe
people in Nebraska must be really bored. Nebraska also has the highest fertility rate for non White women in the country. Puerto Rico and D.C technically have the lowest but those aren’t real places
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Howdy ho, magaman
Canada is the KING
Last time a candidate replaced their VP pick after the convention, they lost 49/50 states
It's not a good look to seem so indecisive
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They're STILL mad that Americans aren't dying for Israel but mudslimes are!
I know him from Michigan, he's probably correct.
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it's a thinly-veiled double entendre reference to one of the current consensus cracks. i'm actually rather impressed at how the riot bait was resisted this time.
>what if its just a label?
Labels mean things dickweed.
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In the 2022 republican primary elections for the Senate nomination in Ohio Donald Trump endorsed JD Vance, but the GOP(establishment) endorsed his opponent Mike Gibbons. It was a true battle of influences, but Trump turned out to be the true kingmaker. For those doubting Vance, I would refer you to the election results (picrelated). The only person in Vance's corner was Trump.

Vance was vocal about his dislike of trump a decade ago, when he was 30 years old. Since then Vance has had three children (mutts I'm afraid). His position has clearly shifted in a way that ostracized him from the GOP establishment, but somehow won him the approval of Donald Trump. If there is one thing Trump is known for it's valuing loyalty, I'd doubt that Vance is some deep state shill. The GOP tried their hardest not to have him as the GOP nominee for the Ohio seat, and Trump forced him through.

From what I've read so far in Vance's book, he seems to hate rednecks (bummer) even though he is one. He portrays himself as some kind of flower rising out of a barrel of compost (his own people) and claims to intimately understand the woes plaguing them- he list impulsiveness, laziness, addiction, etc. But he talks in depth about a pervasive mind virus among the poor whites of the south that causes them (us) to blame all of our problems on the government.

The Vance that existed when Hillbilly Elegy was written does not seem to be the Vance of today, however. I'd like to get his take on anti-government sentiment among the southrons now, though. Perhaps he has changed, I know that in the past 10 years, I've certainly changed.

But as for being "vetted", the establishment GOP did that for us when they openly opposed Vance's nomination. Enemy of my enemy is my friend, is this not why Trump is our friend?
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She is correct.
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The regrettable things are that we had more influence over events and actions, people would do direct action and projects all the time, more anime and general enthusiasm to be rid of the Obama times, a general sense of a possibility of a peaceful resolution to the madness. Now it's an endless struggle uphill. It's not really that bad, the complaining is hyperbole.

I want to apologize for lazily pulling a bazillion iterations of whatever le frog trump there was for archiving porpoises

Should be considered attempted murder
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Didn't look at any articles but you can tell it's a white kid.
Did you buy your lot yet?
i have a problem with billionaires controlling politicians. if you do NOT, you are part of the problem, quite frankly.
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Hows ur computers doing ?
I wish it was 1873 and I could just chill in Mandatory Palestine. I love mediterranean weather desu. The warmest part of the mainland USA is Malibu-Agoura Hills part of LA county. Plant Hardiness 11B which is a maximum minimum temperature of 55-60 degrees. Would love to live there but it’s filled with Chinks and hollyweirdos
And that's good thing
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Trump is a billionaire and he controls politicians. Logically, you hate Trump, which isn't really a surprise to anybody familiar with your posts.
I have a problem with democrats trying to kill the man I want to vote for. if you do NOT, you are part of the problem, quite frankly
Reminder that I am still baking.
lel you voted for bernie, didn't you, retard?
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no it's someone who probably wasn't here there's a giant imaginary version of the 2016 campaign across the internet where
>they were HARDCORE they were VICIOUS they were MEMELORDS SUPREME
>modern internet sucks it was SO AWESOMESAUCE back then, 2016 where the oldfags all had it all together and we were all PWNing jews EPIC BACON style with our brothers in /sg/
>it was SO INSPIRING bro now it's all doom and boring, it's not exciting like coconut go to the polls
there was more coordinating raids for sure but that required a suspension of "not your personal army" mentality, now due to the cringe culture internet police of 2017 onwards no one dares stop larping as an imaginary anon so you can't ask people to raid a poll without everyone bitching about breaking polity
it's the inverse of chanology where srs bsns posters tried to get people to do moralfag shit, now srs bsns posters tell you it's never funny to do anything but feign snark and aloof standoffishness on the site of losers
but that isn't really a /ptg/ problem, that's a whole /pol/ and even a whole internet problem. if anything /ptg/ suffered less because it hasn't been entirely consumed by worshiping eceleb cancer of the year
Americans must face north and kneel to praise Canada
Its like all Dem donor money right now is being spent botting tiktok, twitter, and youtube to try and drum up some excitement for Kamala that just isnt there
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>Didn't look at any articles but you can tell it's a white kid.
Niggers aren't smart enough to derail a train.
Also, niggers are too lazy to do the work required to derail a train.
Heck, niggers are usually too stupid to NOT get hit by a train.
You could be Christian in public back then without having to worry about being beheaded or exploded by muzzies.
obviously very organic that memeflags and leafs keep pushing this while nobody else cares
I only kneel towards Israel
you can ass pull assumptions about me and larp as some sociology profiler all you like. You are still wrong. I think trump is an idiot who doesnt learn from mistakes. I dont hate him.
We see you.
The entire board has gone to shit and the tranny mods allowed it.
Got any good thicc Indian chick recommendations?
what gives you the impression that I approve of the attempt on trump's life? idol worship is for children.
If Trump said Kamala makes him cringe, is cringeworthy or in any way calls her “cringe” he wins in a landslide.
The memetic power of a political candidate using “cringe” is too powerful, and the label would be permanent.
Kind of figured.
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This is why J get No A

