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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Israel shot Trump
>another totally organic pro kamala thread
Why did the BBC spam stop this week?
Old /pol/ would raid the shit out of this
I live in the bluest part of a very blue city. In fact, I live in a Park Avenue duplex. As you can imagine, we ALL rode with Biden in 2020, and our building donated 8 figures to his campaign.
I'm not going to lie, we were getting a bit concerned about Joe's health, but we knew he could still beat Trump. I can't pretend I wasn't a little disquieted about Kamala being nominated in the way she was, but I figured "Blue no matter who, right" .
We had a Co-op board meeting yesterday to vote on an application by a famous black rapper who has put in an offer on the apartment below mine. Most of us were very excited about having a diverse neighbor and it was a packed meeting. Naturally the subject of Joe's stepping aside for Kamala was the first thing everybody wanted to talk about.
The Chairperson, Mrs Rothstein-Goldberg (her husband is a partner at Goldman Sachs), cleared her throat and without preamble loudly proclaimed "Over my dead fucking body!"
You could have cut the silence with a knife! Our heads swivelled towards her in unison, open-mouthed. None of us had ever heard her swear before.
"Over my dead fucking body" she repeated.
"I'm not giving a single cent to that nigger whore, and damned if I'll vote for her. After they tried to kill him, I'm voting for Trump".
I was aghast. I looked round in bewilderment expecting the room to explode, but instead all I could see were clenched jaws and slow, deliberate nods.
"Trump for me too" said Mr Weiss (he owns the 5th floor). "My father didn't survive three death camps just to see me vote for a Palestinian-loving whore".
"I might not like Trump, but at least he's a friend to Israel." This was met with a loud murmur of approval and i watched in shock as i saw every single person in the room agreeing with him.
Before I could stop myself I blurted out" Jew, no matter who, right? ". That brought the house down!
We then decided we didn't need that young negro thug in our building after all
here's your racial consciousness, bro
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time to break out my finest brown shoe polish
is shd even fucking black? what the fuck? lmao
and why WHY why in the fuck would you pick someone for a leadership role based on the fucking color of their skin. i hate you retarded humans so much.
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>totally not a fed honeypot


>How do you do, fellow white men?
Lol, LMFAO even!

Sorry sweetie, I'm stepping aside and staying on the sidelines
>(((michael skolnik)))
>hello, fellow white dudes
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new /pol/ cant even put a link
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>White Dudes for Harris
I'm in. Fuck MIGA
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Well, she's secured the simp vote.
We need to do our part and hack the memeframe
white dudes is globalist euphemism for jews
1. Find a task
2. Dew a thing
3. Post results
Yes, looked for you. He’s Jewish.
Someone make some WHITED memes, based on the BLACKED pron
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it's like actual poetry every time with these kikes.
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Hullo fellow Huwhite go-, uh, er, um, guys
It’s called bleached, toothpastebro.
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>Please wear this cap
>White Dudes for Harris
Uh, anon?
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(((white dudes)))
You missed the boat. No one reads these anymore.
White dudes sounds like a racial slur now to me because of this.

So I will now vote Trump.
This one was a total imp
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You are all too simple-minded and stupid to understand that they WANT you to raid them so they can use that in the press to help them push Harris further. You will only help her.
Why are they segregating their alleged supporters?
Who is the racist? The organizers, or the supporters?
Glad I'm Jewish, I'll win either way
This. Nu/pol/ just posts Twitter screenshots and then the thread dies.
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oh look, another kike speaking for white people again.
Glad I’m a Pajeet, I’ll be in the White House either way.
I’m good
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Jews will always win, because they play on both sides (but still they support each other in secret)
But once the people turn against them they will suffer greatly. We are starting to see a great turning point.
My exact thoughts
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I don't believe you are jewish
I think you are in fact a finngolian
Someone is gonna end up goatse'ing this shit.
seems they needed to scare him into sucking more jewish dick.
he wasnt sucking enough jew cock constantly so they send a freedom seed to remind trump he is run by the fucking jews.
>but we knew he could still beat Trump
sure about that.
not without vote fraud he couldnt.
"Skolnik" dies not identify with or speak for white dudes.
I fact, Trump is a pussy, he is not going to make more debates
i just did.
but i replied before i read the whole thing.
Chickens for KFC zoom call.
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Shit, I've been exposed
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bro why did you reply?
Heck yes chuds time to go show our sup-
And just like that I'm racist again.
If you're not RSVP'ing for this to MAGA it up it you are a fucking pile of shit
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You may call him an excessive vodka drinker, a sauna golem, a snownigger sniper, an Asiatic rape baby, all of it runs off him like water off a rain coat
But call him a Finn and you will be shocked at how he recoils, how injured he is
I still think they’re funny but I’m simple I guess
Ask him if there will be actual white dudes there or just jews who promote mass immigration to white countries.
You're jewish.
Calling all GCHQ,JIDF agents, and useful idiots for Harris! Christ Is King.
What religion does Kamala Harris follow? Why has this topic been ignored constantly? Why is this no longer (((important)))? Rhetorical, but seriously is Kamala a Christian?
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yeah sometimes the brain does things it shouldnt be doing.
every time

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