This is why you get no A
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read my post again; you say these things about yourself by attacking it.
they're past caring about trying to look organic. Reddit is completely botted. I don't think there's anything on there that isn't astroturfed now
Cringy Kamala
Trump doesn't really strike me as someone who would use the word "cringe".
>noooooo billionaires controlling our government good!
i thought hating corruption AND jews was the same thing? my mistake.
I know someone who is probably in this exact situation right now. What a meme.
This is an edit of Kurt Eichanwald or whatever his name is.
Who are you voting for?
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Pete Buttplug destroyed.
lmfao no one is going to remember this
wait a second wasn't that some other congressman that tweeted that? i distinctly remember it came about when someone was dumb enough to take a screencap with a tab of tentacle porn left up in their browser circa 2016-17
Isn't that an old Eichenwald post?
He wouldn’t say “she’s cringe”, but if he says “she makes me cringe” or “she’s so cringeworthy isn’t she folks?” Or “cringy Kamala Harris” it’s actually over.
yea it is
100% YES. Vance is a fucking disaster
>said Trump is "America's Hitler"
>attacked childless woman as "cat ladies"
>said "childless people don't have the same voice in America as parents"
Any one of these statement should have gotten him thrown out of the veepstakes. Instead he has all 3 of the statements. Not to mention the fact that Vance is more to the right of Trump on most issues and doesn't bring anyone new into the voter blocs. Burgum would have helped with Haley boomers. Rubio would have helped with Hispanics. (and neither of these 2 had these dumb statements that Vance made)
>>modern internet sucks it was SO AWESOMESAUCE back then, 2016 where the oldfags all had it all together and we were all PWNing jews EPIC BACON style with our brothers in /sg/
i never had a problem with jews so that argument doesn't apply to me
all i said were threads were more engaging and entertaining and informative back then
now it's pure stupidity and e-celeb nigger worship
yea that's the guy i couldn't remember. thanks, anon
Dementia Don needs to take his pills and sit aside for a different conservative candidate. Oldest presidential candidate running ever
i am following your posts. you are building cases against things that only exist in your mind. masterdebator.
I'll take that as a yes
fuck you for that post
I think Tulsi Gabbard would've been the best choice

Imagine how it would've played out
>Trump picks Tulsi Gabbard
>Seen as reaching across the aisle to create unity
>Media can't spin it as a right wing extremist
>Media hypes up her soundbites against Kamala
>Kamala running scared afraid to debate Tulsi
>Biden drops out
>Kamala skips her debate with Tulsi
>Kamala looks like a coward
>Tulsi and Trump dab on her
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>Oldest presidential candidate running ever
>Hawaiian/Indian female from blue state
No surprise buttplug disapproves of someone pulling out.
No one is gonna remember this..
You didn't before. you won't again.
Same story as last time.
My family suffers because of you.
You magnificent bastard. It's... beautiful.
>pick a team goy!
i dont have to do shit, kid.
lol Kurt
Does anyone have the collage of Eichenwald’s twitter bio where all the accolades are disappearing one by one?
Go now
>Last time a candidate replaced their VP pick after the convention
What's the state for replacing the nominee after the primary?
you're just conceding with word salad
thinking above the mob isnt exactly your strong suit, is it?
these bitchez would never consider living in a country full of the same people they want to run their own country. Retarded
Biden was too old. Trump is also way too old being that he's like 3 years younger than biden
THIS. I read by law that the Republicans would have to have some kind of mini convention to nominate the new VP candidate. This could actually be counter programming to the DNC convention.
>more reddit buzz words
are you trying to push the thread to 300 for some strange reason? just wondering.
I don't dislike Tulsi, in general I'd prefer her viewpoints to Haley's but she's very openly taken a pro-Assad/Russia/Axis of Resistance stance. Easy fodder for attack adds and scaring normies. Imagine her in a debate awkwardly trying to explain why the Syrian gas attacks were a hoax (even if you think they were).
True that may turn off some conservatives, but do you think those conservatives would switch to Kamala? or do you think some Democrats might consider voting Trump more than Republicans considering not to?
>>Kamala skips her debate with Tulsi
Why would the Presidential candidate debate the VP candidate?
>Says the next president is hitler
>Called roasties cat ladies
>Said genetic dead ends shouldn't have as much of a say in the future of the country

Your life must be eternal agony, I'd consider having pity or sympathy for you but you're clearly here to stay and I'd rather not normalize enabling mental disorders in the mentally retarded.
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You guys remember the leading alternatives here were Marco Rubio and Doug Burgum, right? Both provide zero assassination insurance and would've been fully incentivized removing Trump at the first chance.

Now, riskier options like Tulsi Gabbard might've been a good alternative. But I don't think the campaign could ever get over accepting a former Democrat who only "converted" and left the party two years ago. Bringing RFK Jr. on board also would've shaken things up, but again you'd have hardcore conservatives and DeSantis types pitching a fit over a "unity" ticket with a reformed liberal on board.

So what does JD Vance actually do?

>Well spoken.
>Backed by techbro billionaires, meaning money.
>White working class background, which will amp up the vote in rustbelt states.

Remember, assuming Trump has Arizona-Georgia-Nevada locked down as polls suggest, the election comes down to three Midwestern rustbelt states. He needs to win at least one of Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Michigan.

JD Vance is still the most obvious way to do that.

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